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admin 初三作文 2020-04-23 02:15:18 作文闯关

篇一:《Keeping healthy英语作文》

Keeping healthy

All of us want to be healthy. What should we do to keep healthy? First, we should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat every day. We shouldn’t eat too much meat or fast food. Second, it’s necessary for us to have enough sleep. It will keep you active during the day. Third, exercising often is also a good way to keep healthy. Such as running, swimming ,playing basketball and so on. Finally, we should keep our rooms clean and the air fresh all the time.

If you try to do that, you’ll be a healthier person.

篇二:《仁爱英语Unit 2 Grade 8复习教案》


Review Unit 2 Grade 8

闯关一 Challenge today’s super star

1. 值日生报告(可参考整合方案P52 Healthy Habits)

2. 值日生答疑 各组提问题只能取自Unit 2 的内容)

闯关二 重点单词(速记)

headache ,dentist, cough, flu, lift, pale, terrible ,care, nothing, serious, sick, cause, health, medicine/pill, energy, necessary, disease, empty, tidy, choose, tomato, hurry, question, spread, among, examine, patient, myself, yourself, themselves, ourselves, duty, save, enough, mistake, helpful, dangerous

Test your memory (have a dictation)


A:B: C. D. 闯关三 重点短语(速记)

have a cold, boiled water, had better do sth., day and night ,give up doing, feel like doing sth., , check over, not…until…, worry about, both…and…, plenty of, all kinds of, hurry up, do exercise, do some cleaning, all the time, have to, keep away from, ring…up, ask for a leave, ask for two

days’ leave, since then, care for, get through, hand in , break out, on the other hand, in public, get into, see off


闯关四中招考点解读 (妙辨异同)

1. many / much / few / a few / little / a little

2. too much / much too / too many

3. a lot of / /a number of/ the number of

4. among / between 5. sick / ill

6. how often/ how long / how soon/

中考真题选萃 ( 活学活用 )

1. You look pale. You’d better _______ today.

A. to not work B. not work C. not to work D. to work not

2. Playing computer games is bad for you. You should ______.

A. give up it B. not give up it C. give it up D. not give it up

3. Mr. Li eats _____ food, so he is ____ fat. A. much too, too much

B. much too, too many C. too much, much too D. too much, too many

4. There is ____ in today’s homework. A. difficult nothing

B. nothing difficult C. difficult anything D. anything difficult

5. -________ do you go to the park ? – Seldom.

A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How much

6. There are ____students in our class and _____the students in our class

is 45. ( a lot of , a plenty of , a number of, the number of){what,should,we,do,to,keep,healthy?作文教案}.

7. Can you answer my ____?

Nobody can work out the math ____? (problem, question)

8. The teacher is sitting _______ the children

There is a village _______ the two rivers. ( between, among )

9. The _____boy needs help, but his granny is still ___in bed. ( sick, ill)

10. Don’t worry, Mom. I’ll get up ___ to catch the early bus tomorrow.

A. early enough B. enough early C. late enough D. enough late

11. –Who taught ___ Japanese? –I learned it by ___.

A. you; myself B. your; me C. you; me D. your; myself


如teach oneself, hurt oneself, enjoy oneself, help oneself)

闯关五 中考考点解读 语法跟踪


1. must /mustn’t / should / shouldn’t/ had better (not) / need/ have to /

2. can be / may be/ must be

活学活用(用情态动词的适当形式填空) 来源于八上课本 P50.5 Miss Wang: Tom,you didn’t hand in your homework. Why?

Tom: Sorry, Miss Wang. I find it. Tom: No. I looked for it everywhere, but I didn’it to me tomorrow.

闯关六 佳句欣赏

1. Staying up late is bad for your health.

He thinks smoking can help him relax. (复习动名词作主语用法) 教师补充(1.Saying is easy. Doing is difficult. 2.Spending money is easier than making money. 3.My favorite sport is swimming.

4. like doing sth./be fond of doing sth. 5. a sleeping boy



2. Who’s that speaking? Hello! May I speak to Tom?

Can I leave a message?


3. It’s my duty to save patients.

It’s necessary for us to drink enough water every day.

It’s nice of you to say so.( for sb人或物的性质/of sb(人的品格) 学生模仿造句_________________________________________

4. What’s wrong with you? Something is wrong with your health. How long have you felt like this?{what,should,we,do,to,keep,healthy?作文教案}.


5. You should see a dentist.

You’d better see a doctor.

(复习表示建议的句型)____________________________________ 现在到了脱口秀的时间了。同学闷,加油哦!!{what,should,we,do,to,keep,healthy?作文教案}.

闯关六 对话秀 See a doctor

闯关七 作文秀 How to Keep Healthy

作业 (温馨提示:温故而知新,可以为师矣。)

1. 复习Unit 3,完成整合方案Unit 3

2. 背诵作文P59 My Free Time (以备下节课接龙比赛)




我的收获是: _________________________



If you often have a cold, headache or backache, your health will be a health. Tofu, milk and vegetables are food for us.

