With the rapidly growing popularity of science and technology, the process of globalization made great achievements. We have more chances to communicate with foreigners. Intercultural communicator has increasingly become a popular central issue of the public.
To discuss this issue from cognitive perspective, western culture is based on individualism rather than on collectivism. For instance, in the US, you always talk about individual rights. This is clearly different in China where a country is placed above your own self.
From the affect point of view, Chinese emotional expression is subtle but not directly. On the contrary, westerners express more enthusiastic. Furthermore, the Chinese people do not say yes or no, they are more accustomed to tactfully convey his meaning. No doubt, the Westerners would like to directly deliver how they think and what they want.
In behavior, many behavioral differences are due to the impact of many aspects which cover environmental, cultural, historical and other factors. Do not ask for the age and income is a case in point.
We should respect others. Respect for their privacy, their national culture, and religious beliefs. Second, we want to maintain friendly, and convey information clearly passed on through language or body language. Moreover, we just express ourselves in all sincerity and with warmth. Finally, the misunderstanding of cultural differences, we should learn to accommodate.
The culture differences between the East and West.
As we know ,there are so many differences between culture of the East and West that I can not list all of their different aspects.I will focus on the differences of diet custom and teaching system.For your better understanding ,I will set examples of China and America.
It is no doubt that it is a tradition to use chopsticks for Chinese.But people in America prefer to forks and knives.This different result is based on different food they are like .Americans choose to eat beefsteak,bread,and salad,while Chinese people choose noodles ,pancakes and rice.What is more,the custom of drinking tea in China and drinking coffee in America are stand out particularly.However,there is a trend that the food in both countries has been mixture.For example,the coffee and bread have introduced to China.The famous KFC is very popular at children. The gap of teaching system between China and America is big.Chinese students always complain about their homework.Too much homework has limited the time to exercise and relax.They
have to recite many things as to get a high mark.Homework comes the first to them.
In my opinion,the study in America is more interesting .Teachers pay attentions to training students skills in thinking in realastic life not to emphasis on the importances of memories.In a addition,the rate of going to school ,the salary of teaching ,and the job of gruduates are quite different,too.I should say that Chima government should make great efforts to improve its teaching syetem.I am also expect to be one day ,the West give more cheers to our country.
Communication Ways of Chinese and Americans
Human communication is the foundation of building a harmonious society, and the emotions that people expressed are the most important part of communication. Emotions, include friendship, family affections and love, are reflected in how you treat others and what the others think of you. Chinese and Americans both have a wealth of emotions, but there are different ways to express the same emotion, which isthe difference between the two nations.
First of all, emotions of Chinese and Americans are similar, they are both full of passion for the world. For friends, Chinese are very hospitable, and Americans are the same. Chinese always show the best things to visitors whenthe visitorsare present. Similarly, there is also more food on the table when gusts are present in America. And for family members, parents love their children and the kids respect their parents naturally both in the United States and in China. For lover, people from China and America both think love is specific and sacred, and they both treat love seriously.
Despite these similarities, the ways to express emotion are quite different between Chinese and Americans.
There are different ways to make friends and maintain friendship in China and in the United States. The intimacies among friends are quite high in China, which reflected in the personal relationship and the money.It is common to use someone’s own personal resources to help a friend to find a job in China. It is also common that the richest man pays the bill when friends gather at a meal. But it is very rare between friends in the United States. Americans insist that friends should have their own personal space and personal privacy.The friendship needs not only the personality of independence, but also the economic independence. That difference mainly depends on the different national values. Chinese people follow the Confucianist culture, which makes REN as the core, and Americans emphasizethe individualism.
Chinese and Americans also have different ways to express emotions with family members at home. Parents use an implicit and intrapersonal way to express their emotions in China, but American parents usually directly say “I love you” to
theirchildren.Children will always be children in the eyes of parents in China, they need to be taken care of and protected. Children rely on their parents andthey are also the hope of their parents in the future. However, in western countries, both parents and children are independent individualsand they are not dependent on each other. It is also the influence of the traditional culture of the East and the West.
For love expressing, Chinese and Americans also have complete different ways. It is a tradition to use poetry to express love no matter in the East and the West. Throughout the works of poetry at all times, we find that Chinese poetry are usually described some natural scenes to express the author’s love, just like “Butterfly ' s Loved Flower”. However a direct expression is usually used in the western poetry. Different expressing ways also reflect in different traditional culture.
With the globalization of economy and information technology, the communication of people from all over the world becomes more and more frequent. Maybe the difference between the East and the West will be cut down and the similarity between them will increase. However, in the present and visible future, we must recognize that the difference of value still exists. Only realizing the difference can we better communicate with others. And only respecting the different national culture can we promote the development of cultural diversity, promote the communication of all the countries.
