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admin 初二作文 2020-04-23 03:19:18 生日妈妈

篇一:《小学英语作文-My Mother's Birthday 妈妈的生日》

小学英语作文:My Mother's Birthday 妈妈的生日

My Mother's Birthday 妈妈的生日

March 19th Saturday Rainy

Today is mother's birthday, but I didn't know what to by for her. A watch was a good present, but it was too expensive for me to buy. Flowers were not so expensive, but they would die soon. A birthday cake was too sweet and mother didn't like it.

Then father thought a good idea. He said, "Why don't we make a wonderful dinner for her? That will show our love for her!" Oh, that was good. Love is the most expensive present in the world.

I will never forget the smile on mother's face when we were having supper together.


3月19日 星期六 有雨




篇二:《My mother's birthday》

M y mother‟s birthday

Hello. My name is Lily . I am 11 years old . Let‟s talk about “My mother „s birthday”.

Everyone has a birthday . Birthday is the important day for everyone . When my birthday comes , my parents must buy presents for me and cook a good meal for me . My friends come to my house . They say “Hello!” to me with good presents . I am very happy .

Now Iam growing up . I also learn to care for others . I also remember my mother‟s birthday . On that day , I must go home and do some housework . I can make my mother glad . I have no money . I make birthday card for her . I can sing birthday song to her . When I do these things . She is very happy and say “Thank you ”to me . When your mother‟s birthday come, What can you do ? Please don‟t forget it .

篇三:《小学英语作文-妈妈的生日(My mother's birthday)》

小学英语作文:妈妈的生日(My mother's birthday)

妈妈的生日(My mother's birthday)

My mother's birthday is in winter. Its February 25th.Our family was happy. My brother and I went to birthday cake store and bought a big birthday cake for her. My aunt gave flowers to her. She's very happy. At night we all went to a five stars restaurant. The food was very good. After dinner we gave the cake to mother. She's very happy. We said "happy birthday" to my mother. Collected By

I love my mother.

篇四:《PEP英语五年级第三单元My Birthday-329》

PEP英语五年级第三单元My Birthday!

1.When is +某人的+ birthday?

your her

+’ s


2.某人的+birthday+is +in +月份.{my,mother’s,birthday}.





3. —What’什么日期?

—It’s +月份 +几号(序数词)。

March, April, May June, July, August 月份 September, October, November December, January, February 4.节日。

New Year’s Day ( January 1st) Women’s Day (March 8th)

Tree Planting Day (March 12th) Children’s Day (June 1st)

Army Day ( August 1st) Teacher’s Day (September 10th)

National Day (October 1st)


1.When is Children’s Day? It’ A.May B. June C. July

2.Our National Day is A. October 1st B. September 10th C. March 12th

3.The Tree Planting Day is in . A.May B. June C. July

4.Teacher’s Day is A. October 10th B. September 10th C. November 10th

5.How many are there in May? A. Birthday B. birthday C. birthdays

6.How many are there in park? A. tree B.bird C. Trees

7.January is the A.third B.second C. first

8.October is the month in the year. A. ninth B.tenth C.eleventh

9.December is the A.tenth B. twentieth C.twelve

10.March is the month in the year. A.first B.second C.third

谁在五月生日? Who+ 动词第三人称 + 名词?

谁的生日在五月? Whose + 名词 + is + 宾语?

— whose 谁的


1.gets up, at 7:00, who, ? 2.likes, apples, who,? 3.has,birthday, in, who, May,?


1) — Yes, it . / No,it

2) he have a computer? — Yes, he{my,mother’s,birthday}.


1.—–Does he like to go hiking? . A.Yes, he is. B. No, he does. C. No, he doesn’t.

2.—–Is your father’. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is . C. Yes, it does.

A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, she isn’t . C. Yes, she is.

4.—-Do you have a birthday card? A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I do.


1)–What are you doing?

2) — I’

3) –Let’s make a birthday card. –Good idea.

4) –Everyone likes to get birthday cards.

