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admin 初三作文 2020-04-23 02:16:18 作文压力


Welcome to …… University, which is one of the key universities in ……province.

As a science college, our college regard the civil engineering as the key discipline and mainly cultivate science and technological talents , and there also are liberal arts majors such as economic, cultural and others,.

As a freshman, you should learn some basic courses, such as advanced mathematics ,College English ,College Physics, mechanics, PE and so on. The junior will need to learn some professional courses.Students can choose the directions according to their interests to continue a further study.Being the senior , the majority of people will get a job in a good company. but the premise is that you need to read all the professional compulsory, and pass the exam with great grades.In addition ,you should learn elective courses and get enough credits.

what you should pay attentions to is that you must go back to your apartment on time .and don't absent classes without proper reasons.



Nowadays, more and more university graduates complain that graduation does not equate to employment. They experience great difficulties finding satisfactory jobs. What is the cause of this phenomenon

In my opinion, there are four causes:

First, graduates lack experience. They spend most of their time at school studying academic subjects and lack relevant job training. Only after graduation do they realize it’s hard to find jobs.

Second, competition among graduates grows more bitter and more bitter and bitter. The supply of university graduates exceeds social demand. This results in a decreased chance for any individual graduate to find a job.

Third, some students don’t study hard. Some of them skip classes just because they have no interest in certain subjects. Some play computer games or pursue other interests. Some sleep in class or in the library. Then they leave the sheltered environment of the university campus, to discover they don’t have adequate knowledge to apply for many positions, which makes them feel lost and frustrated.

Finally, some graduates are conceited. They lack experience but ask for a high salary, which is impractical.

So, university students should try their best to change this situation. When they are in school, they should make the most of their time and put their heart into their studies. They can hold part-time jobs in their spare time to accumulate relevant work experience. They should take part in some social activities and provide themselves with special training, if possible. When they graduate and apply for jobs, they should attach more importance to accumulating experience than to their starting salary.

On University Students’ Pressure in Finding Jobs

About a decade ago, university students could find satisfactory and enviable jobs after their graduation. But now, things are different. Today's university students usually have much pressure in finding fairly good jobs. They always say disappointedly that graduation means joblessness. Why nowadays university students have so much pressure in finding jobs?

In my opinion, this kind of pressure is mainly caused by three reasons. Firstly, the government is

enrolling more and more university students year by year. And the growth of the students' number has surpassed that of the need of the society. So, when so many students graduate at a time, the chance of finding jobs becomes tiny. Secondly, today's university students, most of them are the "only-child", who are more mentally frail. Since they are indulged greatly at home and haven't been trained to do things on their own, once it is their turn to go out of the campus and find jobs by themselves and decide what kind of jobs to choose, they feel bewildered and don't know what to do. If their first try fails, they will be frustrated and think that it is really hard to find jobs. Thirdly, some university students are not qualified for good and challenging jobs. After entering the university, they don't study as hard as they did in high schools. They begin to sleep during the class or even be absent for classes. Some are addicted to computer games or Jin Yong's novels, or step into the two-person-world too early. Because these things have taken up so much of their time and energy, their study is neglected. After four years of university life, they haven't gained the knowledge those fairly good jobs or certain positions require.






Recently, there occurs a heated discussion on whether it is good for college students to get married. Some people hold / think / advocate college students, as adults, have the right to get married, while some other people argue that this will exert a very bad / negative influence on their study.

As for me, / in my view, I agree with the latter opinion. It is not practicable for college students to get married. First, as far as a student is concerned, priority should be given to his study rather than the remote and so-called romantic marriage life. Second, college students are not mature enough. Their ideas of love and marriage are still vague. So I have every reason to doubt whether they can be responsible for their marriage/ spouses. Thirdly, most students are still dependent on their parants financially. If they get married, they have to at least rent or buy a house in or outside their university, which will be, to a real extent, a heavy burden for their parants to carry. Therefore, one should weigh both sides before making the decision. After all, “ marry in haste, repent in leisure”.


