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admin 初二作文 2020-04-23 02:44:18 下册八年级

第一篇、人教初二下八年级下Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years. Section B.Hometown Feelings




You often play computer games all day and hardly

exercise so you are too heavy. And you always feel tired. To improve your health, first you should play more sports, like basketball and pingpong . Exercising every day will be good for you. You will become thin and healthy. Second, you should sleep about eight hours at night. Then you’ll

have enough energy to study. Third, you should eat less food. If you do like this, I think you’ll be better soon


影响 建议

1. 长时间玩电脑游戏,容易疲劳,对眼睛有害。

2. 有些学生对学习不感兴趣,无法取的好成绩。

3. 父母和老师会生气 1. 多锻炼,对身体有益

2. 多读书报,有帮助于培养兴趣

3. 和朋友们一起看电影,听音乐

参考词汇:要求:be bad for 对。。。有害: develop your interests 培养兴趣

If you play computer games for long time, you will get tired easily, and it’s bad for your eyes. Some students are even not interested in study so that they can’t get good grades. As a result, their parents and teachers are angry with them. So I will give you some suggestions. First, try to do more sports and it’s good for your health. Second, why not read more books and newspapers? It can develop your interests. Third, it’s a good idea to see films or listen to music with your friends.


提示:(1) What do you like to do ?

(2) What do you often do to give help

(3) How do you feel about the things?

要求:1) 文稿包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。

2) 文稿中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。

3) 词数:不少于80个。

I am a student from No.3 Middle School, My name is Li mMng .

Giving is Receiving

I am a student from No.1 Middle School. M y name is Li Ming. I like helping others because it makes me very happy. I often help my classmates with their schoolwork. Sometimes I help clean up the city parks. I go to an old people’s home and do some cleaning for then once a month. So I’m very popular there. I often visit the Children’s Hospital to cheer the sick kids up. I read stories to them. I also give money to charities to help people in trouble. I think giving is receiving. Helping

others is helping ourselves . Do you agree with me?

Some people think students needn’t do any chores. They think it’s their job to study well. But I don’t think so. It’s good for students to do chores. There are three reasons. First , doing chores can develop our independence. 2

We can’t depend on others all the time . Second, doing

chores can teach us how to look after ourselves. It can also

keep us healthy and strong . Finally, doing chores can share

our parents’ work. It can also help us to understand the

idea of fairness.

So I think its good for students to do chores. The

earlier we learn to be independent, the better it is for our


提示;1.Do you often do chores?

2.What chores do you often do?

3.What do you think about doing chores?

Good afternoon, everyone. Now let me say something about

myself. I usually do chores at home. I often sweep the floor,

take out the rubbish, do some cleaning , clean the room and

so on. On weekends, I often help my mother with the cooking.

I think we should do some chores. Most parents are busy

and tired. We should help them. And we can also learn a lot

from doing chores, too. Thank you.

Why not do sth ? Why don’t you do sth?


Let’s do sth. You should / could / must do sth.

What /How about doing sth? Don’t do sth.

Try (not) to do sth

Dear Wen Li,

Thank you for your letter .You said you didn’t how

to improve your English. Well, You can do many things to

improve your English. You should follow the ways below, and

maybe they will help you.(提出对方所请教的问题)

1.You should remember as much as you can.

2.You must try to be more active in class.

3.What about watching English movies?

4 Why don’t you talk with a speaker of English?

5. Don’t be afraid to be laughed at. Try to speak

English more.(解决问题即建议)

Nothing is impossible to a willing mind. If you work

hard ,you will find a good way to improve your English.













通过比较得出结论 提示 Place Name Reason Middle school the best teacher, the most beautiful Hospital the best doctors, the friendliest service Movie theater the biggest screens, the most comfortable seats Restaurant the most delicious food, the cleanest rooms

Last week we did a survey about the best places in our city.

Yu Cai Middle School is the best school in our city. It has the best teachers and it’s the most beautiful. People’s Hospital is the best of all the hospitals. It has the best doctors and the friendliest service. Star Cinema is the best cinema.It has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats. Most students think the best restaurant is Moonlight Restaurant. Because it has the most delicious food and

the cleanest room.


