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admin 初二作文 2020-04-23 02:54:18 作文英语

篇一:《英语作文 体育锻炼》

1. It is reported that the health of young people in China, college students in p

articular, is not as good as is supposed to be. There are many reasons for this fact, but the main reason is that many people ignore the importance of physical exercises.

Why, then, are physical exercises so important to our health? First, physical exercises can improve blood circulation, speeding up the supply of nutrients and oxygen to every part of the body and the removal of waste from the blood through sweating and exhalation. Secondly, physical exercises can promote a healthy metabolism. It helps with the digestion and absorption of food, thus giving everyone a good appetite. Thirdly, physical exercise can help consume excessive fat in the body, preventing people from putting on too much weight, thus keeping them in good shape. Finally, after physical exercises we usually need a good rest and a sound sleep at night, refreshing us for the next day's work.

In conclusion, physical exercises not on[y keep us fit and strong, but also help us to be successful in our lives. It is, therefore, strongly suggested that young people spare some time to take an active part in various kinds of physical exercises.

2. The Importance of Physical Exercise

Everyone hopes to live happily in the world. Physical exercise is indispensable to a happy life. There is a famous saying: "Life lies on exercise." Although you will not necessarily die without regular physical exercises, they' II certainly help you live longer and more healthily.

Exercise is good for us to build our bodies. It helps co – ordinate the different parts of our bodies when we have sports. For example, we must try our best to co – ordinate the movements of the arms and legs when we play basketball, or we won't be able to shoot the basket. Exercise also benefits our organs. It lets the heart beat faster than usual, and then helps enlarge the blood vessels to protect us from heart attacks.

Exercise can also contribute to the development of our ability to response agilely. For instance, when you play table- tennis, you must try to reflect as quickly as you can so that you may fight back at the right position at the fight moment.

Exercise can also contribute to improving our mood. When you do exercise, you move a lot, and you have to be more active. It helps you become more optimistic.

Exercise will fill your life with various contents and make it more colorful.

What's more, exercise will help you get rid of your inertia. If you keep doing exercise regularly, you will never be a lazy person. Therefore, exerci

se has great effect on one's character.{关于体育的英语作文}.

In a word, exercise is helpful, important and absolutely necessary

3. Students in our school have one thing in common- an interest in sports. Acc

ording to their different intentions in taking part in sports, they fall into three groups.

Many students go to the playground when they tired after a few hours of study, These students put much more tress on their study efficiency than the fun of sports, They just want to go back to their classrooms from the playground with a clearer and quicker mind. Thus they don't actually care whether they can enjoy themselves on theplayground. Most of them choose long distance running, the kind of exercise which few real sports enthusiasts like. So this group of students can be well labeled as study– oriented participation.

Students that make up the second group are real sports lovers. Sometimes they even put aside their studies for a match. They take part in the sport that interests them most, not caring whether it is most beneficial to their health. They may be called fun-oriented sports participants.

The third group want beauty from sports. Boys want to become strong; girls want to be slim and graceful. Those who consider sports the only way of reducing weight also belong to this group. They are very careful in choosing the kind of exercise they do, and are afraid that certain sports may ruin their figures. Horizontal bars and parallel bars are the boy's choice, and the hula hoop is now the girls' favorite. The appropriate name for this group may be beauty – oriented sports participants.

No matter which group we belong to, we all benefit from sports. If you look around the campus, you will find that bookworms have disappeared, and, instead, there are healthy, strong, clever, modernized students everywhere.

篇二:《英语作文 运动与健康》


2.What is the future medicine 3.My future plan as a medical student (三选一,不少200字,30 分)

Sports and Health

A healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind. As is known, to have a sound mind, we must first have a sound body. This is of vital importance. Only by keeping ourselves healthy and strong can we feel energetic and vigorous in studying and working and live a happy life.

