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admin 初三作文 2020-04-23 02:02:18 朋友喜欢



摘要: 我刚刚知道她叫陈嘉贝的时候就喜欢上了她,我决定要和她交朋友。没想到她也很喜欢我,想跟我做朋友!我们在一起聊天很开心,很快我们就成了一对形影不离的好朋友!……









我和我最要好的朋友陈嘉贝 一说起陈嘉贝,我心里马上就浮现出她的样子:她脸蛋滑滑的,眼睛大大的。梳着两个牛角辫。经常穿一件粉色的棉裙,一双粉色的运动鞋,搭配起来十分漂亮。 我刚刚知道她叫陈嘉贝的时候就喜欢上了她,我决定要和她交朋友。没想到她也很喜欢我,想跟我做朋友!我们在一起聊天很开心,很快我们就成了一对形影不离的好朋友! 之所以我们能成为最要好的朋友,那是因为我们有着共同的爱好和进步!我们两个都爱学习,爱画画,喜欢一起散步,喜欢相同的游戏。这样一来,我们从交朋友那天开始每个课间都会聚在一起。 我非常喜欢画画,她也一样。今天我去找她玩,看到她正在画画,觉得她画的非常好看,就问:你在画什么?她说:我画的是我的老家!她画的老家院子旁边是一条马路,路上有个骑自行车的女孩,还有两辆小汽车。其中一辆车里的那个小女孩画的就是她自己,他们一家正在向老家那个大院子走去。车中的我的好朋友正在探出头来似乎在观赏她那美丽的老家街边的风景。我看了之后觉得她画的非常有想象力,我也兴奋地拿起笔跑到座位上画起来。当我又来到她的座位上,看到又多了一条彩虹桥,哈!我真迫不及待地想把这幅美丽的画给涂上颜色!我也兴冲冲地画起了动物运动会,有小马和小狗比赛跑;兔子和猴子比跳高;小猫和松鼠比爬树,旁边还有熊猫裁判︹Τ录伪匆埠芟不段业幕笨湮一煤茫∥液退煤每模 今天我们还自己想出了新的户外游戏,这些游戏也给我们的友谊增添了不少趣味!第一个游戏是过桥游戏:就是陈嘉贝在桥的另一边等我,我用粉笔在每个跳格子的地方点点(之所以点点而不是真的画出方格是因为学校院子里不准随便画),然后我跳过格子到她那边,接着轮到她。另一个游戏是小飞马的游戏,我来做飞马妈妈,她来做宝宝。我们把校园地面上刷的绿色的地方右边当做小溪,左边当做是河水。小溪的水是小飞马可以喝的水,而河水是小飞马用来游泳捕鱼的地方。我们还搜集了些材料当做过家家用的道具。很快上课铃就响了,我们愉快地跑回教室学习。 我们在学习上也互相进步,互相找榜样。语文,背诵,数学等等,我们俩谁都不甘落后。我们既是一对好朋友,也是一对好孩子!


How to Make Friends

Everyone needs friends.A freind can give us help and share our difficulties and happiness.But can we make friends?

First,to make friends,you must be friendly to others.Smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return.Your should try to make a stranger feel at home wherever he happens to be.Think more of others than of yourself and never judge a person by his appearance and clothes.Second.friends should negotiate instead of quarrel.When you don't agree someone,please discuss with him.

Finally,never believe in those who leave you when you are in trouble.