居住环境对比—very old, tall buildings.

出行条件—subways are set up.

生活条件—rich, colorful, own cars八年级下册英语书短文Hometown,Feelings的翻译

变化—more shopping malls.

3.结尾:感想—study hard, do more for my home town




第四篇、新人教版英语八年级下册Unit 10


Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years.

第一节 单词拼写八年级下册英语书短文Hometown,Feelings的翻译


1. (回忆) in our childhood. 2. Mary is an (诚实的)girl,she never tells a lie. 3. (搜查) the forest for the lost child.

4. (在……中) the students is Mr White. 5. It’s a to waste water.

6. I’ll (把……视为)you as my best friend. 7. .

8. (与……相对) to what I’ve thought. 9. (特别)swimming. 10. (仔细考虑) both sides of the question.

第二节 汉译英

把答案写在每小题的横线上,必须用上所提供的单词或短语 1. 我拥有这辆自行车已有两个月了。(a couple of months)

2. 对于我来说,我不想放弃这些玩具。(give up)

3. 你可以把旧东西捐赠给需要的人们。(give…away to)

4. 他在过去的13年一直住在中国. (in the last 13 years)

5. 我不再读它了。(not…anymore)

第三节 语法填空



(grow) up fast. My daughter is 16 and my boy


has just started junior high school. As they get bigger our house seems (get) smaller. So we want to sell some of our things in a yard sale and give the money to a children’s home.

We (sell) five things we no longer use. My son was quite sad he has not played with his old toys for a long time, he still wanted to keep them. For example, he (own) a train and railway set since his birthday, and he played with it almost every week he was about seven. And he didn’t want to lose the toy monkey.either.He slept next to the monkey every night when he was a child. My daughter was more understanding, although she also felt sad me, I did not want to give up my football shirts, but, to be honest, I have not played for a while now. I am getting older, too!


Hometown Feelings

Some people still live in their , others may only see it once or twice a year. Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the (search) for work in the cities. Among these is Zhong a hard job in a crayon factory, he doesn’t find his hometown. “I used to return home at least back for almost three years now. It’s a shame, but I just don’t have the time,” he says.

Many people like Zhong Wei great interest how their

hometowns have changed. Perhaps large hospitals and new roads (appear). In many places, the government has also built new schools and sent teachers the cities to help.

“I noticed that’s true of my hometown,” adds Zhong Wei. “Children have learned and count at my old primary school the mid-20th century. But now the buildings are really old. I hear they’re going

to build a new school there.”Zhong Wei thinks such Some people still live in their hometown. However, others may only see it are good, and he also knows that his hometown cannot once or twice a year. Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside always stay the same. search for work in the cities. Between these is Zhong Wei, a 46-year-olds Zhong Wei, however, some things will never change. “In husband and father. He has lived in Wenzhou for the last 13 years. With a my hometown, there was a big old tree opposite the school. It is still there hard job in a crayon factory, he doesn’t find much time to visit his and has become quite a symbol of the place. Most of the children in my hometown. “I used to return to home at least once a year, but I haven’t time liked back for almost three years now. It’s a shame, but I just don’t have the the summer holidays. It was a happy childhood. Our hometown time,” he says. has left many soft and sweet memories in our hearts.” Many people like Zhong Wei regard as great interest how their hometowns 第四节 短文改错 have changed. Perhaps large hospitals and new roads have appeared. In 文中共有错误每行中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。many places, the government has also built new schools and sent teachers 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号Λ,并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的from the cities help. 词用()划掉。修改:在错的词下面话一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 “I noticed that’s true of my hometown,” adds Zhong Wei. “Children have 注意:每处错误及其修改均仅限一词 learned read and count at my old primary school since the mid-20th A century. But now the buildings are really old. I hear of they’re going to My children are growing up fast. My daughter is 16 and my boy is already build a new school there.” Zhong Wei thinks so developments are good, junior high school. As they get bigger our house seems get smaller. So we and he also knows that his hometown cannot always stay the same. want to sell some of our things in a yard sale and give the money to a According Zhong Wei, however, some things will never change. “In my children’s home. hometown, there was a big old tree opposite the school. It is still there and

