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admin 初二作文 2020-04-23 03:18:18 生日序数词

篇一:《My Birthday英语作文》

My name is_____ . My birthday is _____ . We have a good birthday party. My mother makes a birthday cake for me. It’s big and tasty. My father give me a football. Because I like playing football. Many friends come to my home .We are very happy. They give me a lot of presents and some birthday cards. We sing and dance. We eat food and fruit. We play games together.

We have a good time.

篇二:《五年级下册英语unit3 My birthday测试卷》


一、单项选择。 ( 15分)

1.——Do you like Spring Festival.—–__________. A.Yes ,I do. B.No, I do C.No,I doesn’t

2. Which month do you like best?—______.It has Christmas Day. A.May B.December C.April

3.August 1st is______. A.Army Day B.Children’s Day C.Woman’s Day

4._____ your birthday in April? A.Am B.Is C.Are

5.Do you have a______? A.books B.cards C.computer

6.His birthday is_________ December. A.in B.on C.at

7.Let’s make_______card for our cousin. A.the B.an C.a

8.Everyone_____to get birthday cards. A.like B.likes C.liking

10. ___he have a computer?—No,he_____. A.Is;isn’t B.Does;doesn’t C.Does;isn’t

11.Let’s____a birthday card for Amy. A.make B.send C.gets

12.The____mouth of a year is May. A.second B.fifth C.third

13. What’s the______?—It’s October 7th. A.day B.time C.date

14. ___is Teachers’Day?—It’s Sept.10th. A.When B.What C.Which

15.______is on the second Sunday of May. A.Father’s Day B.Mother’s Day C.Army Day


1.today what’s date the _____________________________________

2.June my in birthday is______________________________________

3.John doing what you are_________________________________________

4.card make let’s a birthday___________________________________________

5.have Amy card do a you_________________________________________

6.is your when birthday____________________________________________

7.December in is birthday my________________________________________

8.Tree-planting Day is when_________________________________________________

9.Bill’s uncle’s is June birthday in___________________________________________

10.What’s date the_______________________________________

四.按时间顺序排列. ( 6分)

( )My birthday is in October. ( )Today is Spring Festival.

( )My father’s birthday is in July. ( )Happy New Year!

( )Tomorrow is Christmas Day. ( )It’s Teacher’s Day today.

3.Christmas Day__________________ 4. Women’s Day___________________

5.Mid-Autumn Day_______________6.Tree-planting Day________________

7.Teachers’ Day________________ 8.National Day____________________

9.Children’s Day_________________10.Army Day_____________________

六、阅读理解。( 14分) Birthday in My Family

I have a happy family. There are six people in my family.My mother’s birthday is in January.We usually go hiking on her birthday.There are three birthdays in July.My sister’s and my birthdays are in July,my grandma’s birthday is in July,too. We can always have a good time,because July is in summer.We can go fishing and swimming.My father’s birthday is in Decemeber.It’s very cold,so we can go staking.My grandpa’s birthday is in March.I like spring,because we can plant trees and fly kites.


( )1.My mother’s birthday is in January. ( )2.There are three birthdays in August.

( )3.My birthday is in fall. ( )4.We have a happy family.{my,birthday}.

( )5.We can make a snowman in my grandpa’s birthday.

Hi,I’m Mark.My birthday is July 5th.My brother Dan’s birthday is January 11th.My grandma’s name is Kate.Her birthday is November 3rd. My grandpa is Bob.He was born(出生)on September 8th.David is my uncle.He likes playing computer games with Dan and me.His birthday is March 21st.My dog Karl’s birthday is February 6th. 根据短文内容回答问题。

1.When is Mark’s birthday?__________________________

2.Who has a birthday in January?What’s the date?________________

3.Is Bob’s birthday in September?___________________

4. ____________________________________It’s March 21st.


( ) 1. My birthday is ___________. A. Nov. 1th B. Apr. 3nd C. Apr. 2nd

( ) 2. _________ is your birthday? A. Who B. When C. What

( ) 3. Is your father’s birthday _________ June? A. on B. in C. at

( ) 4. Is _________ birthday in spring? A. you B. her C. she

( ) 5. The second day of a week is A.Monday B.Tuesday C.Sunday D.today

( ) 6. __________ is January 1st . A. Women’s Day B. New Year’s Day C. National Day

( ) 7. When is ______ birthday? A. Amy B. John’s C. Uncle Bill

( ) 8. —What’s the date? —_____________. A. Sunday B. May C. March 12th

( ) 9. _____ has a birthday in December? A. Whose B. Who C. What

( ) 10. What day is it today? It’s________. A. August 1st B. Sunday C. March{my,birthday}.

