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admin 初一作文 2020-04-23 00:20:18 作文我想

篇一:《初一下i want to be a…学生作文》


1. For the sake of justice

Future is charming to most people because of its uncertainty as well as its mysteriousness. No one can exactly know what he will be, but everybody has a goal in his heart. My goal is to be a lawyer.

There are two reasons for my choice to be a lawyer. First, lawyer is a challenging job, which demands not only a good eloquence ['eləkwəns]口才 but also wit. I like challenges. No other job can satisfies me but lawyer. Second, nowadays, people’s right are often violated, due to their ignorance of law. Whenever I see such occurrences [ə'kɜrəns] 事情, I hope I could help them. And being a lawyer is a good way to do it.

Being a lawyer requires much effort. In order to reach my goal, there are many things to be done. However, as a student, what I can do now is to work hard in my study. Furthermore, I should also pay attention to the things that are related to law. I believe I will be a lawyer when I grow up.

2. I Want to Be a Writer

I want to be a writer in the future. Maybe writing is hard, writers generally do not become rich, but I think it can bring me a lot of happiness. It can make me immersed in beautiful stories.

I really like writing and have a good imagination that is why I want to be a writer. I think this job is a good fit for what I have been interested in.

To be a writer, I should do many things. I am supposed to read more and write more. I must read a lot of books to gain more knowledge and write more to practice writing skills.

All in all, if I study hard and practice carefully I believe I can be a successful writer in the future.

英语中常见的搭配:widen/broaden one’s mind/ horizon 扩展视野

open one’s eyes 扩展视野{i,want,to,be作文}.

gain more knowledge 获取知识

improve one’s ability 提升能力

3. My Desirable Job

Many doubtful teenagers wonder how their future lives look likes, but I have already known my answer. I want to be a doctor, and this profession is fit for me.

I want to be a doctor mainly because I want to help people. I am patient with others and I have a genuine desire to help others. I want to work on helping sick people, to protect them from suffering from illnesses. On the other hand, being a doctor is a challenging job. Doctors must be strict and cool-headed when they are working or doing an operation. This will drive me to study hard.

If I want to achieve this dream, I still have a long way to go. I need to read many books about medicine to gain more knowledge. And I also should study hard on biology classes. I believe my choice is wise. I will work hard to achieve this goal.

4. I Want to Be a Teacher

Almost all the teenagers have considered what they want to be in the future. A suitable

job is extremely important.

When I grow up, I am looking forward to becoming a teacher. There are two reasons for my choice. Firstly, it is meaningful to be a teacher. I can not only share much knowledge with my students, but also ask them to have a positive attitude toward life. Every teacher plays a vital role in students’ lives. Secondly, I’d like to stay with children.

I Want to Be a Writer

If you ask me what I want to be in the future, without hesitation, I will answer “a writer”.

I think the main reason I would like to be a writer is because of interest. I like writing very much. Then, I think it is meaningful to be a writer. Writing inspirational compositions for the society and leaving educational articles for the behind are my responsibility.

In order to become a good writer, I must broaden my horizon and open my mind now. I must read more books so that I can get more knowledge. But that’s not enough for me to become a perfect writer. I should have a pair of bright eyes to collect some source material(素材) of writing.

I believe I can be a writer in the future.

I Want to Be a Doctor{i,want,to,be作文}.

Many doubtful teenagers wonder how their future lives look likes. But I have known my future since I was six. I want to be a great doctor in the future.

There are two important reasons that I want to be a doctor. First of all, it is because of love. I am a helpful girl. I often spare no effort to help people who are in trouble. I have always felt urge to try and relieve the pain of patients. So I want to help the people to stay away from illnesses. Secondly, doctor is a challenging job. When I see the patients lying on the bed, giving up all hope, I feel sad too. So I want to be involved in developing a better medicine with high effect.

If I want to be a doctor, I will study hard to realize it. Firstly, as a student, my primary task is to learn knowledge, not only basic knowledge, but also medical science. Secondly, I will volunteer in a hospital to gain some experience of caring patients. I think the more I practice, the better medical skills I will get.

Becoming a great doctor is my dream, which I will spare no effort to achieve. It will guide me to be a useful and successful person.

Dear Lily,

I am so glad to be your pen pal. My name is Tom. I am from China. Let me tell you my favorite subject and my favorite animals. I like English because it is very useful. By learning English, I can not only appreciate the culture of western countries but also widen my horizon. When it comes to my favorite animals, I like Tibetan Mastiffs very much. They are one of the most fierce and noble animals in the world which have stocky bodies and a heavy coat of fur. Tibetan Mastiffs have streamlined design which helps them run without using up a lot of energy. They are swift runners and possess grace, speed and endurance. They have developed acute senses of sight and hearing.

