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admin 高二作文 2020-04-22 23:56:18 小题英语








46. 47.48. 49.50. IV.情景交际(每小题2分,共10分)

51. 52. 53. 54. 55.


56. 57. 58. 59. 60.



62. 63. 64.






Life in the city and countryside





(总分:150分 答题时间:120分钟)



Please listen to the following five sentences and choose the best picture for each sentence you C. He often goes swimming with me. D. My sister likes pop music.

7. A. No, she likes English best. B. Some bread, please. C. A pair of shoes. D. Yes, I’d like some coffee. 8. A. They’re my classmates. B. The two girls are sisters. C. They’re lovely girls. D. The two girls are playing. 9. A. It’s only 50 yuan. B. They’re 100 yuan. C. It fits you well. D. They’re beautiful shirts.

hear. (请听下面五个句子,选择与所听句子内容最相符的图片。)


题 答 得名 姓 不 内 线 封 级 班 密 校学


Please listen to the following five questions and choose the best response to each question. (请听下面五个问句,选出能回答所提问题的最佳应答句。) 6. A. She always goes to the cinema. B. She’s good at playing the violin.

第1页 共10页

10. A. No, he isn’t. B. Yes, she’s Lucy’s father. C. Yes, she is. D. No, he’s my father.


(A)Please listen to the following five mini-dialogues. Choose the best answer to each question according to the dialogue you hear. (请听下面五组小对话,根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。) 11. How old is Tina?

A. Nine. B. Ten. C. Eleven. D. Twelve. 12. Who likes swimming?

A. Bob. B. Lily. C. Bill. D. Lucy. 13. How many children are there in Jenny’s family?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. 14. What’s Emma’s favourite food?

A. Meat. B. Vegetables. C. Milk. D. Fruit. 15. What time does Alex usually go to school?

A. At six. B. At seven. C. At half past seven. D. At half past eight.

(B)Please listen to the following two long dialogues. Each dialogues is followed by two or three questions. Choose the best answer to each question according to the dialogues you hear. (请听下面两段长对话,每段对话后有两个或三个问题,根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。) 请听第一段长对话,完成第16-17小题。 16. How’s the weather?

A. Fine. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy. D. Windy. 17. Where’s the watch?

A. On the table. B. On the bookcase. C. On the chair. D. On the wall. 请听第二段长对话,完成第18-20小题。 18. What’s on the sofa?

A. A bag. B. A model plane. C. An English book. D. A model ship. 19. What’s Mom doing?

A. Writing a letter. B. Making the bed. C. Reading something. D. Cleaning the floor. 20. Where’s the model plane?

A. On the desk. B. In the bag. C. On the chair. D. Behind the door.

第2页 共10页

IV.Passages(短文理解) (共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)

(A)Please listen to the following passage. Choose the best answer to each question according to the passage you hear. (请听下面的短文,根据你所听到的短文内容,选择能回答每个问题的最佳答案。)

21. When does Mary get up every morning?

A. At 5:20 a.m. B. At 6:00 a.m. C. At 6:20 a.m. D. At 7:00 a.m. 22. How does Mary go to school?

A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus. D. By car. 23. Where does Mary have lunch?{2016全国中学生英语能力竞赛题型}.{2016全国中学生英语能力竞赛题型}.

A. In the school. B. At home. C. In a restaurant. D. At a coffee shop. 24. When do Mary’s afternoon lessons start?{2016全国中学生英语能力竞赛题型}.

A. At 1:00 p.m. B. At 1:30 p.m. C. At 2:00 p.m. D. At 2:30 p.m. 25. Does Mary go to bed at 8:30 p.m.?

A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. Yes, she is. D. No, she isn’t.

(B)Please listen to the following passage. There are five missing words or phrases. Fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear. (请听下面的短文,短文中有五个空白的单词或短语,请根据你所听到的单词或短语填空。)

This is a picture of a park. You can see many people in the park. There’s a 26. __________. There aren’t any flowers, but there are some 27. __________. In the trees some birds are 28. __________. Near the trees there are some men. They’re sitting 29. __________. They are drinking tea and talking. Two young women are standing near the river. There are two boats. One is empty. In the other boat there are three girls. Are there any young 30. __________ in the river? Let me see. Oh, yes. There are some. They’re swimming now.


I.Knowledge and Usage(知识与用法)(共20小题;每小题1分,计20分)

(A)Please complete the following sentences in one of the following three ways with no more than three words for each blank: ①based on the phonetics; ②based on the first letter of the words; ③based on the Chinese hints. (用以下三种形式的一种完成句子,每空不超过三个单词:①根据音标填空;②根据首字母填空;③根据汉语意思填空。) 31. This is not my skirt. M______ is black. 32. – This is our new classmate, Alice. – __________(欢迎) our class. 33. Oh, where’s my book? I can’t f______ it.

