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admin 初二作文 2020-04-23 03:19:18 我生命中

篇一:《The most important person in my life作文》

The most important person in my life

I may meet many important people in my life. But as far as I am concerned, among them, mother is the most important. And in my heart, no one can replace her.

She gives me life and keeps me company at any time. When I am happy, she smiles with me. When I am sad, she wipes off my tears and cheers me up. When I am sick, she takes good care of me. When I am in difficulty, she always stands in the same boat with me. She gives me all that she can do and wants nothing. What she does moves me so much and makes me understand the real meaning of the saying “Mother’s love is like a circle. It has no beginning and no ending.”

I’m so lucky to have such a nice mother in my life. In return, I will do my best to become the most important person in her life.

篇二:《An Important Person in My Life》

An Important Person in My Life

Aside from my parents and sisters, there was an important person in my life who was my English teacher of senior high school. Up to now, I have been still thankful for her.

My English teacher named ChengXiao who was a woman about fifty years old; she was a serious but humor person, her teaching achievements always higher than all of other teacher's. Under this condition, I made great progress in my study, especially in English. Had no her help, I can’t imagine my current situation, not to mention this great university.

My English was very poor before entering her class. She had a long discussion with me after found that, she talked to me that I should fall in love with English, and read some interesting news or stories. At first, I thought it's hard to feel like English, but I thought I was really like the English after a short period, due to her humorous in class and responsible attitude after class. From then on, my English became better and better.

Thank you, Miss.Cheng. You helped me a lot. You

are really a good teacher.

篇三:《An important person in my life》

An important person in my life

Bai wenchang

Father is to me what sunshine is to flower, in my nineteen years’ life, thanks to my father, I can express my inner voices today.

Just like most people think, father is strict. In my memory, my father had little smile even he met with some exciting things—–maybe because of his character, or the heavy burden of family. My father left school when he was 14, in those times, the family had no money for him to go to school for further study, so he took the burden of supporting the family at small age.

It had been 34 years since my father left school. He has his two children now, maybe in his heart, he never thought that he would be so busy in this road of life, the time had changed, the society had improved, but he has to meet with much more difficulty and takes much more burden. He has to go out early but return late just for supporting his family, just for that his children can receive further education.

Having been many years, he always expects that his children can go to university, fortunately, I didn’t let him down, I was admitted by this key university. I still remember that day when I got the enrollment notification of the college, I knew he was satisfied, but he was worrying about the college fees. Finally, in order to afford my college fees, he became a migrant worker. I know he is toilsome, after all, he has nearly

50 years old, many years’ hardships, he has been no longer strong as he was young. Without his hardships, without my university life, I know he dare not stop working hard, I know he has contributed his whole life and all his hope to me.

Sometimes, I feel perplexed, I don’t know how to continue my college life, I want to share some difficulty of his, but I have no any ideas. I think that I just have one way to console him, I must study harder, just studying harder, his pains will be worthy!

Thank my father, thanks for his love; thank my father, thank the most important person in my life; thank my father, thank the man who cares for me most in this world!

September. 21th, 2011

篇四:《An Important Person in My Life》

An Important Person in My Life

I believe that all the people who a person interacts with every day leave a trace in one’s mind and influence some aspect of his or her personality. What is more, some people have such vivid characters, that just one meeting with them is enough to leave a strong impact. I have met many different and interesting people who have played important roles in helping me shape my personality and who have even caused significant changes in my life. For this reason, it is hard for me to choose a single person who has had an important influence on me. I can think of one person, however, who has impacted my life in the most positive way •Emy friend Gina. For the two years that I have known her, other than becoming one of my best friends, she managed to make me reconsider my values, the way I view myself, and the way I perceive life in general.

