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admin 初三作文 2020-04-23 02:26:18 作文英语

第一篇:《my childhood英语高分作文》

My Childhood

The image of childhood is like a paradise with warm sunshine, pretty

flowers and many peaceful and joyful things in it. Some people compare their childhood as a book with moving stories, some people compare it as a candy with sweet smell, and some people compare it as jail with little freedom. As for me, the childhood was like a movie company with various kinds of movies.

Firstly, my childhood was a comedy full of happiness. At that time, I didn't have any high-tech products like mobile phone, computer or MP3. Insted of them, my toys usually came from the nature, we picked the leaf used them as money, picked the petals used them as decoration, picked the fruits used them as lunch.And around me, there were paper swan, paper plane, paper boat, paper frog and so on. We created a lot of games such as decoration, we used the color pencils to draw pictures on other's faces, made all of us so ugly. We caught the butterflies and broke off their wings which were used as painting

materials.Whenever I recalled my childhood, the feeling was like watching an interesting movie, couldn't help laughing.

Secondly, my childhood was a science fiction full of imagination. As the people say, the kid is kinds of strange species who always do something unbelievable enough. My childhood was full of these inconceivable

memories. In order to dressed myself like the actress called white snake, I took away the white mosquito curtain from chest, cut it into pieces and made them as my headwear.In order to proved that I could cook by myself, I took the potatoes, eggs and rice, also a lighter stolen from my father's pocket, then asked them to gather outside, for making fire, I stolen the straw which used to cover the new-born rice seeding and finally made a big trouble. So whenever I recalled my childhood, there were so many fantastic ideas which were full of strange imagination.

Thirdly, my childhood was an adventure full of challenges. There were so much "first ", the first time I had been a sister to look after my younger sister, the first time I had been a student to learn how to write and read, the first time I had been a singer to act on Children' Day. . . I had difficulty in riding the bike, washing clothes and fighting against the bad boys, I wasn't willing to sleep alone, to walk on night, to go to school in the morning. There were so many challenges and difficulties, but I was brave enough to overcome them, so my adventure of childhood was wonderful.

Moreover, my childhood was a thriller full of pity. I missed the funeral ceremony of my grandmother who looked after me very well. I put more

attention on playing so that I couldn't catch up with other students, I gave up the plan to learn FreeSong Koto so that I didn't have any talent and skill . And sometimes I fought against my sister, my close friends, I argued with my parents, my teacher.When I recall my childhood, it's inevitable to feel sorry.my,childhood

In a word, the childhood was a series of movies with different types

different time and different actors. I enjoyed watching them again and again, if it is possible, I would like to act it once more!

第二篇:《my childhood》my,childhood

My childhood

It’s funny! I am the second child in my family. I was born on an improper time because of the plan of birth control. So, when I was in my mother’s womb, I got used to the escaping life. Fortunately, mother gave birth again, and I was among the babies born exceeding the stipulated limit of the birth control successfully.

I cannot remember what I have done when I was 2-3 years old. Mother told me that I could walk by myself earlier than others, and I could cry for food earlier, too. “She was doomed to be a clever girl”, some fortune-teller told my mom like that. He fooled my mom by saying I will be a competent girl, I will have a brighter future, and even I will marry to a rich man…As a result, mom gave him so much money. Oh, my god! I am in Mianyang Normal University now; shall I have a brighter future? This is a question I always ask myself and I started to doubt the fortune-teller’s absurd predication. But it’s worthwhile to mention that I am a tough and optimistic girl, I have suffered the “smother”when I was not shaped, so who care about these unmentioned “frustration”? I should have the confidence

that I will have a brighter future like the predication.

