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admin 初三作文 2020-04-23 02:25:18 短文话题











Living environment

Animals and plants

Mountains and rivers


问路指路 Universe

Man and nature



七年级上册:Unit4. Where's my schoolbag?

七年级下册: Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?

Unit 8. Is there a post office near here?

八年级上册: Unit4: What's the best movie theater?

八年级下册: Unit 7. What's the highest mountain in the world?

Unit 9. Have you ever been to a museum?

九年级全一册: Unit 3. Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?

Unit13. We’re trying to save the earth!


1. 地点方位

在哪里 在…上 在…下 在…前 在…后

在…对面 在..附近 紧挨着… 在…和…之间 在…旁边 通过 角落 沿着… 转弯 十字路口

东方的 南方的 西方的 北方的 在…周围

西南方的 东北方的 东南方的 西北方的 街区 在… 左边 在..右边 沿着…直走 向左转 向右转

在第二个拐弯处 祖父母的房间 Lily和Lucy分别的房间 Lily和Lucy共有的房间 在附近地区 在大桥街上 到达 在去…的路上 路过

2. 居住环境

卧室 浴室 厨房 电视机 窗户 警察局 邮电局 医院 银行 公园 饭店 旅馆 街道 投币式电话 博物馆

百货公司 杂货店 地址 飞机场 车站

电影院 工厂 农场 田地 花园

医院 图书馆 办公室 电影院 邻居

池塘 商店 超市 家乡 厕所

某个地方 任何地方 干净的 肮脏的 安静的

吵闹的 繁忙的 桥 娱乐公园 玩的开心

散步 乘出租车 开车 欢迎到…来 带有花园的房子

最好的电影院 最舒适的座位 靠近家 做某事最好的地方

最差的商店 最便宜的饭店 想,认为 起重要作用 最拥挤的地方

3. 国家与民族

非洲 非洲人的 亚洲 亚洲人 欧洲

欧洲人 美国 美国人的 澳大利亚 澳大利亚人

英国 英国人 加拿大 加拿大人 中国

中国人 法国 法国的 印度 印度人

日本 日本人 俄罗斯 俄罗斯人 首都

国家 乡村 东方人 西方人 讲英语的国家

南非 其中之一 来自 与…一样大 最古老的国家之一

最多的人口 和…交流 多于 少于

4. 动物与山川

熊猫 动物园 老虎 大象 鲨鱼

狮子 动物 危险 杀害 树木

拯救 深的 保护 政府 水

污染 疾病 自然 野生的 友好的

聪明的 害羞的 吓人的 懒惰的 好玩的

河流 湖泊 有几分无聊的 真的有趣 处于危险中

丢失 由…制成的 大量的 爬山

5. 人与自然

季节 春季 夏季 秋季 冬季

人口 温度 四分之一 地震 环境

木制的 循环 垃圾 底部 有害的

残忍的 渔民 链条 交通方式 塑料 保护 提供 方法 污染 吸烟 温度 起作用 丑陋的 工业 钢铁

对…有害 扔掉 清扫 关掉 砍倒 建立 在…底部 同时 攀登 跑开 充分利用 代替 听说 到目前为止 在…顶端

停止做某事 处于危险之中 采取行动 对…有好处 实现某人的梦想

四分之三 一年到头 死于疾病 最危险的地方


1. Where______(be) your ruler? It's ______________________.(在椅子下面)

2. Where______(be) my books? They're __________________.(在沙发上)

3.— Is there a ______________(饭店)near here?

—Yes, there is. Just _______________(沿着…走)the street and _____________(向左转)when

you see the library. It's ___________(在右边).

4.— _______you ever been to a science museum?

—No, I _________________(从未去过) a science museum.

5. Excuse me, Could you tell me _____________(怎样到达)the post office?

6. –__________ do you like pandas?

–Because they’re kind of interesting.

7. –__________ ____________ he like tigers?

–Because they’re really scary.

8. –______________ are lions from?

–They are from South Africa.

9. –_______the highest mountain in the world?


10. –________ ___________ is Qomolangma?

–It’s 8,844,43 meters high. It’s ____________ than any other mountain.

