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admin 初一作文 2020-04-23 00:21:18 英语学习





不管是正在上学的中小学生,还是上班工作的成年人,他们在白天大多都要学习和工作,学习英文补习往往要在晚上或者周末时间,而在平时白天上课则没有时间。所以,想要通过零碎时间来参加英文的补习,最好要选择那些可以提供晚上和周末时间开课的英语补习班。 家长该如何选儿童英语培训机构


很多家长说:“我们这里三年级才开英语课,现在孩子才上小学一年级,这个时候送去英语培训是不是有些早?” 英语专家建议,3岁就应该开始进入少儿英语学校学习。少儿阶段,是学习英语的“黄金”时期。根据脑科学研究表明,学习英语有助于智力的开发,人的大脑神经纤维链接在3-6岁是最发达的,也就是说在3-6岁期间儿童学习能力是最强的,因此学习语言的关键期是在3-6岁。根据学习外语的一般规律,先听、说,后读、写,儿童都是在足够的听力基础之后开始接受学习的讯号,其实,不必刻意的去教授孩子什么,您的孩子现在就已经开始学习了。



英语培训 通过上面的叙述,知道儿童英语培训机构的选择是很重要的,只有选对了英语培训机构,孩子才能早点学会英语。






1、—What are you doing for vacation? 假期你干些什么?

—I am going camping.

go fishing go sightseeing go bike riding go horse riding go swimming watch TV play games play computer play basketball take walks(a walk) go for walks(a walk) go hiking visit friends babysit my sister……

2、—Where are you going (for vacation)? 你(假期)要去哪里?

—I am going to Beijing.

3、—When are you going? When are you leaving? 你什么时候去?

—I am going on Monday.

4、—Where are you leaving from? 你从哪里启程出发?

5、—How long will you stay there? How long are you staying?你在那里要待多久? —I am staying for a week. A week. Just for a week.

6、—When will you get back? 你什么时候回来?

—Maybe next week.

7、—Who are you going with? 谁和你一起去?

—I'm going with my parents.

8、—What's it like there? (问天气风土人情)

= How is it there? 那里怎么样?

—It's very interesting there. It's a good place. It's really a heaven.

9、—How is the weather there(in Beijing)? 那里的天气怎么样?

—It's sunny there.

windy snowy cloudy hot cold rainy……

10、—How about you?

11、—That sounds interesting!

12、—Have a good time! Wish you a good time!

三、练习 practices

1、—小明,假期你打算干些什么? —我经常和家人去骑马。

2、—Lily,你假期打算干些什么? —我打算去西藏。

—这听上去很有趣。那里怎么样? —那简直是一个天堂。

3、—马克,假期你打算去哪里? —我打算去看望我的朋友。

—你的朋友?他住在哪里? —他住在北京。


4、—卡尔,你什么时候去香港? —下周一。

—你要在那里呆多久? —两周吧。我要去看望我的叔叔。

—谁和你一起去呢? —我和我爸爸一起去。

5、—我打算假期去野营。你呢? —我要留在家里照看我的妹妹。



四、短文欣赏及学习 passage learning

The furthest distance in the world

by Tagore(泰戈尔)

The furthest distance in the world

is not the way from birth to the end.

It is when I stand in front of you

but you don't understand I love you.


五、每日好句积累 beautiful sentences

Do one thing at a time, and do well. 一次只做一件事,做到最好!

Believe in yourself. 相信你自己。

Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow. 今日事今日毕。



英语试题 2014.9.13



1. What is the woman going to do?

A. Leave the window open. B. Ask for help. C. Shut the window.

2. What can we know about Lisa and Eric?

A. They don‟t want to have children for the time being.

B. They will start a family as soon as they get married.

C. They had a baby two years ago.

3. Where did the speakers plan to go?

A. A shopping center. B. An opera house. C. The parking lot.

4. Where does the conversation probably take place?{一周一次的英语补习上点什么好}.

A. In a street. B. In a bank. C. In a shop.

5. What‟s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Doctor and patient. B. Teacher and student. C. Roommates.



6. What are the man‟s parents?

A. Salespeople. B. Restaurant owners. C. Supermarket owners.

7. What did the man offer to the students?

A. Drinks. B. Meals. C. Clothes.


8. When does the conversation take place?

A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. At night.

9. What is the boy doing?

A. Watching TV. B. Listening to music. C. Watching the video.

10. Why is the woman tired in the daytime?

A. She can‟t sleep well at night. B. She has too much work to do.{一周一次的英语补习上点什么好}.

C. She worries about the boy.


11. Why does the woman find drama and theatre useful?

A. It helps her to attract more public attention.

B. It strengthens her relationship with students.

C. It enables her to understand people better.

12. How do the woman‟s students respond to her way of teaching English?

A. Passively. B. Positively. C. Sensitively.

13. What is the woman going to do if she has a Ph. D course?

A. Promote Asian theatre to the world. B. Introduce more theatre to Asian countries.

C. Bring her college more Asian theatre.


14. Why does the woman need some special things?

A. To have a happy marriage. B. To celebrate her wedding party.

C. To make herself pretty at the wedding party.

15. What has the woman got from her grandmother?

A. A wedding dress. B. A diamond ring. C. Blue flowers.

16. What is the woman looking for?

A. Something old. B. Something new. C. Something borrowed.

17. Where does the man usually put the coin?

A. In his purse. B. In his shoe. C. In his pocket.


18. For what purpose were dogs NOT used in the old days?

A. Guarding chickens. B. Hunting other animals.

C. Keeping thieves away.

19. Which of the following is true?

A. Dogs still perform all the duties they used to do.

B. Dogs are now treated as part of a family.

C. Only old people are seen walking their dogs.

20. What is the speech mainly about?

A. Reasons for keeping dogs. B. Dogs and other animals.

C. What dogs can do now.


21. He was about to tell me the secret ________ someone patted him on the shoulder.

A. when B. while C. that D. as

22. The question came up at the meeting ____we had enough money for the research.

A. that B. if C. whether D. which

23. Wherever I don‟t _______ you, please show your puzzlement or put your hand up.

A. get across to B. get close to C. get away with D. keep up with

24. The students cannot be careful _______ in performing the experiment as it is such a critical

link in the whole project.

