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admin 高三作文 2020-04-22 22:49:18 从句英语



学 重 点 教难 学点

Try to use Inverted Sentences (学会使用倒装结格) Try to use different ways (学会使用多样化的表达方法)

1. 如何帮助学生运用写作策略,促进学生自主写作。

2. 怎样以写作课的教学为依托,全面训练学生的听、说、读、

(一) 认知目标



学 目





学 一步发展,独立意识等均有明显提高,通过活动课、小组讨论等具体方


法 的情境,利用他们自身较高的自我意识水平对自己的学习进行调节、

监控。因此, 本课我主要采用以下两种教学方法:


Warming up (热身


e.g. Where there is a will, there is a way.


He who laughs last laugs best. Time and tide waits for no man. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 不劳无获。 „„



Question: What do you learn from the 材料的能proverbs?


过程的热情和竞争意识,在英语课堂上渗透情感教育,珍惜时间,勤奋学习。proverbs about time to

attract Ss’attention.




Commands of an excellent composition. 高考英语写作六档要求

第六档(很好)(22~25分):完全完成了试题规定的任务,完全达到了预期的写作目的。 1.覆盖所有内容要点。






Step 3

Give Ss pieces of paper and then ask 小组活动: 四人一组讨论单句中的错误(也是

Try to avoid to do some practising.

common mistakes

Correct the following sentences

Everywhere can see this kind of tree. Mary married with John.

I have no difficult in finding your room. 学生习作中If I were you, I won’t do that. Answers:


Everywhere we/you can see this kind of 难度不高,tree.













Step 1 Discussion (what to write).

What aspects will we mention when talking about environmental


global warming, littering, water pollution, air pollution, CO2, sea level to rise,

human activities, suggestions, environmental friendly, etc.

Step 2 Classification.

Help the students classify the aspects mentioned above about environmental

protection: a problem/ phenomenon, reasons/ effects or measures.

Step 3 Organizing the information into sentences for each classification (how to


1. Discussion: how to put forward a problem/ phenomenon

2. Summary: (句子模板)

◆ Recently, _________________________ has always aroused the

greatest concern.

◆ In recent days, we have to face the problem that __________________



3. Practice: (仿写)

1) 全球变暖。

Recently, has always aroused the greatest concern.

2) 作弊问题越来越严重。

In recent days, we have to face the problem that

4. Discussion: how to analyze the reasons/ effects

5. Summary: (句子模板)

◆ The ____________ for / of ___________can be listed as follows. On

one hand, ________________.On the other hand,


6. Practice: (仿写)

1) 分析乱扔垃圾的理由。

(not aware of their misbehavior; for one’s convenience)

The for can be listed as follows. On one hand,

2) 分析作弊的危害性。

(leading to one’s bad reputation; ruining one’s friendship)

The ofcan be listed as follows. On one


7. Discussion: how to solve a problem/ phenomenon (measures)

8. Summary: (句子模板)

So it is high time that ___ took action to __. First, _______is/are

expected to _________. Second, ________ had better____________.

Third, as _____, _____is/ are supposed to ________________.

9. Practice: (仿写)

1) 你认为应该采取什么措施来保护我们的地球?

(making strict laws to protect our earth; raising the awareness of

environmental protection; doing from small things like going to

school by bike or on foot)

So it is high time that toFirst, is expected toSecond, had better Third, as we are supposed to

2) 作为学生,我们应该怎样对待作弊问题?

( being aware of cheating’s bad influence on one’s life; keeping

away from the habit of cheating and being honest)

So it is high time that took action to First, Besides, had better

10. Conclusion

Only with joint efforts, can we (好处)

Step 4 综合演练。



1. 污染的问题越来越严重;

2. 分析污染的危害;(如:破坏环境; 影响健康)

3. 你认为应该采取什么措施来改变这种现象?

In recent days, we have to face the problem that

Theofcan be listed as follows. On one hand, On the other hand, So it is high time that we took action to First, is expected tohad better Third, as we are supposed to

Only with joint efforts, can we

Step5 Homework: 写作延伸(把环保话题写作模式套用到其他现象类的写作).




copying a fellow student’s homework;

copying answers from someone’s test


leading to one’s bad reputation;

ruining one’s friendship


making strict laws to punish those who cheat;

being aware of cheating’s bad influence on one’s life;

keeping away from the habit of cheating and being honest

In recent days, we have to face the problem that The On the other hand,

So it is high time that we took action to First,

is expected to Second,

had better Third, as

Only with joint efforts, can we


高三英语复习教案(8) (2)


(SB I—Units 15-16)



A advise, contain, discuss, examine

B collect, control, fire, might, roof, wonder


A as much as, at the end of, be rich/low in, burn up, change into, in the future, put on weight/lose weight, scores of, soft drink.

B belong to, break out, catch fire, get close to, in that case, look out, lose one’s life, on fire, on the 11th floor, put out


1. I advise you(not) to do something.

2. You’d better(not) do something.

3. I suggest(that) you(not) do something.

4. Why not do something? / Why don’t you do something?

5. Find out where the nearest fire exit is as soon as you arrive at your hotel.

6. Office workers tried to put out the fire, but it was impossible to control it .

7. The smoke from the fire was too thick for them to be able to land on the roof.


1. advise; suggest

advise 与suggest 都可作“建议”讲,二者用法有同有异。



① + 名词

② + 动名词

③ + that从句(从句中常用should加动词原形,should可以省略。)

eg. He advised/ suggested an early start.

He advised/ suggested (our) starting early.

He advised/ suggested that we (should) start early.

(注:只要是用从句表示建议该做的事,从句中就可用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。)上面的第三句可转化为: It was suggested that we (should) start early.

What he suggested was that we(should) start early.

His suggestion was that we (should) start early.



advise sb. to do sth.; advise sb. against (doing) sth.; advise sb. on/ about sth.; suggest(to sb.)that…



[正]He advised us to go to visit the museum.

[误]He suggested us to go to visit the museum.

[误]He suggested us that we go to visit the museum.


The smile on his face suggested that he was pleased.

