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admin 初二作文 2020-04-23 03:19:18 感叹句谓语

篇一:《My Lifestyle作文》

My Lifestyle

Hello!Everyone!How are you?Do you want to know about my lifestyle?Oh,yes!Let me tell you.First,I don’t like fruit.Because it tasted really bad.But it’s good for my health,so I eat fruit three times a week.My homework is too much,so I stay up late every day,that I only sleep six hours every night,I eat junk food twice a week,I know it’s not good for my health,but it tasted good.I usually drink coffee. I think the coffee is so good. I eat breakfast every day.I never eat fast food.I know it’s not good for my health,and it’s so terrible! I don’t like playing sports.But I have P.E. Class,so I have to exercise twice a week.I’m so busy,that I only watch TV one hour a week.And my mom says,it’s bad for my eyes and ma health.I drink milk everyday.I don’t like milk,but my mom says it’s good for me.I eat vegetables everyday.It is good for me to eat vegetables,because it’s healthy for me. Oh,this is my lifestyle.I think I’m a little health.What about you?Whats your lifestyle?Please tell me.

My Lifestyle

I think I have a great lifestyle.Now,let me tell you about my lifestyle:

I eat breakfast almost every day,because eating breakfast is healthy for me.I eat vegetables and fruit almost every day,because it’s delicious!I do exercises once a week,because it’s healthy for me.I watch TV once to four times every day,although it’s unhealthy for me.I usually sleep eight or more hours at night.I drink milk twice a week, although I don’t like milk,but my mother wants me to drink it.I eat junk food a few times a week.I go to the dentist once a month.I never eat hamburgers,because it’s not healthy for me!This is my lifestyle.What about you?

篇二:《My lifestyle》

My lifestyle

I’m Bella, I’m 11 years old. This is my lifestyle below. I like reading. I read a lot of books, I also like roller-skating. I often go roller-skating near my home.

I usually have a glass of milk, an egg and some bread for breakfast. Milk is good for us. It helps us to grow quickly.{my,lifestyle}.{my,lifestyle}.

For lunch and dinner, I usually have rice, soup, meat and vegetables. Meat and rice gives me energy, vegetables can help me to keep fit, they are good for me. If I feel hungry between meals, I eat fruit like oranges or bananas. I don’t eat sweets or cakes often, because they are not good for us.

I think my lifestyle is healthy, but I need to exercise more. I plan to ride a bike near my home every week.

篇三:《My Lifestyle》

My Lifestyle


I exercise every day.I eat friut and vegertables every day,And I eat junk food once a week.I never drink coffee.I sleep nine hours every night.My lifestyle helps me get good grades.Exercise and good food help me study better.

篇四:《My lifestyle》

find ,invent ,find out ,discover解答:1)discover指“发现”某种本来存在,而以前未被发现的事物或未为人所知的东西。如: I discovered (that) she was a good cook. 我发现她是个烹饪好手/她很会烧菜。 2)invent指“发明”,即原来没有而后来发明创造的东西.如:Edison didn''t discover electricity,but invented the light bulb. 爱迪生不是发现了电,而是发明了灯泡。 3) find强调在经过“寻找”(look for)后“找的结果”(找到或找不到),又可以表示“(偶然地)发现„„”;如: I found a watch on the road. 我在路上发现了一块手表。 I found my cat asleep in my bed. 我发现猫睡在我的床上。 4)find out 通常表示“弄明白,搞清楚,查明„„”。如 The teacher wanted to find out who had broken the door. 老师想查明是谁弄坏了门。

You will ________ what kind person he is some day. A. find B. find out C. observe D. discover

A find 找到,发现的意思

B find out 有弄清真相,找出, 发现, 查明(真相等), 认识到,弄清楚的意思 做“发现”讲时,是指发现一种无形而隐藏的东西 find 和 find out 都可译做发现,但发现的过程不一样。 find是“偶然发现”或“没有困难或几乎没有困难地发现”。如: He found a dead cat at the door. 他在门口发现一只死猫。 而 find out 却是强调经过一番过程,经了解和查询而搞清楚,弄明白某一情况。 如: I will try to find out who broke the window. 我会尽力查出是谁打破了窗户。{my,lifestyle}.

C 观察 肯定不对

D discover 指“发现”某种本来存在,而以前未被发现的事物或未为人所知的东西

invent;find;find out; discover invent意为“发明”,指通过劳动运用聪明才智“发明/创造”出以前从未存在过的新事物。 Who invented the telephone? 是谁发明电话的? He invented a new teaching method.他发明了一种新的教学方法。 find意为“找到、发现”,指找到或发现自己所需要的东西或丢失的东西,着重指找到的结果。 We've found oil under the South Sea.我们已在南海发现了石油。 They finally found a way. 他们终于找到了办法。 discover意为“发现”,表示“偶然”或“经过努力”发现客观存在的事物、真理或错误,即指发现原来客观存在但不为人所知的事物,也可表示发现已为人所知的事物的新的性质或用途。

Columbus discovered America in1492.哥伦布1492年发现了美洲。

We soon discovered the truth. 我们很快就弄清了真相。

find out指经过研究或询问查明某事或真相。

I've found you out at last.我终于把你揭露了。

Please find out when the ship sails for New York.请打听一下那艘船什么时候开往纽约。 Please find out what time the delegation will come.请查一查代表团什么时候来

be about to do 指将要发生的动作,一般不与时间状语连用The English party is about to begin.


