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admin 初一作文 2020-04-23 00:18:18 作文地方



1. I used to swim in Junior 1 and 2, but I don’t have the time any more. I have a tight schedule every day.

2. I used to addicted to computer games when I was in primary school. I was so obsessed with those games that I did not even want to have meals. I sat in front of the computer and played and played, day and night, day after day. Then one day I felt so uncomfortable that I realized playing computer games was bad for my health, so I made up my mind to kick off the habit of getting addicted to computer games. First of all, I uninstalled all the games from my computer. Second, I made a plan which clearly stated what I should do every day. I also set goals for myself. Every day I got up, I read the plan to see what I should do as it was planned. Before going to sleep at night, I thought over what I had done in the day time and kept a record.

After a month, I got rid of the habit of playing computer games and I found that there were more interesting things in my daily life. From that time on, I am not addicted to computer games any more.

篇二:《六年级my change作文》

依据表格内容,以My change 为题写篇小短文。

My change

依据表格内容,以My change 为题写篇小短文。

My change

My change

篇三:《change 英语作文》


Time flies ! It is so fast that you don't even realize it's gone, until you in a sudden moment of introspection.You stop, look around, and think, 'Where has the time gone?' Yesterday, I read an article about “time” which made me think of our life,especially the changes in our life.

Everything around you is changing.

During in summer holiday,I invited some of my middle school classmates to go out for gathering. I found they are all different persons now.They become mature, and thoughtful,even some of them are married.When we studied at middle school, some of them just were mischievous and naive students,and always wished to be an adult so that they didn’t have homework anymore.Now, they have already change themselves.They talk as adults , think as adults. It made me feel that we just growed up over night. How time flies!

after the day we met, I asked myself if I also have any changes in myself . The answer for myself is “yes”,but the changes for me are not all good.I found I behave as an adult in some degree,but I am not a mature person.When I got into trouble ,I always complain about it instead of finding the effective way to solve it.By the way,I like to recall and miss the

wonderful life in my middle school when I am upset, but this doesn’t mean I escape from the fact. I just think this kind of memory can give me courage .As time goes on ,I find I can comfort myself sometimes.When I am in a bad day, I would think of Forrest Gump,who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem . I am really inspired by him. Because usually people always think this kind of people can’t be successful in doing anything . But ,instead , this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success.He is a football star , a war hero ,and a millionaire .compared with the trouble of Forrest Gump ,my trouble just nothing.

Changes are happening in every minute,even in every second.These changes may give you surprise,but behind these changes ,it means we have experienced many things in our life.

篇四:《Change in life作文》

Change in life

旅管104班 梁斌清 2010220892 Nowadays, things have changed in every aspect of people’s daily life, which signally indicate our life have been much more different and better than the past.

To begin with, people all over the world have got better accesses to nutritious and also delicious foods. Since the 1980’s, globalization have made local foods become “international”. People those who had great experiences of some exotic foods love to introduce these to people in their hometown, and thus merchants seize the commercial opportunities to set up some imports business locally. Later on, more and more businessmen will get into this field and fierce competition will make a comparatively reasonable and steady price of this food. In this way, People will have richer and better diet through various kinds of foods.{change作文,地方}.{change作文,地方}.

What’s more, an increasing number of people choose travelling as one of the best ways to relax themselves when they are free from work. With the progressively advanced transportation systems, people are freer to choose how to travel and where to go. Many citizens feel bored with the city environment and want to get a freshly experience by driving or even riding to the downtown areas for the weekends. Those who regard

happiness as the primary in life would like to spend most of their savings to go abroad, eager to know more about the different histories, views, and cultures on the globe.

Moreover, there are significant alternations in people’s attitudes towards life. Instead of the old ones who think that the best way to finish life is to end with fortune and success via ceaseless hard-working, they are holding the idea, as above mentioned, that pursuing happiness is the first thing to do, surpassing anything else. So they seldom save money for future use, and they tend to spend most money on enjoying the gourmet, buying new clothes, or doing whatever they like, which will lead to a nice experience. On the contrary, there are people as well who think they should have left something for the whole world by the end of their lives, thus they sacrifice themselves in science researches, in order to make some breakthroughs for human beings; or they seek something unusual to the public, like some rock stars, expressing their viewpoints of life from their unique pieces of music.

To sum up, people’s life has totally changed from the sole of the foot to the crown of the head. All of these changes have made our lives full of variety.