To keep ourselves fit, physical exercise is the best way. In taking part in out-door sports, we are closer to nature and can take in fresh air. The beauty of nature will keep us clear-headed, which is essential to our health. Besides, sports stimulate the circulation of blood and help to excrete the wastes in the body. Sports can also work up our appetite and activate our digestion. As a result, we can become strong-bodied.

I always take an active part in physical exercise and enjoy good health. I seldom get sick but feel vigorous even if I work a whole daylong. I shall keep up doing physical exercise so as to live longer and do more for the country.



为了保持健康,体育锻炼是最好的方式。在参加户外运动,我们更接近的性质和可以采取的新鲜空气。自然界的美使我们头脑清醒,这对健康是必不可少的。另外,运动促进血液循环,帮助排泄体内废物。运动还可以引起食欲,促进消化。作为一个结果,我们就能身强力壮。 我总是积极参加体育锻炼,身体很好。我很少生病,但即使我工作一整天感到精力旺盛。我要坚持体育锻炼,争取长寿,为国家多做。

Wealth and Health 财富与健康

(1)some think that wealth means everything.

(2)Actually, health is more important than wealth.

(3)Keep healthy first if you want to become wealthy.


So far as the topic Health and Wealth is concerned, different people have different opinions about it. Some think that wealth means everything. To them , wealth or having a lot of money can help them to do what they want to do. With a lot of money , they can buy the beautiful house, expensive car, beautiful clothes , and so on. They even have the idea that they can buy happiness which they like.

On the other hand, some other people don’t agree with those people mentioned above. They believe that Healthy is more important than wealth. First, you can enjoy a happier life with healthy body than those wealthy people with poor health.

Second, a healthy body is the foundation for a successful career. Third, a healthy body is also necessary for accumulating wealth.

In a word, keeping health first if you want become wealthy. It is well-known that a person can make a large fortune if he has the right opportunities during his life. But if the person suffers from a terrible illness, then no matter how much money he may earn, he will still lead a miserable life. Therefore, health is much more important than wealth.











Table tennis is the most popular sport with people in our country. School children start playing table tennis when they are very young. Not only is it played in school but it is also a favourite game with workers and people in other walks of life. In fact, it has be come a sort of national game.

There are other popular sports, for example, badminton, Wushu and sword play are popular sports. Though they are not played ns widely as table tennis, they are all tra ditional forms of sports. Mention should be made of such ball games as football, basket ball and volleyball, in which much progress has been made.

In order to keep fit and win honour for our motbedand. Men and women, young and old, take an active part in sports. And our government takes effectual measures to promote physical culture and build up the people's health. You may see people enjoy dif ferent sports. Many people are running, walking, or doing boxing in open spaces early in the morning. Sports are flourishing in our country now.


在我国乒乓球运动是最受人们欢迎的运动。学校的孩子们从很小的时候就开始打乒乓球。乒乓球不仅在学校中流行,也是工人和其它阶层的人们喜欢的运动。事实上,它已成了国球。 还有一些其它受欢迎的体育运动。譬如,羽毛球、武术和剑术也是流行的运动项目。虽然它们不像乒乓球那么流行广泛,但也是传统的运动项目。应当提到的是,像足球、篮球、排球这样的球类运动已经得到普及。




20120201097 李梓惠{关于体育的英语作文}.

It is commonly said that students should put their heart and soul into their study thus sports education is ignored by a number of people. Personally speaking, I strongly hold the view that sports classes are an irreplaceable part in college education as the saying goes that body is the capital of revolution.

To address my idea clearly first, in the new concept of education, we emphasize to deliver moral, intellectual and physical education to students. Good education can not go without physical training as a result of sports classes play an important role in shaping students characteristic. Through physical exercises, university students can cultivate the virtues of persistence, indomitable will and spirit.

Secondly, university students are the future builders and successors of our society which requires strong body. Not only can sports classes enrich campus life, the much more important point is that it does great benefit for university students’ physical health.

Furthermore, we all know that “Fate of nation, everyone is responsible.” Sports classes are a good way to promote our awareness of national defense which depends on individual to build.