Difference betweenChinese and Western cultures
Undoubtedlythereare so many differences between Chinese and Western culture, such as manners, language and so many others. Maybe history is one of the major cause of it .Chinese culture is older than 5000 years, and Chinese people have developed their own music, musical instruments, painting techniques, traditional Chinese medicine, and not to forget, cooking methods as wellwhich is completely different and unique when compared to Western culture.So this time I’m going to pick some aspects and talk about it.
Like what mentioned above, cooking methods of China is totally different from the westerns’.Not like west people, we have so many ways to deal with foods.It is said that there are more than fifty ways for a Chinesecook to choose every time he dealing withthe same kind offood.No wander to be a great cook in china you have to start training from young child. ComparedwithChinese, westerns seems to be more casual when they are cooking. They usually cook food by frying or stewing. Because they would like to put emphasis on food’s nutrition not the taste of it.
When it comes to the aspect of men’s behavior, there is a vast difference in the rules of behavior between Chinese and Westerns. Westerns are more willing to change the environment rather than adapting themselves to it, which is opposite to Chinese people. Affected by the ancient philosophies of China, we believe in that we must get ourselves into one certain environment. For example, once we come into a new group, we are always told to follow others so that we can become one of it. But westerners would like to make them change and teach them to work in his way.
Besides the behavior of people from two distinct culture, the realization of self-worth is different for Chinese and westerns. Affected by the Confucius’s philosophy from the ancient time. We believed that we should put our countryahead of our own interests. One can be respected only by making contribution for his country, like some war heroes. But westerns do respect those who succeed in his own lives. They believe that man who achieve goals of happiness and success by working hard is worth others’ respecting. Maybe that can explains why so many millionaire inChina can’t have the equal reputation compared to those westerns’.
Anyway, Westerners usuallyfind the Chinese culture complex, and hard to understand, as the Chinese culture has its own values, background and belief system.
篇五:《文化差异 英语作文》
Cultural differences are widely existed between western and Asian countries. Asian culture, which is deeply affected by Chinese traditional culture, has many differences with western countries.
For example, when Westerners want to express their opinions, they usually give their words straightly, but Asians usually use some other things to prove it, even something useless. In personal life, Westerners always think of themselves instead of others, while Asians enjoy gathering with their family members and friends. They talking, eating and staying with each other, it makes Asians felling warm. Also, when people are angry, different cultures have their different reaction. For example, Westerners will show their anger by their words and gestures, but Asians won’t let others know their anger, oppositely, they will still smiling just like they don’t care about it.
And, in some social manners, like queue when waiting, Asians hardly think about it because it isn’t a traditional manner. But in western countries, queuing in an orderly manner is an old tradition.
篇六:《culture differences 文化差异 英语作文》
The relationship between people in different culture -einleitung (example)
Culture involves the beliefs, behaviors and values of a particular social group. Our cultural identity may include (but is not limited to) nationality, religion, gender, race, political affiliation, ethnicity and socioeconomic class.These various influences can sometimes create differences in relationship between internal members .It’s said that your culture makes who you are ,also how you behave.
Different cultures do have their own views about relationships.
-compare :
1/friendship: Japan
母不给孩子交学费的很多pay tuition fees,所以他们的大学大多有助学金grant-in-aid贷款总体来说,日本人都是孤立体.lonely
男人,每天为了妻子和孩子要拼命的工作work hard,,早上很早就出发,晚上个很晚才回来,基本上见不到自己的孩子,
妻子,基本上都是全职太太full-time housewife,除了照顾孩子take care of the kids,就是收拾家make up the room alone at home,家里就妻子一个人,很寂寞的。
友谊:与美国人相比,中国人更可能拥有少数终生挚交best friend forever,他们彼此之间交情深厚long friendship,愿意相互提供任何形式的帮助be willing to come to the aid what ever The West
美国人囗中的朋友定义比较广泛wide implication,而且有区隔性distinction;Americans have school friends, work friends, sports friends and neighborhood friends.譬如说工作上的朋友、打球的朋友、学校的朋友、喝酒的朋友等等。朋友之间绝少吐露私人的事情reveal the private atmosphere
美国人可能有许多“朋友”和熟人,这些朋友和熟人随着时间的推移而变换,彼此之间承诺的义务有限。Turning an acquaintance into a good friend can be hard.