Having examined carefully, the doctor suggested that the patient was seriously ill.(句中suggest陈述了一个事实,故用陈述语气。)比较:

Having examined carefully, the doctor suggested that the Patient be

operated on at once.(句中suggest表示建议该做某事,从句中用should加动词原形,should在从句中省略。)

2. except; besides; except for+名词/except that+句子用法区别。

except 相当于but,表示“除了„„以外(不包括在内)”,常与all, nobody,everything,everybody, nowhere等表示整体概念的词连用。besides相当于apart from,表示“除„„以外(尚有)”之义。except for…/except that …表示“除了„„”之意,引述一个相反的原因或细节,因而部分地修正了句中的主要意思。如:Your article is well written except for some grammar mistakes.


3. in future;in the future; for the future

in future意思是“从今以后”。例如:

In future,be careful with your pronunciation.今后要注意你的发音。

Such a bad habit must be got rid of in future.今后成长须改掉这样的坏习惯。

in the furture意思是“将来、今后的日期”,但 不一定就是从今立即开始,而是将来的时间。例如:

No one can know what will happen in the future.没有人知道将来会发生什么事。

My sister wants to be actress in the future.我妹妹将来想当演员。

for the future的意思是“就未来而论、今后”,作“今后”解时可与in future替换使用。例如:

What are your plans for the future when you grow up? 你长大以后对你的未来有什么打算?

For the future, we’ll have to depend on ourselves.今后我们得依靠自己。

4.diet; food


The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world。中国的饮食被认是世界上最健康的饮食。

Proper diet and exercise are both important to health.适当的饮食和锻炼对健康都很重要。

He is on a special diet to lose weight.他服用特别饮食以减肥。

The doctor put him on a liquid diet after operation.手术之后医生规定他吃流食。

They eat different kinds of food which change into energy.他们吃的各种各样的食物都转化成能量。

His food includes eggs, vegetables, fruit and some soft drinks.他的食物包括鸡蛋、蔬菜、水果和一些软饮料。

5. exmination; exam; test; quiz


He did very well in the entrance examination. 他在入学考试中成绩很好。

There’s going to be a physics test this afternoon.今天下午将进行物理考试。

The teacher gave us a five-minute quiz.老师对我们进行了一次五分钟的小测验。


(1)…as+形容词(副词)原级+as…;not as/so+形容词(副词)原级+as…

Their factory is as large as ours.他们的工厂和我们的一样大。

I study as hard as you.我和你一样用功学习。

He doesn’t get up as/ so early as his parents.他不像他父母那样早起床。

(2)„„倍数 + as + 形容词(副词)原级+as…

Line AB is 3 times as long as Line CD.=Line AB is twice longer than/3 times the length of Line CD.线段AB是线段CD长的3倍。

(3)as + 形容词 + a/an + 单数可数名词 + as; as + 形容词+复数名词 + as

She is as good many records as possible.我们需要尽量多的唱片。

There is as much sugar in it as eight pieces of sugar.其中的含糖量相当于八块方糖。

I have’t got as much money as I thought.我没有原来想象的那么多钱。

(5)as much/ many as多达„„,„„那么多

On Sports Day, during the relay race, you will use most of all, perhaps as much as 650 calories an hour.在运动会上,进行接力赛跑时,你消耗的能量最多,可能每小时多达650卡。

As many as 700 different languages are spoken in Africa.非洲有多达700种不同的语言。

He didn’t catch as many as he’d hoped.他没有捉住预想的那么多。

(6)as…as possible; as… as one can

The teacher should write the words on the blackboard as carefully as he can. =The teacher should write the words on the blackboard as carefully as possible.老师在黑板上应尽可能仔细地把字写好。

Please be as friendly as possible to your friends.=Please be as friendly as you can.请对你的朋友尽可能友好。

(7)as…as + 年代数字/名词

As early as 1950 I knew him.早在1950 年我就认识他了。

He walked as far as the post office.他步行到邮局。

(8)as/so far as I know

As/ So for as I know, he will be away from home for 3 months.就我所知,他将要离家3个月。

(9)as soon as—„„就„„

Please let us know as soon as you arrive in Bejing.一到北京,请通知我们一声。

(10)as well as 和;也;还有

He gave me money as well as advice.他除了给我忠告外,还给我钱。

He studies French as well as English.他不但学习英语,而且学习法语。

(11)as/so long as 只要;如果

You may use that dictionary as long as you take care of it.只要你好好保存,你可以用那本词典。

7. be out; put out

be out 指“(灯、火)熄灭”,强调状态。 put out 意为“熄灭、扑灭” ,强调动作。如:

Is the fire out ?

Office workers tried to put out the fire, but it was impossible to control it.

8. catch fire; on fire

catch fire 意为“着火”,表示动作。on fire 意为“着火、在燃烧”,表示状态。如:

Suddenly a pan of oil catches fire.

Soon the whole floor was on fire and it was impossible for people on the floors above to escape.

9. save; rescue


He operated on her at once, and Edison’s mother was saved.

They fight against the enemy to save their country.


Helicopters were sent to rescue them, but it was impossible for them to get close enough.

10. cloth; clothes; dress


I put a piece of wet cloth around my face and lay on the floor for about two hours.


He washed a table cloth just now.

clothes意为“衣服”,总是以复数形式出现,泛指身上穿的各部分衣着,包括上衣、裤子、内衣、背心等。如: Look at these clothes. They are on Mrs Green’s clothes line.


(1)“一件衣服”不可说 a clothes, 应说 an article of clothing;“一套衣服”可说a suit(set) of clothes.

(2)clothes 前不可直接用数词修饰,如不可说three clothes.

(3)clothes 前可用these, those, the, many, few修饰,口语中可用much, little修饰。


dress 可用于可数和不可数名词,用于可数名词时,常指妇女、儿童服装、内衣或外衣等公共场合穿的衣服。用于不可数名词时,统指“衣服”。该词可作动词,意为“给„„穿衣”。如:

What colour is Mrs Green’s dress?

He could not wash himself or get dressed.


1. advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事(suggest不这样用)。

①I advise you to take the chance.我建议你抓住机会。

②—What do you advise me to do?你建议我怎么办?

—I advise you not to lose heart; just keep on.我劝你不要灰心,继续干。

advise 还可同suggest一样,后接名词、代词、动名词(短语)和that从句(用虚拟语气)作宾语。

①—What would you advise?你有什么建议吗?

