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admin 高二作文 2020-04-23 00:12:18 体育运动作文









“通知,通知,今天下午举行跳绳比赛,希望 参赛选手做好准备。”听到这熟悉的声音,我的心跳加快了速度,因为我很光荣的被选上了。“参加跳绳比赛的同学 下楼练习,第一节体育课不用去上。”听到老师 那温柔的声音,我们各各神采飞扬的跑下楼去。


时间 过得可真快。我们站在那里看其它年级的同学比赛,他们真是花样百出,我们看着都想笑。终于轮到我们五年级了,先上场的是五·一班,我们这是才想起来练习,我们跟着五·一班一起跳,看谁跳得多。



星期一升旗时,老师宣布获奖名单,这次我的心跳再次加快了速度,我看着他们各各获得优异的成绩,我羡慕 不已,虽然这次比赛我并没有取得好的成绩,但我相信,我只要不断的练习,在下一次跳绳比赛时,我一定会取得优异的成绩。

我非常喜欢 做体育运动,不管是什么运动。

我在体育运动的同时自己也感到非常快乐 ,心情也会变得愉快。
























篇三:《作文 体育运动》


目标 : 整理话题词汇,并准确背诵及运用。

重点: 积累与体育奥运话题有关的的常用词汇及句型,并在语境中灵活应用体育与奥运话题的词汇。{体育运动的作文}.

难点 :灵活运用所学词汇及句型写一篇短文,并准确表达。 Section 1话题词汇:体育运动 (一) 词汇冲关:

话题词汇:sports activity 体育活动athlete 运动员 sports programs 体育节目 competition 竞赛 competitor 竞争者 medal 奖章 stadium 体育场 the Olympic Games 奥运会the Summer Olympics 夏季奥运会 the Winter Olympics 冬季奥运会 motto 座右铭,格言 sponsor 赞助tournament 锦标赛 bid 投标 events比赛项目 track events径赛 field events 田赛运动victory胜利 coach教练 judge 裁判regulation规则clap鼓掌congratulate祝贺 finish – line终点线 outdoors sport室外运动 finals决赛 semifinals 半决赛 high jump 跳高 long jump 跳远110 m hurdles 110 米栏The Olympic flame 奥运火炬 Chinese delegation 中国代表团 Olympic rings 奥运五环physical fitness 身体健康competitor 竞争者

掌握词汇: host主办take an active part in 积极参加 stand for 代表cheer欢呼participate in参加 defeat 打败 win the champion/glory赢得冠军/荣誉stand for代

2. place :___________________________________________________________ 3. equipment:_____________________________________________________ Section 2 渐入佳境:完成句子


Women are not only _____________(允许,许可),but ___________________(扮演重要的角色)in gymnastics .

2) 3) 4) 5)

Does anyone want to __________(举办) the Olympics Games ? You ____________________________________(肯定很骄傲). How many countries ________________(比赛,竞争)in the games . Our school______________(举办)a sports meeting every year. We can ____________(参加) many events.

6) 7)

The team _____________________________(还从没有被打败过). I’m writing to _____________________________________________(申请作为奥运者)。


I ______________________________(喜欢参加英语角) in my spare time .

Section 3 步步为营:根据上下文联系完成填空。

There are two sets of Games—-the Winter and the Summer Olympics, and 1__________ are held every four years on a regular basis. The Winter Olympics are

usually held two year 2________the Summer Games. Only athletes

表象征 break through 突破host主办audience观众break the record打破记录

3______________have reached the agreed standard for their event

set the record创造纪录 keep the record 保持纪录challenge挑战 score得分

4(admit)________________ as competitors. They may 5___________(来

compete for为了…而竞争比赛 allow允许,许可{体育运动的作文}.

自)anywhere in the world.