5) –She won’听力练习。选择你听到的单词或者句子。

( )1.A.Feb. B. Jan C. Apr ( )2. A.spring B.summer C. Fall

( )3.A.sunny B. Cool C. Cold ( )4.A.month B. Mother C. Father

( )5.A. Which C. When C. Where ( )6A. Uncle B.cousin C. Under

( )7.A.July B.June C. May ( )8A. Birthday B. Monday C.Tuesday

( )9.A.speak B. Speed C. Ski ( )10A.ski B. Skate C. Sky

( )11.A.sky B.fly C.cry ( )12.A. November B. September C. October

( )13.A. I like spring best. B. I like to swim best. C. I like snow best.

( )14.A.When is your birthday? B. When is her birthday?

( )15.A. My birthday is in July. B. My mother’s birthday is in June.

( )16.A.Is your grandpa’s birthday in May? B. Is your granma’s birthday in August?

( )17.A.February is in spring. B. February is in Winter.

( )18. A I like to make a snowman in winter. B. I like to swim in summer.

( )19.A. How many birthdays are there in January? B. How many weeks are there in January?

( )20.A.When do you often get up? B. When do yu often wake up?

( )21.A. Why do you like witer? B. Why do you like summer?

( )22.A. It’s always cool and windy. B. It’s always cold and windy.

( )23.A.I can sleep a long time. B. I can skate a long time.

( )24.A. My uncle’s birthday is in June. B. My cousin’s birthday is in July.



I have a big family. There are 6 people in my family. My father is a teacher. His birthday is in February. My mother’s birthday is in February. My grandpa is a farmer. His birthday is in July. It’s in summer. So it is always hot. My grandma’s birthday is in November. It’s cool. Because it’s in fall. My brother and I were born(出生)in March and April. It’s in spring. So I like spring. What about you?


( )1.How many people are there in the family? A. Seven B. Six C.Eight

( ) 2.When is my grandpa’s birthday? A.July B. June C. March

( ) 3. Which season is my grandpa’s birthday in ? A. Spring B. Summer C. Fall

( ) 4.When is my brother’s birthday? A. April B. July C. March

( )5. How many birthdays are there in February? A.One B. Two C. Three


( )1. My family is big.

( )2. My mother is a teacher.

( )3. I like spring.

( )4. My brother’s birthday is in spring.

( )5.My grandma’s birthday is in November.

Let's find out.找出不同类的单词。(8分)

1.( )A.one B.two C. second D.three

2.( )A. Monday B. Novermber C. December D.February

3.( )A. twelfth B. twentieth C. second D.twelve

4.( )A. birthday B. Children’s Day C. National Day D.Tree-planting Day

5.( )A.spring B. summer C. fall D.season

6.( )A.Monday B. Tuesday C. Army Day D.Sunday

7.( )A.sister B. brother C. mother D.friend

8.( )A. the first B. the eighth C. the twelfth D.nine{my,mother’s,birthday}.

二、Look and write.写出下列单词的缩写。(12分)

1. November___________________ 2. August_______________________

3. September___________________ 4. first_________________________

5. twelfth ______________________ 6. third ________________________

三、Choose the right answers.选择填空。(10分)

( )1. My birthday is ___________ May. A. at B. in C. on D. of

( )2. ___________ is the first month of a year.A. February B. December C. October D. January ( )3. ___________ is Children's Day? A. When B. What C.Which D. Why

( ) 4. ——What's the date? ——_______________. A. In July B. April 4th C. March D. 9th ( )5. ——Is your birthday in June?——__________________.

A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it isn't. C. No, it isn't. D. No, it is.

( )7. ——When is your birthday?——It's in ____________.

A. third B. January C. 20th D. 8:30

( )8.When _______ your birthday? A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )9.My birthday is in July. Aunt Mary's birthday is in July,_________.

A. either B. to C. too D. two

( )10.——When is National Day? ——____________________.

