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admin 高二作文 2020-04-23 00:06:18 恐怖主义作文



When we hear the word ‘terrorism’, we will think of the 911 event, which caused much damage. In fact, international terrorism has existed since World War Two. As society develops, many means have been used in terrorism such as hijacking, explosion, kidnapping and so on, which attracts much attention in the whole world.

Faced with so many terrorist activities, we can not help to think about the roots of terrorism. In my opinion, there are three reasons for the problem. Firstly, extreme nationalism, which is intended to resist the foreign oppression and seek for national independence, is the main root of terrorism. Although some countries did succeed by this way in history, the way itself should not be advocated. Besides, terrorism is the product of intensification of contradictions in the domestic and overseas. In other words, the gaps between rich and poor countries become wider and wider, leading to terrorism against the globalization of capitalism. In all, the main reason lies in the economy. So, how to make fair distribution around the world is worth thinking deeply. Last but not least, religious factors and cultural conflicts should be responsible for this serious problem. As we know, some crazy religious believers play important role in terrorist events in several years.

Frankly speaking, it is impossible to make terrorism disappear. So how to reduce it seems very important. After all, all kinds of terrorist activities do harm to society and human-beings. For a country, it threatens country’s public security and economic development. For the whole world, it keeps people all of the world in a mess. These horrible consequences warn that it is necessary to solve the problem.

As far as I am concerned, what is the most important is to keep developing the global economy and try to promote fair distribution of economy. Especially, developed countries should provide support of economy and technology for developing countries in order to keep the balance of economy in the world. Because we can not prevent the development of global economy, so it is wise to join in the global market and take opportunities of developing own economy. As people say, seizing chances is the basic of creating chances. Next, it is the key to deal well with the religious problems. We must realize that religion is a part of culture and not able to be connected with policy. Governments of the world should give religions enough freedom and respects that they should get. What’s more, strengthening communications of different cultures is helpful to enhance each other’s understandings. In other words, seek common points and put differences aside. We should believe that peaceful negotiations are better than unwise violence. Besides, it will reduce the damages caused by terrorism by improving the systems of public security. Of course, these points seem easy but difficult to carry out. This is the reason why terrorism is still expanding in the world. But I still believe that the problem will be eased with the help of all countries and all people. I hope the day would come as soon as possible.


On the morning of April 15,Beijing time,suddenly two bombs exploded near Boston Marathon finish line. The serial bombings has killed three people, at least 176 people were injured.From the number of explosive device, hiding place and detonation time, this is a carefully planned terrorist attack.

According to the report,suspect of the attack is a pair of American brothers.They confessed that the reason this happens is because they hate the United States launched the war in Afghanistan and Iraq war unceasingly. Boston is regarded as the birthplace of the revolutionary spirit and has been hailed as a revolution to commemorate the Holy Land, terrorist attacks here can hit the morale of the American nationa obviously. Frequent attacks on the United States, it should reflect its international image and foreign policy, terrorism, however this is not perfect enough, anyway, the killing of innocent civilians are humanitarian injustice.Terrorism don’t have the lower limit and regardless of the objects, to be wordly-wise and play safe is not security, there is only one way: punishing terrorism together. At the same time, the terrorists want is the fear of people, and everyone still normal life is the best response to terrorism, Boston has said that next year will continue to marathon, peace-loving people won't bow to terrorism.{关于恐怖主义的作文}.

and has been hailed as a revolution to commemorate the Holy Land, terrorist attacks here can hit the morale of the American nation obviously.


Is High-tech Equipment a Solution to Terrorism

Nowadays more and more Terrorisms appear in our daily life. Some people consider that using High-tech Equipment to solve this problem is particularly important. In this way, High-tech Equipment can bring us numerous benefits. Whereas, others hold the imparity opinions.

