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admin 初二作文 2020-04-23 02:54:18 作文英语

篇一:《What is honesty 神马是诚实》

What is honesty?

On the surface, honesty is a fairly simple thing: the accurate representation of the way the world is, at least from your perspective. This is easy enough to comprehend when you’re stating a fact: “the sky is blue” is either true or false; honesty means saying the true thing. It’s slightly less clear when talking about opinions: “the Baba Ganoush is tasty” is not true or false in any absolute sense – it is only true in relation to the taste of the person reporting on it. In this case, honesty means declaring your actual opinion – even though to another person, it might be wrong.

But beyond the dictionary sense of what the word itself means, there’s the way that being honest acts in the world. Honesty isn’t just a word, it’s a characteristic of an act, behavior, or personality. It’s the difference, for example, between an “honest living” and a dishonest one – the criminal might not tell a single lie in the course of his or her day, but we wouldn’t necessarily call him or her “honest”.

As a way of being and doing in the world, honesty is about trust – it’s about convincing others that we are to be trusted, and it’s about trusting others to be able to deal with the truth as we report it. Consider some of the situations that might lead us to be dishonest: * We want something from someone, and have nothing to offer in return. * We are afraid we’ll be punished for something.

* We are afraid we’ll hurt someone’s feelings.

* We don’t want someone to think badly of us.

* We don’t want someone to do better than us.

* We are protecting someone.

* We are protecting ourselves.

* We are protecting other people’s image of ourselves.

* We are protecting our own image of ourselves.{what,is,honesty?的英语作文}.

* We dislike someone.

These are all purposely vague, and possibly overlapping depending on particular situations. The point isn’t to catalogue every possible reason for lying, but to demonstrate that most often, dishonesty is provoked by fear and danger.

Thus, the salesperson lies because he is afraid of losing a sale. The significant other lies because she is afraid of hurting his or her partner’s feelings (and thus possibly losing the partner himself). The employee lies because she is afraid of getting fired, or of getting{what,is,honesty?的英语作文}.

arrested. The spouse lies because he is afraid of breaking up his marriage. The student lies because she is afraid of failing a class. The criminal lies because he is afraid of being arrested, or of calling down revenge on himself. The doctor lies because she is afraid the patient will sue her (and she could possibly lose her license). The politician lies because he dislikes everyone – and because he is afraid of losing the next election.

Think of all the times you might have been dishonest, even just a little, even just by telling a little white lie? What were you afraid of?{what,is,honesty?的英语作文}.

How does it feel to live in fear? How does it feel to give in to it?

篇二:《大学英语作文-诚实 Honesty》{what,is,honesty?的英语作文}.

大学英语作文:诚实 Honesty

Recently, I have seen an impressive film"Meet theParents", which is about a woman Palm brought her boyfriend Greg to herparents' home to spend holiday. In the film, Greg was so dishonest to Palm'sparents that Palm's father is suspicious of his behavior and quality. As aresult, Greg is obnoxious to all and has to leave. As far as I am concerned,the consequence is heavily caused by his dishonesty. If Greg could be real himall the time, he would get much respect and appreciation and would not get

muchfrustration. From the film, I have learned that being honest was extremelyimportant and necessary. In other words, being honest is a basic principle forus to deal with others.


For one thing, we will not get others' trust unless weare honest. If we deceive others, we would get the same in return, and even noone would make friends with us or even communicate with us. For another, wewill get others' respect and appreciation if telling the truth. Telling thetruth and being ourselves, we will get a healthy and peaceful surrounding togrow up better.


However, something strange happens in our society.There is a strange phenomenon that honest people suffer but the dishonestbenefit a lot. It made some people have a suspicion that being honest is not soimportant. 然而,社会上仍有一些奇怪的事情发生。有这样一个奇怪的现象,老实人吃亏,不老实人获益良多。这使得有些人怀疑诚实是否没那么重要了。

But I still believe that these are just a few cases,since honesty is deeply rooted in our minds and we still consider it as a basicprinciple in social contacts.


