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admin 高三作文 2020-04-22 23:01:18 作文英语




1. 【预测作文】雾霾天气——[议论文][书信]





2. 【预测作文】中国梦——[日记]



1.每位同学都畅谈了自己对中国梦的理解; 2.你谈到了自己的梦想; 3.如何实现自己的梦想。

注意: 1.总词数不少于100。 2.不可逐条翻译。 3.开头已给出,不计入总词数。

April 8 Monday Fine

Recently we had a class meeting on the topic of My Chinese Dream….

3. 【预测作文】





5. 90后一代

90后出生的学生,思想特殊、行为方式和价值观令人担忧。假如你是一名90后出生的学生刘林,请根据下表中所提供信息以"Do trust us-a generation born in the 90s"为题写一篇英语演讲稿,以消除人们的忧虑。


人们的忧虑 1.注重自我,轻视合作,…… 2.缺乏毅力,容易气馁,…… 3.盲目追求,渴望成名,……


6. 假冒伪劣产品成为一大社会问题,假的食品物品给我们生活造成很大的困扰。你如何看待假冒伪劣产品呢?你是不是也深受其害呢?

7. 五一劳动节马上就要来了, 相信你一定很期盼即将到来的小黄金周,你是如何看待五一黄金周的呢?你觉得黄金周的利和弊在于何处呢?

8. 2014年高考英语作文热门话题之六—光盘行动

节约是中华人民的传统美德,然而,当前国人的浪费现象却十分严重,尤其是餐桌上的浪费。请用英语写一篇100-120词的短文,描述你的一次“餐桌浪费”经历,并结合当前的“光盘行动”(Clear Your Plate Campaign)略加评论。

9. 2014年高考英语作文热门话题之八—食品安全


染色馒头the industrial dye of steamed bun 毒奶粉the notorious milk powder

11. 2014年高考英语作文热门话题之七–校园生活

假如你是诸暨二中高三(1)的李华,今年即将高中毕业。请根据以下要点给某英文报写一篇英语短文,谈谈你对高三生活的看法。 (1)对获得的帮助表示感谢;(2)消除与 同学之间的误会;(3)努力学习,实现人生梦想;(4)对学弟、学妹的建议。 注意:(1)可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯;(2)词数:100左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数) 。 High school is regarded as the best time in a person's life. As a senior 3 student, it won't take long before I graduate.___________________________________________________

12. 2014年高考英语作文热门话题之八—人际关系


13. 2014年高考英语作文热门话题之九—友谊



Dear Bill,

I’m glad to receive your letter,thank you for your caring for the weather and my health.Now I’d like to tell you something about the smog.

Since the winter last year,the smog has occurred a lot of times.it has done great harm to our daily life.many traffic accidents happened just because of the heavy smog weather,more and more people have to go to see the doctor because the serious disease caused by the smog,quite a lot of flights have to be put off,a great number of people have to stay at home for fear of the poisonous air caused by the smog.

People have realized the great harm caused by the smog and the importance of protecting the environment.people all over the country are taking measures to reduce the smog weather.the government suggests people go to work or school with the public traffic, such as the bus and the underground.Also we should plant more trees.

According to me, I will go to school by bike or on foot, and I won’t throw the waste anywhere.in addition, I will tell the people I meet to protect the environment as possible as they can.would you like to tell me some good ideas?i’m looking forward to your reply.


April 8 Monday Fine

Recently we had a class meeting on the topic of My Chinese Dream. Inspired by President Xi’s Chinese Dream, everyone talked enthusiastically about his understanding of the Chinese Dream. We all believe that this dream will come true in the future.

I also talked about my own dream. I have always wanted to be a doctor. Not only can doctors save people’s lives but also they are doing a respectable job. Doctors can also help people to live a better life with their professional knowledge.

To realize my dream, I must try to work hard from now on. I must learn as much as I can so that I can get into a good medical college, where I can prepare myself adequately for the job of a doctor. Only in this way can I accomplish my goal.


