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admin 初三作文 2020-04-23 01:52:18 事件作文

篇一:《初三英语作文 An Unforgettable Lesson》

An Unforgettable Lesson

I’ve had quite a lot of lessons in my school life. Among them the one given by an American young man is really unforgettable.

It was on Tuesday morning in May. Our teacher told us all of a sudden that an American would give us an English lesson. Then in came a young man. He greeted us in English and then began his class. It was quite different from those we had before. During the whole class he taught us several English songs, played games with us and helped us act out a dialogue. He neither taught us English grammar rules nor asked us to do lots of written exercises. He was not serious at all. He was always smiling at each of us. Happy time was always short. Before we knew it, the class was over. We took a photo with our American teacher in the classroom.

I will never forget his smile, his songs and everything he had done in his class.

Last Friday, we had a really unforgettable lesson given by our English teacher, Mr Tang. It was the last lesson he gave us. When Mr Tang slowly went into the classroom, we could see clearly that it was hard for him to leave us though he had taught us for only three months. We listened attentively to every word he said. He said something about his

future plan, which moved us all deeply. Soon it was the end of the esson. With the bell ringing, Mr Tang looked at us all soulfully and expressed what he thought. He hoped that we would make progress in our study and become good citizens in the future. What an unforgettable lesson!

An Unforgettable Match

I still remember an unforgettable football match which happened two years ago.

During the football match, I ran very fast. I was not careful enough to fall down on the ground. My left foot was hurt so seriously that I could hardly stand up. I felt very sad. My friend Tom stopped to look after me instead of playing football. Though we lost the game, we still enjoyed ourselves.

How unforgettable the football match is!

篇二:《An Unforgettable Lesson 范文》

An Unforgettable Lesson

The story happened when I was quite young. One day after school on the way home I saw a few yards away a young man talking to an elderly lady very loudly and kind of rudely. As I approached them I found out that the young man is asking how he could go to a local store. The lady was offended and told him just the opposite direction with reluctance and contempt. I thought I would have told the man again the right direction hut I didn't for I was angered by his poor manners too.

This example has unmistakably indicated how important it is for one to be polite and respectful for both himself and others. Good manners are an essential quality one must have in order to be successful in not merely such a small thing as asking for directions but also promoting his career. Being respectful and well-mannered you can be popular with people around and easily win their support and favor. And in this case you can improve your chance of success and your good fortune.

The lesson taught by the young man’s case is typically suggestive and impressive. Admittedly I cannot ensure that I can stay polite and respectful to anyone at any place at any time. I will try my best to treat people with respect and thoughtfulness for only this can make me feel good and happy.


一、 题型分析



段落一 描述背景段




段落二 说明过程段

1. 承上启下,引出对事件的具体描述;




段落三 总结观点段









模板一:教师节,某人生日等场合 描述背景段:

①will come soon, which重要性或意义.②There is no more appropriate time than this forSo on this special occasion taking this good chance,I 或打算.


④Now I will remember clearly件.⑤It Was happened事件开始时间,when.⑦展二.⑧As a result/However

Surprisingly/Indeed,果,which left me a deep impression/which gave me significant lesson in my life/which made me feel deep love/great concern(from).


⑨Every time I remind this and其他相关事物,‘我’的感受或得到的启示.⑩Above all,.11)Besides,/Furthermore,.12)I believe提出期望,总结全文.{an,unforgettable,lesson.}.

To writ a short essay in honor of teachers on the occasion of Teacher's Day







1)The once per year's Teacher’s Day will come soon,which is a quite important day and deserves attention from the whole society.

2) There is no more appropriate time than this for us students to express our special recognition and respect to all our teachers. 3) So on this special occasion, I want to show my esteem and thanks to my dearest teacher, Mr.

篇三:《作文范文 An Unforgettable Lesson》

An Unforgettable Lesson

In my grade school days, some of my classmates and I would spend our lunch money at the store close to the school. After the meal, we’d walk around, talking and laughing for the rest of the lunch hour.

A girl named Nancy was usually with us. But one that particular day she wasn’t there, and as we chatted away, we ended up talking about Nancy, since opinions about her all seemed to be negative, I added, “Nancy isn’t very smart, either. She’s always asking others for their homework.”

When she saw me the next day, Nancy asked, “Did you say that thought I wasn’t very smart?” as I stood there looking Nancy in the face, I whished a thousand times that I could take back my cruel words. As I began to answer Nancy’s question I experienced the worst feeling that I had ever had up to that point in my life.

In an apologetic voice I answered, “Yes, Nancy, I said it. But I’m truly sorry.” Nancy accepted my apology. But that day as I stood there, with my heart in my throat, I learned a lesson: Never say anything about someone that you wouldn’t want them to hear.

篇四:《难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson)》

难忘的一堂课(An Unforgettable Lesson)


Last Friday , we had an lesson and it was really unforgettable because it was the last lesson given by our kind English teacher ,Mr Tang. When Mr Tang slowly went into the classroom ,we could see clearly that it was hard for him to leave us though he had taught us for only three months.He said something about him future plan ,which moved us all deeply.Then he started the last lesson.