One of the main characteristics that a person first notices in Gina is her unique sense of humor. She creates the impression that she perceives everything as a joke •Eherself, other people, and the world as a wh

Experience that Influenced Me the Most

Throughout my life, there have been several events and people that influenced significantly who I am today. Among those things, Coming to Canada has become the most important influence in my life because it changed the way I look at interpersonal relationship, cultural differences and helped me to determine my identity. By moving to overseas by myself at age 22, I learned to adjust myself to new culture that is completely different from my Japanese background. I have adapted this new culture in some extent, but at the same time, I have discovered and strengthened my identity as Japanese by making myself understand others better. First, I had to learn how to communicate with people in English and went through hard time during the process. By now, I have acquired English ability that allows me not to have trouble handling things in the daily life. Acquiring new language ability is considered to be cognitive complexity, and this development affected me psychosocially as well. In the beginning of my stay in Canada, I had trouble making myself understood by Canadians. I first thought the problem is due to my poor English ability and my quiet personality. However, after I gained enough ability of English to communicate with others,

Greatest Influence

The greatest influence in my life has been my aunt. Although, her misfortune is what influenced me so greatly, she has influenced me none the less. My Aunt has been a nurse for over twenty-five years; she is the only person in my family besides myself to ever attend college. So naturally I wanted to follow in her footsteps. She was a very dignified person and always encouraging. These things about her are what led me to Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College. I enrolled in their nursing program although I could not

deal with the site and smell of blood, I pursued it anyway.

Unknown to me my aunt hid a very embarrassing secret. For years my aunt hid the fact that she was addicted to prescription medication. This was revealed only after she lost her nursing job of twenty years. This revelation sent my whole world tumbling down at full speed. I dropped out of college and began working at Burger King and became contempt with my life the way it was. Then I began to wonder what it was about the drugs that attracted her to them, what was it that kept her taking them. Once I asked her she could not tell me, I became even more interested. These interests led me to enroll in Albany technical college and pursue a degree in pharmacy technology, and as I learned about the different types of medication and how they work. I gained an even deeper interest in them. This has led me to Albany

state university pursuing a Pre-pharmacy degree.

Although it took someone close to me to lose everything they had including their self-respect to influence my life. My aunt influenced me greatly, and continues to do so. Even though she struggling to reclaim her life, she continues to motivate me in so many ways, to watch her go through so much and continue to try to rebuild her life, motivates me to keep moving forward. She is pushing herself to overcome and addiction that has consumed her for so many years and at the same time pushing me to have a life.

Who Has The Greatest Influence On Me{an,important,person,in,my,life}.

They may not know it but my parents have the most influence on my life. They don't know how much I look up to them but I do, I love my mom and dad and admire what they do for a living. I believe I have the best parents in the world. (When I do say I have the best parents I mean it because I have had

different parents).

My parents display all the characteristics of what a real hero should be. They are always their when I am at the bottom of my game, they always back me up on the decisions I make even though I don't chose

the wisest path to take. They love me and they will always be my hero.

They have played a big role in my life. When they adopted me they were told that I had a learning disability, they said that I had problems learning and comprehending things; that I was slow. My parents rejected that diagnostics and said that all I needed was some motivation. They motivated me to work to the best of my ability. My ability was way more then they said I would be able to accomplish. With out my parents, I would have been treated like I was slow for the rest of my life. With out my parents'

motivation, then I wouldn't be where I am now academically.

Both my parents are hard workers and have rubbed that quality on me. My dad works two jobs and{an,important,person,in,my,life}.

loves his teaching job as a Taekwondo instructor. My mom works at a nursing home and always puts in 50 plus a week. I try to work just as hard as them both at various jobs and at school. They have taught me to put school before work or play they have also taught me to stay focused on my school work

because with out an education you won't get to far in life.

My parents have always been caring. If they hadn't cared about me or my brother then only God would know where we would be in our life right now. With my parents caring attitude they have taught me how to car too. I know what it is like to care and be responsible for other people and things. Caring

and responsibility are part of the job that I have…

篇五:《An Important Person in My Life》




Directions: 24416 An Important Person in My Life 2013-10-09 06:00:00 – 2013-10-20 23:59:00 Write a short passage about An Important Person in My Life. First describe

him/her; then tell why he/she is important. You should write at least 120


备注: You can refer to Page 31 of the textbook.

