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admin 初二作文 2020-04-23 02:49:18 英语作文




Why is Science Literacy important?

Metchnikoff, a winner of Nobel Prize in physiology, has said, with the help of science, we can correct the defects of nature. We require good science literacy to make us avoid being deceived, cast off ignorance and get knowledge, and stimulate us to innovate.

Firstly, science literacy can prevent us from deception. We often see some news, a lot of old people and even young people are deceived by malicious propaganda, and lose their ability to judge, blind enough to buy some fake goods. Obviously, some people are short of basic science literacy to judge between right and wrong. Scientific knowledge can help us look at problems rationally. Furthermore, good science literacy can nip the deception in the bud.

Secondly, science literacy can make us a better understanding of our world. Almost all the phenomena can be explained by science, such as the growth secrets of animals and plants, the principle of automobile motion, and even the formation of the disease. With science literacy, we can learn about the world very clearly, and enrich our lives. As long as we see the world with science, we can real feel the beauty of life.

Finally, science literacy can improve our sense of innovation. Innovation is not only for scientists, but also for all the citizens. Interestingly, I have read some excellence science books written by some amateurs who are bent on observing natural phenomena. It's amazing for our society that most people have the most basic scientific knowledge to study the world.

As a science major graduate, science literacy is more significance for us to explore the unknown world and gain achievements in scientific research.


标题:Science in my view What is science? Different people may have different answers to this question. But most people would agree that science is a sacred thing. Some of themsuppose that only a group of people whose IQ is exceedingly high can take scientific research.

In my view, science is charming because it is unknown to us. All the time, when we make a little progress on science field, we must celebrate it. Because it isunremittingexplorationof sciencethat make us enjoy our life. And it is also the tireless pursuiton science that shows us a more beautiful future. Many people devoted all his life to this noble profession. There are great possibilities that I will be one of them.

I am a graduate student at the university of Chinese Academy of Sciences.Everyday, I can feel that the distance between me and truth is becoming more and more close. With further research, science

hasbecomemorecomplex, and therefore thehigherthe qualityrequirementshave been proposed. If you don't have enough knowledge, it is tough to solve a science

problem. So, during this one year in the campus, I will take any chance to enrich myself in all respects.

However, somepeople believe thatscientific

research isaverysillything. Because you always cannot get your goal, although you have spent a lot of time and money. As far as I am concerned, this is science. But if you put all your heart on a research, you will make it sooner or later. Success hides behind the next bend in the road. So, just persist until you succeed. You never know how close it lies unless you turn the corner. All you need is trust in your hearts and then follow it confirmedly.


Dear Mr. President,

I’d like to show my opinions on students’ scientific and technological abilities for innovation and give some suggestions. I don’t think our school is well engaged in improving students’ innovation abilities. In my eyes, students in our school do little innovative jobs other than study. In most of their part time, they listen to music, read books, or play computer games, which needn’t be much creative.

In order to improve abilities for innovation, firstly university leaders can show the importance of innovation by lectures, posters, etc. Then secondly, lessons and atmosphere in class can be improved by teachers, for example, to encourage creative thinking and innovative assignments. Finally, large numbers of creative activities such as scientific inventions also help a lot. By participating in those activities, students can not only be more creative, but also enrich their lives.

In a word, scientific and technological innovation is of great importance. With more excellent and creative students in science and technology, our school will be more powerful, so will our country.




 总论

 科技是一把双刃剑{关于科学英语作文}.

Improvement in science and technology is a double-edged sword, offering comfort and convenience to life, while simultaneously bringing harm and pain to people.

 When the development of science and technology brings mankind plenty of profits, it also brings us severely negative effects.

 积极影响:positive effects



New scientific discovery and technical revolution are changing the social mode of production, promoting the development of the social productivity


With the rapid development of science and technology,people's material and spiritual life have been greatly improved


Modern scientific and technological achievements are widely used to make people's leisure life rich and colorful, such as online games, listening to music, watching movies, etc.

3、极大地开阔了人类的视野和对物质世界的认识水平。improve human's cognitive ability and knowledge

Science and technology has greatly broadened our vision and understanding of the material world level


With the advance of the science and technology, the power of human being to conquer natural disasters is so increasingly improved that the confidence of human is greatly strengthened.


Science and technology make human enjoy better medical conditions

Man's life span has been increased with the advance of the medical science.

 消极影响:


1、it can cause global warming,the damage of ecological balance,the

acceleration of species extinction rate and more frequent extreme weather 2、高科技拉大了富国与贫国的差距

Technology has widened the gap between rich and poor countries


Modern technology challenges the traditional culture


Modern technology challenges our ethics and morality.


The improvement of science and technology causes negative impacts on human security and peace


What technology really brings to us

Technology has been highly developed to improve human’s life. Nowadays, we have the technology that enables us to talk to friends across the ocean, to manage our schedules and even to finish most of the activities in our daily life. But do all these really give us a happier life? Does technology really take us to the day we wanted when we invented it? In this essay I’m going to discuss the effect technology has in reality.{关于科学英语作文}.

As is always the case, something new will definitely do us good in some way. For instant, huge amount of labor work has been reduced due to the First Technology Evolution. It’s also undeniable that new technology breaks the isolation of time and distance, which makes it possible for us to share our points and views all over the world just on a click. People have been happy and enjoyed talking with SMS, email instead of sending a real letter or have a direct meeting for over decades of years.

However, is the above the life we really want? Not really. Technology seems to make everything real time. Actually, it’s not. New methods like SMS give people more time to “think” before they talk to each other, before they present their thoughts. Gradually, people begin to lose the ability to chat in real time. They rely too much on the time behind an SMS or an email. The lack of direct communication, which we usually refer to as “Face to Face”, results in even more reliance on the delayed communication. Technology, instead of helping people jump out of the circle made of time and distance, has made another circle itself trapping people to the fear of making a real communication.

For me, I don’t think that technology is leading us to a bright future that it was supposed to. It’s rather creating another situation called “We are alone together”. Making the best of the technology doesn’t just mean let it invade every single room in our life. Only being used properly can it really bring us a happier life.


With the development of science it has happened great change in our lives. We can get in touch with friends whom are far away from ourthrough the Internet. There are trains and car we can reach the distanceeasily. But sciencealso takea lot of trouble. First, pollution of the environment ismore and more seriouswith the development of science and with the use of fossil energy and plastic. The extinction of animals is caused by environmental pollution. It is also belong to the harm of the development of science and technology.

Second, personal safety is more and more unwarranted. Tens of thousands of crime happened every day.And mostof the criminal means associated with the stylish technology. Especially guncrimeis hard to prevent for ordinary people.

Third human body quality is worse than before. With the development of science and technology, cars, trains, aircraft and other transportation appearing is resulted in significant changes in the human's daily life. Human doesn’t rely on their own two legs.So now the human body quality is worse than ever before.



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