( ) 11. –Who _______ a shirt?—I have a shirt. A. have B. is C. has

( your grandpa a computer? A.Do,have B.Does,has C.Does,have D.Do,has

( ) 13.–Do you like summer? –Yes, _________. A. I can B. I am C. I do.

( )14. —When _________ you go to school? A. are B. do C. is

( )15. I eat lunch ______ 12:00 ____noon. A. at; at B. at; in C. in; in


( ( ) 2. A B C A B C

( ( A B C A B C

( A B C


1.the, what, date, is ,today (?) (连词成句)_______ _____________

2.his, in, is, June, birthday , father’s ( ?) (连词成句)________________________

3.good, when, is, friend’s, your, birthday (?) (连词成句)____________________

4. Zhang Peng’s birthday is November 15th. (改成一般疑问句)___ _________ (划线部分提问)_________________


Hi, I’m Jack. My birthday is August 5th . My sister Helen’s birthday is November 21st. My grandma’s name is Anna. Her birthday is September 3nd. My grandpa is Mark. He was born ( 出生)on December 8th. Helen and I like climbing mountains with our aunt Mary. Mary’s birthday is March 8th. We love her very much.

1. Who is Jack’s sister?________________________

2. When is Jack’s sister’s birthday?____________________________________

3. Is Jack’s grandma’s birthday March 3nd?______________________________

4. What do Helen and Jack like to do?______________________________

5. Whose birthday is in December?________________________________

篇三:《PEP五英下U3 My Birthday优秀教案》

Unit 3 My Birthday

第三单元学情分析: <<新课程标准>>的要求,强调要激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,让学生主动有效地参与学习过程。为拓展教学内容,将学生兴趣得以激发,我把教材转化成动画教学,将枯燥的教学兴趣化,将生硬的教学情景化,以体验式教学形式来引发学生的探究热情。我主要是按照“任务型教学”的结构来设计课堂活动的,运用多媒体课件进行教学。由于所设计的一系列活动始终围绕月份的学习,并且可以对伟人的诞辰进行学习,教育学生要时时缅怀伟人。本课面向的是已有一定英语基础的五年级学生,他们已经具备了初步的听、说、读、写能力,尤其是听、说、读的能力,经过近两年的学习,明显领先于写的能力。学生对于生日party特别感兴趣,尤其是对于自己身边熟悉的同学特别有询问的欲望,而且在此话下容易接受新知。所以本课适合结合学生所熟悉的交际任务开展活动,引起学生兴趣,逐步参与到教学活动中来。

第三单元教学内容分析:U3 My Birthday是学生很感兴趣的生日话题,前一课已经学过月份单词以及一些问生日在哪一月份的句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in February.PEP教材话题教材的特点是:以话题为纲,以语言结构和焦急功能为主线,逐步引导学生运用英语完成有意义的语言任务,即:话题——交际——结构——任务。本课时先对学生进行月份的听写复习,再呈现话题教学内容,最后学生完成有意义的交际任务,那就是同学之间互问生日的月份。本设计的思想是以生日为话题,以“When is your birthday?”“My birthday is in „„”和“Is your birthday in October?”为主线,设计情景,通过听、说、读、写,书面练习、任务设置、游戏激趣,调查及汇报,动手设计等等方式逐步引导学生使用英语完成实际交际的语言任务。




(2) 能够询问并回答某人生日在哪一月份,如:When is your birthday? My birthday is in June .能够表述家人或朋友的生日在哪一天,如:“Uncle Bill’s birthday is in June .”等

(3)能够询问并回答某天是几月几号,如:“What’s the date? It’s February 2nd.”

(4)能够询问并回答某人生日是否在某一月份,如:Is her birthday in June? Yes.

(5)能够听懂、会唱歌曲“ When Is Your Birthday?”。{my,birthday}.