篇三:《英文作文(Honesty is the best policy)》

Honesty is the best policy

Just as the famous saying goes, “Honesty is the best policy”. When talking about honesty, many of us have too much to say. It is definitely a thought-provoking problem. Cheating in the public servants examination, plagiarizing the publications of others, and dishonesty in other aspects always exist.

Cheating in the public servants examinations nowadays is still a big problem. The stability and relatively higher income of this work attract too many people. Also, the keen competition and the desire for the position make many people cheating in the exam.

Academic plagiarism is another big problem. In many universities and research institutes, the quality and quantity of papers one publishes become the major way to judge one’s ability. Consequently, some students, and sometimes, even some teachers, who want to take a short cut and become successful quickly, plagiarize the publications of others. Similarly, dishonesty exists in other aspects in our daily life, Such as fabricating evidence by the witness, drawing up budgets by some officers and so on.

In a short time, if not caught, some people may take advantage of dishonesty to get what they want. But, if caught, then these people will no doubt be thoroughly discredited. Besides, in the long run, it will do harm to the moral character of the whole society.

Now, as postgraduates in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, maybe, in the future, most of us will choose scientific research as our lifetime work. However, whatever jobs we choose, we should make honesty as our basic principle, and always remember: “Honesty is the best policy”.

篇四:《大学英语作文 Honesty is the best policy》

Honesty Is the Best Policy Honesty is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation since ancient times, we are taught to be a honest person from our childhood .Honesty is the best policy.

If you are dishonest, it’s impossible to gain other people’s trust. You’ll ruin your reputation and nobody will want to be friends with you or do business with you. If you deceive others, they are very likely to deceive you in return. Besides, in the long run, it will do harm to the moral character of the whole society.

On the other hand, people will respect and think highly of you if you are honest. If you tell the truth, other people are more likely to be honest with you. Telling the truth will help you live in peace and harmony with people around you. Telling the truth is not always easy, but it is always the right thing to do.

Honesty is the best policy. Even we don’t appeal to morality, just for your own self-interest, honesty is still the best policy. You can cheat all the people for a period of time, you can cheat some people all the time, but you cannot cheat all the people all the time.

Honesty, for our every individual, it is extremely important behavior criterion. It is not only a human standard but also a kind of courage and

responsibility.Honesty is a kind of the invisible power and intangible wealth.

Always remember: Honesty is the best quality. Honesty is always the best policy!

篇五:《诚实是美德(Honesty Is a Virtue)》


Honesty Is a Virtue

What is honesty? Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act. Considered a virtue, honesty is admired in every country and every culture.

However, there are still some dishonest people living in this world. Some people try to take advantage of other people whenever they can. Some businessmen are not always honest in their dealings. Some students are caught cheating over exams and punished to leave school. Some newspapers carry some untrue news just in order to attract more readers.

Actually, being dishonest is generally looked upon as an evil, and is despised and condemned by the society. But being an honest person, we can benefit a lot. First, we can have s peaceful life, for we will not have the burden of remembering every lie we have told. Second, being an honest person, we can be trusted by other people and have more friends, which will do good to our lives.

I do believe honesty is a virtue which is the only key to open the door to the success in our careers and lives.{what,is,honesty?的英语作文}.

So let's be honest and make this world more beautiful.

篇六:《Honesty is what we need》

There is an English proverb saying "Honesty is the best policy." Which signifies the importance of honesty. What are the benefits of honesty ?If you are honest to others, they will be honest to you in return. When you are sad, they will comfort you. When you are in trouble, they will help you.