Over the past 100 years, the national revival as the Chinese people's pursuit. In Yanan, is the leadership of the Communist Party of China National People's war shrine, national revival of the leaders in this map out a strategy. Time of change has left a string of visible footprint: the fight against SARS, the ruling idea practice people-centered, leaders and people in distress, won the people's love and support. Make a spurt of progress of the Chinese economy, important resolutions to improve the socialist economic system of some problems, the cornerstone of a national revival, let me realize the whole nation of truth, to realize the younger generation to shoulder the historical responsibility and the responsibility of national rejuvenation. Also let us see the hardships course of country forward, also see today a powerful china.


1.Although scenery behind career and family each have malaises, but optimistic she face actively, full of positive energy.虽然风光背后事业和家庭各有隐忧,但乐观的她积极面对,充满正能量。

2.It does mean that you will have the conscious awareness to change the negative to a positive and allow that positive energy to shape your life as opposed to being influenced by the negative.



1. You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.

1. 你可能不能控制所有发生在你身上的事,但是你可以决定不被它们所累。

2. Everything will change. The only question is growing up or decaying.2. 每件事都会变,问题在于前进还是后退。

3. Be the heroine of your life, not the victim.3. 做人生的主角,而不是受害者。

4. We spend most of our lives cutting down our ambitions because the world has told us to think small. Dreams express what your soul is telling you, so as crazy as your dream might seem—even to you—I don’t care: You have to let that out.

4. 我们一生中的大部分时间都在缩小壮志雄心,因为这个世界告诉我们别想的太大。梦想表现了灵魂告诉你的事,所以即使你的梦想对你自己来说也是天方夜谭,也没有关系:你必须释放自己的梦想。

5. As long as we dare to dream and don't get in the way of ourselves, anything is possible–there's truly no end to where our dreams can take us.5. 只要我们敢梦想,并不被自己所阻,一切都有可能——梦想无止境。

6. You have to speak your dream out loud.6. 你要大声说出自己的梦想。

7. It’s not about how to achieve your dreams. It’s about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the dreams will come to you.7. 如何实现梦想并不是关键,关键在于如何生活。如果你将自己的生活带入正确方向,梦想终会实现。

8. If you cannot hear the sound of the genuine in you, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls.8. 如果你听不见内心真实的声音,你一生的时间都会花在别人要求你做的事情上。

9. When you're always trying to conform to the norm, you lose your uniqueness, which can be the foundation for your greatness.9. 当你总是想依循旧例时,你就失去了自己的独特之处,而独特就是成就你伟大的基础。

10. Courage is the most important of all virtues, because without courage, you cannot practice any of the other virtues consistently.10. 勇气是所有品质中最重要的。因为没有勇气,你就无法去保持其他的品质了。


Not only does Running Red Light disturb traffic order, but also it became one of the causes of traffic accidents. According to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 62,387 people died in 210,812 road traffic accidents in 2011, with 237,421 injured, whose deaths top the list of deaths from non-natural causes in China.

Beijing traffic chiefs have vowed to crack down on jaywalkers who go against traffic lights after making sure there are no cars coming. From this week, people who do not wait for the "green man" signal to cross at intersections will receive

on-the-spot fines of 10 yuan. The traffic management bureau said it will not only focus on punishment but also upgrade road safety facilities, such as arranging traffic lights more scientifically, and building overpasses.

People talked about widespread violation of traffic laws and raised concerns about pedestrians disregarding traffic lights, which will be a continuous action to improve road safety, making pedestrians follow the traffic laws.


Not long ago, CCTV “Focus Talk” carried out many interviews and made some relevant comments on the phenomena—“Crossing roads in the Chinese style”.

There is a very common phenomenon around us that people just run the light totally ignoring the running vehicles, which can lead to serious consequences. Last week a traffic accident happened near our school, a rushing car knocked down a student who was running the red light. And because of the car’s sudden stop, several cars behind crashed into each other. Of course this caused a terrible traffic jam.

In my opinion, effective measures should be taken to solve the problem. First, we can make good use of the media, such as TV, newspaper, magazine, to raise people’s awareness of obeying the traffic rules and road safety. Second, government must make severe laws to punish people who dare to break the law and run the red light.