As far as I am concerned, many things have two sides and high-tech does not have an

exception. It has brought us lots of benefits but has created some serious trouble at the same time. For one thing, I firmly believe that high-tech can prevent and solve many of the threat of terrorism. For instance, we can install monitoring in each place, when Terrorists place a bomb that is a nuclear weapon, we can know then quickly left the first time. But like this, do we have any privacy? For another, we need a normal life. Therefore, we should make use of it in within a reasonable range.

To conclude, using High-tech Equipment to resolve Terrorisms is like a double-edged sword. With it, we may become more and more dependent on it. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should make sensible use, always being a master instead of a slave.

篇四:《高中英语作文素材 我们应该如何对付恐怖主义 How We Should Combat Terrorism》

我们应该如何对付恐怖主义(How We Should Combat Terrorism)

Ever since September 11 happened in 2001, whole world has been appealing to combat terrorism. As we can see, people in different country hold very different opinions on the issue how we should combat terrorism. Obviously, Americans think that they can keep them away from terrorism by evanishing all their so-called enemies such as Iraq and Afghanistan, and now both country are under their control, however, terrorism does not disappear as they have hoped. Contrarily, there seems to be an ever-increasing trend, just leaving countless guiltless people suffering from the war。It is said that about 5451 people died in the disaster of 9.11, while the casualty of common of Iraq has reached more than 6087 according to the statistics freshly released by white house. So we should always keep in mind what we are supposed to do and what are not, do not make yourself a terrorist because of your hate of terrorism.{关于恐怖主义的作文}.

In my opinion, in order to combat terrorism, firstly, we should combat all inequality and injustice deeply rooted in our society. There are so many people had been and are wrongly and unfairly treated : you are not allowed to sit in some special preservation in a bus just because you are a black, you are forbidden in entering some occupations because you are a black, you do the same job like others while getting lower rewards than others just because you are a black or you are a women .you are turned down again in a job applying because of your age. If all abovehappened inside a country, then following are among countries: some countries request for illegal rights interfering in other country’s national affairs rely on their enormous economic and military power, they suppress and crack down on Muslim countries, separate their people from their religion.

Can you believe that all this things happened in a society claimed to be more and more democracy and free? No one wants to be guilty unless they are forced to be. Now you see,many people are thirsty for equality and justice as you for peace and quite. Giving them what they want, then you will get what you want.








篇六:《关于9.11恐怖袭击的英语演讲短文 中英文对照》

大约一个月前,美国总统奥巴马前往纽约,向9/11恐怖袭击的受害者致敬。几天前,美军在巴基斯坦打死了基地组织头目本.拉登。奥巴马在被摧毁的世界贸易中心大厦遗址献花环,并会见2001年基地组织袭击遇难者的亲属。今年是针对美国的911袭击十周年。 这无疑是一个重要的新闻。





About a month ago ,U.S. President Barack Obama traveled to New York to honor the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, days after U.S. forces killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. Mr. Obama was laid a wreath at the site of the destroyed World Trade Center buildings and met with relatives of those killed in the 2001 al-Qaida attacks.

This year is the tenth anniversary of the attacks against the United States on September eleventh, two thousand one. This is undoubtedly an important and relaxing news.

And then the leader of al-Qaida in Yemen is warning the United States of more attacks.In a statement posted on the Internet, Nasser al-Wahishi tells Americans that the “((holy war)) is brighter" following bin Laden's death and that "what is coming is greater and worse."

In my opinion, Peace and development should be the topic of today's world, we should love peace,and call for peace, fight against terrorism, to gain a better future.

There is no doubt that Osama bin Laden had to answer for the ideology he espoused and the death and destruction he reveledin. But serious questions remain in this ongoing fight. So now who, if anyone, will take control of al-Qaida?

For al-qaida , regardless of what purpose should not take innocent people's lives as a negotiation of weights. The only hope is that Muslims who truly study, understand, and live their faith will eventually convince their brothers and sisters to give up on violence as a solution. …I sure hope Developed countries are just a little closer to peace with the middle east.







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