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admin 高三作文 2020-04-22 22:49:18 推荐插画

第一篇 pollyplanet

张 颖 中学英语高级教师,昆明市第一中学教师;昆明市五华区学科带头人; 学校高考专家组成员;2007年、2009和 2010年三次获昆明市高三复习




丁 洁 中学英语一级教师,昆明市第一中学教师;英语专业八级成绩优秀;从







孟 洁 昆明市第一中学教师。西南大学英语(师范)专业毕业,获文学学 士;双学位金融学专业辅修,获经济学学士。研究生就读于西南大学英 语教育专业。数次在英语演讲、写作和口译(同传及交传)比赛中获一 等奖,擅长英语口语和写作。毕业后进入昆一中从事高中英语教学及班 主任工作至今,所教班级成绩优异。在昆一中教师课堂教学基本功比赛 和高效课堂比赛中多次获奖,英语演讲比赛优秀指导教师,昆一中优秀 班主任,昆一中高考命题组成员。

侯竞茜 昆明市第一中学教师,昆一中命题专家组成员。毕业于北京师范大学外





“China Speaks!”英语演讲大赛“优秀指导教师”称号,所指导的多位学生








1-5 CBACB 6-10 BACBC 11-15 ACBBA 16-20 ACBCA


21-25 BDBCB 26-30 DAADD 31-35 CBCBA 36-40 GBCAF


41-45 BCADA 46-50 BCDBC 51-55 DBACD 56-60 ACABD



61.an 62.when 63.are being sold 64.for 65.others 66.including

67.original 68.Although / Though / While 69. pollution 70.published 第二部分:写作(35分)


1. instead 后加of 2.me 改为myself 3.去掉has 4.picking 改为 pick 5. old 改为 older 6. independent 改为 independence 7.sign 改为 signs 8.Therefore 改为However

9. that 改为 what 10.make 改为 making






本文为记叙文,讲述了Mick Polly免费帮助社区的孩子维修和组装自行车的善举。

21. B词义猜测题。选项所给四个单词的意思分别为: purchase购买,constructed组建、建造,

exchange交换,replace代替。将其分别带入语句Mick repaired a bike for the boy’s brother and assembled one for his sister,可知constructed符合语境, 可替换


22. D细节理解题。根据第四段中 They are free, but the kids must agree to two things: They’ve

got to “mind those who’re raising them,” and they’ve got to try in school可知,孩子们要


23. B细节理解题。根据第四段中Most importantly, Mick hopes that bikes will get kids off the

couch. “When I was growing up, we all rode our bikes,” he says. “Hopefully these kids can get some exercise.”可知Mick帮孩子们修自行车的最主要目的在于鼓励他们在户外 活动。故选B。

24. C主旨判断题。根据本文中心 —— Mick善意地帮助社区的孩子们维修和组装自行车,

可知Two Wheels and a heart 最为恰当。Two Wheels象征自行车,a heart指Mick的




25. B 细节理解题。根据题目“Which book may interest a fan of detective works?”可知,所选书

籍的主要内容应为案件侦破。Deadly Distrust一书的主要内容满足要求,故选B。

26. D细节理解题。第四本书Truth and Consequences的介绍中提到In addition, the “proof” that

evolution is a scientific fact is shown to be incorrect,可知其作者Ralph E. Carlson不支


27. A推理判断题。根据第一本书Planetary Project的介绍A model is proposed for solving

global problems through global human cooperation aimed at saving the planet Earth from future misfortunes and catastrophe for present and future generations可知,Planetary Project一书着眼于人类未来的可持续发展,故选C。


本文是一篇议论文。一部被称为“blue laws”的法律取消后,很多商店被允许在周日开门,因此部分女性不得不在周日工作,一些孩子不再去教堂而选择去商场闲逛,这些因素都导致了女性幸福感的降低。

28. A 猜测句意题。根据第二段第一句话“The research found that allowing stores to open on

Sundays was linked with a decline in church attendance among white women, which led to a decline in happiness.”的内容可知,允许商店在周日开门后,在周日做礼拜的白人女


29. D 推理判断题。结合第一段和第二段的内容可知,研究者追踪调查了一些美国人做礼拜


30. D 推理判断题。结合第一段和第二段的内容可知,这项法律取消后,白人女性在周日去


31. C 细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句话“Part of the reason may be that some of the women

were required to work on Sundays after the cancel of blue laws.”可知,周日购物使得女人不太开心的一个原因在于:这项法律取消后,一些女性不得不在周日工作。故选C。


本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了两个科学家研制出了可食用的电子医疗设备,将 具有划时代的历史意义。

32. B细节理解题。根据文章第三和四段内容可知,这两个科学家使得这种设备可以被人体


33. C细节理解题。根据文章第四段第二句话的后半句“the devices would stay within the

patient’s digestive system for about 22 to 24 hours.”可知,这种设备将停留在患者的消化系统内22-24小时,也就是将近一天。故选C。

