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admin 初二作文 2020-04-23 03:15:18 柳江未来

篇一:《初二 英语作文 有关 我们的 未来的作文》

Our Future

Nobody know what will happen in the future. And predicting the future is difficult.

In the future I think people will have robots in their homes. There are already robots working in factories. And new robots will have many different shaps. People won’t usu money. Everything will be free. Many people will keep many different pets, like snakes or spiders .Kids won’t go to school they will study at home on computer. Books will only be on computers.,not on paper.There will be more computers and more free time. And people will live to be 200 years. In the world,there will be more people and more cars. Maybe there will be less pollution and more tress.The world will be more beautiful.

Our Future

In ten years., people will have robots in their homes. And people won’t use money, everything will be free. Books will only be on computers, not on paper. Kids won’t go to school. They will studying at home on computers. I think there will only be one country. People will live to be 200 years old There will be more people. There will be more free time. And there will be more tress. And there will be more cars. There will be less pollution There will be more tress. And cities will be very big and clean

Our Future

In the future, maybe we’ll be an actor、a doctor、a singer or anther else. So we’ll be able to make a living doing something we love. We’ll live in busy and beautiful city such as Shanghai Beijing and Hangzhou. And I’ll live in Shanghai. Because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.

Probably we’ll live in an apartment or a building with our parents.If we like pets, we’ll have many different pets, such as rabbits, parrots and dogs. Pets need a lot of love. So we’ll spend a lot of some time with them.

Maybe we’ll travel all over the world. Especially at English-speaking countries such as the United States and Australia, so we’ll be able to improve our English. Predicting the future can be different. But I believe our dream will come true.

Trust self! Where there is a will there is a way!

Our Future

What our life will be like in the future?

I think the life of mine will be more modern than now. Every family will have robots. The robots will help us do all the housework. The food will be more healthy. We will have a personal computer. We will be able to do some shopping. The little children won’t go to school . They’ll study at home on computers. People might fly to the moon for holidays.

How wonderful our future will be! I hope my dreams will come true.

Our Future

In the future, we’ll grow up. We will have the different jobs. We’ll be a friendly teacher, an excellent、reporter、a good policeman、a popular singer and so on. Perhaps we’ll work in the companies. But we won’t too tired. Because there will be robots everywhere. Robots will work in the factories. So we will be free sometimes we will have a wonderful time every day. We can go swimming with friends every day. We can also go shopping with friends. We won’t us parper money. We can go to France to take a vacation. We can go to place where we want to go we will have own computer. We can work on computers.

Work hard, we have to study hard now.

Let’s together!

In The Future

In the future, the world will be more beautiful there will be fewer cars, and there will be less pollution. Cities will be very big and clean. There will be more trees.{关于未来的作文初中生作文}.{关于未来的作文初中生作文}.

People will have robots in their homes. Robots can help people do lots of housework, for example, do the dishes,wash the clothes,cook dinner… And people won’t use money, because everything will be free. Student won’t go to school , the studying at home on computers. People will have a lot of free time.

I think the life will be beautiful in the future. How about you?

Our Future

Predicting the future can be difficult. But I think our future will be better than now.

If we plant more tress, the environment will be better There will be less pollution.

Our lives will be better, We will be able to eat healthy food. We will live in big apartments. There will be more robots. They will help people to do lots of simple work. The people will have more free time.

I hope our future can be better.

Our Future

In the future, I think the world will changed a lot.

I think kids won’t go to school, they will study at home on computers.Book will only be on computers, not on paper. People will be more free time. Because robots will help our do something people will have robots in their homes.

I think there will be many tall buildings and wide streets in my hometown. There will be more tress and flowers everywhere. Perhaps many robots will work in factory. There will be less pollution. I think my hometown will become more and more beautiful.

Our Future

Our future will be wonderful. People will have robots in their homes. Kids won’t go to school. They’ll study at home on computers. People won’t use money, everything will be free. There will be more free time. There will be less pollution. There will be more tress. In ten years, we will live in sea. I think there will be more tall buildings. There will be fewer cars and more buses. Maybe one day people will fly to the moon for vacations. My life will be a lot better than this now. Our Future

I think our future will be more beautiful. Do you think? Let’s talk about our future.

Everyone has their dreams. In the future. I think they will come true. However “no cross, no crown.” We must hard-working now. In the future, I think wo will be a teacher, a doctor, an athlete, a lawyer and so on.

We will have robots in our homes in the future. They help with the housework and do the most unpleasant jobs. And we will work with robots. In the future. Everyone will be friendly. And wo won’t use money. Everything will be free.

“Health is happiness.” So in the future.Everyone will be in good health.

We never know what will happen in the future do we? But I believe the future will be beautiful. Our Future

In the future. I think our world will be more beautiful than now. We will have robots help us to do something.They can do simple jobs over and over again.These robots will look more like human.

In the future I think everything will be free.We will study at home on computers. There will be less pollution and the environment will be better than now.

Predicting the future can be difficult, but I believe our dream will come true in the future. Our Future

We are students now. But we both have ourselves dreams. For example.I want to be a reporter. Because if I became a reporter. I can make a lot of money and. I also can meet lots of interesting people.So I should study Chinese well.My friend-Ann wants to be a singer. Because she thinks it;s a really interesting job.And she wants to be a flight attendant. She should study English well.

We have different dreams. So we believe our future will be happy. And our dreams can be come true.{关于未来的作文初中生作文}.

Our Future{关于未来的作文初中生作文}.