Future is full of uncertainty. No one can exactly know what he will be. But everybody has a goal in their hearts. My dream is to be a lawyer. There are two reasons for my choice. First, being a lawyer is a challenging job which demands both a good eloquence and wit. I like challenges, so no other job can satisfies me but lawyer. Second, nowadays,

people’s right are often violated, due to their ignorance of law. Whenever I see such occurrences, I hope I could help them. And being a lawyer is a good way to do it.

Would you like to tell something about yourself?



篇二:《I want to be a postman英语作文》

When i was very young,my parents went far away from my home to earn money for my family.That time we connect with each other with all letters.By these letters we learn more about our present life.That time i was always looking forward to the posterman who can bring me happiness.Also that time,i confirmed my dreaming of becaming a postman.Ithink a postman can give others hope and other happiness more.I can bring them lots of convinient in their lives.This is my first and further dream,a postman.


篇三:《英语作文 I want to be a doctor》{i,want,to,be作文}.

I want to be a doctor

I used to get sick in my childhood, so I had to go to see the doctor frequently. Every time I saw a smile on the doctor’s face, I felt safe and warm. It seemed that the doctor was the only person that the pain should be afraid of. And at the very beginning, I thought I should do something in return for the doctor’s unselfish help. Of course, the best way is to be a doctor. So I’ve made up my mind to be a doctor ever since I realized how important a doctor’s job is.

In the dictionary, doctor means a person who has been trained in medical science and who treats people that are ill. But I don’t think that is quite correct. As far as my concerned, a doctor is an angel who brings patients from illness to happiness and gives the hope to the patients to live on. Doctor himself is the most effective medicine to a patient.

To be a doctor, I know, is not easy for everyone. It requires a kind heart and a difficult process of learning. But I have the faith to realize my dream and overcome all the difficulties I have to face. For me, I’ll treat every barrier on my way as a step of a ladder through which I can achieve success.

篇四:《作文I want to be a teacher》

I am student, I want to be a teacher after finishing school. So I plan to study hard and go to college. I would like to an English teacher because I like English. I decide to improve my speaking and listening. I believe my dream will come true one day.

篇五:《写作应试作文 Why I want to be active》

写作应试作文 Why I want to be active

Do you feel lack of energy in the mornings as well as during the day? Do you want to increase your energy levels and enjoy a more active life? Active people can get a lot of work done with enthusiasm and tons of energy. The quality of work such people produce can also be great because of the huge amount of energy invested behind their efforts. They enjoy a life of stamina and hard work. Most achievers and winners of this world have not been lazy or shy of doing what needed to be done. They are likely to put their best effort whenever the situation demands it. Enthusiasm can be the man driving force behind doing something wholeheartedly or doing it without much interest. It can also mean the difference between quality work and careless work. So often, our tiredness and low energy hinder with our enthusiasm and productivity.

I generally don’t consider myself particularly active—I go for a short run almost every day, but that’s about it. When I mention to my PE teachers that I run a couple miles a day, they invariably go “oh, so you’re pretty active, then!”

Becoming an active person is very good thing. Men and women who are looking to live long on earth need to have plans which allow them to remain exactly active every day. You should{i,want,to,be作文}.

not be living a very sedentary lifestyle like some Americans if you want to become a very active person in the not-too-distant future.{i,want,to,be作文}.

An active person has usually a strong heart, which is usually needed to be courageous. Otherwise, why the talk of brave heart? Also, an active person is doing things, dealing frequently with obstacles and surmounting them, hence some degree of courage is there to be able to confront, solve problems and achieve what you want.

篇六:《小学英语作文:I want to be an English teacher 我想成为一名英语教师》

小学英语作文:I want to be an English teacher 我想成为一名英语


I have no other wish except to be an English teacher.

There is another reason why I want to be an English teacher.

Now I am the English teacher's aide in my class.


I have no other wish except to be an English teacher.This is the only dream I have because I think being an English teacher is very cool.I can speak to foreign people smoothly and read English books and caricature easily.I can see English movies and some albums without titles.

There is another reason why I want to be an English teacher.My first English teacher was Mr.Gao in my primary school.I never went to an English class before in primary school so I was not as good as my classmates.But he always encourage me and helps me a lot.He always smiled at me and said,"Don't worry.I believe you can be better."So every time when I am too lazy to study English I remember what he said to me and keep on studying.

Now I am the English teacher's aide in my class.I love English and I love to teach my classmates,too.I always encourage my classmates and say,"Don't worry.I believe you can be better."just like Mr.Gao always said to me.I think with this perfect model I will be an English teacher in the future. Wish me luck!

篇七:《英语作文 I want to thank …例文》

I want to thank Mrs. Smith

—– by 汪璐

Mrs. Smith, who is one of the kindest people I have ever met, is not only a teacher but also a friend to us. She brings knowledge as well as happiness to her students. To be honest, I really want to say thanks to her.