—I advise you an early start我建议你早点出发。

②I advise holding a metting to discuss the problem.我建议召开一次会议来讨论这个问题。

③I advise you (should) go to once.我建议你马上去。

2. had better (not) do sth.最好(不要)做某事。


①You’d better give up smoking.It dose no good to your health.你最好把烟戒掉,吸烟对健康没好处。高三英语复习简明教案

②she had better not come this evening .今晚她最好不要来。

3.There is sth.wrong with…,……出问题了,出毛病了。

相当于sth.is wrong with„.

①—What’s wrong with you?你怎么了?

—There is something wrong with my back.我的背有点毛病。

②—Is there anything wrong with yous radio?你的收音机出毛病了吗?

—Yes.It doesn’t work.是的,不响了。

4.by the age of/at the age of,by到„„时为止。表示的是一段时间,句子通常用完成时态。


①By the age of ten,he had learned to play the piano.10岁的时候,他就学会了弹钢琴。

②He was very clever.and at the age of 15 he went to college.他非常聪明,15岁时上大学了。

③By the end of this term,we’ll have learned 2000 English words.到本学期末,我们将学会2000个英语单词。

④At the end of this term,we’ll hold an English party.在本学期末,我们





so+ adj.+a/an+n.(单数) +that


such+ n.(复数) +that


例句:①This film is so moving that I want to see it again.这电影太动人了,我还想再看一遍。

②He walked so fast that I couldn’t keep up with him.他走得太快,我跟不上。

④The villagers were such kind people that they all came to help us.村民们都是好心人,都前来给我们帮忙。

⑤It is such fine weather that we all want to go out for a walk.天气这么好,我们都想出去走走。

⑥There were so many books in the shop that he didn’t know which to buy.书店里书那么多,他都不知道买哪些。


题1 (NMET 2002)高三英语复习简明教案

Boris has brain. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has _______ IQ.

A. a high B. a higher C. the higher D. the highest

分析:B。higher是形容词比较级修饰IQ,在此表示“„„班上没有人有更高的智商”,因此是泛指,前面加不定冠词。 题2 (上海 1996)

I suggest you ________by taking this medicine.

A. to lose weightB. will lose weight

C. lose weight D. are losing weight

分析:C。suggest 后是宾语从句,从句主语you与lose之间省略了 should.

题3 (NMET 1998)

Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to __________.

A. be put up B.give in C. be turned on D. go out

分析:put up 举起、搭起、张贴等;give in 投降、屈服;turn on 开、旋开(电灯、自来水等)。go out 为不及物动词词组,指“(灯、火等)熄灭”。答案为D。 gone out

When the firemen got there ,the fire had been put out.

题4 (NMET 2000春)

John may phone tonight. I don’t want to go out _____ he phones.

A. as long as B. in order C.in case D. so that

分析:C。as long as只要;in order that为了;in case以防; so that以致.从句意可知, 此题要用 in case.

题5 (NMET 2000)

I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some ______.

A. at last B. in case C. one again D. in time

分析:B。A、B、C、D四个短语意义各不相同,A“最后”;C“再一次”;D“及时”;B“以防;万一”。从句意来看,应选in case,因为句子暗示“带一些钱以防(备用)”之意,相当于:I’ll bring some in case I need money.

题6 (NMET 2000)

Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but he hung up ________ I could answer the phone.

A. as B. since C. until D. before


题7 (NMET 2000春)

Old Mc Donald gave up smoking for a while ,but soon ______ to his old ways.

A. returned B. returns C. was returning D. had returned


题8 (NMET 2000)

The reporter said that the UFO _______ east to west when he saw it .

A. was travelling B. travelled

C. had been travelling D. was to travel

分析:A。 when he saw it 表示时间的“那一刻”,指过去进行的动作。

题9 (NMET 1998)

Lisa _______ a book in Chinese last year, but I don’t know whether she has finished it.

A.wrote B. has written C . was writing D. had written

分析:C。 but I don’t know whether she has finished it .暗示过去的动作仍在进行,过去进行时可表示过去某个时期阶段性的动作或状态。




(SB I—Units 15-16)



A advise, contain, discuss, examine

B collect, control, fire, might, roof, wonder


A as much as, at the end of, be rich/low in, burn up, change into, in the future, put on weight/lose weight, scores of, soft drink.

B belong to, break out, catch fire, get close to, in that case, look out, lose one’s life, on fire, on the 11th floor, put out


1. I advise you(not) to do something.

2. You’d better(not) do something.

3. I suggest(that) you(not) do something.

4. Why not do something? / Why don’t you do something?

5. Find out where the nearest fire exit is as soon as you arrive at your hotel.

6. Office workers tried to put out the fire, but it was impossible to control it .

7. The smoke from the fire was too thick for them to be able to land on the roof.


1. advise; suggest

advise 与suggest 都可作“建议”讲,二者用法有同有异。



① + 名词

② + 动名词

③ + that从句(从句中常用should加动词原形,should可以省略。)

eg. He advised/ suggested an early start.

He advised/ suggested (our) starting early.

He advised/ suggested that we (should) start early.高三英语复习简明教案

(注:只要是用从句表示建议该做的事,从句中就可用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。)上面的第三句可转化为: It was suggested that we (should) start early.

What he suggested was that we(should) start early.

His suggestion was that we (should) start early.



advise sb. to do sth.; advise sb. against (doing) sth.; advise sb. on/ about sth.; suggest(to sb.)that…



[正]He advised us to go to visit the museum.

[误]He suggested us to go to visit the museum.

[误]He suggested us that we go to visit the museum.


The smile on his face suggested that he was pleased.

