I haven't heard from you for ages. How are you doing?I haven't seen you for such a long time. How are you getting along with your work?
I want to congratulate you with all my heart.
I warmly congratulate you on what you've achieved.
I am most grateful to you for your help.
I want to thank you heartily for what you have done.
I wonder if you could tell me what to do.
I'd be most grateful if I could have your full support.
Please could you let me know something about it.
Is there any chance of your coming to have dinner with us at our home? We are wondering if you could come to have dinner with us at our home. Áù£®½ÓÊÜÑûÇë
I'm delighted to accept your invitation.
Thanks for your invitation. I'm certainly looking forward to joining you. Æߣ®¾Ü¾øÑûÇë
I'm sincerely sorry that we can't join your dinner party.
I regret to say "no" to your invitation.
Thank you for your invitation but unfortunately¡-
I do apologize for having kept you waiting.
I'm awfully sorry for giving you so much trouble.
I'm more than sorry to hear of your illness.
I can't tell you how sad I felt when I heard of¡-
It was a great shock to hear¡-
I just can't tell you how saddened I am¡-
I'm most grieved to learn of¡-
I am happy to hear that¡-
Thank you for answering my letter so quickly.
With my best wishes ¡-
Best wishes to you ¡-
Please remember me to ¡-
I do hope ¡-
The Opening paragraph
Thank you for your letter of ¡-
I was glad to receive your letter of¡-
In your letter of¡- you enquire about¡-
In reply to your letter¡-
I am writing to you¡-
We have received your letter of May 5,
I am writing to inquire¡-
We were very happy to learn from your letter of May 5 that¡-
Thank you for / with reference to / Further to / In reply to your letter of / dated¡- I am writing to enquire about../ to confirm that¡-/ to apologize for/about¡- / in reply to your¡- / with reference to¡-
The Closing paragraph
I hope to hear from you¡-
I look forward to our next meeting. / your answer / your early reply.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
I thank you for your ¡-
I look forward /am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
I do hope I am not giving you too much trouble.
I would greatly appreciate an early reply.
If you have any further questions, please contact me on¡-
I look forward to hearing from you soon. / in due course. / in the near future. I am hoping for / would appreciate your speedy/prompt/early reply as we¡- I shall not act / will wait until I hear from you. / have received your¡- We would like your views on the possibility of¡-
I would be happy if you would send me¡- as soon as possible.
We thank you in anticipation of your help.
Letter of Inquiry or Request
I am writing to enquire about¡-
I am interested in your¡-
I would be very grateful if you could send me¡-
I would like further information about¡-
I am very / most/ extremely/particularly interested in your¡-
I am writing because¡-/on account of¡-/at the suggestion of¡-
We wonder if you could help / advise / send us¡- / let us have¡-
The ¡-has given us your address and has advised us to¡-
Your company has been recommended to us by ¡-
Could you (possibly) / Would you please / Would it be possible for you to send me¡-/ let me know whether…/ consider supplying us with¡-
Please quote your best price and state your¡-
I would like you to…/ to order¡- from your company.
I would be happy/ grateful if you would/could send me.
We would appreciate your sending us¡-
Letter of Apology
I am writing to apologize for / about¡-
This was due to¡-
Unfortunately, we have been unable to¡-
I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.
I can assure you that we will¡-
Letter of Complaint
I am writing to complain about¡-
I am not satisfied with¡-
I must therefore insist that¡-
I recently ordered/purchased from you …
Thank you for your, which arrived yesterday. Unfortunately
Having spoken to the company secretary I decided to write it about …
I am writing / because … / to draw your attention to…/ on account of …/on the subject of …
I feel something ought to be done/said about …
I am afraid that I am forced to write to you about …
I am sure you will appreciate the annoyance and frustration of…{客套作文}.
I find it awful/appalling/quite distressing that …
I am writing to complain about…
Letters of Application:
In today's newspaper I noticed your advertisement for …
Through … I have learned that you are hiring …
It has come to my attention that the position of… is now open.
I would like to apply for / to be considered as a candidate for the job /post / position / scholarship advertised in … / (that) I saw advertised in …/ I have just seen in the …
I am interested in/seeking a challenging position in your firm.
Motivation and expectations
If my application is successful, I should/would like to …
If such experience would be valuable to your office, I …
I wish to become involved in …
I am available for a personal interview if you are interested in my application. I would appreciate an interview at your convenience.
