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篇一:《初中英语作文:Chinese New Year 中国新年》

初中英语作文:Chinese New Year 中国新年

1.Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is coming and my family is very busy. It's because Chinese New Year is very special and important. We must prepare many special things to get ready for this festival.

First, will make a big New Year meal. Second, we will make "Good-luck wishes." Third, we will set off firecrackers. New Year meal is delicious and we think that eating some will bring us good luck. A long time ago, Chinese people believed red color could bring our good luck too. And we set off firecrackers could frighten ghosts away.

Chinese New Year is very popular between students. Because we can have a long happy holiday.


Where's my dream

It's to visit Tian'anmen Square in Beijing

in a sunny summer morning

Oh,what's Beijing

Is she a young lady

who is teaching the chldren to sing

before the building

What's the building

It's the Great Hall of the People

one of the most famous places in Beijing

I hope my dream will come true tomorrow morning

Let's go there,singing and dancing

篇二:《6A Unit 8 Chinese New Year课文文本》

Unit 8 Chinese New Year

How to write an English email? See page 91

Story time

Chinese New Year is coming. Su Hai gets an email from her e-friend Anna in Hong Kong. To: Su Hai

Subject: Chinese New Year

Dear Su Hai,

How are you? It’s going to be Chinese New Year next week. I’m very excited.

Tomorrow, my family and i are going to buy some new clothes and food. Then, in the evening, we’re going to make some cakes and tangyuan.

On Chinese New Year’s Eve, we’re going to have dinner with my grandparents, my aunt, my uncle and my cousin. Then, we’re going to buy some flowers.

On Chinese New Year’s Day, my parents are going to give me red packets. Then, we’re going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon.

On the second day of Chinese New Year, we’re going to watch fireworks in the evening. What are you going to do at Chinese New Year?



Look and order

What is Anna going to do at Chinese New Year?

Think and write

Complete the notes

Before Chinese New Year

buy ________________ and _____________________

make ___________________ and ___________________________

On Chinese New Year’s Eve

_____________________________ with family

buy _______________________________

On Chinese New Year’s Day

get ______________ from parents

watch ___________________________

On 2nd day of Chinese New Year

watch ______________________

Grammar time

we’re = we are

they’re = they are

Fun time

Pick and say

Pick one!


What are you going to do at Chinese New Year?

I’m going to have a big dinner with my parents and grandparents. I’m going to …

Sound time

The cook is looking at a cookbook

To look for something good{my,chinese,new,year}.

The cook is looking at a cookbook

To cook us something good.






Culture time

Christmas is the most important holiday in the UK.

Chinese New Year is the most important festival in China. We also call it “Spring Festival”. Thanksgiving is a very important holiday in the US.{my,chinese,new,year}.

Cartoon time

1 It is Chinese New Year’s Eve. Bobby’s mum is cooking dumplings in the kitchen.


2 Bobby and Tina get red packets after dinner.

Look, Tina. I have a red packet. I’m rich now.

I have a red packet too.

3 Bobby and Tina are talking about their plans for Chinese New Year’s Day.

What are we going to do tomorrow?

We’re going to see Aunt Alice in the morning and watch fireworks in the evening.


4 Bobby and Tina are watching fireworks.

What a nice cake!

Checkout time

Choose and write

Su Hai is writing an email to Anna. Help her complete the email.

eat dumplings read packets have dinner firecrackers and fireworks

happy Chinese New Year buy a lot of things excited

To: Anna

Subject: Re: Chinese New Year

Dear Anna,

It was nice to get your email. I’m ______________ about Chinese New Year too.

My family is going to ____________________ tomorrow. On Chinese New Year’s Eve, we are going to _________________ with our grandparents. After dinner, we’re going to light some _______________. Then, we’re going to watch TV together.

We’re going to _________________ at 12 o’clock. After that, my sister and I are going to say “Happy Chinese New Year” to my parents and grandparents. They’re going to give us _________. On Chinese New Year’s Day, we’re going to see my uncle and aunt and say “________________” to them. We’re going to have a lot of fun.


Su Hai.

Ask and answer

What are you going to do at Chinese New Year?


Who are you going to visit?


What are you going to eat?


What food are you going to make?


What places are you going to visit?


Ticking time

I can talk about Chinese New Year.

I can use “am/ is / are going to …” to talk about plans. I know the sound of “oo”.

篇三:《六上 Unit8Chinese New Year 单元知识归纳》

Unit8 Chinese New Year 单元知识归纳


1.Chinese New Year中国新年 24.be coming来了

2.get an email from her e-friend得到一封来自她网友的邮件

3.in Hong Kong在香港 25.be going to打算做某事

4.next week下周 26.be excited兴奋的,激动的

5.my family我的家人 27.buy some new clothes 买些新衣服

6.in the evening在晚上 28.my aunt我的阿姨

7.make some cakes and tangyuan买些蛋糕和汤圆

8.on Chinese New Year’s Eve在除夕夜

9.have dinner with my grandparents和我的祖父母一起吃晚饭

10.my cousin我的表妹 29. buy some flowers买些花

11.on Chinese New Year’s Day在大年初一 30.my parents我的父母

12.give me red packets给我红包 31.get red packets得到红包

13.watch a lion dance看舞狮表演 32.in the afternoon在下午

14.on the second day of Chinese New Year在大年初二

15.watch fireworks看烟花 33.at Chinese New Year在中国新年

16.look for something good寻找一些好东西

17.cook dumplings煮饺子 34.in the kitchen在厨房里

18.after dinner晚饭后 35.be rich富有的

19.talk about their plans for Chinese New Year’s Day谈论中国新年的计划

20.see Aunt Alice看爱丽丝阿姨

21.What a nice cake!= How nice the cake is!多漂亮的蛋糕啊!