Having examined carefully, the doctor suggested that the patient was seriously ill.(句中suggest陈述了一个事实,故用陈述语气。)比较:

Having examined carefully, the doctor suggested that the Patient be

operated on at once.(句中suggest表示建议该做某事,从句中用should加动词原形,should在从句中省略。)

2. except; besides; except for+名词/except that+句子用法区别。

except 相当于but,表示“除了„„以外(不包括在内)”,常与all, nobody,everything,everybody, nowhere等表示整体概念的词连用。besides相当于apart from,表示“除„„以外(尚有)”之义。except for…/except that …表示“除了„„”之意,引述一个相反的原因或细节,因而部分地修正了句中的主要意思。如:Your article is well written except for some grammar mistakes.你的


3. in future;in the future; for the future

in future意思是“从今以后”。例如:

In future,be careful with your pronunciation.今后要注意你的发音。

Such a bad habit must be got rid of in future.今后成长须改掉这样的坏习惯。

in the furture意思是“将来、今后的日期”,但 不一定就是从今立即开始,而是将来的时间。例如:

No one can know what will happen in the future.没有人知道将来会发生什么事。

My sister wants to be actress in the future.我妹妹将来想当演员。

for the future的意思是“就未来而论、今后”,作“今后”解时可与in future替换使用。例如:

What are your plans for the future when you grow up? 你长大以后对你的未来有什么打算?

For the future, we’ll have to depend on ourselves.今后我们得依靠自己。

4.diet; food


The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world。中国的饮食被认是世界上最健康的饮食。

Proper diet and exercise are both important to health.适当的饮食和锻炼对健康都很重要。

He is on a special diet to lose weight.他服用特别饮食以减肥。

The doctor put him on a liquid diet after operation.手术之后医生规定他吃流食。

They eat different kinds of food which change into energy.他们吃的各种各样的食物都转化成能量。

His food includes eggs, vegetables, fruit and some soft drinks.他的食物包括鸡蛋、蔬菜、水果和一些软饮料。

5. exmination; exam; test; quiz


He did very well in the entrance examination. 他在入学考试中成绩很好。

There’s going to be a physics test this afternoon.今天下午将进行物理考试。

The teacher gave us a five-minute quiz.老师对我们进行了一次五分钟的小测验。


(1)…as+形容词(副词)原级+as…;not as/so+形容词(副词)原级+as…

Their factory is as large as ours.他们的工厂和我们的一样大。

I study as hard as you.我和你一样用功学习。

He doesn’t get up as/ so early as his parents.他不像他父母那样早起床。

(2)„„倍数 + as + 形容词(副词)原级+as…

Line AB is 3 times as long as Line CD.=Line AB is twice longer than/3 times the length of Line CD.线段AB是线段CD长的3倍。

(3)as + 形容词 + a/an + 单数可数名词 + as; as + 形容词+复数名词 + as

She is as good many records as possible.我们需要尽量多的唱片。

There is as much sugar in it as eight pieces of sugar.其中的含糖量相当于八块方糖。

I have’t got as much money as I thought.我没有原来想象的那么多钱。

(5)as much/ many as多达„„,„„那么多

On Sports Day, during the relay race, you will use most of all, perhaps as much as 650 calories an hour.在运动会上,进行接力赛跑时,你消耗的能量最多,可能每小时多达650卡。

As many as 700 different languages are spoken in Africa.非洲有多达700种不同的语言。

He didn’t catch as many as he’d hoped.他没有捉住预想的那么多。

(6)as…as possible; as… as one can

The teacher should write the words on the blackboard as carefully as he can. =The teacher should write the words on the blackboard as carefully as possible.老师在黑板上应尽可能仔细地把字写好。

Please be as friendly as possible to your friends.=Please be as friendly as you can.请对你的朋友尽可能友好。

(7)as…as + 年代数字/名词

As early as 1950 I knew him.早在1950 年我就认识他了。

He walked as far as the post office.他步行到邮局。

(8)as/so far as I know

As/ So for as I know, he will be away from home for 3 months.就我所知,他将要离家3个月。

(9)as soon as—„„就„„

Please let us know as soon as you arrive in Bejing.一到北京,请通知我们一声。

(10)as well as 和;也;还有

He gave me money as well as advice.他除了给我忠告外,还给我钱。

He studies French as well as English.他不但学习英语,而且学习法语。

(11)as/so long as 只要;如果

You may use that dictionary as long as you take care of it.只要你好好保存,你可以用那本词典。

7. be out; put out

be out 指“(灯、火)熄灭”,强调状态。 put out 意为“熄灭、扑灭” ,强调动作。如:

Is the fire out ?

Office workers tried to put out the fire, but it was impossible to control it.

8. catch fire; on fire

catch fire 意为“着火”,表示动作。on fire 意为“着火、在燃烧”,表示状态。如:

Suddenly a pan of oil catches fire.

Soon the whole floor was on fire and it was impossible for people on the floors above to escape.

9. save; rescue


He operated on her at once, and Edison’s mother was saved.

They fight against the enemy to save their country.


Helicopters were sent to rescue them, but it was impossible for them to get close enough.

10. cloth; clothes; dress


I put a piece of wet cloth around my face and lay on the floor for about two hours.


He washed a table cloth just now.


Look at these clothes. They are on Mrs Green’s clothes line.


(1)“一件衣服”不可说 a clothes, 应说 an article of clothing;“一套衣服”可说a suit(set) of clothes.

(2)clothes 前不可直接用数词修饰,如不可说three clothes.

(3)clothes 前可用these, those, the, many, few修饰,口语中可用much, little修饰。


dress 可用于可数和不可数名词,用于可数名词时,常指妇女、儿童服装、内衣或外衣等公共场合穿的衣服。用于不可数名词时,统指“衣服”。该词可作动词,意为“给„„穿衣”。如:

What colour is Mrs Green’s dress?

He could not wash himself or get dressed.


1. advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事(suggest不这样用)。

①I advise you to take the chance.我建议你抓住机会。

②—What do you advise me to do?你建议我怎么办?

—I advise you not to lose heart; just keep on.我劝你不要灰心,继续干。

advise 还可同suggest一样,后接名词、代词、动名词(短语)和that从句(用虚拟语气)作宾语。

①—What would you advise?你有什么建议吗?

—I advise you an early start我建议你早点出发。

②I advise holding a metting to discuss the problem.我建议召开一次会议来讨论这个问题。

③I advise you (should) go to once.我建议你马上去。

2. had better (not) do sth.最好(不要)做某事。


①You’d better give up smoking.It dose no good to your health.你最好把烟戒掉,吸烟对健康没好处。

②she had better not come this evening .今晚她最好不要来。

3.There is sth.wrong with…,……出问题了,出毛病了。

相当于sth.is wrong with„.