In the future people will have robots in their homes.These robots are just like humans.They help with the house work and do the most unpleasant jobs.

For example there are already robots working in factories.These robots look more like huge arms.The do simple jobs over and over again.People would not like to do such job and would get board.But robots will never get board.

篇二:《未来的XX 作文》



















秋天,走进枫树林,我看见火红火红的枫叶像一个个调皮的娃娃挨挨挤挤的。 我再带你们看看我的家吧!

一进门,是一个用五颜六色花门,走进门一看,是卧室等,从后门出去,也就是我们家的后花园,绿油油的草地上长满了小花,有红的、黄的、紫的、绿的、白的。一回到家,我就来后花园喝茶。看着小草和小花,一阵风吹过来,小花像是给小草说着悄悄话。 这就是我未来的家乡。

未来的机器人 现在的科技虽然很发达,但是人们总还是有些不方便的地方,比如大家想买一套舒适又漂亮的衣服总是要跑很多商店去挑选,但未来的机器人却可以帮我解开难题。







未来的桌子 现在已经到了2045年,我们家的桌子也已经换了好多了,这次已经换成智能的了。 如果吃饭的时候,你回来的太晚怎么办?不要着急,你可以打电话给你的家人说碰一下桌面就可以了,只要一触碰就可以把一开始准备好的原材料加热,只要几分钟,饭就好了,桌子里会出现一个机器手吧饭拿出来,让你享用。



未来的桥 “东有灯台西有鹅,南有马鞍北有雀”这两句在民间流传很广的诗句记载了桂中着名商埠——龙城的四大着名景点。如今,这四大着名景点风光依旧,在人民的呵护下更焕发了青春的魅力。而现在的柳州,成为了一道道亮丽的风景线的却要数那飞架柳江南北,绚丽多姿,造型优美的座座大桥。




了一条彩虹。文惠桥虽然桥面只能单行车辆,但却是这五座大桥最为夺目的,它的除尘脱俗,给人以清新自然的感觉,何等美妙!它的飘飘欲仙给人以遐想的感觉,何等神奇!它的瑰丽多彩让人流连忘返,何等奇丽!它有四个桥墩,三个桥拱,像一座彩虹桥似的。 晚上,整个龙城便成了灯的海洋,星的世界,而这五座桥在柳江河上可谓是出尽了风头。柳江桥上的两排柔和的光,保留着特定年代的古色韵味;二桥,三桥及四桥灯火通明,像是嵌上了珠宝似的,在夜里闪闪发亮;文惠桥则撒下了珠光宝气,把柳江河映红了,把桥的两端照亮了,成了龙城晚上的夜明珠。



想象未来作文 -未来的宇宙

2050年,我们已经可以随便住在哪个星球上了,我和爸爸、妈妈住到了木星上,那里有三大部分组成:欢乐城、海洋国和水果园。 我们先住进了欢乐城,哇,大地是超大弹簧床,我们一蹦,一跳,一蹦,一跳,真有趣,我在弹簧床上学小兔跳,妈呀,我竟然蹦到天上,“啊 ”我张大了嘴,结果等我落下来时,嘴边贴满了奶油,细细一尝,嘿,好好吃耶!原来天是蛋糕做的!来到 “一家三口”乐园,妈妈进了“蔬菜门”去学炒菜,等回到地球上让我看看妈妈学做的“木星蔬菜”。爸爸进了口腔牙科医生门”,因为爸爸整天嚷着,不是嘴巴那里痛,就是这里痒,现在可好了,再也不用捂耳朵了听他唠叨了。我嘛,进了“书海”,啥叫书海呢?就是书的海洋,我可以整天坐在那里看书,看也看不完,因为你看完一本书,机器人又会拿来十本新书。我们就这样在欢乐城住了两年。 然后我们来到海洋国,哇 ,好奇怪,一个虾士兵说了声:“欢迎光临鄙国!”就塞给我们每人一大串河蚌珍珠走了,我们定睛一看,好大的珍珠,我发傻了,大喊一声:di di du di di”这时,锣鼓,鞭炮声声响起,把龙王给招来了,后面还跟着三公主呢…… 接着我们来到水果园,哇,水果房子好气派!水果们都邀请我们住进“水果别墅”,那里真是太漂亮了,香蕉沙发,苹果桌子,西瓜摇椅,还有石榴灯呢!水果园的菜更是丰富多彩,我们在那里常吃的菜就有什么水果鬼脸,水果补身子啦,等等……我一口气还说不完呢!还有水果玩具,最好玩的是石榴云梯和香蕉滑梯,如果你爬云梯累了,只要回答一个问题,就能吃到一个小石榴,如果你滑滑梯想多滑几次,只要稍微用一点力气,等你滑到快要结束的时候……





他小心翼翼地捧出一个金光闪闪的花盆,接着从盆里托起一株嫩嫩的小芽,说:“这是世界上最后一株绿色植物,起价100万。”话音刚落,台下要价纷纷,经过十轮叫价,这株小小的嫩芽竟然卖到了两千万元。拍卖会接着推出的是地球上最后一瓶自然水,人们争先恐后地要价,那场面决不亚于铁杆歌迷对国际巨星的追逐,大家生怕这“宝物”被人抢走,价位超过 “一亿”,场面却依然火爆。大家对自然之物的这份情感,深深地打动了拍卖师,他慢慢地放下手中的自然水,激动地说:“与其个人拥有,不如把它放在博物馆里让世界共享吧!”



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