Honesty is regarded as the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. Through the ages, people stress sincerity, and praise highly sincerity. It has already incorporated the blood of our national culture. It is usually much better to be honest than dishonest. Sometimes honesty may get you in trouble or hurt someone, but on the whole telling the truth is less harmful than lying. Dishonesty can result in guilty feelings, cause distrust among people and even ruin your reputation. One of the worse things about lying is that it causes a guilty conscience. Even if no one ever discovers the lie, you will know about it and it will bother you for a long time. Another problem occurs when others know about your lies. As a result, people will not trust you any longer and you will lose your reputation and all your friends. Do you still remember the boy who cried wolf for several times so no one would trust him? At last all his sheep were eaten by the wolf. His dishonesty brought him shame as well as damage. So to sum up, honesty not only brings us honor and friendship, but also material gains. Honesty is the best policy we can take.

What is honesty? Perhaps,different people will have different answers. Persoanlly I think,a person should be frank to everybody around him not only in his life but also in his study and work.In English language,there is an idiom talking about the honesty.It says" Call a spade a spade". From this idiom,we can see that when playing,we should be honest.That's to say honesty is the evry basic personality in the social intercourse.Between people,we shoud be honest and frank.That will be very helpful for building up a ideal society in order.Otherwise,the society will be in a total mess.Nobody can be trusted.And when you do anything, there will be no garantee at all.

Nowadays,when we have modern life in the society,such as advanced transportation,computer internet and the global economy,we need more honesty,we need more trust in each other.Then the mordernization can bring us the real convenience.But the situation is that more and more people are becoming dishonest.Sometimes,you can find that lots of students are cheating in the exams.That's terrible,because these facts will lead to be uneaqual in the society.At least,it is not fair to those who are working very hard at their lessons.It's not the will of the public,and not the will of the God ,either.

As a young man.you shouldn't cheat in anything.If you cheat,it will cover your short-comings and weak points.It will not be good for your growing and personality.Of course,your dishonesty will certainly hurt the other people,for instance,it will hurt your classmates,your colleagues ,your friends,your relatives,even your family.And it is the most harmful for yourself.Nobody would like to trust you any more. It will certainly make youself lonely in the society. Never forget ,the Independence Declaration advocates that



第一篇 网购篇



网购日益普及 网购的利弊 网购需要注意的事项

提示: Every coin has two sides. advantages , however , on the one hand…on the other hand With the development of the Internet, shopping online is more and more popular. And it has become part of our daily life.

It’s very convenient for us to shop on the Internet. We can buy something at any time, because many shops online are open for nearly 24 hours a day. And we can also compare the prices so that we can get what we need at the best price. What’s more, we needn’t wait in line. Instead, we just wait to receive the things wherever we want to.

However, we aren’t sure whether the things are good or not while shopping online. Sometimes we might get the things with the colors that are different from those we want. Sometimes we might get the wrong size and so on. Besides, we can’t enjoy the happiness of shopping with our friends.

Anyway, every coin has two sides. There are more advantages than disadvantages by shopping online. And I enjoy e-shopping.

第二篇 私家车篇


We all know that cars are very important for people. They make our life easier. We spend less time from one place to another by car. Especially in modern society, we can use cars everywhere. Sometimes we will be in trouble without cars.

However, cars bring us some problems at the same time. The traffic accidents make many people lose their lives every year. The air pollution caused by cars is more and more serious. The people living near the road can’t stand the noise made by cars. We should try our best to solve the problems caused by cars and make our lives better.

第三篇 狼爸虎妈篇 你对父母教育孩子有什么观点 (你对狼爸萧百佑教育孩子是赞成还是反对呢)

反对:I think Xiao’s opinion is wrong because everyone can make some mistakes in life. Why not give children a chance to correct their mistakes?

My parents are kind to me. I love them and I’ll study harder to make them happy. But my friend Wu Dong’s father often beats him for a few small mistakes. He said he hated his father. I’d like to tell all the parents that you should communicate more with your children. You can’t educate a child by beating him.

支持: I agree with Xiao. Look! His children are educated very well. My classmate Wu Dong didn’t use to do his homework. Later, her parents gave up their work to help him. They punished him by either beating him or giving him nothing to eat. Now Wu Dong has changed a lot. His grades have also improved greatly. So I think being strict with children is useful. But on the other hand, I wish parents to communicate more with children.