①—What’s wrong with you?你怎么了?

—There is something wrong with my back.我的背有点毛病。

②—Is there anything wrong with yous radio?你的收音机出毛病了吗?

—Yes.It doesn’t work.是的,不响了。

4.by the age of/at the age of,by到„„时为止。表示的是一段时间,句子通常用完成时态。


①By the age of ten,he had learned to play the piano.10岁的时候,他就学会了弹钢琴。

②He was very clever.and at the age of 15 he went to college.他非常聪明,15岁时上大学了。

③By the end of this term,we’ll have learned 2000 English words.到本学期末,我们将学会2000个英语单词。

④At the end of this term,we’ll hold an English party.在本学期末,我们





so+ adj.+a/an+n.(单数) +that


such+ n.(复数) +that


例句:①This film is so moving that I want to see it again.这电影太动人了,我还想再看一遍。

②He walked so fast that I couldn’t keep up with him.他走得太快,我跟不上。

④The villagers were such kind people that they all came to help us.村民们都是好心人,都前来给我们帮忙。

⑤It is such fine weather that we all want to go out for a walk.天气这么好,我们都想出去走走。

⑥There were so many books in the shop that he didn’t know which to buy.书店里书那么多,他都不知道买哪些。


题1 (NMET 2002)

Boris has brain. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has _______ IQ.

A. a high B. a higher C. the higher D. the highest

分析:B。higher是形容词比较级修饰IQ,在此表示“„„班上没有人有更高的智商”,因此是泛指,前面加不定冠词。 题2 (上海 1996)

I suggest you ________by taking this medicine.

A. to lose weightB. will lose weight

C. lose weight D. are losing weight

分析:C。suggest 后是宾语从句,从句主语you与lose之间省略了 should.

题3 (NMET 1998)

Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to __________.

A. be put up B.give in C. be turned on D. go out

分析:put up 举起、搭起、张贴等;give in 投降、屈服;turn on 开、旋开(电灯、自来水等)。go out 为不及物动词词组,指“(灯、火等)熄灭”。答案为D。 gone out

When the firemen got there ,the fire had been put out.

题4 (NMET 2000春)

John may phone tonight. I don’t want to go out _____ he phones.

A. as long as B. in order C.in case D. so that

分析:C。as long as只要;in order that为了;in case以防; so that以致.从句意可知, 此题要用 in case.

题5 (NMET 2000)

I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some ______.

A. at last B. in case C. one again D. in time

分析:B。A、B、C、D四个短语意义各不相同,A“最后”;C“再一次”;D“及时”;B“以防;万一”。从句意来看,应选in case,因为句子暗示“带一些钱以防(备用)”之意,相当于:I’ll bring some in case I need money.

题6 (NMET 2000)

Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but he hung up ________ I could answer the phone.

A. as B. since C. until D. before


题7 (NMET 2000春)

Old Mc Donald gave up smoking for a while ,but soon ______ to his old ways.

A. returned B. returns C. was returning D. had returned 分析:A。表示过去的动作。

题8 (NMET 2000)

The reporter said that the UFO _______ east to west when he saw it .

A. was travelling B. travelled

C. had been travelling D. was to travel

分析:A。 when he saw it 表示时间的“那一刻”,指过去进行的动作。 题9 (NMET 1998)

Lisa _______ a book in Chinese last year, but I don’t know whether she has finished it.

A.wrote B. has written C . was writing D. had written



but I don’t know whether she has finished it .暗示过去的动作仍在进行,过去进行时可表示过去某个时期阶段性的


高三英语复习教案(8) (2)


(SB I—Units 15-16)



A advise, contain, discuss, examine

B collect, control, fire, might, roof, wonder


A as much as, at the end of, be rich/low in, burn up, change into, in the future, put on weight/lose weight, scores of, soft drink.

B belong to, break out, catch fire, get close to, in that case, look out, lose one’s life, on fire, on the 11th floor, put out


1. I advise you(not) to do something.

2. You’d better(not) do something.

3. I suggest(that) you(not) do something.

4. Why not do something? / Why don’t you do something?

5. Find out where the nearest fire exit is as soon as you arrive at your hotel.

6. Office workers tried to put out the fire, but it was impossible to control it .

7. The smoke from the fire was too thick for them to be able to land on the roof.


1. advise; suggest

advise 与suggest 都可作“建议”讲,二者用法有同有异。



① + 名词

② + 动名词

③ + that从句(从句中常用should加动词原形,should可以省略。)

eg. He advised/ suggested an early start.

He advised/ suggested (our) starting early.

He advised/ suggested that we (should) start early.高三英语复习简明教案

(注:只要是用从句表示建议该做的事,从句中就可用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。)上面的第三句可转化为: It was suggested that we (should) start early.

What he suggested was that we(should) start early.

His suggestion was that we (should) start early.



advise sb. to do sth.; advise sb. against (doing) sth.; advise sb. on/ about sth.; suggest(to sb.)that…



[正]He advised us to go to visit the museum.

[误]He suggested us to go to visit the museum.

[误]He suggested us that we go to visit the museum.


The smile on his face suggested that he was pleased.

Having examined carefully, the doctor suggested that the patient was seriously ill.(句中suggest陈述了一个事实,故用陈述语气。)比较:

Having examined carefully, the doctor suggested that the Patient be

operated on at once.(句中suggest表示建议该做某事,从句中用should加动词原形,should在从句中省略。)

2. except; besides; except for+名词/except that+句子用法区别。

except 相当于but,表示“除了„„以外(不包括在内)”,常与all, nobody,everything,everybody, nowhere等表示整体概念的词连用。besides相当于apart from,表示“除„„以外(尚有)”之义。except for…/except that …表示“除了„„”之意,引述一个相反的原因或细节,因而部分地修正了句中的主要意思。如:Your article is well written except for some grammar mistakes.你的文章写


3. in future;in the future; for the future

in future意思是“从今以后”。例如:

In future,be careful with your pronunciation.今后要注意你的发音。

Such a bad habit must be got rid of in future.今后成长须改掉这样的坏习惯。

in the furture意思是“将来、今后的日期”,但 不一定就是从今立即开始,而是将来的时间。例如:

No one can know what will happen in the future.没有人知道将来会发生什么事。

My sister wants to be actress in the future.我妹妹将来想当演员。

for the future的意思是“就未来而论、今后”,作“今后”解时可与in future替换使用。例如:

What are your plans for the future when you grow up? 你长大以后对你的未来有什么打算?

