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admin 高二作文 2020-04-23 00:15:18 作文竞争


Cooperation and Competition

Which is more important in life, cooperating with others, or selecting competition? The answer may vary from person to person. For many people, to work with other people can increase working efficiency. They can also improve their ability of communication through the teamwork. However, large numbers of people do not agree. They like working alone and competing with others. In my opinion, I think cooperation is more important than competition in modern life.

It is true that the modern society is a highly competitive society, but it also needs social cooperation. It helps bring individual abilities into full play and makes up for each other’s inadequacy. As an old saying goes, “Two heads are better than one.” Cooperation is especially necessary because we can not achieve anything if there are only competition and no cooperation in many cases. So if we are good at cooperating, we will be able to figure out a way to success more easily.

What about the competition? Competition helps enhance individual abilities. It makes people creative. Without competition, people would create nothing. They would feel satisfied with their present condition. Competition is beneficial to the society to discover best use of talents. However, it has some disadvantages.

Competition easily causes deterioration of interpersonal relationship. It makes people more selfish and narrow. Also many people

feel pressure under competition and do not know what to do.

Apart from these, cooperation and competition are both essential to people. They are equally necessary for a person to achieve success in his or her future life. But I prefer cooperation to competition in daily life.

篇二:《竞争的利与弊 英语作文》

Positive and Negative Effects of Competition

As the saying goes every coin has two sides. So it is completion.

Competition between individuals or companies can be tough, aggressive, even ferocious or cut-throat.For individuals, it may hurt self-esteem of the losers, some people think that this help the losers to be strong , less nag and help them see clearly the real socirty , but counterproductive, the unsettling result probably let them give up their ideals, or even the phenomenon of malicious completion may happen. So the winner should be benign, though the exciting fruit is conducive to build self-confident for the winners, they should avoid to have the feeling of outdoing than others, in fact every people’s biggest competitor is himself, we should try our best to go beyond ourselves. In this case ,we can triumph over difficulties with others and share the joy of victory together, this perhaps seliminate the negative effects of competition.

Competitionhas positive and negative effect, but we all looking forward to the mutually beneficial and win-win situation.


Firms may accuse each other of using unfair methods such as dumping, where a competitor (usually foreign) sells products for less than what they cost to produce, or at less than the price charged in the home market. Firms dump in order to build market share and recoup (收回) their losses later when, having established themselves to benefit from economies of scale (producing in larger quantities so that the cost of each unit goes down), they are able to charge market prices with a healthy (数额大) profit margin on each unit sold.

Competition can also be gentlemanly or even cozy (勾结), so cozy that companies may be accused of forming a cartel to agree on prices in a price fixing arrangement. They may then be investigated by a government that looks into unfair trading practices.

Competitors may also enter into other perfectly legitimate forms of cooperation, such as joint ventures for specific projects. They may even talk about strategic alliances. But like mergers, these can go awry and lead to recrimination (相互指责) between erstwhile (former) partners.


The benefit of competition

Nowadays, with the development of our society,competition has become more and more fierce.Competition usually comes as an important and necessary part of our society especially economic affairs.

At first, competition not only urge human in full of creative power, but also increase efficiency. For example, in the plant, the manager will through enact plant to urge staff production faster. The second, competition prompt the producer to manufacture the best product and provide quality of service. Likes the competitor of Kentucky Fried Chicken and Mcdonald’s, due to theirespecialrelation, we can enjoy their diversified product and quality service.

The last, competition was promotesociety further development.If lost completion, our society will lost many vitality, and we can’t get today’s prosperity.

篇四:《Competition and cooperation合作与竞争作文集锦》


Cooperation and Competition

In some situations, cooperation is dominant, whereas in others, competition is. Factors such as personalities of the individuals, volume of communication, size of the group, and reciprocity of actions determine whether individuals compete or cooperate in a social situation.

Competition and Cooperation

Good morning, Dear teachers!

Im so glad to have an opportunity( 机会) to give a speech here. My topic is " competition and cooperation ".

Onassis the Greek shipping tycoon(巨头) said that to be successful, you need a friend; To a great success, you need a more powerful opponent(对手) than you! From this sentence we can see two important factors(因素): competition and cooperation. As we all know, competition is everywhere in our society. When we play games, we need to win. When we study, nobody wants to fall behind. When we grow up, finding a job also needs fierce(激烈的) competition. And today I am here with other candidates(报考者,候选人) ,it’s also a severe(激烈的) competition.

Competition can make us work hard at our dreams. It also offers(提供) us courage to overcome all kinds of difficulties, which helps us to make progress in our life. Most important of all , competition provides us with an open and fair opportunity to realize our dreams. It also contributes(贡献) a lot to our society(社会) to choose outstanding people.

Since competition is so important in our life, do we need to face the challlenge(挑战) all by ourselves alone(单独)?

The answer is no!