34. Lucy and Lily are my good friends ____________(在学校). 35. – What color are the bananas?

– They are ________ []. I like them 

very much.

(B)For each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Please choose the one that can best complete the sentences. (下列各句均含有A, B, C, D四个选项,请从四个选项中选出可以完成该句的最佳选项。)

第3页 共10页 36. – What’s this? – ____.

A. That is a jacket. B. It’s jacket. C. It’s a jacket. D. Jacket. 37. – What’s that ____ Chinese? – It’s “直尺”.

A. on B. in C. for D. from 38. – How’s your mother? – ____.

A. She’s a teacher. B. She’s here. C. She’s in China. D. She’s fine, thanks. 39. These green shorts are ____ sale ____ $10.

A. on; for B. on; at C. for; of D. in; at 40. – Please ____ at the picture. What can you ____ in it?

A. see; look B. look; watch C. look; see D. watch; see 41. – ____? – Sorry, the phone didn’t work.

A. What’s the matter with your phone B. Why don’t you talk on the phone to me C. Why didn’t you call me D. What about your phone 42. – Would you like something to eat? – ____ I’m full(饱了).

A. Ok. Give me some bread. B. No, thanks. C. Yes, please. D. Don’t do that. 43. – Excuse me. Isn’t the ring in the Lost and Found yours?. – ____. I think it’s Linda’s.

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, they are. D. No, they aren’t. 44. – ____ is on that desk? – It’s an orange.

A. Where B. What color C. How D. What

45. We all like porridge ____ breakfast, and I usually put milk and suger ____ it.

A. for; for B. on; on C. for; into D. in; for 46. – Could I ____ a bowl of chicken soup, please? – Yes, here you are.

A. like B. want C. drink D. have 47. – Where is the park? – Go ____ this road and turn right ____ the second crossing.

A. on; at B. along; at C. across; on D. from; on 48. – How did you feel about your school trip? – ____

A. It’s so boring and I don’t like it. B. We went to the Natural History Museum. C. The weather was fine. D. It was excellent and we had a great time. 49. – ____ You can’t talk loudly(大声地) in a cinema. -Sorry.

A. Not quiet! B. Be quiet! C. Don’t be quiet! D. Be quietly! 50. – May I speak to Brian? – ____ Would you like to leave a message?

A. Speaking, please. B. Wrong number. C. I can’t hear you. D. Sorry, he’s not in.


(A)Please read the following passage which is incomplete, and fill in the blanks with suitable words according to the given picture, the first letters of the words and the context, using one word for each blank. (请阅读下面的短文并根据所给的图片、单词的首字母提示及短文内容在空格处填入恰当的单词补全短文。每空一词。)

第4页 共10页

I’m Henry. I work in a small shop. It’s near an English school. Every day many students come to the shop to 51. b______ things. Every day in the morning I get up at six. And

then I have breakfast at home. I get to the shop at about six fifty. The shop opens at 52. e______ in the morning. We sell things like food and drink. We have school things, 53. t______. So there 54. ______ many people in our shop every day. At 55. f______ in the evening, I finish my work and go home.

(B)Please read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the proper forms, using 10 out 号学of the 12 words or phrases in the box according to the context. (请阅读下面的短文,并根据

题 答 Now I’m in Beijing with my mom. And I’m in No. 1 Junior High School. My 59. ________ is

green. I have many green clothes. I’m in Class Four. I like my 60. ________. In my class there 得名 are nine boys and eleven 61. ________. Yang Jian and Li Fang 63. ________ my good friends. 姓 Li Fang is a nice girl. She 63. ________ my Chinese and I help her with her English. My 64. 不 ________ teacher is Miss Liu. She’s a very good teacher. Her classes are very interesting. We like her. And she likes 65. ________, too. 内

III.Reading Comprehension(阅读理解) (共15小题;66-70题,每小题1分;71-80 线 题,每小题2分,计25分)

Please read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions. Please 封 级 respond to the questions according to the requirements given at the end of the passage. (请阅 班密读下面的短文,每篇短文后设有若干问题,请根据短文后的要求回答问题。)


Many people have the wrong idea about pigs. Pigs are actually very clean animals. On farms, they live in dirty places. So, they become very dirty. In the wild, pigs keep very clean.

They are also really smart. They may be smarter than dogs. So, pigs can learn things from people. Pigs are very friendly animals. 校Some people raise them as pets. Of course, people raise the small 学kind, not the big kind. Small pigs are very cute. And they don’t break things in the house. Big pigs usually live outside on farms, not in people’s houses.

Question 66-68: Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D according to the passage. (根据短文内容,从A, B, C, D四个选项中选出最佳答案。) 66. Where do the pigs live a dirty life?

第5页 共10页

A. On farms. B. In the wild. C. In the house. D. Sorry, we don’t know. 67. Which kind of pigs do people keep in their houses?