第四篇 学雷锋篇 全国上下掀起了学习雷锋高潮,你们学校组织了哪些活动?从活动中你学到了什么?

This year ,some activities about “learn from Lei Feng” have been held all over China . So has our school.We often help the old people in the old people’s home. We feel very happy when we see the old people laughing happily. We also often go to clean the park. When we find the people having fun in the clean park,we are proud evry time. From the activities, I understand that helping others can make others and ourselves happy.

I think it’s the spirit of Lei Feng. So I think learning from Lei Feng is necessary. We must keep the spirit of Lei Feng living on.

第五篇 诚信篇 什么是诚实?举例说明不诚实有哪些危害,倡议大家做诚实守信的人 Honesty is the Best Policy

In our society honesty is very important . Do you know what is honesty ?Honesty means that we should tell the truth.But some students always tell a lie. Lin Tao in our class isn’t an honest person. He always likes telling a lie. When teachers ask him to hand in his homework, he usually says he leaves it at home. In fact, he doesn’t do it at all. Sometimes a classmate wants to borrow a pen from him,he often says he doesn’t have one. In fact,he has one. As a result, nobody believes him and he feels lonely. So I think honesty is very important. It is the best policy.

If everyone is honest, our society will become more perfect. Let's to be an honest student.


There is no mistaking that an army of folks make empty promises with the purpose of wining others’ favors.And presidential candidates are no exception.They are always failing to fulfill some of their promises,which bewilders the electorate.

There is no consensus of opinions among people about this phenomenon.Some people are of the view that doing such things is detrimental to one’s reputation ,while others take the opposite side,firmly believing that these people are sophisticated and bound to gain increasing popularity. I maintain that the former notion is preferable.For one thing, if manufacturers want to promote their sales,they should hype over their products to appeal to customers’ needs. It goes without saying that there exists deceptive information.In the long run,when the disadvantages are disclosed,the company’s reputation will be ruined.For another thing,imadine that you want to be exalted to the company’s vacant position on condition that you must improve the sales by 10%,but as a matter of fact,weighing the situations at home and abroad, you are aware that the goal is not attainable.Nevertheless,you promise you can.At length,you fail .It is obvious that you will resign or part with the position ,leaving your colleagues a bad impression.

Based on above discussions,as far as I am concerned,firstly, legislation should be stengthened in political and business circles,which will do wonders for what candidates or businessmen say and act.By way of law,they should comply with his words or actions.Additionally,raise the public’s awareness to monitor people they elect or believe in,or products from prestigious company. Moreover,the public should bear in mind that never place your hope on somebody or something completely.

篇九:《作文Is honesty the best policy》

Is honesty the best policy?

We are taught that honesty is the best policy since we were born, maybe from our relatives, our teachers, or books. But in our real life which is so different from what we have been taught, we learn that honesty, on many occasions, isn’t the best policy both for us and others.

When we meet someone at the first time, it seems that honesty is definitely not the best policy. For example, though we all know that we can’t be pleased when we meet every stranger, we still say “Nice to meet you!” all the time when we meet someone we don’t like. All those words will not affect our integrity as good human beings. Instead, they bring us an appropriate way for us to communicate with others. However, suppose we could be that brave and honest at that time and say “I don’t feel good to meet you”, only God knows what will happen to us. Hence honesty is not the best policy for us to create a friendly atmosphere to communicate with others.

Honesty isn’t the best policy for us to treat others at some times. For example, we all know that when people haven’t known they are sick, they will be okay and can

live for a longer time with happiness. But as soon as they have known that news, they will become worried and pessimistic which can lead to the aggravation of their illness, and they will die faster. Apparently, honesty is not the best policy to others to some extent.

From all above, we can easily to draw a conclusion that honesty is not always the best policy in our real life, which is different from what we have learned from our relatives, teachers or books.



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