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admin 高一作文 2020-04-23 01:14:18 学生英语


高一英语必修4 unit3教学设计

Unit 3 A taste of English humour





1. 目标定位:理解文章标题的含义以及文章大意。知道卓别林的基本情况(生卒年代、职业等)

2. 目标解析:理解文章标题的含义,就是指能够知道这个标题在字面上、文章内容上与文化内涵上的意思,作者为什么要选用这个标题,从而在整体上把握住文章大意。







Lead-in (播放卓别林拳击比赛短片)

1. What’s the passage mainly about? ( C )

A. The history of English humor?

B. The films Chaplin made.

C. The humour Chaplin made in his films.

D. The Gold Rush in California.

2.Find out the main idea of each paragraph.

para.1 a) What Charlie’s most famous character was like

para.2 b) Why people needed cheering

para.3 c) His achievements

para.4 d) What Charlie’s childhood was like

para.5 e) An example of a sad situation that he made funny

Keys: 1-b 2-d 3-a 4-e 5-c


活动二: Scanning

Read the passage again and do True or False.( )

1. Charlie Chaplin was poor when he was a small boy. ( )

2. People who don’t know English cannot enjoy Chaplin’s films.( )

3. The Gold Rush is set in California in the late of the nineteenth century.( )

4. In The Gold Rush Chaplin and his friend are fortunate to find some gold.

5. In the film the meal he eats is hard to chew.( )

6. Chaplin not only acted in films but wrote and directed films as well. ( ) Keys: T F F F T T


活动三: Careful reading



Notes about Charlie Chaplin’s career on P19



Character:“Little tramp”,

Costume :Large trousers, worn-out shoes, small round black hat and a walking


Type of acting:Mime and farce (笑剧)


1.The Gold Rush, one of Chaplin’s most famous films,was made in_____.

A.America B.Britain C.Canada D.Australia

2.In The Gold Rush, Chaplin and his friend eat a pair of shoes because_____

A.They are interested in it

B.The shoes are delicious

C.They want to make the people laugh

D.They are very hungry

3.People enjoy seeing other people’s bad luck because___

A.They enjoy doing so

B.It makes people more worried about their life

C.It makes people more centent with their life

D.there’s much fun in doing so

4.Chaplin was given a special Oscar for____.

A.The characters he played in his films

B.The films he directed

C.The joy he gave us in his films

D.The contributions he made in films

5.What’s the author’s attitude towards Charlie Chaplin?

A.Positive B.Negative C.Serious D.Appreciative

keys:A D C D D



1. No one has come up with a ________ (convince) explanation of why this kind of animal is dying out.

2. The play was ________ (direct) by a very famous director.

3. The whole family were proud of his __________ (outstand) performance.

4. When he read the book a second time, he found it ___________ (entertain). Keys: convincing, directed, outstanding, entertaining,


1. The character he played became known _____________ the world.

2. Do you know the fat man ____ a little black moustache standing over there?

3. He looked round at her ________ surprise.

4. Lu Xun will always be loved and remembered __ a great writer by the Chinese people.

Keys: throughout / in, with, with / in, as


1. They went into the forest _____________________ (寻找丢失的孩子).

2. ______________ (随着时间的推移), he began to realize that he should have studied hard.

3. _________ (到目前为止), I have finished two-thirds of the work.

4. __________________ (你已经挑选出了) the movie you want to see?

5. He ________________________ (切下来一小片面包) and gave it to me.

Keys:in search of the lost child, As time went by, Up to now, Have you picked out , cut off a small piece of bread



高中英语必修四 unit3 课文教学设计

必修四 unit3 A taste of English humor

Reading: A master of nonverbal humor教学设计











帮助学生习得并掌握本文出现的词汇、语言表达方式,同时欣赏文章中的优美句式。 能力目标:

帮助学生进一步提高阅读中猜词义、略读、查读、跳读、归纳、总结等能力。 引导学生进一步了解与体会V-ing形式在文中的呈现。

















A computer, a projector, a recorder, the courseware designed for this period.


Step1. Presentation (in 3 minutes) The teacher presented some pictures of Charlie Chaplin and asked the students what they know about him. Then encourage them to predict the content of this text.

设计意图:通过图片形象生动地引出本文要介绍的主人公,通过提问激发学生对卓别林更多了解的欲望,预测新课内容,为阅读做好准备,引起学生对问题的探究,调动他们阅读的积极性。 Step 2. Reading The teacher is to organize five reading activities to lead the students to read the text. Activity 1: Listening and skimming ( in 3 minutes) Before reading, let the students look at the screen and listen to the tape. Show the easy questions with four answers on the screen and tell them to choose the best one after skimming.

Questions like this:

Chaplin’s type of acting is ____.

A. comedy B. cross talk

C. mime D. sketch

设计意图:限时阅读培养学生快速捕捉信息的能力,并在阅读中结合速读与跳读技巧的使用,简单的提问也能迅速激发学生阅读的成功感与兴趣。 Activity 2: Scanning (in 8 minutes) Give the students some questions about the text before scanning. These questions are related to the basic information about Chaplin and they are about the details of the text. Especially, question the students about the description of the little tramp and draw a lively picture of his.

