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admin 初二作文 2020-04-23 03:09:18 太阳能作文

篇一:《Solar Energy太阳能英语作文》

Solar Energy

Name: Isabella

School: Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology Academic adviser: Andrew Milanek Date: 2013/12/08{太阳能作文}.{太阳能作文}.

Imagine a world where sunlight can be captured to produce electricity anywhere, on any surface. The makers of thin-film flexible solar cells imagine that world too. But a big problem has been the amount of silicon needed to harvest a little sunshine.Now, researchers at Caltech say they’ve designed a device that gets comparable solar absorption while using just one percent of the silicon per unit area that current solar cells need. The work was published in the journal Nature Materials.

In recent years, the solar energy for the benefit of mankind's technology industry has become more and more developed.Human has a long history to use the solar energy. “China as early as two thousand years ago, during the Warring States period, know the use of four steel mirror to focus sunlight ignition; use of solar energy to dry agricultural products.”The development of modern, solar energy has become increasingly widespread use, which includes the use of solar energy solar thermal, solar photovoltaic.What’s more solar energy was used by photochemical and so on.People use the solar energy in two ways: the photothermal conversion and the photoelectric conversion.

At present, many scientists hold optimistic attitude on the prospect of the solar energy .There are three reasons:(1)General: the sun shines on the earth, whether land or sea, regardless of the mountains or islands, are found everywhere, direct the development and utilization, and exploitation and transportation needless. (2) Sound: the development and utilization of solar energy will not pollute the environment, it is one of the most clean energy。For today's increasingly serious environmental pollution, it is extremely valuable. (3) The great amount: “the solar radiation which reach the earth's surface each year about 130 trillion t standard coal.Therefore the solar energy has the largest amount among nature sources.” (4) constancy : according to estimation at present about the rate of nuclear energy produced the sun, the amount of hydrogen storage is sufficient to maintain human for the tens of billions of years, and the earth life is only about billions of years. In this sense, the solar energy can be inexhaustible.{太阳能作文}.{太阳能作文}.

On the other hand, we can’t ignore the disadvantages of solar energy. First,solar has dispersion.Although there is the large amount of scatter solar radiation reaching the earth's surface, energy density is low.Second solar has instability. due to diurnal, season, geographical latitude,altitude restrictions and other natural conditions, and clear, Yin, cloud, rain and other random factors, solar irradiance reaching a certain surface is continuous and very unstable, which increased the difficulty for the solar energy large-scale applications.Third,solar has the low efficiency and high cost. “The current development level of solar energy utilization, is feasible in theory and technology is mature too. But some of the solar energy utilization device, because of the limitation both of efficiency and cost, in general, can't compete with conventional energy . In the future a considerable period of time, the further development of solar energy utilization, mainly faces much difficulty for economic constraints.”

In a word,if we can solve these difficult problems,human will take better use of the solar energy.



2、毅.《新能源与可再生能源利用技术》.北京:,2006。 3.《能源》.北京:,2000。


星期五,我和爸爸一起拼太阳能玩具,它可以拼成太阳能风车、太阳能旋转飞机、太阳能飞机、太阳能小狗和太阳能汽车。 我这次拼的是太阳能风车,首先组装太阳能小电机,要特别小心,因为有电线。电机拼好了,接着安装太阳能电池板,然后再用电线将它们连起来,放到太阳下就可以转了,再加上一个扇叶,安上去后太阳能风车就拼好了。那天我不能试,因为是晚上,白天才能试。白天到了,爸爸比我先起床,先去试一试。我过去的时候,它刚刚开始转,而且转得比较快。 我对太阳能风车做了一个实验,分别将太阳能电池板放在窗户玻璃后、用手挡住阳光、放在汽车前玻璃后,还用放大镜集中阳光于太阳能电池板上。实验结果是:挡住阳光时风车不转,放在窗户玻璃后最慢,放在汽车玻璃后较快,用放大镜集中阳光则最快。 下午,去游泳的时候我也把小风车带上了,下午阳光很强,风车转得非常快。我游完泳回家后,把它改装成太阳能飞机,如果想知道太阳能飞机怎么玩,请听下回分解。武汉大方学校二年级:李字恒



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