Although she is new here, she has already got along with us well. She brings sunshine into our dull life. She always smiles to us just like the sun which can melt the snow in our heart. What’s more, with her help, we have made great progress.

The best way to show my thanks is to be a good student and a useful person. I know this is exactly what she wants. And I will value the time we are together, for both of us know that the most valuable thing is not the result but whether we have enjoyed and treasured the process.

I want to thank my mum

—– by 张萱

Do you think it necessary to thank our mums? For me, the answer is absolutely YES. My mum is the greatest person that I have ever seen. She gives up almost everything just to take good care of me. She goes through all the tough time in my life with me. It is my mum who always encourages me to overcome difficulties and never give up. Mum is always the one who sacrifices everything for nothing. No one tells her

what to do, she just follows her heart. For these reasons, she fully deserves all the thanks from my heart.{i,want,to,be作文}.

I want to thank my teacher

—– by 袁姝怡

I want to thank my teacher. She is the kindest person I have ever met. She has helped me a lot not only in study but also in life I think it wonderful to communicate with her because she always gives me some helpful advice. In addition to this, she has let me know how important confidence is! I want to study harder to make greater progress. It is the best way to show my thanks, isn’t it?

I want to thank Alice

—– by 戚双竹

The person who I want to thank is my best friend, Alice. She is the cleverest girl I have ever met. She thinks it her duty to help all her friends. So she is always willing to help me whenever I need. Besides, we can share almost everything including happiness and sadness. It is Alice who makes me understand how priceless friendship is! I think the only way to thank my friend is to make our friendship last as long as possible.

I want to thank my mother

—– by 沈悦沁

It’s widely accepted that great mother’s love is higher than the mountain. I want to thank my mother from the bottom of my heart. She is the only person who is always willing to help me in this world. I find it warm to get sweet love from my mother. I’ll understand her and help her do as much housework as I can to show my thanks. I’ll also cherish the love between my mother and me forever.

I want to thank my teacher

—– by 陈笑颐

I want to thank my teacher. She is a woman who always helps me kindly. She is the best teacher I have ever met. I want to thank her because she teaches me a lot of things which are more valuable than knowledge. She never shouts at me but encourages me by telling me what to do next. With her help, I find it easier to improve myself. I think I don’t need to give anything to her but my best wishes and perfect scores to show my thanks!

篇八:《I would like to be作文》

I would like to be……My dream


1. What would you like to be?

2. Why would you like to be…

3. How are you going to do?

I would like to be a teacher because I like to teach children and help them become smart. I also like to teach the students how to be useful people. Besides, I think I can stay young when I get along with children. A teacher should be very kind and know much so I must study hard and learn to be patient and friendly to others. I think I will realize my dream. (73)

I would like to be a tour guide because I like travelling. I can travel around China and tell the foreign tourists about our colourful history. What’s more, I can also make some friends through this work. I think a tour guide should be strong and be good at history . I will play some sports to make me strong and read more books about history. I hope my dream will come true. (73)

I would like to be a doctor. A doctor is known as a white angel. He makes sick people better and even save people’s lives. He gives people health and happiness. In my eye, he is the greatest person in

the world. I am going to study hard and learn to be helpful and patient to others. I hope my dream will come true. (64)

A visit to _______

…… is coming. I am going to Beijing by plane with my parents. I am going to visit/see my grandparents first. Then I want to visit some interesting places in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and so on. I think I will have a good time there.

Our school Open Day

Our school Open Day is on the second Friday of May./ Next … is our school Open Day. I will invite my parents to come to my school Open Day. First I will show them around our school. Then I will take them to my classroom to look at our English project. Finally , I will ask them to enjoy our programmes. I hope it will be a happy day. (70)

篇九:《I Want to Be an Astronaut》

I Want to Be an Astronaut 我想成为宇航员

When I was a little boy, my daddy used to tell me stories about the moon. 当我还是一个小男孩的时候,我的爸爸常常跟我讲关于月亮的故事

Even today,

即使是现在 every time I watch the sky at night, I would imagine what is happening among the twinkling stars. 每次晚上当我看着天空时,我都会想象这些闪闪的星星正在发生些什么故事 I hope to be an astronaut in the future so that I can walk in space. 我希望在未来我可以成为一名宇航员,这样我可以在宇宙中行走

I want to walk on the Mars and meet living creatures there. 我要登上金星,去寻找生物

I know it's not easy to be an astronaut. 我知道做宇航员不是一件容易的事情

So I study hard and try to learn more about space in order to be a good astronaut. 所以我要更努力的学习,学习更多的宇宙知识,成为一名最棒的宇航员



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