There are no running races 6___________ horse riding events. 7______________

court arrow bowling marathon gym golf bow wrestling gymnastics

there are competitions like skiing and ice skating 8______________ need snow and

helmet stadium boxing skateboard badminton baseball relay jogging

ice. That’s 9_________ they’re called the Winter Olympics. It’s in the Summer

1. event:_________________________________________________________

Olympics 10____________you have the running races, together with swimming,


sailing and all the team sports. Section4 一试身手

2016年奥运会将在巴西举行,奥运组委现向全世界各地招募志愿者。假设你是李华是一名学生,请根据以下要求向巴西奥组委写一封应征信。 要求:1. 应征志愿者的原因。

2. 介绍兴趣爱好特长。 3. 渴望成为一名奥运会志愿者。

注意:1. 可以适当增加细节,是行文连贯。

2. 词数:120左右。

Dear Sir / Madam ,

I am glad to learn from the newspaper that you need volunteers for Brazil Olympic Games in 2016 .____________________________________________(我写信申请成为志愿者)。

________________________(在我看来) ,it is good to be a volunteer of the Olympic Games. I can_______________________(交到朋友) from different countries and learn more about sports in the Olympics.

I ________________________(有信心)to be an outstanding volunteer for the different posts. _______________________(众所周知),

English___________________________________________ (起着重要的作用)in communication , and I___________________________________(很擅长) it. Because I ______________________________(喜欢参加) the English Corner in my spare time ,I _______________________________(用英语流利的表达).

I really want __________________(作为一名志愿者) for Brazil Olympic Games in 2016.____________________(最后但是最重要的是), I will use my enthusiasm and smile to greet every foreign friends_________________________________(来自世界各{体育运动的作文}.

地).I’ll______________________________(竭尽全力做) this work if I can get a chance to be a volunteer in the Olympic Games .

I ______________________________________________(期望收到你的来信) . Best wishes.

Yours ,


Section 5 完美呈现



Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it .



篇四:《英语作文 体育锻炼》

1. It is reported that the health of young people in China, college students in p

articular, is not as good as is supposed to be. There are many reasons for this fact, but the main reason is that many people ignore the importance of physical exercises.

Why, then, are physical exercises so important to our health? First, physical exercises can improve blood circulation, speeding up the supply of nutrients and oxygen to every part of the body and the removal of waste from the blood through sweating and exhalation. Secondly, physical exercises can promote a healthy metabolism. It helps with the digestion and absorption of food, thus giving everyone a good appetite. Thirdly, physical exercise can help consume excessive fat in the body, preventing people from putting on too much weight, thus keeping them in good shape. Finally, after physical exercises we usually need a good rest and a sound sleep at night, refreshing us for the next day's work.

In conclusion, physical exercises not on[y keep us fit and strong, but also help us to be successful in our lives. It is, therefore, strongly suggested that young people spare some time to take an active part in various kinds of physical exercises.

2. The Importance of Physical Exercise

Everyone hopes to live happily in the world. Physical exercise is indispensable to a happy life. There is a famous saying: "Life lies on exercise." Although you will not necessarily die without regular physical exercises, they' II certainly help you live longer and more healthily.

Exercise is good for us to build our bodies. It helps co – ordinate the different parts of our bodies when we have sports. For example, we must try our best to co – ordinate the movements of the arms and legs when we play basketball, or we won't be able to shoot the basket. Exercise also benefits our organs. It lets the heart beat faster than usual, and then helps enlarge the blood vessels to protect us from heart attacks.

Exercise can also contribute to the development of our ability to response agilely. For instance, when you play table- tennis, you must try to reflect as quickly as you can so that you may fight back at the right position at the fight moment.

Exercise can also contribute to improving our mood. When you do exercise, you move a lot, and you have to be more active. It helps you become more optimistic.

Exercise will fill your life with various contents and make it more colorful.

What's more, exercise will help you get rid of your inertia. If you keep doing exercise regularly, you will never be a lazy person. Therefore, exerci

se has great effect on one's character.

In a word, exercise is helpful, important and absolutely necessary

3. Students in our school have one thing in common- an interest in sports. Acc

ording to their different intentions in taking part in sports, they fall into three groups.

Many students go to the playground when they tired after a few hours of study, These students put much more tress on their study efficiency than the fun of sports, They just want to go back to their classrooms from the playground with a clearer and quicker mind. Thus they don't actually care whether they can enjoy themselves on theplayground. Most of them choose long distance running, the kind of exercise which few real sports enthusiasts like. So this group of students can be well labeled as study– oriented participation.

Students that make up the second group are real sports lovers. Sometimes they even put aside their studies for a match. They take part in the sport that interests them most, not caring whether it is most beneficial to their health. They may be called fun-oriented sports participants.



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