If we want to play the games well, we have to play with others. We cannot play and win by ourselves. We need team work. That is to say, we need to cooperate with our partners. If there is only competition without cooperation, it’s meaningless. Cooperation plays an important role(起重要作

用) in the competition. If you cooperate with others , you can finish it better than do it alone. You can learn how to get along with others when taking the cooperation. We all know two common sayings: Two heads are better than one. (三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。)Many hands make light work. (众人拾柴火焰高) So if we want to succeed, cooperation is necessary.

In a word, cooperation and competition are both important if we want to be a successful person. We should develop a strong sense of competition. At the same time, we also need to have a strong sense of teamwork to have a better life.

That’s all. Thank you! 问题:

1.Competition and cooperation which is more important ? I think both of them are equal important. If I want to do something well, I need both of them.

2. Do you know the Chinese meaning of this sentense? Two heads are better than one. Or Many hands make light work.

3.Give an example: in your study how do you cooperate with others?

When my classmates have problems, I often help them. When I meet some problems, I often ask them to help me. Helping each other can make us learn more.

4. How can you win in the competition? First I have been studying hard all the time. Second I have prepared well. Third I am a confident boy. 5. What kind of games do you like?

I like playing basketball. I often play it on weekends with my classmates. And we have great fun playing basketball together.

竞争与合作Competition and Cooperation On competition and cooperation(辨证关系题材) 竞争与合作 When it comes to competition and cooperation, some people always emphasize competition but neglect cooperation. Their reasons run as following: to begin with, they believe only competition can help them defeat their counterparts; in addition, they think competition is the only way to lead to success. 谈到竞争与合作,有些人总是强调竞争,而忽视合作。其原因如下:首先,他们认为只有竞争才能帮助他们击败对手;此外,他们认为竞争是通向成功的唯一途径。 But some others hold different opinion. They think cooperation is as important as competition. They base their opinion on the following reasons: on one hand, cooperation can build trust between each other and help to bring long-term relationship; on another hand, cooperation can turn a small and weak business into a big and strong one. 也有人持不同的意见。他们觉得合作与竞争一样重要。他们根据他们的想法,理由如下:一方面,合作可以建立相互之间的信任并帮助建立长期的合作关系;另一方面,合作可以使一个弱小的企业变成一个强大的企业。 From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that both competition and cooperation are essential to success and thus should be emphasized at the same time. 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出一个结论,竞争和合作对成功都很重要,因此应同时被强调。

Cooperation and competition{什么是竞争,英文作文}.

Cooperation and competition are modern people’s basic relationship. The development of human and the progress of society are related to cooperation which is necessary for us. In order to make advances we need cooperate with others. Although the cooperation is significant for us, the competition is more useful because it steel our characters and traits. The competition could also arouse our ability. Individual changes the attitude of the future through the process that he or she gets victory in constantly competition. The accomplishment of someone’s goal will also build the self-confidant and the enthusiasm of creation. If someone is afraid of competition and does not have the courage of meeting challenges, he or she will waste the chances of achieving success.

Motorola is one of the most successful companies in mobile communication area. Motorola was founded in 1928; it produced radio at first. In 1965, Motorola began to manufacture television. The first all-transistor color television receiver in the world was built by Motorola in 1968. But the Motorola felt the pressure aroused by National and Sony; those companies’

products became having more and more varieties and functions than Motorola’s and an unprecedented challenge came to Motorola. National and Sony studied the development trend of television and accurately grasped the customer consumption psychology. Motorola refused to change its business model and was afraid of having a competition with the companies like Sony. As a result it surrendered manufacturing television and transferred its television industry to Matsushita which was also a Japanese company.

After the failure in television area, Motorola realized the importance of competitive intelligence. So Motorola began to learn how Japanese companies hold technology leading status instead of asking the protection of government. Motorola established the competitive intelligence research apartment and hired Jane Herrin as the CIO to develop the management of information. Motorola compared its technology with Japanese companies’ and found that the scale of production, the business management and the after-sales service of Motorola was much worse than Japanese companies’. On reflection, Motorola decided to give full play to its semiconductor chips’ production and made the mobile communication as its mean industry. The challenges which caused by Nokia, Ericsson and Siemens soon came to Motorola. Motorola tracked those rivals’ development trend and researched new products in order to won against the companies like Nokia in the competition. Motorola followed other companies, strengthened the development of its products. After more than 20 years’ efforts, Motorola established its world's top mobile communication products manufacturer status.

Without the competition with the Japanese companies and the companies like Nokia and Siemens, Motorola would not find the weakness of itself thus would not achieve such a success in mobile communication industry. From the development process of Motorola, the importance of competition was obvious.

Competition and cooperation

Cooperation and competition are both important. They are attributes which are equally necessary for a person to achieve success in his life. Learn to be cooperative. No one likes a selfish, greedy, or arrogant individual. However, everyone likes a considerate and cooperative person. Everything we do today, whether in doing business or making friends, depend upon our ability to get along with one another. In our society, most tasks demand the cooperation of many individuals so that they can be accomplished effectively. In this situation, we must be supportive and cooperative. Each person is like a small part of a machine. If only one part is out of order, the machine can’t be running well. Besides, transportation and communication systems are rapidly developing and people all over the world can get in touch with each other more easily. It is hard for a person who is isolated from the society to have a deep understanding of the world he lives and to accomplish a feat in his career. Cooperation is becoming more and more important for a person to earn a good life.