2/family=intimate relationship 3/stranger:
China保持和谐的关系keep the harmonious relation比完成任务complete a task更重要。中国人所受的教育通常是避免直接冲突choose not to conflict with others face-to-face、公开批评和具有争议的话题。
相比之下,美国人侧重于任务取向。完成工作finish the work通常比关系superfical harmony更重要。相反,美国人通常愿意直接面对问题、提出批评critisize、讨论具有争议Discussion of controversial issues的问题,并坚持insist ont自己认为是“事实”的意见。
-reasons interprete:
Japan: 与同村的近邻相互协作cooperation with the neighbor要更 构成日本社会in japanese society基本组织的“场”在不同的历史时期就表现为村落、封建诸蕃、企业组织。在某场所范围内形成一个封闭的天地closed circle,依靠成员们depending on engagement of each member in building up a community , unite,对组织有一种感情依赖get rid of this emotional dependence
because不确定性避免(uncertainty avoidance index)
相对而言relatively speaking,japanese suffer a feeling of uncertainty, which can be dated back to their living environment.人们则普遍有一种高度的紧迫感relative intensive和进取心enterprising spirits,
Such as permanent employment in Japan
China shares part of the reasons for with Japan .we are also laying emphasis on personnal relationship, and we sometimes trust it more than laws. In Chinese society people prefer to hold on identity and behave what we are wanted to. I think the basic reason is Confucianism-the root of Chinese culture.
Make friends with honesty and sincerity. Basic principles to be a gentleman . get along with friends,we should trust them,and make them trust me.
The west world
个人主义与集体主义(individualism versus collectivism)
“个人主义”其中每个人重视自身的价值与需要realize their own value,依靠个人的努力来为自己谋取利益seek profits ,depending on their own efforts。
美国人更重视不受外部制约的“自由”。 Want more unfettered liberty.
美国人则更侧重with emphasis on于非正式和平等关系informal and equal relationshiip。At ease{如何处理文化差异英语作文}.
1. 根据对文化的理解,美国所能够继承的东西主要来自法国大革命always a
counter-revolutionary response to the french revolution.
时期的思想成果,以及传统西方的基督教义christian faith.。上帝god成为其与西方文明共有的共主,虽然谁也没见过。耶稣不过是用来宣传这种思想的一个教案或者工具。上帝的文明准则有什么呢,就是黑暗,欺骗,掠夺,弱肉强食。
所谓的慈善charity,道德只是用来宽恕恶人Forgive the wicked
和恶行的,偶尔的光明都是上帝带来的而不是人带来的。从这点可以看出,虽然他们继承了法国大革命的优秀成果,但是没有脱离传统西方文明的框架。法国大革命提出的自由Liberty, equality, fraternity,、平等、博爱最远的一个总统了,因而也更能充分体现美国传统价值观的另一面traditional values.
所谓文化就是一个群体的人们在其发展过程中引导其生活、保障其生存的全部内容的总和。我们每一个人,无论生长何地,都是各自特定文化与表达文化的语言的产物。鲁斯 ·本尼迪克特在《文化类型》中说道:“一个人从他呱呱坠地的那一刻起,他周围的环境与风俗习惯就影响着他的经历和行为。等到他咿呀学语的时候,他已成为此文化熏陶的一个小生灵了。待到他长大成人,能够参与社会活动时,这一特定的文化习惯便成了他的习惯,其特有的观念也变成了他的观念,其禁忌也就变成了他的禁忌。”这高度概括了文化对我们每个人的影响。
一. 地域文化的差异 地域文化主要指地理环境、自然环境方面的文化。受自然环境的影响,不同民族在对同一事物的认识上存在差异。有些事物在一种语言中为美,而在另一种语言中为丑;有些事物在一种语言中有丰富的内涵,而在另一种语言中毫无意义。地域文化上的差异又体现在:
在中国,龙被视为神物,集力量、智慧、运气、喜庆、威严、威武、权力于一身。封建时代的皇帝常把自己比做“龙”,中华民族也称自己为“龙的传人”,“龙的子孙”。而在英语中,dragon被看作“邪恶”、“恐怖”,甚至“战争”的代名词。《圣经》里多次提到的魔鬼撒旦就是一个与上帝作对的诱惑者和叛逆者的形象,它被称作the old Dragon。英国著名作家狄更斯在《艰难时世》中也以“Dragon”这个词来描述斯巴塞太太:……镇上的人们走来走去看见她坐在那儿,却把她看作这个银行的“毒龙”(Bank dragon)。{如何处理文化差异英语作文}.
二. 习俗文化的差异
1. 姓名的差异
加old或 young,因为人们普遍恐惧年老, old age被看作是无能力和不愉快生活的时期,而年轻则含有无经验、 不成熟之意。在汉语 里,我们可以用厂长,经理,局长,书记,老师等额词在其前加姓氏作为称呼语,而在英语中却不可以。我们不可以说Director Wang,Techer Li,而应当用Mr.,Mrs.,Madam等与姓氏连用。
4. 对颜色内涵理解的差异
英汉两个民族在观察与思维上是存在着差异的: 面对同一物体,用以概括的概念也有出入,因而语言表达方式也不同。如对颜色的观察和使用,就有不同的概念 。