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admin 初二作文 2020-04-23 03:08:18 小题英语



英 语 试 题

时间: 40分钟 出题: 陈 技 审题: 彭永乐

第一节: 阅读理解(七选五)

A strong memory depends on the health and vitality (活力) of your brain. They say that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but when it comes to the brain, scientists have discovered that this old saying simply isn’t true. 36

Give your brain a workout. Memory, like muscular strength, requires you to “use it or lose it”. The more you work out your brain, the better you’ll be able to process and remember information. 37

Don’t skip the physical exercise. While mental exercise is important for brain health, that doesn’t mean you never need to break a sweat. Physical exercise helps your brain stay sharp. It increases oxygen to your brain and reduces the risk for disorders that lead to memory loss.

Get enough sleep. There is a big difference between the amount of sleep you can get by on and the amount you need to function at your best. 38

Keep stress in check. Stress is one of the brain’s worst enemies. Over time, stress destroys brain cells. Studies have also linked stress to memory loss.

Have a laugh. 39 That holds true for the brain and the memory, as well as the body. Unlike emotional responses, which are limited to specific areas of the brain, laughter engages multiple regions across the whole brain.

40 Just as the body needs fuel, so does the brain. You probably already know that a diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, “healthy” fats and lean protein will provide lots of health benefits, but such a diet can also improve memory. For brain health, though, it’s not just what you eat—it’s also what you don’t eat.

A. Eat a brain-boosting diet. B. Play games with memory. C. Laughter is the best medicine.

D. But oversleeping is not good for your brain. E. Even skipping a few hours makes a difference! F. You have to shake things up from time to time!

G. The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change. 第二节 完形填空

A lovely little girl was holding two apples with both hands.Her mum came in and.41 asked her little daughter with a smile:“my sweetie,could you give your mum one of your two apples?”The girl looked 42 at her mum for some seconds,then she suddenly took a quick 43 on one apple,and then quickly on the other.

The mum felt the smile on her face 44.She tried hard not to show her 45.Then the little girl handed one of her 46 apples to her mum,and said:mummy,here you are.This is the 47 One. No matter who you are,how experienced you are,and how knowledgeable you think you are,always 48 judgment.Give others the privilege to 49 themselves.What you see may not be the 50.Never conclude for others.Which is why we should never only 51 the surface and judge others without understanding them 52.

Those who like to pay the bill,do so not because they are loaded,but because they value 53 above money.

Those who 54 first after a fight,do so not because they are wrong but because they value the people around them.

Those who often text you,do so not because they have 55 better to do but because you are in their heart.

One day,all of us will get 56 from each other;we will miss our conversations of everything &nothing;the 57 that we had.Days will pass by,months,years,58 this contact becomes rare„One day our children will see our 59 and ask“Who are these people?”And we will smile with invisible tears because a heart is touched with a strong word and you will say:“60 WAS THEM THAT I HAD THE BEST DAYS OF MY LIFE WITH”

41.A.quickly 42.A.up 43.A.look

B.softly B.down B.taste B.rise

C.curiously C.out C.bite

D.sadly D.around D.try D.freeze D.confusion D.bitten D.juicier D.pass

44.A.remain 45.A.satisfaction 46.A.rotten 47.A.sweeter 48.A.offer


B.disappointment B.deserted B.bigger B.delay

C.amusement C.split C.fresher C.stop

49.A.criticize 50.A.result 51.A.work out 52.A.first

B.reflect B.purpose B.hold up B.last



C.attempt C.focus on C.wrong C.bill

D.reality D.give up D.little D.surface D.apologize D.anything D.divorced D.contradict D.after D.pictures D.SUCH