When I was five years old, I was sent to countryside to have my summer holiday with my grandparents. There were so many “wild” kids, I called them like that. We played hide-and-seek game, I acted as a seeker, they hided far from me. So when I opened my eyes, no body left. After searching for them ten minutes, I gave up, and went home to have my delicious lunch. As a result, they waited for me silly to find them out and of course they missed their lunch, blamed by their parents. I laughed at them, but I paid back for my crafty action. The next day, I was bullied by pushing me into water, I was nearly drowned. To be frank, I think they were craftier than I; at least they did not have the risk of losing life. Really!

Abandoning all hostility, we were still playmates. We dig sweet potato on the field track with knives, scissors, shovels, eating them up without washing the loam and without distinguishing which is “female” and “male”. Sometimes, we climbed the bamboo and caught bamboo shot insects—a kind of insect whose habitat is bamboo. Then we peeled their hard shells away, seized their legs out, removed their tail assembly and lit fire to

scorching. Some of us stolen a little salt from home and sprinkled on the insects. When they became dark, they were wiped out by our greedy mouths. How poor they were and how cruel we were!my,childhood

What was the most exciting thing was to play cards. Someone would be punished if he failed. Now, when I recall the memory, an idea strikes my head that they must be a union to trap me, because I always failed and I always punished by going through under the table, beating my slender and tender hands, blackmailing me to buy ice creams and grabbing my favorite colorful pens. At that time, I told myself“they are wild children, I am good kid, I will have a brighter future, and if they bully me again, they will be beggars”. So now, I am surprised I should have that confident courage to comfort myself!

After holiday, I came back to city go to school. Even though they were bad to me, occasionally, I missed them. I cannot imagine what the scene will be if we all playmates get together again. That must be a comedy. This wonderful memory will remain clearly, because we cannot have another innocent childhood any more after all.

第三篇:《英语作文——My Childhood》my,childhood

My Childhood

Hello everyone, I am glad to share my childhood with you. I come from HuBei province ,rice and fish are the main food in my hometown.

There are 4 people in my family, father, mother, brother and I. when I was a child, mom always cooked many delicious food for my brother and I, among which, the fish soup was my favourite food. In my memory, every morning when I opened my eyes, there was always a bowl of steaming hot fish soup on the table besides my bed. At that time, I thought I was the happiest child in the world.

At lunch time, the dining table was groaning with vegetables and meat, this is why I’m so lean now.

I n general, we had dinner in our dining room except important days, such as one’s birthday, we might go to the KFC or restaurant.

All above is my childhood. Now, I have been in this city for 5 years, and that good time is never found again. I miss the fish soup, I miss my mom.

第四篇:《My childhood》

My childhood was happy with my mother’s love .In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy and never got sick. She took me to the primary school and home every day. No matter when it’s rainy or windy.

But one day, after we got home from school, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn’t know what had happened. Isat beside her , my mother said to me , “it doesn’t matter , mum only has a headache . I will be all right after a while.” Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain, at that time I knew adults also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on.

第五篇:《My good friend》

Hello! Today is nice and warm! My name is Zheng Han Bai ,I have a good friend.His name is Dou Dao Xin.Dou Dao Xin and I study in the same primary school.

Dou Dao Xin 13 years old,and I 11 years old.Dou Dao Xin very like playing computer games,but his father doesn’t like Dou Dao Xin play computer games,pitiful Dou Dao Xin!

Dou Dao Xin has two big eyes,one small mouth,a small nose and two ears,he is a beautifully boy.

Dou Dao Xin is very warm-hearted and he always help me.We are all good friend.

第六篇:《A“foolish” act in my childhood》

I did many “foolish” things in my childhood. This is one of them. When I was eight years old, my uncle came to see my parents with some beef one day. The appealing smell of the beef made my mouth watering. But uncle told me that little kids shouldn’t eat beef. If they ate, they would soon become real cows! I was so scared that I dared not eat it at the dinner. But it really attracted me. So after he left, I put a little piece into my mouth. After that, I began to regret. I just waited to be changed into a cow. I told my mum all about that.. She laughed and said that uncle just joked with me. It’s not true! Sine then, I made up my mind not to be so credulous. I should believe in myself.




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