We all listened attentively to every word he said .If only we had done like this before!The naughty boys unusually behaved well in this last lesson.

It was obviousthat all of us had the common feeling that we wouldn't let him go.

Though we didn't want our good teacher to go ,it seemed to be too late . As the saying goes,"only when we lose something do we realize the value of it."

At last,with the bell ringing,Mr Tang looked at us all soulfully and expressed what he thought. He hoped that we would make progress in our study and become good citizens in society.

What an unforgettable lesson!

篇五:《an unforgettable lesson _0》

an unforgettable lesson

¡¡¡¡An Unforgettable Lesson

¡¡¡¡Last Friday , we had an lesson and it was really unforgettable because it was the last lesson given by our kind English teacher ,Mr Tang.

¡¡¡¡When Mr Tang slowly went into the classroom ,we could see clearly that it was hard for him to leave us though he had taught us for only three months.He said

something about him future plan ,which moved us all deeply.Then he started the last lesson.

¡¡¡¡We all listened attentively to every word he said .If only we had done like this before!The naughty boys unusually behaved well in this last lesson.

¡¡¡¡It was obviousthat all of us had the common feeling that we wouldn't let him go. ¡¡¡¡Though we didn't want our good teacher to go ,it seemed to be too late . As the saying goes,"only when we lose something do we realize the value of it."

¡¡¡¡At last,with the bell ringing,Mr Tang looked at us all soulfully and expressed what he thought. He hoped that we would make progress in our study and become good citizens in society.{an,unforgettable,lesson.}.

¡¡¡¡What an unforgettable lesson!


篇六:《An Unforgettable Lesson》

An Unforgettable Lesson

In daily life at school, we have to study math, physics, chemistry, English etc. They are so difficult that I don’t enjoy them at all. But unexpectedly, a few month ago, I have an unforgettable English lesson. In that English lesson, everyone was allowed to bring snacks. At the first, our English teacher showed some new words what can describe the snacks to us, and then we read after to her. And we could eat the snacks as soon as we had learned the new words. It’s interesting for us to study news in different way.

That lesson is an really unforgettable lesson for me.

篇七:《An unforgettable lesson》

An unforgettable lesson

There is no doubt that I can experience more and more lessons as time goes by. However, I will not forget the first time I stood at the platform of grade 9 and gave them the English lesson. In my mind, it was not a successful lesson, but it did infect me a lot for my later life. As we all know that everyone can get more and more mature from different experiences. I would like to share my special with you here and talk about what I have learned from it.

Firstly, I found that a good preparation for a lesson is very important. What’s more, a good preparation for a lesson not just mean reading more and thinking more about the text. What plays more important role in a preparation for a lesson? The answer may be consideration for the students, such as their knowledge levels, their possible reaction for the lesson. In fact, I spent a day and a night preparing for the lesson. I skimmed the text and found that in this lesson, students were expected to master some adjectives to describe different rooms, such as: fascinating, inexpensive, convenient, uncrowded , all of which were new words to the students. In order to help students understand the words better and use them correctly, I made sentences for each word. I had to write down the sentences for fear that I would forget in the lesson. As to the next part, which required students to listen the tape carefully and finish two charts. I had thought that the listening might not be difficult for them as I had done the exercises. As a result, I didn't spend too much time prepare that part. I had thought that I had prepared well for the lesson, however, the lesson was not an excellent one. I thought a lot after the lesson and tried to find the causes. I didn’t consider more for the students. I didn’t put my foot on their shoes. I didn’t realize that the thing easy to me may be difficult because they have learned less than me since I have learned English for more than ten years but they haven’t. How could I consider the text from the angle of myself! I f I had put myself in the direction of a student instead of a teacher, I would consider the difficulty of the text and take more different methods to guide them finish the task well. Therefore, as a teacher, he/she should consider more about the students when he/she prepares each lesson.

Secondly, I found that a teacher with much knowledge does not mean a good teacher. Heshe should have great comprehensive qualities, such as a good quality of reacting quickly for everything suddenly happen in the class, a good quality of teaching any complex knowledge in a simple way. I can’ t help mentioning what happened at that lesson. As to the teaching of the first part of the text, first I asked students to open the book and read to get the main idea. I taught them the words as I prepared. I didn't know whether they had understood the words well. W I meant to ask them to make similar sentences with the new words, only to find that few could finish the task. I realized that I had spent too much time on this part, so I had to move to the next part, listening practice. In this part, students were expected to listen to the tape and write some key information. I told them to look through the questions and the chart quickly as my former teacher had told me when I was at middle school. I played the tape recorder the first time and asked them just to listen, then I played again and asked them to listen and try to finish the chart. Then I asked them if they had finished. Some of them told me they hadn't. I played the tape again and gave another chance to finish. At last, I played the tape and stopped at the place where we could get the answer to check the answer with them. I found almost half of the students were still confused. I played the tape again and asked them to listen and look at the listening materials at the last pages of the book. After they have finished that part, I guided them to do the next part, in which students had to write some long sentences. Just at that time I found I had made a serious mistake in the former part, which was, I shouldn't have asked them to look at the listening materials. I felt so regretful! But I had to go on with the lesson. The students feel harder when they did this part. I understood later that I should ask them to look at the listening materials at this part, not the former one. In my opinion, a successful lesson relies a lot in whether the students have understood and mastered well anything they are expected to learn well in the lesson. Obviously in this lesson, most of the students were confused in the lesson. Why? I experienced so few that I was not good enough to react quickly and deal with the sudden situation well. When I found that few could use the new words correctly, I should have spent more time and use more methods to guide them

understand the new knowledge. A good lesson means how many students have mastered but not how much they are taught. Besides, I didn’t do well enough for I could have thought some methods simpler and easier for the students to understand the new knowledge. So what I have to do is learn more from others to improve my comprehensive ability.

