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admin 初二作文 2020-04-23 03:10:18 老师学生

篇一:《英语学期项目 –孟母三迁》

The Mencius’s mother three movements



The Mencius’s mother

Pork Seller



Main Character Descriptions:

(M) Mencius—He is a Chinese philosopher who is arguably the most famous Confucian after Confucius himself. When he was young, he was very naughty, clever, but easy to be influenced by environment (MM)The Mencius’s mother— She is Mencius‟s mother. She not only pays attention to the influence of objective environment for young Mencius, but also notices carefully what she did and said. She set a good example to Mencius. She is a great mother.

(PS)Pork Seller—He is very honest and friendly. He has been a Pork Seller for nearly 30 years.

(T)Teacher—He has always been enthusiastic about education career and is proficient in The Analects of Confucius.

(S)Student—They are lively, smart, studious.

The First Act

Mencius and her mother lived in a place where is near a cemetery. M: Mom, It hears very busy. Could I go outside to see what was happening?

MM: You bet! But don‟t be addicted to playing. And watch out! M: Thank you, mom. Get it! Bye!

Mencius and his friends saw some people who were carrying a coffin to the cemetery.

M: What are they doing?

The people: They are carrying a coffin to the cemetery. You didn‟t see that, did you?

M: No, I didn‟t. It looks very interesting!

M (said to his friends): Hey! Listen up! Let‟s imitate them and play a game, shall we?

Friends: Fantastic!

MM: Mencius! What are you doing?

M: Mom, we are playing a game! We imitate the people who carry a coffin to the cemetery, so we call it „CARRY A COFFIN TO THE CEMETERY!‟

MM: Mencius! How could you do this? You really get me down!

M: Mom, I don‟t know why you are so angry, but it‟s really fun! MM: What you should do is reading hard rather than doing this thing! MM: It seems that this is not a appropriate place for you to study and grow up. I think we‟d better move to a new place…

A few days later, Mencius and her mother moved to a new place where is near a fair… The Second Act

At the fair:

PS: Pork, pork, come and buy pork!

Mencius came to the pork stall and listened to their conversation. PS: Oh dear! (See an old lady) Long time no see. How such a long time not to buy pork!

Lady: Well, due to the soaring prices, I has no extra cash to buy pork! Even though my grandson cried all day to eat pork, I told him the pig wings flew away and had to wait until next year! (Then she triumphantly walked away)

PS:Fresh pork…… One Yuan a kilo! When seeing this, Mencius couldn’t help but begin to imitate the pork seller with his friends.

M: Passers-by, stop to have a look! Fresh pork…… One Yuan a kilo! As Mencius and friends were enthusiastic, the neighbor saw all they did. Neighbor: Mencius‟ mother, your son Mencius has made some achievements! (The excitement was palpable)

MM: What? What did he do? (doubtingly)

Neighbor: I saw Mencius and other children were imitating the pork seller to sell things when I went to the fair! He will be a rich businessman in the future! (admiringly)

Mencius’ mother couldn't get to sleep at night, worried about the future of her child, and didn't want Mencius to be a businessman. After thinking hard about the situation, Mencius’s mother moved to a place next to the school, hoping Mencius can grow up under the nurture of a good study environment.

The Third Act

T: I would read a sentence and what you should do is following me. S: Yes, sir. I‟d love to.

T: Isn't it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned? Friends come from far afield, isn't it delightful? I don‟t grumble though other people don‟t know about me, would I be a courteous gentleman? S: Isn't it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned? Friends come from far afield, isn't it delightful? I don‟t grumble though other people don‟t know about me, would I be a courteous gentleman? M: So fantastic the voice is!

T: I reflect on myself everyday. What I concern about is that do I try my best to help my friend? Do I communicate with my friend in good faith? Do I review the knowledge teacher taught?

S&M: I reflect on myself everyday. What I concern about is that do I try my best to help my friend? Do I communicate with my friend in good faith? Do I review the knowledge teacher taught?

Mencius comes back home.

M: (mumble to himself) Isn't it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned? Friends come from far afield, isn't it delightful? I don‟t grumble though other people don‟t know about me, would I be a courteous gentleman?

MM: It seems that my son fancies reading. It‟s a good omen. I have a good reason to believe my son would be a personage.

Three days died, Mencius doesn’t go to school to study but amuse himself out of school.

MM: (sadly) It looks as if what I think about is too idealized to come ture. MM talks with Mencius in the house. The Mencius’s mother cut up the new piece goods with scissors.

M: Mom, what‟s bugging you?

MM: I‟m so angry, but do you know why I cut up the cloth madly? M: No, I have no idea at all.

MM: You amuse yourself rather than study hard, which is like a piece of dumped cloth. There is no piece goods, there is no cloth. On the other hand, no study, no success, are you clear?

M: (mumble) Mom, I‟m sorry. Give me a chance.

篇二:《小学英文小剧本 孟母三迁 (改编)》

Three- times resettlement by Meng's Mother 孟母三迁 孟母: 孟柯:

第一幕:A: B: C: D:

第二幕:A: B: C: D:

第三幕:A: B: C: D:

A: B: C: D: T:

孟母 : Hello,boys and girls . I’m a mother—–Mengzi’s mother. I like my son.But he is very naughty. I want to teach my son how to be a helpful man.

孟柯: I’m Meng Zi. I like my mum,too. I am going to my school! 蹦蹦跳跳,歌曲起来:小呀嘛小儿郎呀,背着了书包上学堂,不怕太阳晒也不怕那风雨狂…..