We have already cleared out a lot of things form our bedrooms. We has become quite a symbol of the place. Most of the children in my time have decided to each sell five things that we no long use. My son was quite liked to play together under that big tree, especial during the summer sad at first. Althought he has not played with his old toys for a long holidays. It was such a happy childhood. Our hometown has left many soft time, he still wanted to keep them. For example, he has owned a train and and sweet memories in our hearts.” railway set on his fourth birthday, and he played with it almost every week until he was about seven. And he didn’t want to lose the toy monkey.too.He slept next to the monkey every night when he was a child. My daughter was more understanding, although she also felt sad parting with certain toys. As for me, I did not want to give in my football shirts, but, to be honest, I have not played for a while now. I am getting older, too!

Hometown Feelings


第五篇、Hometown Feelings_说课稿


Hometown Feelings 说课稿

此次我说课的内容为新目标英语八年级下册unit10 I have had this bike for three years. Section B Hometown feelings 阅读 部分。我将从教学指导思想,教材解读,教学目标与重难点,教法学法,教学过程这几个方面来说明。



三、教学目标 知识目标:

1.能听,说,读,写以下词汇:hill,searchfor,among,crayon,shame,regard,according to,opposite,especially,sonside.

2. 运用以下句型进行交际:

He has lived in Wenzhou for the last 13 years.

I haven’t been back for almost three years now. 能力目标:通过阅读技能的训练,学会灵活运用现在完成时态表达思想。 情感目标:通过短文阅读训练,培养学生热爱家乡之情。

四.教学重难点 重点:通过阅读有关离乡人对家乡的谈论,理解体会思乡的情感。 难点:学会利用已有的背景知识,预测文章内容





Step 1 Warming-up

1. watch the vedio.It’s about the ancient city of Pingyao. It has a long history,right? It is famous for many old building and beef. And many tourists come and visit Pingyao. Pingyao is our hometown,Ok? I think it’s beautiful,what about your feelings? This class we learn “Hometown Feelings”.


Step 2 Pre-reading

1. Show pictures to introduce the man—Zhong Wei and present “hometown”.

2. Ask Ss to answer Qs. (Show some pictures to help them.) Q1: Why do many Chinese like Zhong Wei leave their hometowns?

Q2: What will Zhong Wei talk about his hometown?

Q3: What feelings does Zhong Wei have for his hometown?


Step 3 While-reading (P78)

1. Read for the main idea

Read quickly and match the main ideas. A. Their hometowns have changed.

Para B. Some things never change, like many soft and sweet memories.

Para 4 C. Many Chinese leave hometowns to search for work.

Tips(温馨提醒): Don’t read every word. Try to guess what a passage is about by using previous knowledge (已有知识). Try to find key words (关键词) and important sentences for main ideas. (引导学生利用已有的背景知识,并运用skimming、抓关键词等阅读技巧,快速匹配段落大意,以此把握文章大意。)

2. Read for details

(Play a game.)

Meanwhile, play a game. Rules of the game: 1. Raise your hands as quickly as you can, if you know the answer. 2. Your group will get one point, if your answer is correct. 3. You’re the winner, if your group gets the highest score.

Tip(温馨提醒): Read carefully and pay attention to the details(细节信息).

Para 1

First, read carefully and answer Qs:

1) Why do many Chinese leave the countryside every year? 2) How long has Zhong Wei lived in Wenzhou? 3) Why doesn’t he have time to visit his hometown? 4) How long hasn’t he been back to his hometown?

Then, find the expressions in 2b that have the same meanings as “search for” and “return”.

Tip(温馨提醒): Read carefully and pay attention to the context(上下文语境).

Para 2&3

First, read carefully and fill in the chart.

Then, find the expressions in 2b that have the same meanings as “regard”, “place” and “developments”.

Para 4

First, read carefully and choose the best answer.