11. The Amazon is _________ ________ ___________ ___________ (第二长的河流) in the


12. The Yangtze River is almost ___________ ___________ ____________(与…一样长) the

Amazon River.

13. China has __________ __________ __________ (最大的人口数量) in the world. It’s a lot

bigger than the _____________ of the US.


1. 现在完成时态。

2. 宾语从句。

3. 介词用法。


5. 情态动词表推测。


I. 词汇


Recent years, the environmental problems become worse and worse. What caused the

problems? First, people go to work or travel in cars which makes a lot of n____________. Second,

people litter everywhere which makes cities d_____________. Third, people cut down trees to

make p____________, so there are no more thick f____________. To protect our environment, in

my opinion, people should put the r______________ to good use. For example, people can

decorate their rooms with old glass b_____________. Besides, we’d better ride bikes instead of

d__________. All in all, we should do what we can do to protect the environment.

II. 根据情景提示,用恰当的句子填空:




3.有人问你过北京,你回答说2次,怎样表达: ______________________________________





III 话题阅读























What does it mean to be green? "Green" is more than just a color. It also means taking special

steps to protect the environment — the water, the land, and the air we breathe. Why green?

Plants are green, and without them the earth wouldn't be such a lovely home for us human


Sometimes people call ours a "throwaway society". That means we are always throwing away

old things and buying new ones. Many times, if you no longer need something, someone else just

might need it. For example , if your brother is old enough not to play with his plastic bike, why

not give it to another family who has a little kid so that they don't need to buy one? And one less

large plastic toy doesn't need to be produced.

Recycling(回收利用) has never been easier. Many organization will pick it up right in front of

your house and some towns even require(要求) it. Tell your mom or dad you want to become

Chief , Make sure you encourage everyone in your house to think whether things can be reused

or recycled before they're thrown away.

Almost everyone likes traveling. But next time before you travel around the world, take a look

at your own backyard. Is there a place where you could plant a tree or put in a little fruit or

vegetable garden? If so, get there and get your hands dirty. Then you can watch with pride as

your tree takes root, and your garden plants grow into big plants full of ripe, red tomatoes of tiny,

juicy blueberries. Who knew being green would taste so good?

( )1. In the first paragraph, the writer introduces the topic of the passage by __________ .

A. telling an interesting story

B. explaining the word "green"

C. giving some special examples

( )2. In a "throwaway" society, _________ .

A. people shouldn't produce any plastic things

B. people can get anything they want from others

C. people always throw away the used things and buy new ones

( )3. To be "Chief of Recycling", you should ________.

A. recycle things all by yourself

B. ask your family to use the old things all the time

C. find a place to keep the things that can be recycled

( )4. You are advised to run a fruit or vegetable garden in order to __________.

A. create a green environment

B. make a lot of money

C. get your hands dirty

( )5. The purpose of the passage is to tell us that __________.

A. we must enjoy the nature

B. we had better eat more green food

C. we should protect our environment


Our factories and homes burn coal and oil. Every year we have forest fires somewhere. Many

scientists believe that the climate (气候) is changing.

The earth will perhaps be warmer by about 7 degrees centigrade at the South Pole (南极)

and the North Pole. The ice will melt. The sea level rise by about 7 meters. As a result, water will

cover cities like London, Tokyo and New York. Some ports and towns along the coasts will

disappear under water.

Some other scientists think that the dust, smoke and pollution from coal, wood and oil fires

will block out the sunrays. Then the earth will become colder and great sheets of ice will cover

Europe and North America.

When chemical (化学物品) in the air mix with rain. We have acid rain. Acid rain can bring

us great harm. It destroys (破坏) forests and kills life in lakes and rivers.

People are beginning to see how serious the problem is. They find it important to work with

nature instead of against it. They are trying to save the earth in many different ways. But one of

the most important things to do is to make people understand that saving the earth is saving


( )1. Some scientists believe that_________.

A. the earth is growing warmer B. we have to burn down the forests every year

C. we can find oil in our forests

( )2. Ice at the pole will _________ if the earth gets warmer.

A. become water and make the sea rise B. cover cities like London and Tokyo

C. raise the sea level by 7 degrees

( )3. Acid rain ______.



● 葛连干




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