An Important Person in My Life

I have a good friend,and his name is LiYu.We are classmates in Senior High School,and I treat him as my best friend forever.

He is 175centimeters tall and a little fat.His face looks very round,so does his head.He always keeps a hairstyle which makes him very ordinary in the crowd.His mandarin is not so fluent that our classmates and teachers seldom understand what he was saying during the class.In other words, He is good at sports,especially table tennis.

He is especially important because he treat me as his best friend and so do I.In my senior high school,he is the only person who often has a heart-to-heart talk with me,and we often help each other. Once upon a time,he told me that whatever I do,whatever I am in the future,he will treat me like before,and we are friends forever.

篇六:《An important person in my life 重要的一天》

An important person in my life (我生命中一个重要的人)

My mother is the most important person in my life. I love my mother very much.

My mother gave me birth to me. From then on, she keeps company with me, giving me encourage to overcome difficulties in my way of growing up, sharing my happiness about my progress. As we all know, parents are the best teachers of their children, they teach our a lot of things. My mother lets me know what love is, and I should often help others. When I meet trouble, mother often says:” believe yourself, you can do.” When we meet trouble, mother always braves. I want to brave, just like mother. I’m so happy to have such a good mother. I will keep on study, never let her down. and I believe my dream will come true.

I love my mother, she is not only my mother, but she is also my good friend.{an,important,person,in,my,life}.

An important thing in my life (我生命中重要的一件事)

if someone asks me:” what is an important thing in you life?” I will tell you that dream is very important in my life.

篇七:《An important person in my life》

篇八:《The most important person in my life》

The most important person in my life(16){an,important,person,in,my,life}.

Among all the people in my life, my dada seems to be the most important one. I have gained great love and care from him since I was born.

He is just like the light tower in my life. When I feel puzzled, his advice and words can always bring me the power to figure out the problem. What’s more, I can learn a lot from him. Although he is a man with few words, his love and care for our family still lets me know how to be a responsible person. His hardworking spirit also has great influence on me.

Although the world is changing every day, my father will always be the most important person in my life. What I gain from him is the greatest thing in the world—— love.

篇九:《The most important person in my life》

The most important person in my life

My mother is the most important person in my life .She gave birth to me .From then on , She keeps company with me , giving me courage to overcome difficulties in my way of growing up, sharing my happiness about any progress I made.As we all know ,parents are the best teachers of their children,they teach them some necessary skills which are needed in life,such as communication skills and learning skills. So do my parents,especially my mother .She lets me know what love is ,and what the most precious thing is.From my mother,I know that I shoud treat everyone sincerely,and take care of my friends as much as I can.By doing this I Can go well with people and win a good environment of growing up . Beside this ,I get courage from her .Because no matter comes across with what kind of difficulties,my mother always can overcome bravely .I want to be brave , just like my mother. I’ m so grateful to have such a perfect mother.I will keep going in my way ,try my best to realize my dream ,never let her down.I’m not scared ,because I’m not alone !

So You see,there must be a special person in everyone’s life,no matter who he is ,he really plays an significant role in

our daily life .He has such vital impact on us that we leave an unique space deep in our heart for them.Maybe we don’t contact with him very often,but once something happen,happy or sad,we want to share with them at the first time .I guess there must be a person appear in your mind at this moment.Can I know who he or she is ?

篇十:《An important thing in my life》

An important thing in my life

There are many important things such as love, study and travel in my life. But among them, reading is the most important because books open a new world for me. I learn a lot of knowledge from reading. I like to read different kinds of books. The most relaxing thing in my spare time is to read a good book in the warm sun. I believe that a good book can amuse and instruct us in youth, comfort and console us in age and I will keep reading till the last day of my life.