Then, find the expressions in 2b that have the same meanings as “according to” and “opposite”.


Step 4 Post-reading

1. Make a summary: From the passage, we know: Hometowns left many people soft and sweet memories in their hearts.

2. Talk about Shiyan Middle School as my good memories.

3. Ask Ss to talk about their sweet memories about primary



Step 5 Homework

Level A: Read the passage again and pay attention to the feelings.

Level B: Try your best to finish your report about your good memories.









第七篇、八年级英语下册unit10 Section B Reading教学设计


八年级英语下册unit10 Section B Reading 教学设计

Teaching aims:

Knowledge objects: Students can learn and master the following language points: New words: nowadays, among, crayon, shame, count, century, opposite, especially, childhood, consider, hold

Phrases: search for, regard…as, according to, close to, consider, in one’s opinion… Ability objects:

Students will be encouraged to catch the main idea of the passage by skimming, scanning and careful reading.

Students can use previous knowledge to predict what a text is about.

Moral objects:

Students can feel that there’s no play like hometown.

Students will be interested in the topic and be willing to share their sweet memories about hometowns..

Teaching Difficult Points:八年级下册英语书短文Hometown,Feelings的翻译

Students will find it hard to use previous knowledge to predict what a text is about. How to use the language points learned in the text.

It may be difficult for students to understand the author’s intention of writing this passage.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up and lead-in

Enjoy a song named Country Road, take me home

Free talk

Encourage students to answer the following questions by using their previous knowledge. (Show some pictures to help them if they find it difficult to answer.)

What is the song about? What’s it full of?

Ss can easily get that it’s a song about returning to hometown. (help Ss to express return in another way )

(Show two pictures about leaving hometown)

Why do millions of people leave their hometowns?

How often do you think these people visit their hometown?

Why do they return to hometowns?

Help Ss get to know most of the people have the strong hometown feelings.

3. Show the reading strategy to students:

Try to guess what a passage is about by using previous knowledge. Answering questions before we read helps us do this.


Step 2 Reading


Let students read the passage quickly and choose the style of the text.

2. Scanning

Let students read the passage quickly and find out what the structure of the article is.

Let students read it again and find the main idea of each part.

Let students read it again and find the suitable feeling of each part.

3. Careful reading

(1) Para 1

Ask students to read paragraph 1 carefully and circle the answers to the following questions.

Who? How old? What job? Where? How long? How often?

Lead students to think deeply about the inner meaning of the sentence:

Why is he full of shame? (Compare with It’s a shame.)

Zhong Wei thinks it’s a shame that he hasn’t been back home for three years. Does he care about his hometown? With this question, lead students to read Para 2 &3.

(2) Para 2 &3 Hometown developments

Present two pictures in the passage to students and let them talk about the changes in Zhong Wei’s hometown.

Strategy-introduction: Try to guess what a passage is about by using previous knowledge. Talking about pictures before we read helps us do this.

Ask students to read paragraph 2&3 carefully and fill in the chart.

Lead students to think deeply about the inner meaning of the sentence: My hometown cannot always stay the same!

Students will know that something will never change about hometown.

(3) Para 4 Unchangeable things

True of False

According to Zhong Wei, something will always change.

In Zhong wei’s hometown, there was a big old tree next to the school.

The school has become a symbol of his hometown.

Lead them to know that soft and sweet memories about hometown will never change. There’s no place like hometown.


⑵通过“hometown feeling”这条线索,从full of shame 到full of interest, 最后到full of sweet and soft memories,让学生紧紧围绕其中,并帮助学生培养根据上下文来理解新单词的能力,并尝试用熟悉的英语单词来解释生词


Step 3 Summary

Ask students to complete the summary in 2c with words from the passage.


Step 4 Post-reading

Which title is the best? Why?

Hometown feelings

Great changes in their hometowns.

Soft and sweet memories in childhood.

Let’s look at the passage as a whole

The writer wants to express hometown feelings by describing changes and sweet memories in childhood. (purpose)

3. Share your soft and sweet memories together.

Q1: Which place holds most of your childhood memories?

