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admin 初三作文 2020-04-23 01:58:18 最喜欢作文


Nowadays, we are living in a world filled with advertisements of

various kinds. Some of the advertisements are really well-designed

Among all these advertisements I know,I think an advertisement of yao ming’s is the best."no business,no murder".It appeals us to protect animals, because we humans are belongs to a kind of animal, so the protection of animals is to protect human beings themselves. And

killing animal will make natural imbalance,so the advertisement is not only well-designed but also have a far-reaching significance,thus I think the advertisement is the best.

篇二:《我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer》{我最喜欢的歌手或明星英语作文}.{我最喜欢的歌手或明星英语作文}.

我最喜爱的歌手 My favorite singer{我最喜欢的歌手或明星英语作文}.{我最喜欢的歌手或明星英语作文}.

Taylor Swift is my favorite singer. She is not only beautiful but also very talented. When she was 16, she had her first album. She writes songs about her romantic life. When I listen to her songs, I feel likes reading my own diaries. She is so real and amazing. She is only 24 year old, but she has already won a lot of rewards. She is my idol. I wish someday I can go to see her concert.

泰勒斯威夫特是我最喜欢的歌手。她不仅人长得漂亮,还十分有才华。当她16岁时,就出了自己的第一张专辑。她所写的歌都是关于她的感情生活。当我听她的音乐,感觉就像在读自己的日记一样。她是如此的真实。虽然只有24岁,但是她已经获得了无数的奖项。她是我的偶像。我希望有天能去看她的演唱会。 Justin Bieber is my favorite singer. Born on March 1st, 1994, he becomes famous at the age of 15. When he had his first music album, the whole world is crazy for this young boy. His most famous song is baby, has more than one billion hit on the Internet. He is not only very talented but also very warm-hearted. He has names his perfume Someday, and he has donated large sum of money to the poverty. I love him so much, I wish I could see him someday.{我最喜欢的歌手或明星英语作文}.


My favorite singer is Katy Perry. She is a great singer with a beautiful voice. I love to listen to her music if I have time. Among all her songs, I love fireworks the best. I listen to it over and over again. Last Monday, I sing this song in front of my friend and they told me I have a beautiful voice too. I'm really happy. Maybe someday I can see Katy Perry face to face.


篇三:《喜爱的歌手 justin bibber 英语作文》{我最喜欢的歌手或明星英语作文}.

Dear Fred,

I’m glad to tell you that Justin Bieber,my favorite singer, will come to our city to perform next month.

I’m so pleased at the news that I decide to form a Justin Bibber fan club with some of my friends. All of use like him and enjoy his songs very much. He is very charming and fantastic! His songs make us feel the true love We can sing most of his songs and would like to know more about him. But we don’t know what we should do, and where we can pick up some useful information about him and his performing plans. Could you give us some advice? Looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes,

Li Hua

篇四:《英语作文-我最喜欢的歌曲-My favourite song》

A song really attracts me,”Sunshine after the storm”,sang by the famous musician Xu meijing to memorize the outstanding athletes: Chinese women's volleyball, who created many world’s Champions. In fact,the song has inspired a lot of people.

In this song, the first half is tenderness, then the last half is passionate. Xu meijing had sang this song when the Chinese women's volleyball team won the world championship for the first time. So many people were moved by the song. I also like it for the first time I heard it.I was deeply shocked by the singer's soul, and touched by each word.

As the climax part sung "the sunshine after the storm, darkness won't keep out sky serene." Life is always bitter sweet.When we are in distress, we must learn to be strong and not to give up. Furthermore,as long as the sun in mind, it will disperse the dark clouds of the sky, and show a road of colorful rainbow. Let the tears become a thing of the past, with the firm belief that with courage, and never look back. Not easily bow in the storm but stand taller. Our continued efforts will enable us to continue to flew toward the targets.

Still, the melody and rhythm of the song are also impressive. Whenever the song plays, a strong feeling would come out from the bottom of my heart. And it so deeply moved me and gives me a emotion of encourage.

" Sunshine after the storm " not only let me feel the power of courage, but also made me get a life inspiration,The sonorous melody, such as a beam of light to illuminate me!

篇五:《My favorite star 我最喜欢的明星》

My favorite star

When reminding of Nicholas Tse,most people will think of the rebel boy who broke the guitar on the stage.But under my impression,Nicholas is a determined person who’s always spare no efforts to do things well.

As we all know,Nicholas started out as a singer at the age of 16 and acted in the film the next year.He played a role of a gangster in his first film called Young and Dangerous:The prequel.He was asked to finish a scene of street fight.During the filming,the director found that Nicholas’s feet was covered up by his blood and he decided to stop filming to see what happened to Nicholas . To their surprise, they found that Nicholas’s feet was hurt by a nail.Considering that it may lead to the tetanus,the director decided to send him to the hospital.However,Nicolas refused to see the doctor because it was his first film and he didn’t want to interrupt filming for his accident.He just poured some pure alcohol on his feet and put the bandage on the calf to continue filming with a bellow of pain.When he arrived in hospital after filming, the doctor said his feet was badly injured and maybe he would survive less than 4days.Fortunately,Nicholas survived at last.

Nicholas is such a determined person and I admire him forever.

















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