A. The very big kind.

B. The small kind. C. The kind from farms. D. The ugly kind.

68. Which of the following is not mentioned(提及) in the passage?

A. Pigs as pets. B. Pigs on farms and in the wild. C. How to raise dogs. D. People’s wrong ideas about pigs.

Question 69-70: Decide whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F) according to the passage. (根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的写T,错误的写F。) 69. People can teach pigs things. 70. Dogs are smarter than pigs.


My name is Jude. I’m from America. I’m thirteen years old. This is my new school. It’s not big, but it’s very beautiful. There’s a big sports hall. The multi-media classroom(多媒体教室) is next to the sports hall. In front of the multi-media classroom is the science building. There’s a bookstore near the science building(大楼). Teachers and students often buy books there. Look! This is our classroom building. And there are twenty-eight classrooms in it. In my class, there are forty-six students. Twenty-eight of them are girls.

And the rest(其余的) are boys. On the right of the classroom building is a computer room. The office building is in front of our classroom building. I like my school.

Question 71-75: Fill in the blanks with suitable words according to the passage above. Use no more than three words for each blank. (根据短文内容用适当的词语填空,每空不超过三个单词。)

71. Jude’s school is ___________________.

72. There are ___________________ boys in Jude’s class.

73. The multi-media classroom is behind ___________________.

74. There’s a classroom building with ___________________ in the school. 75. The passage is mainly about ___________________.


Dear Greta,

Thank you very much for your letter. Yes, I would like to have a pen pal. It’s very exciting! I am also the youngest child. I have a big family. I have two sisters and one brother. We don’t have any pets. We live in a city called Vera Cruz. It is on the coast(海岸) of the Gulf of Mexico(墨西哥湾). My house is close(靠近) to the sea. It only takes me ten minutes to get there on foot. I love to swim and play there.

Germany(德国) sounds very interesting. I have never been skiing(滑雪). In Mexico, there are some high mountains with snow, but there are no ski places. It is very warm here all year.

第6页 共10页{2016全国中学生英语能力竞赛题型}.

I go to an international school(国际学校). All of my classes are in both Spanish(西班牙语) and English. My father works for a car company. He knows English very well. He always speak English with me and my mum speaks Spanish.

How about in your family? Where did you learn English? Hope to hear from you soon!

Adios!(This means goodbye in Spanish!)

Maria Lopez

Question 76-80: Answer the following questions according to the passage. (根据短文内容回答问题。)

76. Where is Maria Lopez from? ____________________________

77. How long does it take from Maria’s house to the sea? ____________________________ 78. Can Maria ski in Mexico? ____________________________

79. Who always speaks English with Maria? ____________________________ 80. What do you think of having a pen pal? ____________________________

IV.Sentence pattern Transformation(句型转换) (共5小题;每小题1分,计5分) Please transform the following sentences as required, using only one word for each blank. (请按要求转换下列各句,每空限用一词。)

对画线部分提问) ______ ______ the school trip?

82. You can call Mary. Her telephone number is 296-8542.(合并为一句)

You can ______ Mary ______ 296-8542. 83. He is watching TV now.(改为一般疑问句)

______ he ______ TV now?

84. I think these school rules are strict.(改为否定句)

I ______ ______ these school rules ______ strict.

85. There is a school bus at the gate.(用some替换a改写句子)

______ ______ some ______ ______ at the gate.

V.Translation(翻译) (共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)

(A)Please translate the following sentences into Chinese. (请将下列句子译成汉语。) 86. Last weekend I had a great time playing badminton with my classmates. ________________________________________________________ 87. He is an old friend of mine. I am happy to see him again. ________________________________________________________ 88. Are there any restaurants in your neighborhood? ________________________________________________________

(B)Please translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets. (请根据括号内所给的词语,将下列句子译成英语。)

第7页 共10页 89. 你最喜爱的动物是什么?(favorite) ________________________________________________________ 90. 昨晚上我熬夜看足球比赛。(stay up) ________________________________________________________

VI.Sentence Construction(句子建构) (共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)

Please construct clear and meaningful sentences based on the pictures by using the given words or phrases. Punctuation marks have been given. (请根据所给图片提示及所给单词或短语,将下列信息构建成意思连贯的句子。标点符号已给出。) 91. Toronto, be, rain


92. climb, I, my family


93. There be, pay phone, library


94. go fishing, lake, last summer


95. fire, warm, cook


VII.Dialogue Completion(补全对话) (共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)

Please read the following dialogue. Complete it by filling in the blanks with five sentences out of the seven ones given according to the dialogue. (请阅读下面的对话,并根据对话内容从所给的7个句子中选出5个,补全对话。) A: 96. ______

B: Yes, please. I want to eat some food for lunch. A: 97. ______

B: What do you have in your restaurant? A: 98. ______

B: OK. I want to have a large bowl of dumplings

and five strawberries. 99. ______

第8页 共10页


VIII.IQ Test(智力测试) (共5小题;每小题1分,计5分) 题 Answer the following questions. (回答下列问题。)

答101. Three teachers are talking in the classroom. They are a Chinese teacher, a math teacher and an English teacher. A speaks Chinese in class. The English teacher is a good woman 得teacher. C is the math teacher’s sister. Who is the math teacher? 名 A. A. B. B. C. C. D. We don’t know.