Q2: What kind of changes does it have?

Q3: Why do you remember it well? (Tell us a story about it)


has left many soft and sweet memories in my heart. In the past,

But now

I remember it well because

设计意图:在学习了重要的阅读策略之后进行小组活动和写作,让学生把有效的输入及时输出,把所学的东西用在写作上,做到基于文本又高于文本,实现学习的真正目的. Step 5. Homework

1. Finish the report after class

2. Introduce your hometown to others. Think of changes that are happening in your town or city today. Which changes are generally good? Which changes could be seen as bad?

设计意图:家庭作业是课堂教学在课外的延续,也是对课堂内容的进一步巩固。 Blackboard Design




Unit 5 topic 2

一. 重点短语

1. do badly in在……方面做得差 do well in = be good at擅长做

2. be strict with sb 对……要求严格

3. be strict about对……要求严格

4. talk with = talk to sb 同……交谈 talk about sth 谈论……事

5. be worried about 对……担心

6. feel lonely(内心) 感觉孤单( alone外在 )

7. fall down 跌倒 fall into

8. take it easy 放松 别着急

9. at one’s age 在……这个年纪的时候

10. make friends with 同……交朋友

11. call sb at 2676790 打……的电话

12. be afraid of 恐怕害怕

13. have difficulty (in) sth / doing sth 在做……方面有困难

14. fight with sb 同……打架

15. close friends 亲密的朋友

16. in public 当众公开

17. several days ago 几天前

18. at that time 在那时

19. as usual 和往常一样

20. be / get used to sth / doing sth 习惯于

21. with the help of = with one’s help 在……的帮助下

22. give one’s best wishes to sb 向……问好

23. clap one’s hands 鼓掌

24. make faces 扮鬼脸

25. all the time 总是一直

26. deal with 处理对待

27. be angry with sb 对……生气

28. no longer 不再

29. pass / fail an exam 考试通过 / 失败

二. 重点句型

1. Anything wrong ?

2. I’m sorry to hear that .

3. What seems to be the problems?

4. She feels lonely because she has no friends to talk with.

5. Thank you for telling me .

6. I’m really worried about her .八年级下册英语书短文Hometown,Feelings的翻译

7. How are you feeling today ?

8. Why don’t you talk to someone when you feel sad?

9. But I don’t know how to talk with others about it .

10. Everyone gets these feelings at your age .

11. Who do you want to make friends with ?

12. I’m sure that she would like to be your friends .

13. There, there! It’ll be OK .

14. Be afraid of speaking in public.

15. How time flies !

16. How I wish to visit you !

17. What’s more , I couldn’t sleep as well as usual .

18. I was not used to everything here .

19. I thought the roads here were not so clean as in our hometown .

20. Nobody can be happy all the time.

三 重点语法

Adverbial clauses of reason (原因状语从句)

She feels very lonely because she has no friends to talk with. Since she is very strict with herself, she is unhappy.

Equal comparison (原级比较)

First, the roads here are not as /so clean as those in our hometown. Helen is as lovely as Maria.



1. We all should learn ho to ________ _________(处理)our

unhappy feelings..

2. I went for a walk________ (尽管)it rained that day .

3. She tells her mother that she will _______ _______(不再)make the mistake.

4. No one can be happy _______(一直)

5._______(镇定)and relax, and you' ll be fine soon.


( ) 1. The dish _____ nice.

A. sounds B. smells C. feels

( ) 2. I felt tired ______ I worked late last night.

A. because B. when C. if

( ) 3. He is not as ______ as his younger brother.

A. strong B.stronger C. strongest

( ) 4 He said ______ his English teacher last year.

A. thanks to B. thanks for C. thank

( ) 5. My mother usually gets used to ______ late.

A. go to bed B. going to bed C. getting to the bed

( ) 6. The smile on her face shows that she is ______ her work.

A. worried about B. pleased with C. sorry for

( ) 7. All the children like Mr. White very much because he often makes them _____.

A. laughed B. laugh C. laughing

( ) 8. I hope everything ______ well.

A. goes B. go C. gone



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