篇五:《Climate Change 作文》

One of the universal issues that draw growing concern is climate change. Scientists mostly agree that global warming is an alarm-bell, warning that only when effective political actions are taken without delay, human beings could get through extinction problem within the next following century.

The effect of the phenomenon has become a considerable threat to the earth and all human beings. They are too obvious to be ignored. Uncertain as the cause is, climate change may have contributed to more extreme weather today from prolonged droughts to devastating hurricanes, making tens of thousands of people's death and a huge financial loss. Still worse, coastal counties are facing the danger of disappearing by the rising sea levels.

So what are the reasons for the climate changes? No one can give a certain answer. The most crucial factors, according to the researches given by the scientists, will be listed as follows. Most importantly, exorbitant emission of carbon dioxide has been held first accountable for the cause. Our industrialization, giving out poison gases and other man-made chemical compounds by an increasing tendency of using automobiles and modern machines, however, have led to the pollution and mismatching between the consumption and the production. Besides, the population boom hurries up the process of pollution, then worsens the climate change.{change作文,地方}.

Climate change is now a huge challenge to our planet, but there is not enough political action to control excessive consumerism and terrible pollution. In order to meet the urgent needs of cope with the situation, every citizen and every country should take measures. For one thing, by using the public service advertising to let everybody know that we humans are facing such a challenging problem. Just as the saying goes, the people's power is the most powerful force. For another thing, make laws and regulations, and enhance the further cooperation between countries so as to cut down the emission of co2 and other harmful gases in the worldwide. It is a really good news that many countries are involved in looking for solutions. In conclusion, with more and more people joining together, the problem of climate change, I believe, will be finally solved and all of us will be sure to live a healthier and happier life.

篇六:《高中易背作文5. on change》


Change has been an important and popular concept in the world since American President Obama said” Change has come to America” in his election speech. In our daily life, changes are going on all around us. Take the way of having holidays as an example. In the past, people used to spend holidays at home, watching TV and getting relaxed. Nowadays, more and more people prefer to spend time in traveling when there are holidays. The Spring Festival, May Day and National Day are the most popular holidays in China because people have more time to travel during these three holidays. This is a small change in people’s habits to spend holidays and it shows that people’s living standards have been greatly improved.

There are also many other changes around us, such as changes in the environment, in public transportation, in climate, etc. Some of the changes are good while some are not. We hope that there are more good changes rather than bad ones. Only with good changes can the world and the society become more harmonious.

1.used to do 过去常做 2.living standard 生活水平

3.piblic transportation 公共交通 4. harmonious adj. 和谐的


起始段: Life is full of changes. 生活充满了变化。

中间段适用:Nowadays, more and more Chinese young couples exchange gifts on Valentine’s{change作文,地方}.

Day. 现在,越来越多的中国年轻夫妇在情人节互赠礼物。

结尾段适用:Great changes have taken place in the world in the past 100 years.



Three living habits I want change about health

Mao Zedong had ever said that “health is the capital of revolution”. We all know that health is very important, but many people do not pay much attention to their health unless they are ill. I think that it is terribly wrong, because if we are ill, we cannot do anything but taking medicine or staying in hospital. Good living habit is the most important part of being healthy. College life is not only an important stage of learning, but also the important stage of forming good habits. In order to be healthy, to have a better life, I want to change my habits of sleeping, eating and drinking and entertaining.

First of all, I want to change the habit of sleeping. One-third of one's life time is spending in sleep. Sleep helps us to eliminate fatigue, restore energy, enhance immunity, and promote growth and skin care. I have an unhealthy sleeping habit in my daily life, for example, I always sleep from 0:00are to 07:00am, reading in bed before sleep and so on. I decide to improve it. Actually, I had ever tried that before, but I failed. For this time, I will continue to improve it and make a sleep plan to restrict myself.

Secondly, I want to change the habit of eating and drinking. Diet is the necessary conditions to live and maintain a healthy body. The human body absorbs all kinds of nutrients from diet foods to maintain the body's normal life activities. The students’ eating habits are extremely irregular now, just like myself, I have breakfast occasionally, always eat barbecue, drink a lot of coke, eat much snacks and so on. It is easy to be ill. Having dinner on time, eating something nutritious, drinking more milk may help me to be healthier.

Thirdly, I want to change the habit of entertaining. I love Karaoke, a common form of interactive entertainment between students, very much. However, I did less sports and exercises. Well, both kinds of entertainments would be playing important roles in our life. I prefer yoga, the exercise I never tried before, for change. It can help to improve my body shape, prevent chronic diseases, reduce the psychological pressure, especially for lose weight.{change作文,地方}.