A. enough B. too C. quite D. so

25. I am _____ becoming a successful businessman so that my parents will be proud of me.

A. satisfied with B. accounting for C. bent on D. answered for

26. Doctors warn people that one may develop skin cancer with his skin ___ to the sun too much.

A. exposed B. exposing C. exposes D. being exposed

27. ______ nearly all behavior is learned behavior is a basic assumption ______ has been put

forward by the social scientists.

A. What, that B. That, what C. What, what D. That, that

28. At the foot of the mountain _________ there were many kinds of fish.

A. a river lies there in which B. lies a river where

C. a river lying in which D. does a river lie where

29. —Did you let the secret out to Peter?

—Yes, but _________ it.

A. I‟d rather not do B. I‟d better not do

C. I‟d rather not have done D. I‟d better have not done

30. The number of sharks has fallen greatly in the past three years, so measures must be taken to

oppose sharks illegally.

A. people to hurt B. to people hunting C. people hurt D. people‟s hunting

31. The headmaster will ______ a speech to the visiting foreign guests this afternoon.

A. declare B. address C. accelerate D. applaud

32. __________ a certain doubt among the people as to the practical value of the project.

A. It has B. They have C. It remains D. There remains

33. The large number of donations from China to the earthquake suffers ______ the Chinese

people‟s unselfishness and internationalism.

A. let out B. gave out C. brought out D. made out

34. — Alice, why are you still reading? It‟s high time that you _____ to bed.

— Yes, Mum. But it‟s the fourth time that you _____ to my room tonight.

A. went; came B. go; come C. went; have come D. have gone; have come

35. — The top leaders are discussing how to run the company in the following five years. — What a group of wise men! As the saying goes, ______.

A. A year‟s plan starts with spring B. Man becomes learned by asking questions

C. Count one‟s chickens before they are hatched

D. Everybody‟s business is nobody‟s business


It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25. I didn‟t think there would be , sighing about having to work on Christmas. Just then five bodies at my desk, a pale woman and four children.

“Are you all ?” I asked. “Yes,” she said weakly and lowered her head.

headaches, but the headaches weren‟t trying to keep it still.

Something was wrong. Our hospital policy, was not to turn away any patient. I explained it might be a little while a doctor saw her. She responded immediately, even a bit “Take your time,” and then added, “It‟s warm in here.”

Then, I checked their registration form out of curiosity. No address—they were .The waiting room was warm. I went back to the nurses‟ station and mentioned we had a in the waiting room. The nurses, complaining of Christmas, turned to sympathy for a family just trying to get we do when there‟s a emergency. But this was a Christmas emergency.

We were all a free meal on Christmas Day, so we took back that meal and prepared a big from different departments candies, fruits and our team worked to meet the needs of a family who just wanted to be warm on Christmas.

, as the family walked to the door to leave, the mother came and whispered, “Thanks for being our angels today.”

36. A. customers B. patients C. workers D. doctors

37. A. showed up B. took in C. came out D. looked on

38. A. tired B. sick C. hungry D. warm

39. A. instruction B. comments C .descriptions D. results

40. A. affected B. adjusted C. acknowledged D. accompanied

41. A. therefore B. otherwise C. moreover D. however

42. A. before B. since C. after D. when

43. A. shyly B. calmly C. happily D. politely

44. A. lonely B. greedy C. homeless D. clever

45. A. holiday B. family C. woman D. Christmas

46. A. working B. interrupting C. managing D. operating

47. A. present B. approval C. relief D. warm

48. A. medical B. friendly C. beneficial D. different

49. A. rewarded B. allowed C. offered D. ordered

50. A. neighbors B. guests C. brothers D. relations

51. A. collected B. received C. borrowed D. bought

52. A. expensive B. available C. convenient D. useful

53. A. healthy B. mental C. tragic D. physical

54. A. Soon B. Gradually C. Next D. Later

55. A. to run B. run

四、阅读理解(30分) C. running D. and ran


Surrounded by rolling green hills decorated with horses and cows, the town of Waimea on Hawaii‟s Big Island is a peaceful and friendly place. One afternoon, while staying with friends at their house there, my husband and I decided to go for a walk along the many, mostly traffic-free, country lanes in the area.

We met a beautiful Golden Retriever. He seemed very friendly so we stopped to play with him, throwing a stick which he retrieved(取回)several times happily. When we continued our walk, he followed us, and although I worried that he might be going too far from his home, I couldn‟t deny that we were enjoying his company.

After about twenty minutes, we found ourselves walking along a dirt road in an unfamiliar area. One house, almost hidden by the shrubbery(灌木丛)and shaded by tall trees, seemed somehow strange. I felt an urge to be as far away from that place as possible.

Just then, the door to the house opened and five dogs rushed out, barking and h



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