姓 不102. It’s first letter is in “book” but not in “look”. Its second is in “ink” but not in “thank”. Its third is in both ”ink” and “book”. And its last letter is not in “sheep” but in “jeep”. What is it? 内103. Which two of the numbered pieces will fit together to make cube A? (哪两块能拼成图 形A?)

线 封 级 班密

校104. The girl is a blue stocking. She knows everything. Guess the meaning of “blue stocking”. 学(You can answer in Chinese.)

105. How many triangles(三角形) are there in the picture?

第9页 共10页

IX. Writing(写作) (共2小题;(A)题满分10分,(B)题满分15分,计25分) (A)


1. 将以下提示词全部用于短文中,可以适当地发挥想象,增加细节; 2. 词数不少于50个单词。

提示词:soccer fan(迷), go to bed late, be late for school, unhappy, sorry, fail(没通过) the test _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (B)假如你们学校想招聘一名音乐老师,请你替学校写一份广告,并且和你联系,你的名字叫Frank。

提示:会说英语和汉语,对音乐感兴趣,对孩子们友好,会弹钢琴。 要求:

1. 要将所有信息体现在广告中;

2. 行文流畅,条理清楚,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范、清晰; 3. 不得少于50词。


第10页 共10页




班级__________ 姓名____________ 得分________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [B] [B] [B] [B] [B] [B] [B] [B] [B] [B] [C] [C] [C] [C] [C] [C] [C] [C] [C] [C] [D] [D] [D] [D] [D] [D] [D] [D] [D] [D] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] [A] 22 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [B] [B] [B] [B] [B] [B] [B] [B] [B] [B] 23 [A] [B] [C [D] [E] [F] [G] [C] [C] [C] [C] [C] [C] [C] [C] [C] [C] 24 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [D] [D] [D] [D] [D] [D] [D] [D] [D] [D] 25 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]

_ ____ ____

_ ____ ____ 读后续写:




全国中学生新课程英语语言能力竞赛试题(高三年级组)参考答案 I. 1. on 2. depends 3. contributors 4. to

5. rapidly 6. from 7. that 8. using

9. with 10. producing 11. based 12. enabling

13. available 14. growth 15. the

II. 1. like 2. without 3. but 4. for

5. out 6. age 7. In 8. from

9. sister 10. later


A. 1. She was a social worker.

2. The creation of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

3. How we should treat people with mental disabilities.

4. did something about it

5. Due to her contribution to the Special Olympics.

B. 1. groups 2. Antarctica 3. America 4. frequently

5. annually / yearly 6. 187 7. 9 8. Reasons / Causes

9. climate 10. unknown


Tweens are children between the ages of 8 and 13. They are fashionable, smart and high-tech. Sometimes, they are hard to understand. They are facing a lot of difficulties, challenges and pressure and they may become angry at small things such as an argument with a friend. They value friends very much. They have their own ideas about cool things and they are a hot market, having a huge spending power.


篇八:《2013 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛》

2013 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初三年级组试题听力部分(录音原文)

I 句子应答


1 Will you please help me carry the box ,

2 Sorry could you please repeat what you just said? I couldn’t follow you.

3 Excuse me, could you tell my the way to the park?

4 How long have you been in America ,

5 Welcome to my home John. I’d like you to meet my parents

II.对话理解(给力英语网/retype/zoom/8daa388cf46527d3250ce045?pn=3&x=0&y=2010&raww=893&rawh=1003&o=png_6_0_0_0_0_0_0_892.979_1262.879&type=pic&aimh=539.1265397536395&md5sum=d9232cf492fe27a457346dbce13446fb&sign=d2acb344b5&zoom=&png=982-226823&jpg=0-0” target=”_blank”>



全国中学生新课程英语语言能力竞赛试题(九年级组)参考答案 Ⅰ. 1-5 CDDAB 6-10 ABDDC 11-15 BCDAB

Ⅱ. 16-20 BADCA 21-25 BDABD

26. piece 27. Without 28. until

29. picked 30. However 31. green

32. thinking 33. shared 34. himself

35. thankful

Ⅲ. 36-40 DDAAC 41-45 CBBAD 46-50 BEAFD 51. get their fur 52. $1175

53. raising money to save seals

54. end the seal hunt

55. stopping b



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