Lastly, I found that a good teacher should remember the students she/he teaches are not only the excellent ones but also someone whose English are poor. There is no doubt that there are students of different levels in a class. The teacher should choose different methods for different students. When having lessons, the teacher should make sure most of the students can participate the class activities with great interest. Therefore, a teacher should think about more for the “poor” students and give them more chance to prove themselves and be self-confident in learning English, as a result of which they will act actively in the English class.

Above all, practice makes perfect. The growth of a good teacher does not only resort to think more after class, but also the action to learn more to correct all the mistakes of faults he/she made before. I will try all my best to consider more for students as well as learn more from others to improve myself. I will force myself to work hard to make my lessons more and more excellent!


篇八:《An Unforgettable Lesson》

An Unforgettable Lesson

It was just when I was 4 years old that it happened.

That day, my mother decided to take me out to have a meal. While we were waiting the bus, I saw a man who had only one leg. He reminded me of a monster. I was so scared that I suddenly hid behind my mother. Then came the bus. Everyone rushed to get on it. In order not to let me get hurt, my mother held me tightly, standing there still, until all others in. When we were to get on the bus, the one-leg man came close. Soon mom gave her way to the unlucky man with a smile. On seeing his smiling back, my heart beat faster. What was worse was that I found there was only one seat left on the bus and that man was sitting next to it. I dragged mom’s clothes with all my strength. But mom seemed not to care to sit beside him, she walked straight to the seat, sitting down, then had a talk with that guy. I sat uncomfortably on her legs during the terrible trip. How I wished it could finish as soon as possible.

The moment I got off the bus, I burst suddenly into crying. It appeared that mom had known everything I thought. She touched my head softly, then told me an unforgettable lesson to me:

Everyone is equal in the world. Nobody wants to be a disabled, but they can change nothing when it happened. What they can do is just to face the unfair fact. Only in this way can they live better. Their bravery has set a great example for us. We have to understand and respect them.

They really worth it.

篇九:《an unforgettable lesson _1》

an unforgettable lesson

¡¡¡¡an unforgettable lesson

¡¡¡¡An Unforgettable Lesson

¡¡¡¡Last Friday , we had an lesson and it was really unforgettable because it was the last lesson given by our kind English teacher ,Mr Tang.

¡¡¡¡When Mr Tang slowly went into the classroom ,we could see clearly that it was hard for him to leave us though he had taught us for only three months.He said

something about him future plan ,which moved us all deeply.Then he started the last lesson.

¡¡¡¡We all listened attentively to every word he said .If only we had done like this before!The naughty boys unusually behaved well in this last lesson.

¡¡¡¡It was obviousthat all of us had the common feeling that we wouldn't let him go. ¡¡¡¡Though we didn't want our good teacher to go ,it seemed to be too late . As the saying goes,"only when we lose something do we realize the value of it."

¡¡¡¡At last,with the bell ringing,Mr Tang looked at us all soulfully and expressed what he thought. He hoped that we would make progress in our study and become good citizens in society.

¡¡¡¡What an unforgettable lesson!


篇十:《An Unforgettable lesson》

An Unforgettable lesson

I still remember the science class I had last Friday. It was unforgettable and impressed me deeply. Before the lesson, I had never thought about water problems. As three-fourths of the earth’s surface is covered with water, I treated it as a common resouce. So I was really amazed when I heard what the teacher said in class. Our science teacher told us 70 percent of the world’s water is salt water and only 5 percent of the rest is available for us. Fresh water is so precious that it's even called liquid gold. We were also told that lots of people were facing water shortage. After hearing about that, I discussed with my classmates about how to protect water. We have decided to take action from now on. Now I take a 5-minute shower every day instead of having a bath. The lesson has changed my way of life. It was really an unforgettable lesson.

An Unforgettable lesson

Last month, we had a lesson and it was really unforgettable, because it was the last lesson given by our kind Maths teacher, Ms Wei.

When Ms Wei slowly went into our classroom, we could see clearly that it was hard for her to leave us though she had taught us for only three months. She said something about her future plan, which moved us all deeply. Then we started the last lesson.

We all listened attentively to every word she said. All the naughty boys behaved well in this last lesson. If only we had done like this before. At last, with the bell ringing, Ms Wei looked at us soufully and expressed what she thought. She hoped that we would make progress in our study and become good citizens in society.

What an unforgettable Lesson!



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