And never leave your friend when he is in trouble.Remember,a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Friends should be faithful to each other.So long as you can put your friend's interests in front of yours,you will have a lot of good


八五 赵倩

Hello,my name is Katrina. I am in Class One,Grade Eight. Two years ago, I was in and stronger than me . We both have long straight hair . Most of our classmates think that she is calmer than me , but I think I am funnier than her . And we both like 大家好,我叫 Katrina 。我在8年级1班。两年前,我上六年级。现在,我大概比以前高了5厘米。但是我更苗条了。我比以前更聪明了。那时我很外向,现在我更加外向活泼了。我喜欢交不同于我的朋友。Nancy是我最好的一个朋友,我们之间有许多不同。但我认为一样不一样并不重要。她比我高也比我壮。我们都留着长长的直发。我们的同学都认为她比我稳重,但我认为我比她更幽默。我们都喜欢运动,她比我更擅长体育,虽然我更会打网球。

My Good Friend

Grace and I are good friends. We both study well. We like talking about problems of our study.

I’’ 我和格雷斯是好朋友,我们俩学习都很好。我们喜欢一起讨论学习上遇到的问题。



八五 丽娟

Jim and Tom are twin brothers.They are both 10.Jim is five minutes older than Tom.But Tom is a little taller than him.Jim likes playing basketball better,and Tom works harder than him,so Tom is better at every subject. Now Jim does everything more carefully,too.I think he can do better in his study as well.

八·六班 雨雪 Do you have lots of friends? What do you think of friends and friendship? Are they very important for you? Some of your friends may have different views and interests, and some like doing the same things as you. Do you like friends different from or the same as you? You may like the friends who have the same interests as you. But I don’t really care.

I have two good friends, Peter and James. Peter is like me. I’m a quiet boy, and Peter is also quiet. We both enjoy reading books and surfing the Internet. On weekends, we often go to the library or work on the computer together. But James is very different from us. He is a lot more athletic than us. He is a lot more outgoing. He likes talking and often makes us laugh. So, you see, friends are not necessary to be the same. Do you agree with me?


I like Hong Kong better than Japan.I think Japan has more beautiful buildings because it has many ancient shrines. It is better for sightseeing.However, Hong Kong has more beautiful scenery at night and an excellent nightlife that cannot be forgotten.There are a lot of clubs and restaurants. You can eat lots of different delicious seafood in Nanya Island. I think the people are more friendly in Japan. Japanese are very polite.When it comes to hotels, Japan and Hong Kong both have many new hotels one can choose from.The price of the rooms is lower in Hong Kong.


I am an 11-year-old boy. My brother is 3 years older than me. My brother is taller than me, but I am stronger than him. He falls sick more easily than me, so I am

healthier than him. Besides that, there are some differences between us. For example, after me read the same story, I can tell the lively story to others. My brother can’t tell a story clearly. And I’m more outing than my brother. Now you know that I am different from my brother!




W=Woman M=Man

W: Hey , Tony , you look so happy today . Do you have any good news ?

M: We have a new comer in our class . His name' s Jimmy .

W: How do you like him ,Tony ?

M: He' s very funny . He' s tall and thin .

W: Is he funnier than you ?

M: He certainly is . He is much funnier than I .

W: Is he a little wild ?

M: Yes , he is very wild and noisy . He has long hair and wears very old clothes . W: I think he likes sports very much .

M: Yes he dose . He is more athletic than I . And he is even better at basketball than I .


The twins

–Hi,Mr.Cat. You and your twin brother look the same. Can you tell me who is older?

–This is my elder brother. Although we look like each other ,in some ways we are different. As you can see, my tail is longer than his.He is more outgoing than me,and I am quieter .I think he is athletic than me. He does better than me in sports. But I am better at English than he. However,we both like doing the same thing —-eating fish!