22.Happy Chinese New Year!中国新年快乐!36.say … to …对……说……

23.what food什么食物 37.what places什么地方

38.the most important holiday最重要的节日 40I’m very excited.我很兴奋

39.light some fireworks and firecrackers点烟花和鞭炮


1. What are you going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve?除夕夜你打算干什么?

2. I’m/We’re going to make some cakes and tangyuan.我(们)打算做蛋糕和汤圆。

3. What are they going to buy on Chinese New Year’s Eve?除夕夜他们准备买什么?

4. They’re going to buy some flowers.他们准备买花。

5. What is he going to eat at Chinese New Year?他在中国新年打算干什么?

6. He’s going to have a big dinner.他打算吃大餐。

7. What is she going to watch on Chinese New Year’s Day?大年初一她打算看什么?

8. She’s going to watch a lion dance and fireworks.她打算看舞狮和烟花。

9. It’s going to be Chinese New Year next week.下周是中国新年。



I'm going to play the piano tomorrow.

1.句子结构:①be going to do(do指动词原形,be有is, am , are 三种形式, 它随人称变化而变化 )

②will+ do.

2.标志词:tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next 短语(eg: next week, next Sunday,—), this morning/afternoon/evening

3.否定句:在be动词(am, is, are)后加not或情态动词will后加not成won't。 例如:I'm going to have a picnic this afternoon.→ I'm not going to have a picnic this afternoon.

4.一般疑问句: be或will提到句首,some改为any, and改为or,第一二人称互换。

例如:We are going to go on an outing this weekend. →

Are you going to go on an outing this weekend?

5.对划线部分提问:一般情况,一般将来时的对划线部分有三种情况。 ※问人。Who 例如:I'm going to New York soon. →Who's going to New York?

※问干什么。What … do.例如: My father is going to watch a race with me this afternoon. →What is your father going to do with you this afternoon.

※问什么时候。When.例如:She's going to go to bed at nine. →When is she going to bed?

6.同义句:be going to = will

I am going to go swimming tomorrow(明天). = I will go swimming tomorrow.



2. 在辅音字母f, l, m, n, s前的字母组合oo也发音素[u:]的音。如:roof(屋顶),school(学校),soon(不久),goose(鹅)等.有一个特例词要特别注意,它就是:wool[u](羊毛);

3. 在字母t前的字母组合oo发音素[u:]的音。如:boot(靴子),tooth(牙齿),特例词:foot[u](脚);

4. 字母组合oo在字母d和k前发音素[u]的音。如:good(好),book(书),look(看),特例词:food[u:](食物);

5 在字母l和d之间的字母组合oo发音素[]的音。如:blood(血),flood(洪水)等.

/ / cool, food, moon, school, soon, too, room, zoo, bedroom, room, noon,

foolish, cartoon, balloon, tooth, classroom, choose……

/ / book, cook, look, took, foot , good, wood, football…

篇四:《6A Unit 8 Chinese New Year知识点梳理》

6A Unit 8 Chinese New Year 知识点梳理


get 收到,接到 next week 下周 food 食物,食品 rich 富有的,有钱的 plan 计划,打算 e-friend 网友


Hong Kong 香港 tangyuan 汤圆 red packet 红包 lion dance舞狮 fireworks 烟花表演 firecracker鞭炮 hooray 好极了light 点燃 Christmas 圣诞节 festival 节日 also 也,还 Spring Festival 春节 Thanksgiving 感恩节


1、Spring Festival 春节

2、Chinese New Year is coming.中国新年就要到了。

3、get an email from her e-friend收到一封来自她的网友的电子邮件

4、in Hong Kong 在香港

5、next week year下周 明年

6、How are you ? 你好吗?

7、be going to do sth =will do sth 将要做某事,打算做某事

8、It’s going to be Chinese New Year next week.下周就要到中国新年了。

9、I’m very excited.我非常激动兴奋。

10、be excited 激动,兴奋

11、excite激动(形容词)excited(激动的形容人)exciting (形容事物令人激动)



13、my family and I 我的家人和我

14、buy some new clothes and food 买一些新衣服和食物

15、in the morning afternoon evening在上午下午晚上

16、make some cakes and tangyuan 做一些蛋糕和汤圆

17、We’re going to make some cakes and tangyuan.我们打算做一些蛋糕和汤圆。

18、Chinese New Year’s Eve 除夕

19、on Chinese New Year’s Eve在除夕

20、on Chinese New Year’s Day在大年初一

21、on the second day of Chinese New Year在大年初二(中国新年的第二天)

22、at Chinese New Year 在中国新年

23、one一(序数词) first第一

24、two二(序数词) second 第二

25、have dinner吃晚饭

26、have dinner with my grandparents 和我的爷爷奶奶一起吃晚饭

27、my aunt and uncle 我的阿姨和叔叔

28、my cousin 我的堂弟表妹

29、buy some flowers 买一些花

30、We’re going to buy some flowers.我们打算买一些花。

31、my parents = my father and mother我的父母

32、red packets 红包

33、give me red packets 给我红包

34、get red packets 收到红包

35、watch a lion dance 观看舞狮{my,chinese,new,year}.

36、watch a dragon dance观看舞龙

37、We’re going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon.下午我们将要观看舞狮。

38、watch fireworks 观看烟花表演

39、watch firecrackers 观看鞭炮表演

40、What are you going to do at Chinese New Year?你将要在中国新年干什么?

41、We’re going to watch fireworks in the evening.我们将要在晚上观看烟花表演。

42、What are you going to do on Christmas Day ? 在圣诞节你将要干什么?

43、I’m going to have a big dinner with my parents.




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