For the future, we’ll have to depend on ourselves.今后我们得依靠自己。

4.diet; food


The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world。中国的饮食被认是世界上最健康的饮食。

Proper diet and exercise are both important to health.适当的饮食和锻炼对健康都很重要。

He is on a special diet to lose weight.他服用特别饮食以减肥。

The doctor put him on a liquid diet after operation.手术之后医生规定他吃流食。

They eat different kinds of food which change into energy.他们吃的各种各样的食物都转化成能量。

His food includes eggs, vegetables, fruit and some soft drinks.他的食物包括鸡蛋、蔬菜、水果和一些软饮料。

5. exmination; exam; test; quiz


He did very well in the entrance examination. 他在入学考试中成绩很好。

There’s going to be a physics test this afternoon.今天下午将进行物理考试。

The teacher gave us a five-minute quiz.老师对我们进行了一次五分钟的小测验。


(1)…as+形容词(副词)原级+as…;not as/so+形容词(副词)原级+as…

Their factory is as large as ours.他们的工厂和我们的一样大。

I study as hard as you.我和你一样用功学习。

He doesn’t get up as/ so early as his parents.他不像他父母那样早起床。

(2)„„倍数 + as + 形容词(副词)原级+as…

Line AB is 3 times as long as Line CD.=Line AB is twice longer than/3 times the length of Line CD.线段AB是线段CD长的3倍。

(3)as + 形容词 + a/an + 单数可数名词 + as; as + 形容词+复数名词 + as

She is as good many records as possible.我们需要尽量多的唱片。

There is as much sugar in it as eight pieces of sugar.其中的含糖量相当于八块方糖。

I have’t got as much money as I thought.我没有原来想象的那么多钱。

(5)as much/ many as多达„„,„„那么多

On Sports Day, during the relay race, you will use most of all, perhaps as much as 650 calories an hour.在运动会上,进行接力赛跑时,你消耗的能量最多,可能每小时多达650卡。

As many as 700 different languages are spoken in Africa.非洲有多达700种不同的语言。

He didn’t catch as many as he’d hoped.他没有捉住预想的那么多。

(6)as…as possible; as… as one can

The teacher should write the words on the blackboard as carefully as he can. =The teacher should write the words on the blackboard as carefully as possible.老师在黑板上应尽可能仔细地把字写好。

Please be as friendly as possible to your friends.=Please be as friendly as you can.请对你的朋友尽可能友好。

(7)as…as + 年代数字/名词

As early as 1950 I knew him.早在1950 年我就认识他了。

He walked as far as the post office.他步行到邮局。

(8)as/so far as I know

As/ So for as I know, he will be away from home for 3 months.就我所知,他将要离家3个月。

(9)as soon as—„„就„„

Please let us know as soon as you arrive in Bejing.一到北京,请通知我们一声。

(10)as well as 和;也;还有

He gave me money as well as advice.他除了给我忠告外,还给我钱。

He studies French as well as English.他不但学习英语,而且学习法语。

(11)as/so long as 只要;如果

You may use that dictionary as long as you take care of it.只要你好好保存,你可以用那本词典。

7. be out; put out

be out 指“(灯、火)熄灭”,强调状态。 put out 意为“熄灭、扑灭” ,强调动作。如:

Is the fire out ?

Office workers tried to put out the fire, but it was impossible to control it.

8. catch fire; on fire

catch fire 意为“着火”,表示动作。on fire 意为“着火、在燃烧”,表示状态。如:

Suddenly a pan of oil catches fire.

Soon the whole floor was on fire and it was impossible for people on the floors above to escape.

9. save; rescue


He operated on her at once, and Edison’s mother was saved.

They fight against the enemy to save their country.


Helicopters were sent to rescue them, but it was impossible for them to get close enough.

10. cloth; clothes; dress


I put a piece of wet cloth around my face and lay on the floor for about two hours.


He washed a table cloth just now.


Look at these clothes. They are on Mrs Green’s clothes line.


(1)“一件衣服”不可说 a clothes, 应说 an article of clothing;“一套衣服”可说a suit(set) of clothes.

(2)clothes 前不可直接用数词修饰,如不可说three clothes.

(3)clothes 前可用these, those, the, many, few修饰,口语中可用much, little修饰。


dress 可用于可数和不可数名词,用于可数名词时,常指妇女、儿童服装、内衣或外衣等公共场合穿的衣服。用于不可数名词时,统指“衣服”。该词可作动词,意为“给„„穿衣”。如:

What colour is Mrs Green’s dress?

He could not wash himself or get dressed.


1. advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事(suggest不这样用)。

①I advise you to take the chance.我建议你抓住机会。

②—What do you advise me to do?你建议我怎么办?

—I advise you not to lose heart; just keep on.我劝你不要灰心,继续干。

advise 还可同suggest一样,后接名词、代词、动名词(短语)和that从句(用虚拟语气)作宾语。

①—What would you advise?你有什么建议吗?

—I advise you an early start我建议你早点出发。

②I advise holding a metting to discuss the problem.我建议召开一次会议来讨论这个问题。

③I advise you (should) go to once.我建议你马上去。

2. had better (not) do sth.最好(不要)做某事。


①You’d better give up smoking.It dose no good to your health.你最好把烟戒掉,吸烟对健康没好处。

②she had better not come this evening .今晚她最好不要来。

3.There is sth.wrong with…,……出问题了,出毛病了。

相当于sth.is wrong with„.

①—What’s wrong with you?你怎么了?

—There is something wrong with my back.我的背有点毛病。

②—Is there anything wrong with yous radio?你的收音机出毛病了吗?