A. It's September 10th. B. It's March 12th. C. It's December 25th. D. It's October 1st. Let’s arrange. 连词成句。 (10分){my,mother’s,birthday}.{my,mother’s,birthday}.

1. your when is birthday (?)


2. birthday June in her is (.)


3. what date the is (?)


4. her in birthday May is (?)


5. has birthday a who October in (?)



新目标英语七年级下册Units 7-9单元月考测试卷

班级 姓名 得分

一、单项选择 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

( )1. The hotel is ______ the bank.

A. across B. from C. across form D. next

( )2. Kite is a very tall girl long straight hair.

A in B with C have D has

( )3.—-Would you like something to eat? —- .

A. Yes, please B. No, just a little C. No, thanks D. Thank you

( )4. There isn’t a restaurant ______ here.

A. in B. near C. from D. on

( )5. — How is it ________? — It’s not bad.

A. go B. going C. goes D. is

( )6. _______ any books on the desk?

A. There is B. There are C. Is there D. Are there

( )7. —-What does your new friend look like? —-She is tall and has hair.

A curly blonde short B short curly blonde

C short blonde curly C blonde short curly

( )8. Jeff loves jokes.

A to say B to tell C to play D saying

( )9. — ______ is the weather like? —- It’s windy.

A. What B. How C. When D. Where

( )10. Everybody what his name is.

A know B knows C knowing D is knowing

( )11. —It is windy and rai ny today —That ______ terrible.

A. listens B. sounds C. looks D. hears

( )12. Alice spends too much time _______computer games.

A.play B.plays C.to play D.playing

( )13. My sister enjoys________the guitar in the park every morning.

A.play B.plays C.playing D.to play

( )14. I arrive in Shanghai the morning of May 1st.

A in B on C at D for

( )15. Wang Kai is sitting the pool,and his sister is skating a river.

A in by B by on C on on D by in

二、完型填空( 共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

Li Yan is a Chinese girl. She loves ice cream very much. Linda is English. She ice creams, too. Li Yan and Linda are in the same class. They are good friends. They often buy and eat together. There is an ice cream shop near their the shop is famous (出名的)for its nice ice creams. There are all of fruit ice creams in it. Li Yan likes strawberry and ice creams. Linda likes apple and orang ice creams.

hot. After school, Li Yan and Linda to eat ice Creams, because the shop has some great today. Two apple ice creams are only $1. And there are candies in ice creams. If you eat these ice creams, you can another free(免费的)ice cream. Li Yan and Linda hope to be lucky to eat free ice creams.

( ) 1. A. has B. buys C. sells D. likes

( ) 2.A. oranges B. salad C. ice creams D. dessert

( ) 3. A. and B.but C. so D. or

( ) 4. A. sizes B. kinds C. prices D. bowls

( ) 5. A. chicken B. mutton C. tea D. banana

( ) 6. A. a bit of B. a little C. A kind D. a little of

( ) 7. A. enjoy B. need C. want D. would

( ) 8. A. specials B. food C. menus D. time

( ) 9. A. any B. some C. all D. every

( ) 10. A. see B. show C. do D. get



Now many boys wear the same (同样的) clothes as girls , and some of them have long hair. So sometimes it’s difficult to tell whether(是否) they are boys or girls.

One Sunday morning, I go for a walk with my grandfather in the park near my house. After a while, my grandfather is tired, so he sits down on a bench(长椅) near the pool.

“Oh,” my grandfather says to the person with long curly hair next to him on the bench..“Can you see the person with long hair on the other side of the pool? Is it a boy or a girl?”

“Which one?” asks the person with long curly hair.

“He’s a boy,” says the person,“he’s my son, Li Yu.”

“Oh,”my grandfather says,“I’m sorry, I don’t know you are his mother. ”

“No, I’m not his mother. I’m his father.”


( )1.The writer’s house is near a .

A clothes stores B bank C post office D park

( )2.One Sunday morning, the writer’s grandfather .

A goes shopping B goes swimming C goes for a walk D goes to the bank

( )3.Li Yu’s father .



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