Tofu is a kind of traditional __2__(Japanese, American, English, food. We drink, take, play) it in China. Now good for health, kind of healthy food. Every day you should drink one or two glasses of milk. It can ___7___ Vegetables are very important. You should eat __8__ (a lot, a






















首先:First、firstly、first of all、to begin with

然后、其次、还有:then、next、what’s more、also、besides、in addition ,

more importantly(更重要的是)

最后:last、lastly、finally、in the end、last but not least(最后但并不是最不重要的)


as we all know = as is known to all 众所周知

nowadays 现如今


On the one hand…..On the other hand…….一方面….另一方面…..





in my opinion=in my point of view在我看来

as far as I’m concerned

as for me 至于我

in fact 实际上


in a word = in short =in conclusion总之,简而言之

all in all 总的来说


Sth has become a hot topic in the world today..某事.今天已经成为一个很热的话题。 There are two different opinions about the problem.关于这个问题有两种不同的观点。

Sth has both advantages and disadvantages.某事有利有弊。/某物有好处也有坏处。 With the development of sth 随着某事的发展

Some are for… However, others are against… 一些人赞同。。。而一些人却反对… In a word, all of us should pay attention to the problem of … 总之,我们所有人都应该注意….的问题。

As for me, I believe… 至于我,我觉得…






fresh air



waste things



be polluted



lead to/cause

plastic bags

cloth bags

solve/deal with

all over the world/around the world

take actions(to do)

save energy

throw waste things around


1.That’s a problem we Chinese must pay more attention to.这是我们中国人更应该注意的问题。

2.Environment problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world.全世界的环境问题变得越来越严重。

3.The development of cars and factories has led to/caused a number of problems.汽车和工厂的发展导致了大量的问题。

4.What we should do at present is to take actions at once to make the earth better.我们现在应该做的是立即采取行动让地球变好。

5.It’s our duty to do something helpful for protecting the environment.对保护环境做些有帮助的事是我们的责任。





布袋:cloth bags 塑料袋:plastic bags 重复使用:reuse

As we all know, our environment is becoming worse and worse, what can we do for the environment? In my opinion, each of us can do something helpful to deal with the big problem.

First of all, we can use cloth bags instead of plastic bags when we go shopping. It helps to protect the environment. Next, remember to reuse the old textbooks as much as possible. What’s more, we should also never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the classrooms to save energy. Finally, it will be better if we walk or ride a bike to school.

In a word, we should try our best to reduce pollution and waste. In fact, as long as most of us do something every day to protect the environment, I believe we can make the world better.









提示词:waste things废品 dustbins 垃圾箱 protect 保护


Our school is a very beautiful school,but the school environment is getting worse and worse now. As is known to all, good school environment will make us study and play better. So all of us must take actions to protect the school environment.

First of all, don’t throw waste things around and we should pick them up and put them into the dustbins. What’s more, we should clean our school every day to keep it clean and tidy. In the end, planting more trees and flowers can also make the school more beautiful.

In a word, every student can do something helpful. So let’s do it at once for ourselves.

篇四:《how to keep healthy 初三作文》

How to keep healthy

What is health? Some people will say that good eating habits can make them healthy, others will say a happy mood can control the quality of health. Different people have different answers. As far as I am concerned,health includes two different aspects about Material aspect and spiritual aspect .

Material aspect includes a healthy diet and living habits. As is known to all,a balanced diet means eating all kinds of food from each of five food groups such as grains,fruits,meat,milk products and vegetables. It called Food Pyramid. It advises us to eat more vegetables ,fruits and milk products. It also tells us to eat less meat such as pork and chicken. The healthier food you eat, the better body you get. However, fast food is more and more popular in today’s world. Though it is convinient and yummy, it is considered as rubbish because of its high calorie.In a word,we should not eat much fast food. And keep eating vegetables and fruits is a good choice. What’ s more,we should have good habits. here are some suggestions: first, get up and go to bed early.Second,we should do more exercises such as playing basketball and swimming half an hour every day. Good habits can be helpful in all our lives.we should keep these great habits from now on.

Spiritual aspect plays a important role in our daily lives. Acording to my personal experience,family love is our moral pillar especially when we feel useless. Experts said that someone who has family love is more healthier than someone who is lack of it. So first of all, you should be cared and loved by your parents. More imortant, friendship is an important part to share the happiness and troubles.We always feel better when we are studying and living with our friends. It’s a great help to keep away some of bad things. In a way,we should treat troubles ourselves properly. Maybe you’ll feel sad when you are failed. But please remember that failure is the mother of success. We should keep it by our minds when we face troubles.

Many people are an increasing number of caring about health. It becomes the world problem. Therefore ,we should take actions to keep healthy in order to make a great life.





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