—Yes.It doesn’t work.是的,不响了。

4.by the age of/at the age of,by到„„时为止。表示的是一段时间,句子通常用完成时态。


①By the age of ten,he had learned to play the piano.10岁的时候,他就学会了弹钢琴。

②He was very clever.and at the age of 15 he went to college.他非常聪明,15岁时上大学了。

③By the end of this term,we’ll have learned 2000 English words.到本学期末,我们将学会2000个英语单词。

④At the end of this term,we’ll hold an English party.在本学期末,我们





so+ adj.+a/an+n.(单数) +that


such+ n.(复数) +that


例句:①This film is so moving that I want to see it again.这电影太动人了,我还想再看一遍。

②He walked so fast that I couldn’t keep up with him.他走得太快,我跟不上。

④The villagers were such kind people that they all came to help us.村民们都是好心人,都前来给我们帮忙。

⑤It is such fine weather that we all want to go out for a walk.天气这么好,我们都想出去走走。

⑥There were so many books in the shop that he didn’t know which to buy.书店里书那么多,他都不知道买哪些。


题1 (NMET 2002)

Boris has brain. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has _______ IQ.

A. a high B. a higher C. the higher D. the highest

分析:B。higher是形容词比较级修饰IQ,在此表示“„„班上没有人有更高的智商”,因此是泛指,前面加不定冠词。 题2 (上海 1996)

I suggest you ________by taking this medicine.

A. to lose weightB. will lose weight

C. lose weight D. are losing weight

分析:C。suggest 后是宾语从句,从句主语you与lose之间省略了 should.

题3 (NMET 1998)

Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to __________.

A. be put up B.give in C. be turned on D. go out

分析:put up 举起、搭起、张贴等;give in 投降、屈服;turn on 开、旋开(电灯、自来水等)。go out 为不及物动词词组,指“(灯、火等)熄灭”。答案为D。 gone out

When the firemen got there ,the fire had been put out.

题4 (NMET 2000春)

John may phone tonight. I don’t want to go out _____ he phones.

A. as long as B. in order C.in case D. so that

分析:C。as long as只要;in order that为了;in case以防; so that以致.从句意可知, 此题要用 in case.

题5 (NMET 2000)

I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some ______.

A. at last B. in case C. one again D. in time

分析:B。A、B、C、D四个短语意义各不相同,A“最后”;C“再一次”;D“及时”;B“以防;万一”。从句意来看,应选in case,因为句子暗示“带一些钱以防(备用)”之意,相当于:I’ll bring some in case I need money.

题6 (NMET 2000)

Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but he hung up ________ I could answer the phone.

A. as B. since C. until D. before


题7 (NMET 2000春)

Old Mc Donald gave up smoking for a while ,but soon ______ to his old ways.

A. returned B. returns C. was returning D. had returned 分析:A。表示过去的动作。

题8 (NMET 2000)

The reporter said that the UFO _______ east to west when he saw it .

A. was travelling B. travelled

C. had been travelling D. was to travel

分析:A。 when he saw it 表示时间的“那一刻”,指过去进行的动作。 题9 (NMET 1998)

Lisa _______ a book in Chinese last year, but I don’t know whether she has finished it.

A.wrote B. has written C . was writing D. had written



but I don’t know whether she has finished it .暗示过去的动作仍在进行,过去进行时可表示过去某个时期阶段性的动




(SBⅠ-Units 1-2)



(1) Nice to meet you.

(2) I must be off / go / be leaving now.

(3) Give my best wishes / regards / love to„

(4) Follow „ instructions.

(5) What about„?

(6) Make sure that

(7) Do what he or she tells you to do


(1)go on doing; (2)as a result ; (3) in one’s opinion; (4) general idea; (5) to take care of ; (6) to find out ; (7) at the beginning ; (8) to introduce „to; (9) on the farm; (10) to give one’s best wishes / redgards / love to „sb. ; (11) Nice meeting you .; (12) I must be off / leaving now .; (13) So + be / have /情态动词/助动词+主语; (14) frist of all ; (15) turn off ; (16) by the side of ; (17) instdead of ; (18) on holiday ; (19) to allow sb to do sth .; (20) bring out ;

(21) hold up ; (22) make a face ; (23) have a way of doing sth .; (24) return to ; (25) at the back of .

✪考点精析与拓展 . 介绍,引进introduction n .

1) introduce sb .to sb . 把某人介绍给某人

introduce oneself 自我介绍

注意 : 其后不能跟双宾语,类似的词还有explain, suggest

2) introduce a new idea 引入一种新思想

2. practice 实践;学习

Practice makes perfect . 熟能生巧。

1) 短语:in practice 在实践中;实际上

put sth . into practice 实施

2)比较:practice 和 exercise 当“练习”解时的不同, practice 指有规律的练习,特指反复练习, exercise 一般用语,可指训练,锻炼,操练等。如:

spelling exerceise 拼写练习

do one’s exercises 做练习(功课)等

3) 动词形式为 practise ,美语亦可用practice。

注意:其后接动词时只用ing 形式,如:practice speaking English.



比较:practical, real , true

practical 指“实践的”,“实际的”,“讲求实际的”,如:

practical activities 实践活动

practical work 实际工作

She is a practical woman.她是位讲求实际的妇女。


real silk 真丝his real name 他的真名

true “真的”,指某种事实,故事,消息,信息,朋友等是真的,如:a true story 一个真实的故事

3.once; 1)意为“曾经”时,侧重“有一次”的意思,是副词在句中做状语,如: Once he owned a large house . 他曾经拥有一所大房子。



Have you ever been there ?你去过那儿吗?

The largest tree ,ever found there ,is one about 500 years old .那儿发现的最大的树有大约500年树龄了。


Once you go there ,buy a book for me .


注意:与if 的异同

1)通常unless 等于if not 如:

I won’t go unless he comes .= I won’t go if the doesn’t come .


I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t have an accident .


unless 不能用于“由于未发生B而产生A”的句子,再如:

I’ll be quite glad if she doesn’t come this evening.