Good afternoon, everyone!

The topic of my speech today is “Do trust us—a generation born in the 90s”.

Living in an environment full of fierce competition, we, a generation born inthe 90s, are faced with more problems in entering higher schools and getting employed. Under these circumstances, we are developing our special manners and values, which has raised people’s concern.

They worry we care too much about ourselves and are unwilling to cooperate with others, which makes it hard for us to achieve success in whatever we do. Besides, they consider us as lacking in perseverance, and this is what it takes to do any job well. Without it, we may easily give up in time of difficulty. They are also concerned that we are so eager to win instant fame that we follow fashion blindly, which will in turn ruin our values and future.

However, we, a generation born in the 90s, have our own advantages despite some weaknesses. Firstly, we have the courage to meet challenges and take risks, which helps realize our dreams. In addition, we are quick-minded and creative. We can do our work more efficiently. Of course, we still need to learn more from those experienced. Please do trust us!

Thank you for your listening!


Fake Commodity

At present, more and more people are concerned about fake commodities, for they cause very serious social problems. Many things can be fake, such as fake food and drinks, fake clothes, fake iron and steel, and so on.

Fake commodities are harmful in many ways. For example, fake food and drinks will lead to cancers. Fake steel and iron used to build the houses, our houses will be no longer a safe place to live in. In addition, producing and buying fake commodities will cause a great loss to the nation's economy.

Consequently, the people who produce fake commodities must be punished severely, and their factories must be closed down. If fake commodities can be banned by law, our life will be better.

现在越来越多的人担心假冒伪劣商品,因为它们会引起严重的社会问题。很多东西都有可能是假的,比如,假的食物和饮料,假的衣服,假的钢铁等等。假冒伪劣商品在许多方面是有害的。例如,伪劣食品和饮料会导致癌症。假的钢铁用来建造房屋,我们的房子将不再是一个安全的地方。此外,生产和购买假冒商品将对国家的经济造成巨大损失。 因此,那些生产假冒伪劣商品的人必须受到严惩,他们的工厂也必须关闭。如果可以用法律禁止假冒商品,我们的生活会更好美好。


During the 7-day golden week holiday, traveling has already become an indispensable part of people's relaxation activities. The lengthy holidays have caused unexpected great travel craze and brisk economic activities. holiday spending, however, adds fuel to the Chinese economy, which in turn leads to the creation of a new term “holiday economy” and it sparks a hot debate about it. Some economists are in favor of the golden week economy.

They believe it has many advantages. first, tourism-based holiday economy will raise consumption, up spending and, therefore, help to spur the domestic demand.

In addition, it benefits tourism, transportation, catering, hotels and service industries and enables them to thrive during holidays, which in turn adds fuel to the overall economic growth.

However, others overstate its disadvantages and hold that it brings undeniable problems. First, the travel craze puts a heavy burden on the traffic system, causing serious traffic jams. Besides, thousands and thousands of tourists flood scenic spots, jamming railway stations and airports, causing some over crowdedness and safety problems. Therefore, we shouldn't neglect the new problems. I believe its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages. After all, it greatly benefits our overall economy. Finally, I suggest the government take effective measures to solve the aforementioned problems. Only in this way can we let the golden week economy develop in a sound way.


节约是中华人民的传统美德,然而,当前国人的浪费现象却十分严重,尤其是餐桌上的浪费。请用英语写一篇100-120词的短文,描述你的一次“餐桌浪费”经历,并结合当前的“光盘行动”(Clear Your Plate Campaign)略加评论。


With large amounts of food thrown away each year, the problem of food waste is widespread in China. Last Spring Festival, my father invited several friends to dinner in a restaurant. My father ordered a lot to show respect and display generosity.

What surprised me was he ordered an extra dish before we could finish all! When we stood up to leave, there were many dishes unfinished. Out of embarrassment, my father was reluctant to take the leftovers home. Later, we all shared the opinion that it was a great waste.

Recently, the Clear Your Plate Campaign started nationwide. I firmly believe that if everyone does his bit, the food waste will be significantly reduced.





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