1. 首先注意用词.这篇作文里面的 occur, heated discussion, hold, exert an influence on sth, negative, practicable,give priority to, remote, so-called, mature, vague, spouse, be responsible for, be dependent on, financially, to a real extent, carry a burden, weigh both sides类似难度的词和表达,你是否能用在你的作文里,如果你用不好的话,建议你平时多做替换,例如and可以用词组as well as 替换, about 可以换成 roughly, 或者 approximately,还要记一些常见的表达,比如我这里面用到的,“把。。。放在第一位”等等。另外注意,学会积极地使用形容词和副词,而不要仅仅满足于把基本的意思表述出来。这样你文章的内容才会显得更丰富。例如,我这里面的remote, so-called romantic,to a real extent等。

2. 句型和结构。文章里面的介词+whether, while,rather than, ",+which", before doing sth也是必须要用好的,你必须要让你的作文看上去更象是英语作文。另外,这里面的rather than 和,which 的结构都可以用来使句子变长的。(议论文中多使用长句子,给人严密,有气势的感觉)其实第二段的第二个观点,还可以用 too…to句型来表达。即:College students are too young to be responsible for their spouses. Since their ideas of love and marriage are still vague, I have every reason to doubt whether they can live a happy marriage life or not.

其他方面:插入语 as adult, to a real extent, 复合式形容词 so-called,也会给你的作文增色不少。

3. 整体上对篇章把握。熟练掌握常见的作文模式。议论文的结构大同小异。第一段都要引题。这里面我采取的最大众的写法,希望你能记住这个模式,这样可以应付很多作文。如,刚刚考过的四级作文说,学校是否应该作为景点供外人参观。你也可以套用:最近,出现了关于。。。的热烈讨论。有的人认为。。。而另外一部分人认为。。

接着第二段,我认为学校这么做是不应该。first, second, third.在给出原因后,一定要用一到



1. 定语的表达手段:adj – 定语从句 – 分词 – 介宾(后置定语)

如:他是个有相当影响力的人。He is a man of considerable influence.

2. 状语adv – 介宾短语

extreme = in the extreme

3. 谓语 v.- 动词词组 – 形容词词组 – 动宾结构

not agree with – be opposed to

meet with – be confronted with

like to do – be fond of – have a (great) desire to do visit – pay sb a (private) visit

consider – take sth into (careful) consideration

halt – bring sth to a halt

emphasize – put (great) emphasis on

use – make (full) use of

refer to – make a (passing) reference to顺便提及


4. to do – 介词词组+介词

We get together to celebrate Christmas – We get together in (great) celebration of Christmas. He worked hard to pursue his dream – He worked hard in pursuit of his dream.




1. Why It Is Difficult ron College Students to Find Jobs?(大学生求职为何难?){关于大学的作文}.







I don’t think I can find a good job after graduation.

More and more college students, in recent years, are finding it difficult to find jobs. This may sound strange since college students used to be the "most favored" people in society. They have received a higher education, hence they are more intelligent, knowledgeable than their counterparts who failed to attend college. But chances are that some of them can hardly find jobs after graduating from colleges.

There are two reasons that account for this strange phenomenon. One is that some college students cannot come to terms with themselves and with the world around them. They pursue too high goals and are too particular about such factors as working conditions, salary, and so on. Therefore, they are reluctant to accept the job when they are offered to them. Another reason is that the majors some students pursue do not match with the demands of the job market. As a result, they can only sit and miss opportunities.

To solve this problem, I think college students should know their own strengths and weaknesses and have the right attitude towards themselves and the job vacancies. In addition, they should not attach too much importance to material aspects of the job. They should put priority to their future development and their contributions to society in stead. Furthermore, they should think of receiving some further training to meet the demands of society.

2. Harmfulness of Video Games(电子游戏危害谈)






In spite of objections from public opinion, many students can't draw themselves away from video games. It seems that the more they are prohibited from playing the games, the more they are tempted to do so. Many students indulge themselves in playing these games.