To be a/an hardworking person

The world is full of challenge(挑战). If you are not wise enough, you will not be able to live a good life. But what can we do to make us wise? In my opinion, the only way is to work hard. As a student, I listen to the teachers carefully in class and finish my homework perfectly every day. If I have some free time, I will read more books to expand my knowledge. I know that I’m the artist who paints my future with the brush of today and I hope to be a hardworking artist.

An unforgettable experience

I’ll always remember that day in my life. It was in May, 2009. All the Grade Eight students in our school went to Chongming Island to celebrate our fourteenth birthday. It was the first time that we celebrated our birthday together. All of us were excited. We sang, danced and ate birthday cakes at the party. The most exciting moment was to read the letters from our parents. A lot of students were moved because suddenly we realized we were the artists who painted our future with the brush of today.

I want to learn to cook

Life is full of challenge, so we can’t stop the step of learning. Although the knowledge in our books is important, different skills in our daily life are also important. For the time being, I want to learn to cook. First, it will be convenient if I can cook. I can cook any delicious food I want to eat. Second, if my parents are busy, I can cook dinner for them. I think they will be very happy. Although it’s not easy for me to cook delicious food, I believe if I try my best, nothing comes between success and me.

Everyone needs help

Everyone is not perfect to do everything. We often get help from others in our daily life. In return to the help from others, we must help other people as often as possible. There a saying goes: You will feel good if you do something{an,important,person,in,my,life}.

good to others. So I sometimes help clean our neighborhood. If my friends or classmates are in trouble, I will give them a hand without hesitation. I also raise a lot of money for the poor. I believe that happiness comes from helping others.{an,important,person,in,my,life}.

A Person I Admire

People usually admire famous people, but the person I admire most is my mother. She is tall and slim. Although she is always busy with her work as well as our family, she still tries her best to help others. She sometimes helps clean our neighborhood. If our friends are in trouble, she will give a hand without thinking. She also raises a lot of money for the poor. Mum is such a helpful person that almost everyone likes her. She often says: You will feel good if you do something good to others.

Overcome difficulties

Difficulties are everywhere. Only the person who overcomes them with a strong power will be successful. Once I was not good at subjects at school. I always got

C grades. When I became a Grade Nine student, I suddenly felt worried because I would face an important turning in my life. I decided to work hard. I listened to the teachers carefully in class. I did more exercises after class. Although I met a lot of difficulties, I didn’t give up. Now I have done better in my study. I believe that nothing is impossible for a willing heart and I will try to overcome all the difficulties in my life.

One earth, One world

The earth is the home of human beings, all kinds of plants and animals. In order to live a happy life, we need to protect it. First, we must save water because fresh water is limited. Second, we must plant more trees because trees can make our air clean and cool. What’s more, we can ride bicycles or take the underground instead of driving cars. In this way, the air we breathe will be cleaner. All of us must remember: We have only one earth. Protecting the earth is to protect ourselves.

This is my life

Although my life is full of tests, books, and countless exercises, I can still find happiness from it. At home, my parents often tell jokes to make me relaxed. They always prepare nice breakfast and dinner for me. I can feel love from them all the time. I study in a class which is like a big family. All the classmates help and encourage each other. We feel happy when we discuss and work out difficult problems together. We feel happy when we play in the playground. Even the short break after a test also makes me happy. To me, life is a journey and I think it’s a journey of constant learning, of happiness, of love.

My way of learning

Different people have different ways of learning. Some people learn by hard work while others learn by smart work. I don’t think I’m smart enough, so I always believe: Practice makes perfect. When I started to learn English, I felt it was difficult. I told myself not to give up. I read and practiced whenever I had free time. I listened to the English songs quite often to make me get interested in it. I also asked my friends or teachers for help. Now I can speak fluent English and always get high marks in the test and I realize that nothing is impossible for a willing heart.



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