一迁 第一幕

Ken: Look,what are they doing now?


A: 老K B: 2王 C: 小王 D: 我的是大王!哈哈,I’m a winner! Haha Children A: Hey! Are you new here? I've never seen you here before.

Ken: Yeah. Mm…My mom and I have just moved here yesterday. My name is Ken. Children B: I am ______.Welcome you!

A: You can call me Danny.

B:We are playing an interesting game, do you want to join us?

Ken: What kind of game?

Children: Play cards!Please join us!Come here,come here!

Ken: OK! 起牌后说:三带一,B:5炸! C: 我8炸!D: 我王炸~!Haha,give me your money!

Ken: Oh,It’s time to go home!

Mom: Ken, why your classes over so late?

Ken: Oh, We leave school very early . I went to play games. It's really fun.

Mom: Oh? Is it? What did you play?

Ken: Mom, I am so hungry, let me have something to eat, then, I will tell you. Mom: Ok, Ok, Ok, meal first~


Ken: I am full.

Mom: So can you tell me now?

Ken: Well, we play cards! I’m the winner.This is my money!haha

Mom: There is so many kinds of game, why do you prefer this?

Ken: My friends like to play this game together ,so I like it,too.


A:Ken,let's play cards!

B:Year~Let's have fun.

Ken: I am coming. I am coming~

Mom: Hey! Ken! Don't play that game. Come back!


Mom: We can't live here any more, we have to move as soon as possible.

二 迁 移动另外一个地方


Ken: Mom, I have to go for school now.

Mom: Be careful on your way to school. Listen carefully on class. Don't fight with others. Back home early. Remember?

Ken: Mom, don't keep chattering.(啰嗦,唠叨)

Mom: Back home as soon as your classes over. Don't play here and there, got it? Ken: Ok, I got it. No play.

Mom: I will buy some meet for you!

Ken: Wonderful! We haven't eaten any meat for half a year !

Mom: If you study hard, I surely buy some meat for you.

Ken: Of course !I will study hard. I am dying to eat meat. Oh~ I am going to eat meat!


Mom: Since we had move here, Ken has not play cards any more. It seems that I made a right decision.

Mom: It's time to cook the meal.(下。)



A: OK,let’s drink,let’s drink!

B: Great,感情浅,舔一舔,感情深,一口闷!



D: Hey,who are you?

Ken:I’m new here!My name is Ken.

A:B: Welcome ! First time strangers, second time friends! Please join here!

Mom: Evening is coming, where is Ken ? I have to go and find him.(出屋)

Mom: Ken!Ken! Where are you?Ken Ken ,Where are you ? (惊奇状)咿— What are they doing? It’s too noisy. Oh,They are drinking! Is this my son—Ken? 柯醉倒在椅子上呼呼大睡!Oh,My god! He is drunk!

Mom: Ken,Ken!边轻轻拍怕儿子的脸边喊!Wake up ! Wake up!

Ken :有点醒了,但嘴里念叨着:喝,我们继续喝,哥两好,一口干啊!被母亲拖回家了。

Mom:We can't live here any more, we have to move as soon as possible.

三迁 第三幕


走了一圈后,发现一群学生朗朗读书不绝于耳(播放学生诵读国学录音带)。 Mom:Good,good! Here is a nice place .

Mum:Hey,the girl,Where we are?

Girl: This is my Zhilan school! I like my school! It’s very good!

全体齐声:Yes!We like our school!Ken,please join us!


Mum: 看了一会儿,终于满意地笑了说:We finally move to a right place. So much the living environment affects the child.

Teacher:There is an old saying that "He that lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas.” 近朱者赤近墨者黑!












Moving three times

Dear Charlie,

I’m glad to hear that you are learning Chinese culture in Confucius Institute.



Li Hua{孟母三迁的英语作文}.

第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)

成语(Chinese idioms)是中国文化的重要组成部分,它能用简单的词语表达出丰富并且深刻的意义。假定你是李华,你的外国笔友James对中国成语很感兴趣,向你咨询有关中国成语的信息,请你写一份回信,包括如下内容:

1. 简单介绍成语;

2. 学习成语的益处;

3. 分享自己学习成语的感受和体会;

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear James,

I am glad that you are interested in Chinese idioms.

I sincerely hope you can learn them well.


Li Hua


Dear James,

idioms,mainly consisting of four or more Chinese characters, have been appealing to those absorbed in the Chinese language because they are an indispensable part of Chinese culture.The benefits of learning them can be listed as follows.

First,with many of Chinese idioms widely used in our daily life, a good knowledge of them contributes to better understanding both spoken Chinese and written Chinese. Second, they usually possess vivid and profound meanings, making what you try to convey more convincing.

As far as I am concerned, I have a preference for the interesting stories behind some of the Chinese idioms. Not only are they interesting, but also they tend to teach some wisdom, which helps me a lot. Yours

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)






1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头与结语已写好,不计入总词数内。

Dear Peter,

How is everything going?

_______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua

第二节书面表达(满分25分) As you know, I will graduate from high school soon. At this moment, no words can express my complicated feelings. How time flies! I have learned a lot from studying and living in my






从那以后,小伟开朗多了,学习更加用功了,学习成绩有了较大提高。于老师还注意发挥他肯吃苦、爱劳动的优点,推荐他担任班上的卫生委员,他的表达能力、组织能力得到了锻炼。 请从学生观的角度,评析于老师的教育行为。







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