34. B 主旨判断题。文章主要介绍了两个科学家研制出了可食用的电子医疗设备,这将具有


35. A 推理判断题。阅读全文可知,文章主要介绍了两个科学家研制出了可食用的电子医疗





36. G 由前句可知,不顾药物用途和滥用危害,很多医生滥用抗生素。所以,本句是对其负


37. B 前句表明,大部分耳痛不需使用抗生素,数日内即可恢复。因此,本句建议当出现耳


38. C 前句表明,疗养院中的老人在常规检查时,若发现肺部出现细菌,医生则需要使用抗


39. A 小标题表明该部分讲解咽喉类疾病。文章首段说明抗生素对病毒无效,后句说明,在


40. F 本段前部分说明,另一项调查表明,抗生素滥用伤害患者,导致多例死亡。因此,考




41. B 由前文的… our 50th wedding…推出,这是夫妻俩的第五十个结婚纪念日。

42. C 由后文的… by our sons for us推出,儿子们为我们夫妇举办的温馨活动。

43. A 结婚纪念日时,朋友们送来了礼物和祝福。

44. D 夫妇俩自驾旅行经过了很多地方,同时将继续旅程,前往黄石国家公园。

45. A 由后文的… had opened for the season just days before以及there was still a great amount

of snow推出,公路在才开春时解除封闭,路边还有很多积雪,当天天气应该较冷。

46. B 由后文的spring day, and the Beartooth Highway had opened for the season just days

before,以及a great amount of snow内容推出,初春时,沿路还有很多积雪。

47. C 由上文内容spring day, and the Beartooth Highway had opened for the season just days


48. D 大概或约莫在高速路制高点时,我们停在一个观景台处拍照。

49. B 我们在观景台处,捕捉那些不可思议的美景。

50. C 由前文的There were not many vehicles on the road推出,偶尔,载着游客的车辆会从旁


51. D 由上文内容There were not many vehicles on the road以及后文摩托车司机和我们的交


52. B 由摩托车司机和我们进行了交谈和his only words可以推出,一个衣衫褴褛的摩托车司


53. A 由下文他们之间有了交谈互动和his only words可知,他向我们走来。

54. C 我以为摩托车司机是强盗,因此我必须承认自己感到紧张。

55. D 由上文his only words were, “Give me your camera and get over there with your wife.”和

下文内容he just took a picture of us推出,我以为他是强盗,而出乎意料,他只是帮我们拍了一张照片。

56. A 他为我们拍完照后,把相机交还给我们。

57. C 由后文的to say “thank you ”to him推出,在我们表达谢意之前,他就离开了。

58. A 由本句所要表达的内容来看,上帝正是用内心来判定一个人。

59. B 由前文修饰摩托车司机的in rags推出,我们不应该以貌取人。

60. D 作者写下了这个故事,如果那个好心人读到了,回想起当天的情景,我们想要谢谢他。 第II卷


本文是一篇记叙文,介绍美国知名作家Alfred Strong

61. an 此空后为名词,此空应填冠词an表泛指。

62. when 此空应填定语从句的连词,先行词是fifty years ago 表时间.在定语从句中


63. are being told 此空在主语后应填谓语,考查谓语的时态及语态,根据句意应用现在进行


64.for 此空后为名词,此空应填介词,考查固定搭配。be known for 因„„而出


65. others 此空前为介词,此空应填代词。others指其它的作品。

66. including 此句谓语是organized, 此空应填非谓语动词。the art show与include为主动


67. original 此空后为名词,此空应填形容词。形容词修饰名词。

68. Although / Though / While 此空应填让步状语从句的连词,并考查状语从句的省略。

69.pullution 此空前为介词,此空应填名词。

70. published 此空考查非谓语动词作后置定语,The Butter Battle Book 与publish为被动




My dad is a “Mr Mom”. I didn’t know why he was at home instead ∧mom, but I

of myself


older independence

“childish” signs However

I missed my dad every day after school. At that time, I called him a lot. It didn’t matter
what making


Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m Li Hua, a tourist who is living in your hotel. I am not satisfied with your service and facilities. I reported it to some of the staff on duty, but no satisfying dealing. I’m writing to complain something to you.

I am sorry to say that the service is poor. First of all, my room is never cleaned while I am here. What’s more, the food served by the restaurant is not really up to standard. Besides, I constantly have problems with the plumbing. Cold water often comes out of the hot tap, which makes me upset.

I would appreciate your timely solving. I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Li Hua

第二篇 pollyplanet

• (Proverbs 25—the Bible)

• (George Eliot)pollyplanet

• a carpenter’s rule opens, and beat the dust from his clothes. (The Cop and the Anthem) • 4) Della’s beautiful hair fell about her, rippling and shining like a cascade of brown waters.

• • • •

• 1)Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player. (Shakespeare, Macbeth) • 2)If music be the food of love, play on. (Shakespeare, Twelfth Night) • 3)Some books are to be ___, others to be ___, and some few to be ___ and ___. (Francis Bacon, Of Studies)

• 4)All the world’s a stage,

• And all men and women merely players; • They have their exits and entrances, • And one man in his time plays many parts, • His acts being seven ages…

• (Shakespeare As You Like It) • 5)He was strangled in the net of gossip. • 6)His life became a whirlwind of design meetings, client conferences, and last-minute decisions.