Qualifications and experience{客套作文}.
I feel I am well qualified (to…/for… ) for the following reasons.
I have had experience of … / done¡- before, / studied therefore I may have the ability you are looking for.
Along with my education, I have had job experience which …
My interest and skill in… contribute to my qualification for this job.
You will see from my resume that I have had both training and experience in the field of …
Though I have never done … I am well aware of …
I have enclosed / attached a copy of my resume for your consideration.
I am enclosing my resume to provide further details about my experience. / to give
details of my responsibilities in that job.
I have enclosed a copy of my curriculum vitae and will gladly provide any further information you may require.
The enclosed resume will give you the details and scope of my previous experience.
·¢ÐÅÈ˵ØÖ·Addresser¡¯s address
18 August 2004 / August 18, 2004.
ÊÕÐÅÈ˵ØÖ·Addressee¡¯s address
³Æºô salutation
Begin your letter with an appropriate salutation
"Dear(name)" if you know the person's name
"Dear Sir/Madam" if you don't know the person's name
"Dear Sirs" if you are writing to an organization
Divide your letter clearly into paragraphs.
Put each separate idea in a separate paragraph.
Use linking words to connect ideas.
½áÊø¿ÍÌ×ÓïComplimentary close
Make sure you finish with an appropriate closing sentence
Yours sincerely after "Dear (name)"
Yours faithfully after "Dear Sir/Madam" and "Dear Sirs"
ABC Rules
Accurate Brief Clear
Five "C"s
Clear, complete, concise, courteous, correct.
Golden Rules
YOU attitude
Put yourself in your reader's shoes. Think about your reader. Plan ahead.Be YOURSELF
Express your thoughts in your own words and in your own way.
Write naturally and sincerely
Write clearly and to the point
Be courteous and considerate
Be consistent
Pay attention to first and last impressions
Use short sentences.
Use short words that everyone can understand.
Avoid wordiness.
Avoid unnecessary adjective, adverbs, preposition phrases, commercial jargon Prefer active to passive phrases
考场作文可套用的题目200例 曹十九
100、《__不需要理由》101、你不必完美102、花儿努力地开 作文内容写的再好,也会有跑题的嫌疑。在高考考场中,由于精神紧张,要拟订一个漂亮的作文题目不是容易的事,如果平时见多识广,到时信手拈来,也会收到意想不到的效果。 