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admin 初一作文 2020-04-23 00:09:18 志愿者鞋子













学校要招募一些志愿者,请你先构思自己要做什么志愿者,每人写两种,然后分段继续具体阐述,从为什么要选择这个志愿者,也就是你的爱好和做什么两个方面阐述。 结构图为: 第一段:我想要做…和…志愿者。

第二段:我要做…志愿者,因为我喜欢…/性格… 作为…志愿者我要去如何帮助他人。

第三段:我还要做…志愿者,因为我喜欢…/性格… 作为…志愿者我要去如何帮助他人。



Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m a middle school student. I want to be a volunteer to help people. I’d like to visit old people’s home. I used to play chess with my father. So I can also play it with old people to make them happy. And if I were there, I’d help clean up their rooms. Also I want to teach in the village school. I study well in my school and I’m interested in some subjects especially English. I think making something helpful such as words cards for the students in the village school can help them learn fast. I hope I can do the things above well. Please call me up—62876481.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m a middle school student. I want to be a volunteer to help people. I hope you can give me a chance.

I’d like to help sick children in the hospital. I love children! I’ll chat with them, play chess or cards with them, and I will buy some gifts for them. I hope I can make them happy when they are not at home.

If I have a chance, I will teach in the village school. Teaching is a difficult job, but I will try my best to do it. I’ll teach them math, Chinese, English and how to play basketball.

I believe I can do it well. Please call me up—62876481.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m a middle school student. I want to be a volunteer to help people in this summer vacation.

I like playing chess and I can play it very well. So I’d like to visit old people’s home. If I can do that, I will play chess or chat with them. I can also

read books or newspapers for them.

I also like teaching. I know that knowledge is important for everyone, especially children who are in villages. So I want to teach in the village school. I’ll teach them subjects that we learn at school and play games with them.

If you give me a chance, I’ll try my best.

Please call me up—62876481.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m a middle school student. I want to be a volunteer to help people. I would like to teach in the village school because I always dream of becoming a teacher in the future. So it’ll be a great opportunity for me! Also, I don’t mind how far the village is and I’ll try me best to teach them and bring love to them.

Another thing that I hope to do is to help sick children in the hospital. I think they must be happy when a funny girl of their age tells jokes for them! Maybe it’s also not bad for me to bring them some cartoon DVDs. It’s really a good way to kill time in the boring hospital, isn’t it?

If you give a chance, I’ll do my best!

Please call me up—62876481.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m a middle school student. I want to be a volunteer to help people.

I’d like to help clean up city parks. I love the nature so I can’t stand the places that are full of rubbish. And I think I can pick up the rubbish and clean up the dustbins and chairs to make the city parks good places for people to have a rest.

I also like to help sick children in the hospital because they are cute and friendly. And I can feel younger when I stay with them. I’m patient girl, and I’d like to play games with children to cheer them up.

I really want to do something that’s useful for people. I’m sure I can do it well. Please call me up—62876481.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m a middle school student. I want to be a volunteer to help people. I’d like to be a visit old people’s home because I think old people must be lonely and they need others to take care of them. Performing programs maybe is a good way. I’m good at singing and dancing and I can do these things to make them happy.

Teaching in the village school is also a good thing that I want to do. Children in that place are always poor but they want to learn more. So I think I can bring them some knowledge. And at the same time I can review what I’ve learned in this way.

I hope the school can give me a chance. Please call me up—62876481.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m a middle school student. I want to be a volunteer to help people. I’d like to volunteer in the old people’s home and the hospital because I think people there need more love.

If I can be a volunteer in old people’s home, I would read newspapers and magazines for them because I’m good at reading. I like chatting with old people because they are knowledgeable so I can learn a lot from them.

If I can have a chance to work in the hospital, I will cheer up the sick kids. I’d like to tell them some interesting stories. Maybe it’s a good idea to dress up as a clown and tell jokes to make sick children happy.

I’ll try my best to do this work if I can get a chance to volunteer in the hospital and the old people’s home. Please call me up—62876481.


We are going to do volunteer activities next month. We like to be volunteers and think it’s a great work to make life wonderful.

I’m an easy-going girl and I’m always friendly and generous. I like reading and traveling. I’ve got many different kinds of books and I’m quite interested in science and art. I’m good at drawing and singing. So I’d like to go to a primary school in the countryside and help the poor children there. I’ll give out some interesting books about science and history. I can tell stories to the little kids and show them photos of my trips to different places. I’ll tell them to study hard and create their wonderful life in future. Also, I can teach them to draw cartoons and sing English songs. How wonderful it will be!

I’m looking forward to the volunteer work. And I’ll keep on helping others as a volunteer.

I want to be a volunteer
















President Bush Discusses National Volunteer Week{初一作文一次志愿者经历}.

THE PRESIDENT: Be seated. (Laughter.) Welcome. What a great day for the White House. I am pleased to welcome volunteers from around the United States who have given of their time to help those who need help, and we're sure glad you're here. Those of you today who perform acts of

kindness do so out of love, and you do so out of a desire not to be recognized — but anyway, you're going to be recognized. We have the opportunity today to thank you, and the opportunity today to celebrate the difference that volunteers have made all across America.

I want to thank Jean Case, who's the Chairman of the

President's Council on Service and Civic Participation.

And I want to thank the members of the Council who

are here. (Applause.)

And I thank David Eisner, the CEO of the Corporation

for National and Community Service; Jack Hawkins,

the Director of Volunteers for Prosperity, USAID; Ron

Tschetter, Director of the Peace Corps; and other Peace

Corps volunteers who are here — about which I'm going to say something a little later. (Laughter.) This tends to be an enthusiastic bunch, and so I would ask you to — (laughter) — keep your

enthusiasm in check for just a minute. (Laughter.)

The spirit of charity that is celebrated here has been a part of our character, our nation's{初一作文一次志愿者经历}.

character, ever since before we were an independent nation. In 1736, for example, Benjamin

Franklin organized the citizens of Philadelphia to form a volunteer fire company. Isn't that

interesting? A lot of our — a lot has changed since then, but the principle that inspired Benjamin Franklin is still true today, all throughout the communities in America.

Those of you who are here today understand the lesson, how you can gain by giving. You can

understand how volunteering can transform the



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