The Use of Simile and Metaphor

Try to be idiomatic

spend money like water

as American as apple pie

as strong as a horse

work like horses

as stupid as a goose

as dry as sawdust

(wet) like a drowned rat

a black sheep

fish in the air

• 1)The ship sailed into the teeth of the hurricane.

• 2)The wind whistled through the trees.

• The wind was moaning through the trees.

• 3)If not always in a hot mood to smash, the sea is always stealthily ready for a drowning. (Joseph Conrad)

• 4)The sky rejoices in the morning’s birth. (Wordsworth Resolution and Independence)

• Examples made by some students:

• 5)The rose blushes in the morning breeze.

• 6)The leaves are trembling in the wind.

• 7)Please water the thirsty flowers.

• 8)Look at the smiling moon. How bright it is!

• name of one thing for that of another. In other words, it involves a “change of name”; the substituted name suggests the thing meant. • 1)He must have been spoiled from the cradle.

• 2)You can get a good cup at Black’s café.

• 3)The whole town went out to welcome him.

• 4) Sword and cross in hand, the European conquerors fell upon the continent of America.

• 5)The pen is mightier than the sword.

• • • that luxury.

• 6>He was on the bottle for 5 years.

• hit the bottle

• 7>Her heart ruled her head.

• 8>Whitehall refused to confirm the reports.

• 9>the Pentagon

• 10>Oval Office; (Capitol) Hill; Madison Avenue; Fleet Street • The soldiers swore to fight for the hearth and the altar.

Unchecked violence has already dulled the luster of the Big Apple. The daunting task before its leaders is to prevent it from rotting to the core. • bar

• Reasons for its wide usepollyplanet

• Synecdoche involves the substitution of the part for the whole, or the whole for the part. Some experts also use synecdoche to refer to the substitution between the abstract and the concrete.

• The part for the whole

• 1)They counted 50 sails in the harbor.pollyplanet

• 2)He paid the workers $5 per head.

• 3)Yet there were some stout hearts who attempted resistance. (Ceril Scott Forester)

They seek office, not to be useful to the state, but for the loaves and fishes.

• The whole for the part; the material for the thing made

• 1)The birds sang to welcome the smiling year.

• 2)The doctor cut me open and took out the appendix.

• 3)She was dressed in silks.

• 4)Cotton suits you.

• The abstract for the concrete

• All the rank came out to see the sight.

• The concrete for the abstract

• She allowed the mother to be overruled by the judge and declared her own son guilty.

• He has a smooth/ silver / evil/ rough/ sharp/ acid/ civil/ glib/ bitter/ bad/ wicked/ long/ oily tongue.

• have/ be a big mouth

• a crude-mouthed guy

• sweet tooth

• • 2)For she was beautiful—her beauty made the bright world dim,… (Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Witch of Atlas)

• 3)Hamlet: I loved Ophelia: forty thousand brothers could not, with all their quality of love, make up my sum.

• • 5)It’s • 6)No book in the world is more difficult than this linguistic book. Reading it is absolute torture.

• 7)After TEM4, I could sleep for a year.

• 8)From his mouth flowed speech sweeter than honey.

• • 10)Polly, I love you. You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars and the constellations of outer space.

• Thanks a million. (v)

• Thanks a billion. (x)

• • Litotes is understatement by the use of negatives. • 1)The face Galsworthy)

• • • • • • Meiosis is understatement without the use of negatives. Instead, it uses expressions like a little, a bit, kind of, sort of, almost, hardly, scarcely, etc.

• • •

• mean on the surface.

• • penny in one’s pocket.

• •4)The child picked up the spectacles and put them on. “Now you look

第三篇 pollyplanet


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/ 很棒`

/ 大家都看过了,ARON发过里面的画


/ 矢量



/main/levy.html 推荐

/ 油画作品

/ 幻想 骑车的大鸟

/main.html A罩杯的LOADING,呵呵

/paintings/index.html 沉默、抑郁、变态、流血


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/ 推荐

/index_editorial.html 推荐

/index.html 玩偶娃娃

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/ 经典的joesorren 大家肯定都看过。

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/ 稍有些变态

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/ 丑丑

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/ 商业插画 太多了

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/index.html 综合性网站 各种风格

/index1.cfm 插画作品秀 (2.00)


/babyart/ 死亡娃娃






/ 矢量插图


综合艺术网站 有许多分类作品与连接


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/searchf.htm 分类查找艺术站点

/illustrations.html 画了比约克、拉登、盖茨等等

/index.html 美式卡通综合网站

/ 推荐

/ 矢量插画

/ 未成年末看

/menu.htm 推荐

/paintings.html 《幻想》杂志做过介绍

/ 很棒`

/ 大家都看过了,ARON发过里面的画


/ 矢量



/main/levy.html 推荐

/ 油画作品

/ 幻想 骑车的大鸟

/main.html A罩杯的LOADING,呵呵

/paintings/index.html 沉默、抑郁、变态、流血


/ 国外传统风格插画

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/ 色彩艳丽—造型夸张 / 人性化动物

个人主页 /subject/6750685/

第四篇 pollyplanet



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