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admin 初二作文 2020-04-23 03:19:18 动词短语

篇一:《my holiday 英语作文》

My holiday

In my holiday, I would like to go Australia. It’s a very good place to visit. And it’s very beautiful


Australia is big country. It covers an area of 7.6 million square kilometers. It has a population of over 10 million.It is one of the famous Oceanian country. The country is famous for its wool production and seashore tour and many other things.Many people spend their holiday there.Australia is on the south coast of the Pacific. So Beijing is far from Australia .It would take more than 10 hours to get there.

First, I

would go to

The Opera

House.It is in

the Sydney. It

is very famous

in the world. It is known by many people in the world.So I would go to The Opera House.

I would go to see the


s too.

They live

in the


And they are very famous.And there are lots of others animals too. They all are known by many people.

I am looking

forward to going to


篇二:《Unit 4 My Holiday教案》{my,holiday}.{my,holiday}.{my,holiday}.

Unit 4 My Holiday


Ⅰ.Teaching Aims:(教学目标)

1、The aims to the knowledge :To enable the Ss to listen, speak, read, and spell the following verb phrases: learned Chinese, sang and danced, took pictures, climbed a mountain, ate good food .Then understand the Oral Communication: what did you do on your holiday? I learned Chinese, and know how to use them. To be able to use general the past type to ask other people what they did, and can answer the questions as quickly and right as you can.

知识目标:能够听、说、读、写 以下动词短语:learned Chinese, sang and danced, took pictures, climbed a mountain, ate good food。并能理解运用what did you do on your holiday ? I learned Chinese.等进行口语交际。能够用一般过去式询问别人在过去的时间里干了什么事,能够快速准确回答。

2、The aims to the abilities:

a. To improve the Ss ability of listening and speaking. b. To encourage the Ss to communicate with the others actively c. To talk about their holiday activities in English, and to build their confidence and oral English skills when communication.{my,holiday}.


3、The aims to the emotion: Through activities, songs, games inspire students' interests in English study, let the students have the courage and are happy to speak English.


II. Teaching Importance and Difficulties:(教学重、难点)

1. The key teaching point of this class is grasping five verb phrases of their Past Forms

2. The difficulties of this lesson are spelling and writing these six following words: took, learned, sang, danced, ate, and climbed.

Teacher should take more examples, through the targeted to dill as much as possible until the students on the top of them.


2.本课时的教学难点是以下六个单词的拼读和拼写:took, learned, sang, danced, ate, climbed。教师要多示范,通过有针对性的反复操练直到学生熟练掌握。

III. advance preparations: (课前准备)

1. Recorder and Related tapes

2. Five verb phrases Courseware about the part A Let’s learn, some cards

3. Cards of past type of verbs phrases which have been learned in unit3.

4. Prepare several pieces of Photos of the scenic spots, Courseware PPT. 5. Prepare some stick figures related the text and master drawing

6. A camera, Song tape of What’s your favourite season


2.A Let us learn部分五个动词短语的课件及卡片。

3.Unit 3中学过的动词过去式短语的卡片。



6.一架相机,What’s your favourite season的歌曲录音带。 IV. Teaching Procedures:(教学步骤)

1. Warm-up

1)Draw some stick figures on the blackboard, respectively show learn Chinese, sing and dance, take pictures, climb a mountain, eat good food these phrases, draw a circle under the picture. Put the whole class into two groups, choose a classmate from each group, ask two classmates back facing of the blackboard, and playing the game of pat words.

Teacher tell about the rules of the game, speak words in a low voice with the mouth, the students exclaim the words, teacher repeat it, then say

“start”, two classmates turn round and pat the circle under the word, who pat the word quickly and right who representative the team will win, the winner will get a score, the lost team will sing an English song.

在黑板上画几幅简笔画,分别表现出learn Chinese, sing and dance, take pictures, climb a mountain, eat good food 这些词组,在图画的下面画一个圈。把全班同学分成两组,每组选出一名同学,请两名同学背对着黑板,进行拍单词游戏。老师讲游戏规则,老师用口型小声说出单词,下面的同学大声说出来,老师再重复一遍,然后喊开始,两名同学转身拍单词下面的圈,拍得又快又准的代表的那组的同学得一分,最后输得那组的同学要唱一首英文歌。

2)when The students in high spirits, play the first song of this unit Let 's chant, teach students listening and singing.

在同学们情绪高昂的时候,播放本单元的第一首歌Let’s chant, 教学生边听边唱。

2. Preview

1)tree talk(自由谈话) T: Just now you all did good job! Come on! Playing games is fun, taking a trip has more fun. This class we will learn Unit 4 My Holiday. (The teacher writes the title, the students read it)Now please open your books, turn to page 38.Look at pages, and let’s start. (看38页let’s start图,展开讨论,在与学生的交流中自然引入新的词组。){my,holiday}.

T: Do you like holiday?

S: Yes, I do.

T: What do you usually do on your holiday?

S1: I usually watch TV.

S2: I usually do my homework.

(S3: I usually go on trips.)


T: very well. Do you go on trips?

S: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

T: Good, who used to go on trip?

S: I did.

T: Where did you go?

S: I went to……

T: What did you do during your trips?

S1: I ate good food.

S2: I went shopping.

S3: I took pictures.

T: It sounds interesting. Now let us start our trip, follow me……

2)Let’s start

The teacher show PPT figure of this part, look at the pictures, guess what does the person do? Guide the students answer the questions according to the pictures.



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