小娟My best friend and I get along with each other quite well.But we are so different.He is funnier,more outgoing than me.And I'm more serious ,He is more athletic and likes to play kinds of sports but I'm smarter on study.My friend is wilder than me and I'm calmer.He is tall,thin,strong,with short hair.And sometimes he is very careless and lazy,on the other hand,I'm short,fat,weak,with short hair.He is very

helpful.But I'm very lazy and don't want to do any sports. And I will help him with his 我和我最好的朋友相处非常好,但我们却各不相同,他比我更有趣,更外向,而我很严肃。他是运动型的,各种体育运动都很喜欢,而我更擅长学习。我的朋友相对狂野,而我相对沉静。他又高又瘦,但很结实,留着短发,有时他马虎有懒散,与他相比我显的很胖而虚弱,我也是短发。他乐于助人,但我很懒不想做任何运动。我会在学习上帮助他。我希望我们的友谊能够持续到永远。


The moon looks bigger then sters at night.But in fact,it is smallerthan any

stars. The moonlooks big to us, because it is closer to us.It makes one trip about four weeks.The moon is round and looks beautiful.

Now people now quite a lot about the moon.There is no air or water on the

moon,so there are not trees or animals or people on it.The moon gets its light from the sun,but some piaces on the moon are quite dark.It's very cold at night.

My mother is taller than my father.I'm heavier than my brother.We both like

sports,although(虽然) he is more athletic(擅长运动的,活跃的) than me. He is more outgoing(外向的,友好的),and I'm quieter.I think I'm smarter than him. However(然而)We both enjoy(喜欢)going to parties.(聚会)We like to do the same(相同的) things.


My family lived in Shanghai for many years. And for many years, Shanghai was a very good place to live in. The streets were clean. The parks were safe. The people were friendly. The bus system was reliable and the schools were good.

我们在上海住了好多年. 很多年来, 上海一直是个很好的地方, 那时候街道很清洁, 公园很安全, 人们都很友好,共公汽车系统很可靠,学校也很好.

But Shanghai changed. It is a very exciting city. Unfortunately, today the streets aren't as clean as they used to be. The parks aren't as safe as they used to be. The people don't seem as friendly as they used to be. The bus system isn't as reliable as it used to be, and the schools aren't as good as they used to be.

但是上海变了, 它是个让人激动的城市,但遗憾的是,如今街道没有以前那么干净了,公园没有那么安全了,人们不像以前那么友好了。公共汽车系统没有以前那么可靠了。而且学校也没有以前那么好了。

because of the changes in Shanghai, my family moved to Zhuhai last year. In Zhuhai the streets are cleaner. The parks are safer. The bus system is more reliable,the people are friendlier and the schools are better. my family is happy in Zhuhai. but we were happier in Shanghai. Alhtough Zhuhai has cleaner streets, safer parks, friendlier people,a more reliable bus system and better schools, Shanghai has a more exciting lifestyle. It's more international, more fast-paced and more modern than Zhuhai.


My family misses Shanghai. Even though we're now living in Zhuhai, Shanghai will always be our real home.



My mother is taller than my father.I'm heavier than my brother.We both like sports,although he is more athletic than me. He is more outgoing,and I'm quieter.I think I'm smarter than him. However We both enjoy going to parties. We like to do the same things.

我妈妈比我爸爸高,我比我弟弟重。我们都喜欢运动,虽然他比我更擅长运动。他比较外向,而我比较安静。我觉得我比他聪明。然而我们都喜欢参加聚会,我们喜欢做同样的事情。 三三

M:Which do you like better ,art or music?

W: I like music better than art .I think music is more interesting and more important than music .You can see nice art everywhere.

M:No,I really can't agree with you.Art is more interesting and more important than music .You can see nice art everywhere.

W:No,music is much more popular.We can hear it every day.

M: But I'm sorry to say you sing badly.

Nobody likes to listen to you when you sing.

W:But you draw badly.Nbody enjoys your pictures.

M:Oh,let's stop talking like that,please.The teacher tells us art is as popular as music.They're both important.They make our lives more interesting.









Do you have a good friend called Bill?


What is he like?

He's quieter than most of my classmates.

Do you like to have friends who are like you?



金陵中学岱山分校 初一(2)班 李欣怡

一辈子能有多少个知己,一个眼神就心有灵犀,迎着阳光写下青春的诗句,那场冒险 那不变的友谊。







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Unit 2 复习题

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