53.A.friendship 54.A.sacrifice 55.A.something 56.A.lost 57.A.talks 58.A.until

B.material B.suffer B.nothing B.retired B.argument B.when


C.everything C.separated C.dreams C.though

59.A.articles 60.A.WHAT

第三节: 语篇填空

B.stories B.IT

C.telephones C.THAT

The Descendants of the Sun(太阳的后裔) that really ____61___(earn) the praise(reputation)of K-drama fans. It made its debut(首映) on February 24, 2016 with an average of 13 percent in the Seoul National Capital Area. The next night, ratings ___62___(go)up an average of two percent.____63___(apparent), those two episodes set up Descendants of the Sun as it dominated the competition with its third episode. ____64___nationwide attention, the K-drama earned over 20 percent viewership ratings(收视率). For those ____65____do not know what Descendants of the Sun is about, it is a drama about the love of people who get ____66___as they learn to be considerate of each other in desperate times. It is also about the sacrifices made by people who throw themselves ____67___natural disasters. Captain Yoo Shi Jin(柳大尉) (Song Joong Ki宋仲基) is the team leader of the Special Warfare Command of the United Nations Peacekeeping Troops. By request of the UN, he is ___68___(station) in the war-torn country of Uruk(乌鲁克). ___69___he meets Kang Mo Yeon(姜暮烟) (Song Hye Kyo宋慧乔), a volunteer doctor with Doctors Without Borders. ____70___they work alongside each other, they clash and fall in love.

第四节: 短文改错

This is my fifth day at the summer camp. Life isn’t exact what I expected. We have to get up early to make our beds before our teacher Miss Li come to inspect. After breakfast, we have

some of free time. Yesterday morning I went fishing, but the only thing I catch was a tree branch. In the afternoon, there are different activity like horseback riding and hiking. They’re fun, so nothing new for me. In the evening, everyone is assigned a different task to get dinner ready. Yesterday, I was in charge of prepare the hot dogs, but I accidentally dropped it in the fire. The best part of camp is at night, where we sit around a campfire and tell stories.

36-40ACGFD 第三部分 41-45 BACDB

46-50 DABCD

51-55 CAADB

56-60 CCADB

第二节61.earns 62. went 63.Apparently 64.with 65.who 66. Closer 67. into 68. Stationed 69. There 70.when/as

t exact what I expected. We have to get{宋仲基英语作文}.


catch was a tree branch. In

re fun, so

nothing new for me. In the evening, everyone is assigned a different task to get dinner ready. it in the fire. where we sit around a campfire and tell stories.



第I卷(共90 分)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30 分)