Health means that you can socialize more comfortably and have more energy to cope with the various things of work and life in a more healthy body and you can have more fulfilling life, become more beautiful! I can’t imagine someone who is in poor health can travel around the world. For my future and better life, I will change the habits of sleeping, eating and drinking and entertaining to take good care of my health.

篇八:《change your idea改变你对作文的想法》

Change your idea

For English study, many students have a mistaken idea that it is not necessary to memorize words for there is no words’ spelling in college entrance examination. As a matter of fact, from my point of view, it is totally not wise of students who have such an idea not to take memorizing words seriously. Words play an important role not only in college entrance examination, but in the whole English learning. As is known, words are to English what bricks are to buildings. Only with a large vocabulary can you perform well in the field of English learning, as well as college entrance examination. We know that reading comprehension is a big problem. Why, because many new words appear in the passages, which hinders students from getting a better understanding of the general idea. If you pay attention to memorize the words that we have learnt and make every effort to enlarge your own vocabulary, you can comprehend the passages and get high marks in entrance examination. Needless to say, words are extremely important in writings.

Many students are puzzled why they try to memorize words with great efforts but forget them easily. So how to memorize words easily and quickly? Thousands of methods can be helpful to memorize words and you should try to find the one that fits you most. Here I list several ways to memorize words. Firstly, read aloud. We too often separate the process of new word memorization from pronunciation. In fact, these two can be combined and each will enhance the other. The sound of a word not only helps us recall the spelling but also familiarizes us with the word. Secondly, understand word formation. When studying new words, please try to identify prefixes (前缀)or suffixes(后缀) that are often used to change or add to the root word's meaning. Take the word “agree” for an example. We can make “dis-” to give it an opposite meaning, to add “-ment” to make its noun form and to add “-able” to make the adjective form. Thirdly, never just memorize single English word. Learn by heart the whole sentences and the phrases that contain the new words, which can help us to memorize the spelling of those words and also their usages.

篇九:《大作文-Change Jobs》{change作文,地方}.

Question: More young people in the workforce change their jobs or careers every few years. What are the reasons for this? Do disadvantages overweigh the advantages?

Changing jobs is quite common in modern society. The advocates hold the idea that it is a good way to broaden their horizon. As far as I am concerned, despite of the advantages of job changing, Individuals need to be more responsible to themselves as well as the society. In the first place, as fresh men, quite a few individuals do not have the ability of choosing the right jobs from the very beginning because of their limitation in social experience. With the working experience they will have a better understanding of their future life, which is beneficial to both the individuals and the society. In addition, some jobs require talents with multiple backgrounds. Without the opportunities of changing jobs, an individual cannot have the access to experience other backgrounds, which limits the improvement of such vocation.

On the other hand, if individuals choose to change jobs too frequently, some drawbacks should also be taken into consideration. To begin with, it is not responsible either to the individuals or to the society, because it takes time for the freshmen to get used to the working environment, and it will be wasteful if they choose to change jobs too often. What is more, the enterprises will be forced to spare no effort to look for the suitable person for the corresponding position, which does great harm to the improvement of the economy.

From the above discussion, we can safely come to the conclusion that it is the civil right for individuals to choose the jobs they prefer, but they should have a sense of responsibility when the have the idea of job changing.

篇十:《英语作文My Attitude to Change》

My Attitude to Change

Recently I have been too busy and I find that it is hard to reach on my own. Everyone has a private world where they can be alone. However, do we satisfied with this tiny space? The answer should be no. As time goes by ,we feel so depressed and seem not to get out of this slump. So it’s time for changing and we're not really living because we're largely deficient of change,which means that we want to grow.

Judged from personal aspect,change is not only predictable,but inevitable. Fighting for change is a key trait to our academic or professional success.Change always spirits us up and gives us a new perspective to look at the world and thus enables us to generate new thoughts,which is so significant for us to make breakout in our study or research.Moreover,looked at from the social angel,change can enhance the overall national science and technology level in order to strength the competition in the world.I believe that a country without change will be a one devoid of vitality.As a Chinese proverb saying that this is the survival of the fittest and winner takes it all.

To sum up,we should keep changing and growing,then our live will be full of strength and vigor. If you don't want to be the ill-prepared for future and if you want to stay true to yourself ,have a try and do some change.



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