Being competitive also has a place in life. If you want to achieve more success and be better than others, you must work harder, study more diligently, and adapt yourself to competition. The desire to succeed and do better than others inspires us to work harder. If there were no competition,

a sports meet would never be exciting and successful, and we would never have champions. No doubt, we often find there is an inseparable relationship between competition and cooperation. In a football match, either team is competing with other. But each member of the team is cooperating with his teammates.

We cooperate with others to be more competitive; we compete to earn a better environment for cooperation. Thus we can make progress continuously. Only competition together with cooperation leads us to realize our goals and satisfy our needs.

Topic: Talk about cooperation

The following passages or pictures are for your reference.

Passage 1

Being on a team helps people learn teamwork – to rely on others and to do their own part as well. Players learn both to win and to lose. When the team loses, the members learn that they can come back from a loss. They look for the reasons they were beaten, work on their weaknesses, and try again. When the team wins, the members can learn to be gracious winners and good sports.

Sports are also for play. Most of us have work to do most of the time. Now and then we need to have fun. Sports can provide the time to relax. If a team helps people learn to work together, lose win, and have fun, it's a winner regardless of the score. But if players on a winning team have not worked together, if they feel that winning makes them better than others, if there was no joy in the sport, those winners are losers. Having the winning score is important. Being a winner as a person is worth even more. As a convincing maxim of friendship first and competition second suggests, we should adhere to equivalence of winning and losing.

Competition and cooperation

Nowadays people live on a modern world with fast developing speed. Competition and cooperation are becoming more and more important. We cant live without them. However, in some peoples opinions, competition and cooperation are two apparent opposites. They are incompatible as fire and water. As a result, people emphasis on competition and neglect cooperation. Nevertheless, competition and cooperation play equally important roles in our modern lives. We should not only learn how to compete, but also how to cooperate. It is foolish for us to pay particular stress only on competition.

In modern world, competition still serves as a significant stimulus for people. We are taught to compete and cooperate when we were very young. In our college studies, we are still being taught these two important principles. Competition exists all the time at college campus. But still we share cooperation. We cooperate to achieve our goals, finish our homework, realize our dreams. Through cooperation, we have learned how to respect others, how to apply teamwork when cooperation.

Competition and cooperation are equally important to our social development. The over-emphasis on or the neglect of either will cause losses and even damages. So we should balance the relationship between competition and cooperation. Those who are successful can all deal such relationship well. In todays society, if we want to be a successful person, we should learn to compete an

d cooperate.




你的观点 Rivalry{什么是竞争,英文作文}.


Win gracefully

Psychologically, the keynote of adult life may mean too heavy a burden

It’s not uncommon to see that rivalries exist in our mundane life. By comparison, some pros and cons become self-evident. Nevertheless, controversial issue about whether the advantages of competition will outweigh the disadvantages of it or the other way round is now under heated discussion. Opinions of different people differ greatly.

Advocates assume that Rivalries, though sometimes frustrating, raise the bar and make us work harder, smarter and faster. As the proverb goes,” What does kill us simply make us stronger.” Competition serves as a loyal faults finder and a potential explorer, giving rise to the optimal growth during a certain period. Additionally, with the help of contends, a sense of collaboration and a high self-esteem are made possible and thus facilitate our overall development.

However, opponents deem that it would be a kinder world without the entering of competition. Conflict would be eliminated, tensions become a thing of the past, the stress of creation would be at an end, all of which contribute to a better landscape during the journey of life. What’s more, ourselves and our own possibilities are diminished in virtually every rivalry.

As far as I am concerned, it is our attitude that decides what we will end up with. With a positive mindset, we will find it easier to overcome the shadow of lose and stifle our ego and complacent when holding the trophy. Rivalries are inevitable, by no mean should we tremble when confront them for the fact that there are always something waiting to be learned no matter lose or win.




摘要: 小马过河为大家带来了托福写作备考结构性模板2则,供考生们参考使用,更多托福辅导请继续关注小马过河!

新 托福 作文写作技巧


2.词汇和固定短语要识记,主要是3类: 环境的,经济的,社会进步等题目经常涉及的名词或者名词短语;表示程度等的形容词和能够恰当修饰动词的副词;起承转合作用的连接词和短语。





7.整篇文章不要出现第二人称you,your,这是enjoy life等前辈的指点(指点了pumpkin,然后她又“数落”我的),多用people;你想,you就是阅卷人,你凭什么张口就用人家的书面语言教导人家呢?

8.个人的观点:尽可能的避免单独使用he/she,考虑到性别歧视问题。但是,如果你要顶字数的话,也请用 he or she。





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