在what引导的感叹句中,它是作为定语使用的,也就是说它修饰的是名词。 而在how引导的感叹句中,它相当于是状语,用来修饰副词或形容词。 给你一个句子:The girl is beautiful. 要把它改为感叹句,有两种方法。

如果要强调感叹的对象的话,要用what引导:What a beautiful girl she is! 如果要强调她有多漂亮的话,就要用how引导:How beautiful the girl is! 这里,你可以将what或how引导的

感叹句分解成两部分来理解,分别是 what a beautiful girl 和 she is ( how beautiful 和 the girl is ) 这样就很好理解了。 所以说要区分一个感叹句是要用how还是用what,关键就在于它修饰的是什么成分的词,但不是说后面接的是名词就是修饰名词,就要用what。仔细看上面的例子你会看到,how后面也有接名词,但how并不是修饰这个名词的。为什么呢?还是按照上面的分解方法,你要先把一个感叹句分成两部分。因为从句子的结构分析,感叹句后面一般有跟主语+谓语。 what+(a/an)+adj.+n.+主语+谓语(it is). How+adj.(adv.)+主语+谓语(it is). 如果有主语和谓语的话,可以把后面这部分忽略掉,然后看看句子中还剩什么词性的词,如果是形容词或副词,那就要用how引导,如果剩下形容词+名词,那就要用what引导


1、what+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!例如: What a good girl she is! 她是个多么好的一个女孩啊!

2、what+形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语!例如: What bad weather is it? 多么糟糕的天气啊!{my,lifestyle}.

3、what+形容词+可数名词复数+主语+谓语。例如: What good students they are! 他们是多么好的学生啊!


1、How+形容词+主语+谓语!例如:How hot it is today! 今天多么热呀! 2、How+副词+主语+谓语! 例如:How fast he runs! 他跑得多么快呀!3、How+主语+谓语! 例如: How time flies! 光阴似箭! 在平时做练习时,我们常会碰到陈述句改为感叹句的句型转换题,不少同学对此感到棘手,这里介绍一种行之有效的方法:“一断,二加,三换位,四去very”。现以She is a very clever girl.为例。 一断:就是把主语和谓语留下,其他的断了,省略。二加:先在句首加上what或how,what是形容词,作定语,修饰名词。How为副词,作状语,用于修饰形容词、副词或动词。除修饰动词外,how修饰的词常放在其后面,判断用what还是how,就看陈述句中最后一词,是名词用what,是形容词或副词用how。上述例句是girl,所以用what。二加还要在句末加上感叹句,即:“what„„!” 三换位:将“一断”之后的第一部分和第二部分对换位置,即: What a very clever girl she is ! 四去very:感叹句本身表达一种强烈的感情,如“多么、十分”等。故陈述句变为感叹句时,very一词应去掉,以免重复。故上述例句的转换是:What a clever girl she is! What与how有时也可以互换;what+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+ 主语+谓语!=How+形容词+a/an+可数名词单数+主语+谓语! 例如: What a clever girl she is! = How clever( a girl )she is!


1).___ difficult homework we had yesterday! 2)._____cute dog it is! 3)._____ interesting the story is! 4).____ bad the weather in England is! 5)._____ honest boy Tom is ! 6)._____ tasty smell the cake gave off! 7)._____ good time we had on the beach yesterday! 8).____ exciting news you've brought us! 9)._____cool your new car is! 10).___scary these tigers are! 二、选择填空。 1. ____ fast the boy ran! A. How B.How an C. What D. What an 2. ____ well you sing but _______ badly he dances!A. How, how B. What, what C. How, what D. What, how 3._______delicious the soup is! I’d like some more. A. How B. How an C. What D. What an

4. _____ fools they were! They believed what the man said. A. How B. How an C. What

D. What an 5. _____ foolish they were! They believed what the man said. A. How B. How an

C. What D. What an

篇五:《my lifestyle》{my,lifestyle}.

I live a busy lifestyle and I need to sort out all kinds of work everyday. I must get up when the alarm clock go off and it takes me little time to eat breakfast and get changed. on arrival I work my way through my own paper work including e-mails. When the alarm clock goes off, I jump out of my bed, get changed, have breakfast and then go to office. On arrival, I do my own paperwork, like/such as

answering the phone and e-mail.

 尽管我生活在农场,我每天一大早就要起床了。由于有太多活要干,我只花5小时


 Despite the fact hat I live on the farm, I get up early ever day with only{my,lifestyle}.

five hours to sleep because I have so much work to do. Being far away from the city, I am free of traffic jam but it is not convenient for children to go to school.

篇六:《我的生活方式My lifestyle两篇》

我的生活方式My lifestyle两篇



I think I'm pretty healthy, although I hardly ever exercise. I only exercise in P.E class. My eating habits are not very good, either. I eat fruit every day. Although I don't really like vegetables, my mother wants me to try to eat vegetables. Because it's good for my health. I drink milk three or four times a week, and I never drink coffee. I like junk food, and I eat it three or four times a week. But it's bad for me, so I try to eat less junk food. I usually sleep eight hours every night. So I think I look after my health. My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. Good food also helps me to study better.


I have a healthy lifestyle. I exercise three or four times a week. I eat vegetables every day, and I eat fruit three or four times a week. I have good eating habits. I try to drink a lot of milk. I hardly ever drink coffee. Although I love junk food, I eat it two or three times a week. So maybe I'm very healthy, but I have an unhealthy habit. I sleep for seven hours every night. Good food and exercise help me to study better.



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