Video games are harmful to both the individual and society in many ways. First, they endanger the young people's health. Sitting in front of the computer for hours on end is bad for the player's eyesight as well as his entire physique. Secondly, they distract the young people%attention from their work and study. Absorbed in the games, the player often forgets to go to work or class. Sometimes even if they are at work or in class, they are still thinking of the games they played or are going to play after work or after class. As a result, they quickly fall behind others in their work and study. Thirdly, they lead young people to moral degradation. Some young people are especially interested in games that are filled with violence. If they play these games a long time, they may also settle disagreements through violence, which may give rise to higher crime rate.

Therefore, it is time we took effective measures to solve this problem. On the one hand, young people should be made fully aware of the danger of video games. On the other, illegal video game houses should be eliminated, and software producers should be encouraged to make more beneficial video games in the future.

3. The Pressures on Collese Students(大学生面临许多压力)




Many college students say that they are facing so many pressures in their lives that they are on the go from morning till night. What, then, are the pressures on college students?

There are generally three kinds of pressures on college students. The first pressure comes from the students themselves. In order to become top students and to win a scholarship, many students spend more time on studying but less time on recreation or rest. The second pressure stems from their peer groups. Finding that their classmates are staying up late, many students will feel guilty if they do something else. They think the only way to overcome the fear of being left behind the others is to study even harder. The last pressure derives from the competition in finding a job after graduation. There is a sharp increase in the number of college graduates in job markets in recent years, making it hard for college students to find jobs. Many students believe that the more knowledge they learn now at college, the more chance they will have in finding a job in the future on the job market.

A certain amount of pressures is not necessarily a bad thing. It stimulates students to make continuous efforts with their studies. However, too much pressure is certainly harmful to one's well being. College students ought to come to terms with themselves and the world around them. Moreover, they ought to learn how to relieve themselves of unnecessary pressures in their daily lives.

4. 求职信(可结合《大学英语》泛读2)Unit1, Lesson3, P24的练习一起讲解)

Dear Sir,

I have learned from China Daily that your company is looking for a secretary who is fluent in English I would like to apply for the post.

My name is Fu Tao and I'm 25, I've been working as an English guide since I graduated from the English Department of Zhejiang University four years ago. I am hard working and I have learned to operate computer and I can type both in English and Chinese. I seek a position more challenging and with more opportunities than my current one. I think I am fit for the post.

Should you entertain my application favorably, I would spare no efforts to acquit myself to your satisfaction.

Yours truly, Wu Tao



My Opinion on Summer Makeup

Although we all believe that who have learned, there are obtained. However, as for summer makeup, I strongly oppose it. Then, Why do I say in this way?

On the one hand, most of our students don’t want to learn in the hot summer. It’s so difficult for us to concentrate mind on study in such hard situation. In the stove of Wuhan which has so high temperature, how can we survive in a month of severe fighting? Did not begin voluntary, how successful will it end? Students as learning subjects are not active, the effect of learning how could achieve the desired results with it? Unfortunately, there are some students who often skip classes, surely including me. Even, a classmate who go back home for the power failure in dormitory. Through a large number of facts, you can see students’ attitude towards summer makeup.

On the other hand, Most of the courses teachers taught are meaningless. The knowledge which you know, even if the teacher do not speak, you still know; The knowledge you do not know, even if the teacher, do so speak, you still do not know. Actually, it’s really true. In the oral class, the teacher is playing the game; in the appreciating class, the teacher is in the sermon; in the writing class, the teacher is doing useless work. On the contrary, many students

is playing mobile, reading novels, falling asleep. And I can not help wondering what will they gain on earth?But the only thing I may know is that I try my best to read some professional materials which will help for my next semester. So I could have a clear conscience without any regrets.

The above is my point of view of summer makeup. That’s all what I want to say at this time!

第六篇:《关于成功Success 大学英语作文》

关于成功Success 大学英语作文

When it comes to success, different people have different opinions about what makes it come true. Some people regard hard-working as an essential quality to success while others believe being clever would lead to success. From my point of view, I think perseverance and hard-working are indispensable for those who want to make an achievement.



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