5.mix .混合mixture n. 混合物

Water and oil will not mix .油和水不相溶合。

Mix black with white 混淆黑白。

注意:下面句子中mix 的形式。

A rain is falling ,mixed with snow .雨夹着雪在下着。



a bit/ a little→slightly→rather→much→completely→quite

2)rather 修饰形容词加名词时,若有冠词a 或an , 则rather 在冠词前、后皆可。如:

It was rather a cold day . = It was a rather cold day.


rather表示不接受性,为否定意义;fairly 表示接受性,为肯定意义。如:

It’s rather cold today .(不愉快)

It’s fairly warm today .(心中舒服)

4) rather +比较级;rather/ much/ far+too+adj./adv, 而fairly,quite ,very 则不能。如: I did rathre better in the exam.

That’s rather too difficult.

5) rather than 而不是 如:

He , rather than you, is to be punished . 是他而不是你要受惩罚。

I decided to write rather than (to)telephone.



① would do sth . rather than do sth .= would rather do sth. than do sth .宁愿做某事而不愿做某事。

② prefer to do sth . rather than do sth .(意义同上)



allow / permit sb .to do sth .允许某人做某事

allow / permit doing sth . 允许做某事。此时动词只用ing 形式。

反义词forbid 具有同样用法。


许多情况下可换用,只是词意的强弱上有差异。allow语意较弱,含有“听任”,“默许”,“不加阻止”的意思;permit 语意较强,强调“正式认可”,“批准”的意思。如:

The nurse allowed him to remain there ,though it was not permitted.


8. lively 意为“活泼的”,“有生气的”如:

a lively mind 活跃的头脑

a lively discussion 热烈的讨论


a lovely day 美好的一天

lovely girl 可爱的女孩

2)alive 意为“活着的”,是表语形容词,在句中做表语或后置定词。如:

After the war , he remained alive .战后他还活着。

Those alive will gather here. 活着的人将在此相聚。

3)living 意为“活着的”,主要用于作前置定语及冠词the 之后表示一类人,也可用作表语。如:

all living things所有生物

the living 在世者,活着的人们

Latin is not a living language. 拉丁语不是现代使用的语言。

He is still living at the age of 95.95岁了他还活着。

4)live 意为“活的”,“有生命的”,主要用来说鸟或其它动物。如:

a live fish 一条活鱼

1) go on doing sth .指继续做同一件事。如:

After a short rest , they went on working . 短暂休息之后,他们继续工作。

go on with sth . 指继续同一件事,此时 with 后能接名词,代词,不能跟ing 形式。如:

After a short rest ,they went on with the work . 短暂休息之年,他们继续那项工作。 go on to do sth . 指接着做另外一件事。如:

After finishing the words , they went on to go over the text.


2) 类似意义的说法。

continue doing/ to do = go on doing;

go ahead with = go on with ,隐含有付出努力之意

keep on doing ① = go on doing ②指不顾困难,反对或警告而坚持做某事。如: He kept on smoking after the doctor told him to stop .


2. as a result 作为结果

He runs every day .As a result , he has lost weight .


as a result of 作为„„的结果

As a result of exercise , he has built up his health.

result in = lead to 导致,造成„„结果,如:

Hard work results in success. 勤奋才会成功。

result from 由„„产生的结果,如:

Success results from hard work. 成功来自勤奋。

3. in one’s opinion 在某人看来,依照某人的看法,也可以说:

in one’s personal opinion

例:have a good /high opinion of sb . = think / speak well/highly of sb.


4. first of all 指按时间,顺序等处于第一位的,如:

例:First of all let me say how glad I’m to be here.


I’m interested in coins ,but first of all I’m a stamp collector.


比较:first与at first

first 译为“首先/,是从动作的先后角度来考虑的。”如:

Before we go , I must first change my clothes .


at first意为“起初/,含有后来不这样了的意思。”如:

At first I didn’t like him ,but now I do .


for the first time 意为“第一次”。如:

It was there that they met for the first time .


5. at the beginning of 在„„初(开头),可指时间与空间。如:

at the beginning of term 在学期开始

at the beginning of the book 在那本书的开头

at the beginning 单独用时间at first,也可说in the beginning.

比较:at the end of 在„„末(尽头)

at the end 在末尾处

in the end 最终,同at last

in the middle of 在„„中期

from beginning to end 从头至尾

6.right now = at the moment ,at present 眼下,现在

比较:right away = right off ,immediately, at once , in no time 马上,立刻

7. be filled with = be full of 充满,装满 如:

The bottle is filled with water .瓶子里装满了水。

注意:Filled with courage , he went into the cave .此处filled 表示“充满了的”指处于一种状态。

比较:be crowded with 挤满的,与be filled with 有所不同。如:

The room is crowded with guests.房间里挤满了客人。


Fill the bottle with sand .把瓶子装满沙子。

Fill in the blanks .填空。

8. on holiday 在度假,此时holiday 前不加冠词。类似说法如:on a visit/a trip/a journey 要带冠词。take a holiday 休假

用介词on 表示处于一种状态,若用for 则表示目的。如:

He is on holiday .他在度假。

He is on a visit to America.他正在美国访问。

He wnet to the countryside for his holidays.他去乡村度假。

He went to America for a visit .他去美国进行一次访问。

比较:holiday, vacation, leave

holiday 与vacation一般可通用,但vacation侧重于长时间的假期,如: summer vacation, holiday 可长可短。leave 指政府工作人员或士兵的假期,也可用于指因事(病)而请的假。如: ask for leave 请假,a sick leave of three days 三天的病假

9. instead of, instead, in place of, take the place of

He went to attend the meeting instead of me .

I was ill so he went to attend the meeting instead .

注意:instead 可用于句首,表示“相反的”。如:

She never studies .Instead, she plays tennis all day .


in place of很多时候可与instead of换用,但更强调“取代”之意。如:

He isn’t fit for the job, so I’ll do it in place of him.


take the place of 是动词短词,在句中做谓语,如:

Tractors have taken the place of horses .


注意:instead of 后可接ing 形式,介词短语等。如:

He came by bus instead of by train.


He wanted to go to a film instead of staying at home.


10. make sure 弄肯定,设法做到,后接宾语从句。如:

He made sure that he had enough food for the journey.


Please make sure the house is locked.


make sure 后还可接of或about ,指“弄清,搞明”如:

Have you made sure of the time of the train?


比较:be sure of sth. /be sure that„„确信„„

be sure to do sth .一定„„,必然„„

be sure of doing sth.对做某事有把握 如:



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