(1)能够掌握A、B部分Let’s Learn中的生词的缩写形式,以及Read and write中的四会单词和四会句子。

(2)能够听、说、认读A、B部分Let’s talk中的句型和A、B部分Let’s learn中的三会单词。

(3)能够了解字母组合ear, eer, ch, sh的发音规则并能读出例词。

(4)了解Story time、Good to know 等部分的内容。











篇四:《Unit 3 My Birthday教学设计》

Unit 3 My Birthday{my,birthday}.


1.能听、说、读、写12个月份词汇和序数词缩写以及Read and write中的四会句子,并能在实际情境中运用。 2.能运用句型When is your birthday? What’s the date? 等来描述生日,并且在此基础上进行语言交流,展开交际活动。 3.能唱歌曲“When Is Your Birthday?”和了解Good to know, Story time等部分的内容。 4.能够了解Pronunciation中字母组合ear, eer, ch, sh的发音规则,能朗读相关的例词。 二、教材教学分析:

1.本单元要求学生在听、说、认读的基础上能进行初步的写,并能灵活地综合运用所要求的语言。要求学生能结合已学的语言知识,如:节日、季节、天气等,来讨论和表达特定日期和家人朋友的生日,并掌握日期和序数词等词汇,书写四会句子When is your birthday? My birthday is in June.等。


3.C部分与A、B部分的教学整合,从语言知识结构和语言技能递进的角度看,C部分在很大意义上是A、B部分的拓展,但是一般情况下,在课时安排中C部分是不占课时的,就需要考虑到C部分与A、B部分的整合。 三、教学重难点:

1.本单元的学习重点: 能听、说、认读12个月份的单词及序数词first, second, third等,并且能拼写出它们的缩略形式。 掌握Read and write部分四会句子When is your birthday? My birthday is in June.等的,要求能流利运用和正确读写。 能够由此及彼地介绍自己和别人的生日,如My birthday is February 2nd. 能够运用具体的月、日正确地表述节日,如Teachers' Day is on September 10th.等。

2.本单元的学习难点: 词汇教学难点是月份单词和序数词的记忆,前三个序数词的缩略形式的书写。例如像长单词January和February的发音都有一个共同字母组合ua,发音一致,教师可以点带面,帮助学生识别和掌握拼读规律动,通过划分音节和反复诵读chant的方式来操练。序数词中third, fifth, eighth的发音都比较特别,学生很容易与数字单词three, five, eight混淆,教师需要重点强调,一次指导到位。 能用正确的语音语调朗读Let’s talk和Read and write中的词句,要求学生多听多模仿录音。 四、教学准备: 单词卡片、课件、磁带、录音机等。 五、课时安排:6课时{my,birthday}.{my,birthday}.


Pep 下unit 3

My name isYan Yueqing . My birthday is in May. I have a good birthday party. My mother makes a birthday cake for me. It’s big and tasty. My father gives me a story book , because I like reading books. Many friends come to my home . They give me a lot of presents .We sing and dance together. We also have delicious food and fruit. We have a good time.

Pep 下unit 4 what are you doing?

I like weekends,because I can stay at home with my family.Today is Sunday.My parents don’t go to work.My mother is washing clothes,My father is cooking meals.My sister is reading a book.What am I doing?look,I am watching TV now.We all have a good time on the weekends.


学校: 姓名:

要求:以“My Birthday Party”(我的生日宴会)为题写一篇作文,词数不少于60个字。并把它翻译为中文.(此文时态用一般现在时) Hello! I am Li Ling. I am 12 years old. My birthday is on June 16th。In my birthday, my parents will hold a party for me. My father, my mother, my grandma, my grandpa, my brother, my uncle, my aunt, my friends and me are eat dinner together. Then we eat a big birthday cake,They say: happy birthday to you! I open the presents .Then we play or sing and dance. Tonight we are happy!


学校: 姓名:

要求:以“My Birthday Party”(我的生日宴会)为题写一篇作文,词数不少于60个字。并把它翻译为中文.(此文时态用现在进行时时) Today is my birthday. It's May 14. My name is Zhang Peng. th

I'm 11 years old. In my birthday party, Mother usually buys some books for me and my father usually buys a pair of beautiful shoes for me. I love my gifts.

My friends are coming. The boys and girls are enjoying my birthday party. They're playing games. Now, They're eating cakes. They're drinking apple juice and orange juice too. My birthday cake is very big. They say: happy birthday to Zhang Peng!

Oh, what a nice birthday party!






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