In conclusion, sports classes should be made an important point in university education at any time.



My favorite sport

There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is basketball. When I was in junior high, I started to play basketball in school. At that time, I found I had loved deeply this sport. Now, I would like to watch basketball games as much as I can. The basketball games have given me the most wonderful time in my life.

篇六:《英语作文素材 体育锻炼》

All over the world millions of people take part in different kinds of sports. Sports are perhaps the most popular form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy.

Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things that people do at times when they are not working. But in fact sports and games can be of great value, especially to people who work with their brains most of the day. They should not be treated only as amusements.

Sports and games build our bodies, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy. They also give us valuable practice in helping the eyes, brain and muscles to work together. In table tennis, the eyes see the ball coming, judge its speed and direction, and pass the information on to the brain. The brain has to decide what to do and sends its orders to the muscles of the arms legs and so on, so that the bah is met and hit back where the player wants it to do. All this must happen with very great speed, and only those who have had a lot of practice can do this successfully.

Sports and games are also very useful for character-training. In their lessons, boys and girls may learn about such virtues as unselfishness courage disciple and love of one's country, but what is learned in books can not have the same deep effect on a child's character as what is learned through practice. Most of students' time is spent in classes, studying lessons. So what the students do in their spare time is of great importance. If each of them learns to go all out for his team and not for himself on the sports field, he will later find it natural to work for the good of society, for the good of his country.

篇七:《运动的好处 英语作文》

Do you often play sports? What are the benefits of playing sports?

As it goes:“ For one hour daily exercise , healthy living life.” Playing sports can bring many benefits to us .As for me ,the benefits are as follows.

Above all, doing sports can produce lots of physical benefits. For example , taking part in team and individual sports contributes to getting in shape and preventing serious illnesses. According to a report published in UN Task Fore on Sport, playing sports provides a chance for young people to stretch their bodies and build muscle. It also helps to improve their coordination , balance, flexibility and endurance , which are essential for people to develop their potential.{关于体育的英语作文}.

Moreover, sports do not only promote our physical health, but also make a difference on our mental health .A 2010 study reported in China's Daily shows that sports participation is related to lower levels of depression ,anxiety and boost our self-confidence and self-awareness . So when we are in a bad mood , we can play sports , especially aerobic exercise, to release our stress, tension, depression and anxiety .{关于体育的英语作文}.

Last but not least , playing sports can enable us to establish favorable relation with others . By playing sports in teams , we can know ourselves and others better , improving our communicating skills , problem-solving skills and relation-coordination skills.

Having realized that sports offer so many benefits to comprehensive development , I always do sports with many of my friends without hesitation.And I enjoyed much happiness from it.



We had a sports meeting last Friday. All of the students took an active part in it. Our class did very well in the sports meeting. The boys won the boys' 400 metres, and the girls won the girls' 200 metres.

I joined in the sports meeting, too. In the long jump, I won the second prize. But unluckily, I was the last one in the high jump.

Though the sports meeting has been over, I'll always remember the spirit of Faster, Higher and Stronger .

篇九:《体育锻炼 英语作文,超好》

Everyone hopes to live happily in the world.Physical exercise is indispensable to a happy life.There is a famous saying:Life lies on exercise.

First,exercise is good for us to build our bodies.For example, exercise can contribute to the development of our ability to response agilely and improving our mood.Second,more than just entertainment,through sports young people learn critical skills that will serve us well in our adult lives.Strategy,teamwork,and cooperation are crucial concepts that can be best learned and understood through sports.What’ more,sports can inspire and encourage the less naturally talented athletes to be their best.Furthermore,sports teach much more than what is easily seen on the surface.Sports give youth a sense of self-worth and accomplishment and teach us to deal capably with failure and success.It helps us learn the ways of the world,the benefits of hard work and determination.

In conclusion,physical exercises not only keep us fit and strong,but also help us to be successful in our lives.



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