1、《__着并快乐着》 2、《__,我永远的天空》3、《都是__惹的祸》 4、《笑傲__》5、《生活需要__》6、《何以解忧,惟有__》 7、《假如我是__》8、《告诉你,我很__》9、《我眼中的__》 10、《生活需要__》11、《__在我的身边》12、《__也是一种美》 13、《__是最美的行囊》14、《与__同行》15、《__伴我成长》 16、《__三步曲》17、《__和我有个约会》18、《我发现__》 19、《真想做个__》20、《世上只有__》21、《为自己准备一个___》 22、《永远的__》23、《__,我恨你》24、《__,做我自己》 25、《__的风波》26、《我和__的距离》27、《__是一道靓丽的风景线》 28、《给自己找个__》29、《永远说__》30、《那一次,我__》 31、《预习___》32、《带上__上路》33、《我与__面对面》 34、《__是一盏明灯》35、《那段__的日子》36、《一个__的心灵独白》 37、《__,让我欢喜让我忧》38、《爱上__》39、《欣赏__》 40、《我眼里的__》41、《那__·那___·那___》42、《想起____》 43、《_的遐想》44、《问世间__为何物》45、《给心情涂上__》 46、《人生路上__多》47、《__,我的最爱》48、《__的故事》 49、《__是一种养分》50、《那年,我__》51、《和__赛跑》 52、《我__,我__》53、《有____才有远方》54、《__在,梦就在》 55、《还有多少__可以重来》56、《明天,我__》57、《我的__我做主》 58、《__,是这样炼成的》59、《不想__》60、《在“__”中搏杀》 61、《人生没有__》62、《__是一瞬间的事》63、《有一种__叫成功》 64、《__伴我少年行》65、《带上__上路》66、《__是一首歌》 67、《__是一种美丽的痛》68、《__的回忆》69、《有__陪伴的日子》 70、《__,没有什么不可以》71、《与__一起走过》72、《拒绝__》 73、《__,让我欢喜让我忧》74、《让__为__着色》75、《我__故我在》 76、《__,妙不可言》77、《读懂__》78、《我总是__》79、《__拍卖会》 80、《__一族的幸福生活》81、《__永不下岗》82、《___在我胸》 83、《那次,我与__擦肩而过》84、《____是一种牵挂》 85、《__带给我的快乐》86、《___也是一种享受》87、《___让我如此美丽》88、《____,其实你不懂我的心》89、《最近比较__》90、《将__进行到底》91、《__,我的最爱》 92、《下辈子我做__》93、《谁都可以__》 94、《__是金》95、《拿什么拯救你,我的__》96、《怎一个“___”字了得》
103、“腾出一只手”给别人104、每天变傻一点点 105、最美的是你自己 106、放开手,阳光灿烂107、人格的核心是自信 108、遗憾也是一种美丽 109、人间有味是红尘110、独处也是一种美 111、我丑,并不伪装美丽 112、花开花落两无言113、寒露不是秋天的句号114、此情可待成追忆 115、背面也许很精彩116、海棠依旧?绿肥红瘦?117、剪不断,理还乱118、淡妆浓抹总相宜119、悠悠寸草心120、生命不能承受之轻
121、犹大的面孔122、苏格拉底的两道题123、试吃一句陶渊明,免费!124、宋江过年125、孙悟空的异化126、八戒破产记127、红叶的遗憾 128、蓝色之恋129、冬天里的那一点热130、关于一种深秋的纪念 131、冬天的泪132、草之梦133、烛涕134、心田上的百合花开
135、人生三盏灯136、生命的链条137、死神的帐单18、阳光下的守望 139、在梦的远方 140、运送灵魂的那支乐曲141、漫游的灯盏
142、时间和爱的故事143、秋天的梦144、三种鸟的思想145、生命之翼 146、尘世的风景147、生命列车148、高尚的欺骗149、直击心灵的一瞬 150、屋顶上的阳光151、一片雪花的重量152、智者的谜{客套作文}.
153、生命的化妆154、生命的痕迹155、蓝色的智慧156、爱的回音壁 157、流泪的鱼158、幸福的开关159、平等的灵魂160、锋利的纸 161、秋天里的春天162、虚掩着的门163、有裂缝的水罐
164、飘香的生命165、排除论者小札166、感恩孤寂167、收藏昨天 168、给美丽做道加法169、向生命鞠躬170、在变化中找到天堂 171、呵护那一点点光172、补习微笑173、直播残思174、珍藏激动 175、打开你观念的抽屉176、摆正期待的天平
179、留只眼睛看自己180、永远有多远?181、谁能打开你的窗 182、别让心灵“欠帐”183、与天真签约184、那些蜻蜓,那些早晨 185、行板悠悠,明净如歌186、一边是灿.一边是烂
190、阳光和乞丐191、现代化和蜗牛192、极限与句号193、长街短梦 194、人生需要装饰 195、我闻到了阳光的味道196、脚比路长 197、无限风光在险峰198、守卫精神的火种199、落叶流浪记 200、有风拂过
四 级 考 试 写 作 解 析
一、 大纲要求{客套作文}.
1. 30分钟,120字作文。试卷上给出题目或规定情景,或给出段首句要求续写、或看图作文。
2. 作文部分在整个四级卷面(满分为100分)中占15分,考生在这一部分的得分直接影响其四级成绩。国家教委又明确规定从1997年6月起,四级考试中,如果学生作文得零分,那么即使前面得了满分(即85分),其总成绩仍将视为不及格。
3. 评分标准:总体评分(Global Scoring), 阅卷教师根据总体印象给出奖励分,而非按语言点的错误扣分。
4. 评判方向:内容和语言。
长度计分标准: 91~100词:扣1分、81~90词:扣2.5分、71~80词:扣4分、61~70词:扣6分、 60词以下:扣8分
二、 写作内容
1. 议论文占据着七成以上的比例,总体思路:
First of all, furthermore, the last but not the least。
2. 明确段落的写作思路之后,让我们具体来看句子的写作。可参考如下步骤:
以"There be"句型为例:There are many people like to go to the movies.
There are have many people like to go to the movies.
There are many people who like to go to the movies.