1. Why was the man disappointed?

A. The play wasn’t interesting.

B. The tickets were unavailable.

C. The play was only for daytime.

2. What are the speakers going to do?

A. To see an exhibition. B. To have a meeting. C. To listen to a lecture.

3. What sport does the man like best?

A. Swimming. B. Tennis. C. Golf.

4. What musical instrument does the man play?

A. The piano. B. The violin. C. None.

5. What is the man’s opinion?

A. He thinks highly of Jim.

B. He disagrees with the woman.

C. He doesn’t care at all.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6. Where is Mary?

A. At the airport.

B. On her way to the airport.

C. On board the aircraft.

7. What does the man plan to do?

A. To find a taxi for Mary. B. To see Mary off. C. To pick up Mary at the airport.


8. Why is it easier for the woman to learn English?

A. She often talks to English people.

B. She speaks two languages already.

C. She always does her homework right after class.

9. Which of the following is a good way of learning English suggested by the woman?

A. Reading newspapers. B. Keeping diaries. C. Reading aloud in the morning.

10. What is the reason for the man’s poor English learning?

A. Not attending classes regularly.

B. His shyness to practice English.

C. No native speakers to speak to.


11. What does Dr. Wilson teacher?

A. History. B. English. C. Chemistry.

12. Which subject will Fred probably get an “A” in?

A. History. B. Maths. C. Chemistry.

13. What will Dr. Wilson do to help Fred have a good chance to get an “A”?

A. She will give her students more homework..

B. She will give her students less tests.

C. She may ask her students to write a composition in English.


14. What bothers Nancy about her neighbor’s son?

A. He drives too fast. B. His radio wakes her children.

C. He plays his guitar loudly.

15. When does the noise stop?

A. When the car is turned off. B. At midnight. C. In the morning.

16. What suggestion does Nancy’s friend make?

A. Nancy should call the neighbors to complain.

B. Nancy should introduce her children to the neighbors.

C. Nancy should bring the neighbors a gift to start the topic.


17. What did the man want to do when his car got stuck in a no-parking area?

A. Leave the police a note.

B. Call the police station.

C. Get someone to pull the car away.

18. Why did the man go to the bank?

A. Because he had to pay the fine there.

B. Because he wanted to get small change.

C. Because he intended to call the traffic police.

19. How did the man feel about the police officer’s final decision?

A. Angry. B. Sad. C. Happy.

20. What was the police officer’s attitude to the letter from the man?

A. He felt it foolish that the man made up such a story.

B. He believed the man came across many misfortunes.

C. He took pity on the unlucky man who had a bad day.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




Summer Science Class registration begins on March 8 ! If you are interested in science,the environment,or conservation and you are in grades 7-12,sign up soon for Black Rock Forest Consortium's Summer Science Class program. You can download the Summer Science Classes 2013 brochure here. It is easy to register;just call 845­534­4517 or click here.

Twelve­week­long courses in the natural sciences and the arts are offered at Black Rock Forest in Cornwall from July 15 through August 9.Two more classes are offered with site partners,including “The Art of Scientific Observation,” hosted jointly by Black Rock Forest Consortium and Storm King Art Center,one of the world's leading sculpture parks,{宋仲基英语作文}.

and “A Nautical Expedition” hosted jointly by the Consortium and the Constitution Marsh Audubon Center.

We are delighted to announce two special “away” classes that are part of the Summer Science Class program this year: an “Adirondack Eco­Adventure” beginning August 11,and “Conservation Biology in Florida,” beginning June 23 and featuring field work on the Gulf Coast in cooperation with the University of Florida's Seahorse Key Marine Biological Laboratory. For more information on the Summer Science Class program,please read our press release.

Black Rock Forest Consortium is a nonprofit organization founded in 1989 to advance scientific understanding of the natural world through research,education and conservation programs.{宋仲基英语作文}.

21.If you want to be a member of Summer Science Class,you should ________.

A.visit Black Rock Forest first

C.call a phone 845­534­4517

A.only about science subjects


23.Where can you find the article?

A.From a web site.

C.From a novel book. B.From a traveling brochure. D.From one famous magazine.


The world is filled with smart,educated and gifted people. We meet them every day. A few days ago,my car was not running well. I pulled it into a garage and the young mechanic fixed it in just a few minutes. He knew what was wrong by simply listening to the engine sound. I was amazed. The sad truth is that great talent is not enough.

I am constantly shocked at how little talented people earn. I heard the other day that less than 5 percent of Americans earn more than $100,000 a year. A business consultant who specializes in the medical trade told me how many doctors and dentists struggle financially. It was this business consultant(顾问)who gave me the phrase,“They are one skill away from great wealth.”

There is an old saying that goes,“JOB means ‘Just Over Broke(破产)”. And unfortunately,I would say that the saying applies to millions of people. Because schools do not think financial intelligence is intelligence,most workers “live within their means”. They work and they pay the bills. Instead I recommend that young people seek work for what they will learn,more than what they will earn.

When I ask the classes I teach,“How many of you can cook a better hamburger than McDonald's?” almost all the students raise their hands.I then ask,“So if most of you can cook a better hamburger,how come McDonald's makes more money than you?” The answer is obvious: McDonald's is excellent at business systems.The world is filled with talented poor people.They focus on perfecting their skills at building a better hamburger rather than B.download their brochure D.register before March 8 B.cooperated by several organizations 22.Summer Science Class's courses are________. C.from July 15 through August 9 D.hosted by the world's leading

t he skills of selling and delivering the hamburger. 24.The author mentions the mechanic in the first paragraph to show that .

A. he is just one of the talented people B. he is ready to help others

C. he has a sharp sense of hearing D. he knows little about car repairing

25.The underlined part in the third paragraph can be best replaced by“ ”.

A. spend



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