Questions like this: 1.Why do People enjoy seeing other people’s bad luck ? 2. When was Charlie Chaplin born? While answering the questions, lead the students to finish the chart on the screen. 设计意图:此次查读问题涉及文章细节理解,且问题设计的难度稍微加大,让学生感觉到阅读的挑战性,引导他们探究式学习,培养他们正确捕捉重点细节的能力,图表的立体呈现也能帮助学生加快对文章的深入理解。在阅读中指导学生切忌读时粗枝大叶,误解信息,偏离了准确性。 Activity 3: Further careful reading (in 8 minutes) Read the passage again and summarize the main idea of each paragraph. Direct the students how to grasp the topic sentence of each paragraph. Para1: Why people needed cheering up.

Para2: What Charlie Chaplin’s childhood was like.

Para3: …

Para4: …

Para5: …

设计意图:此次活动旨在培养学生的语言组织和归纳能力,可指导学生如何寻找每段主题句或关键词,帮助他们完成段落大意,缓解学习难度。 Activity 4: competition (in 8 minutes) Then present some T or F statements on the screen and start a competition. The teacher inspired the students to hand up as quickly as they can.

Such as:1. Charlie Chaplin was poor when he was a small boy.

2. People who don’t know English cannot enjoy Chaplin’s films.

3… 4… 5… 6…


Activity 5: Enjoy some beautiful sentences including those with v-ing forms.(in 3 minutes)

设计意图:通过欣赏美文,走近v-ing分词,让学生享受语言学习的美感,再次增进阅读兴趣,同时对下一节的语法学习做好铺垫。 Step 3.Discussion (in 5 minutes)

Give the students some questions to discuss Chaplin’s characters. 1. Do you think his poor childhood helped him in his work? Why? 2. Why did people like The Little Tramp? 3. Why do you think he was so successful? Tell the students to discuss the questions in pairs or in groups. At last, let them report their opinions to the class.

设计意图:此次活动旨在引导学生通过讨论认识到成功后的艰辛,使他们正确看待生活中的挫折和失意,在学生自主合作学习的同时对其进行思想教育。 Step 4: Sum up and retell the text (in 5 minutes) Give the students a passage with some blanks to fill in. Students can be led to sum up and retell the text. Retell the text by filling in the following blanks. Charlie Chaplin was born in a _____ family in _____. By his ______, he had become one of the most popular ______actors in England. As time went by, he grew more and more ________ as his charming ________ “the little _______” …

设计意图:引导学生根据这段设空的短文来总结本文,教师同时可由此总结本堂课。 Step 5: Homework Review the key words and phrases in the text and finish the exercises in the workbook. Find more information about Chaplin and his films. Try to write a short passage to introduce Charlie Chaplin.











课程名称:大学英语 授课人:

Writing Job Application Letters

一. New words and expressions

application n. 1. [C; U] 申请;申请书 2. [C; U] 应用;用途

reflection n. [C] 反映;表现

preferencen. [C; U] 偏爱;偏好

reference n. 1. [C](书籍或地图中的)参照号 2. [C; U] 参考;查阅 ensure vt. 确保;保证

remedy vt. 补救;纠正

introductoryadj. 介绍的;引导的

salutation n. [C](书信、演讲等开头的)称呼语

statementn. [C] 陈述;声明

illustratevt. 说明;阐明;表明

summarizevt. (summarise BrE)总结;概括;概述

selectiveadj. (做事、购物等)认真选择的

highlightvt. 使……突出;使注意力集中于……

uniqueadj. 唯一的;独一无二的

specification n. 1. [C] 具体说明;要求 2. [C] (also plural) 规格;规格说明 target n. [C]目标;指标

sincerely adv. 1. 谨启;敬启 2. 真诚地;真挚地;由衷地

principle n. [C] 原则;原理

signature n. [C] 签字;签名

flow vi. (语言或文字)流畅

no more than 至多;不超过;仅仅

cold call (为推销商品无事先接触而给潜在主顾)冷不防地打电话

go ahead 开始;继续;进行

to this/that effect 有这样/那样的意思或内容

wrap up 完成;结束

read over 从头至尾细读;通读

in turn 因此;因而;转而

二.Language points

Meaning: An application letter should be short, at most one-page long.

no more than: only; at most 至多; 不超过;仅仅

No more than 3,000 college graduates are allowed to go abroad every year. 每年至多允许3,000名大学毕业生出国。

He makes time every day to listen to his son play the piano —even if it is for no more than a few minutes. 他每天都抽出时间听儿子弹钢琴,即使有时只有几分钟。 Meaning: Here is a most effective method of writing job application letters.

formula: n. [C] a method or set of principles that you use to solve a problem or to make sure that something is successful 准则;方案

We are still searching for a peace formula. 我们仍在寻找和平方案。

There is no magic formula for passing exams —only hard work.


3. The style you choose is really different styles to choose from.

Meaning:Your choice of writing style is really something personal because there are so many styles for you to choose from.

a matter of: ……的问题

I suppose it's all a matter of opinion. 我认为这完全是个见仁见智的问题。 It is simply a matter of time.这仅仅是时间问题。

choose from: pick out from a number of things 从……挑选

In the new bookstore, there are many English books to choose from.


Here "position reference number" is the number by which the position is referred to in the advertisement.

reference: n.

1) [C] a number that tells you where you can find the information you want in a book, on a map, etc. (书籍或地图中的)参照号

2) [C; U] the act of looking at something for information 参考;查阅

Reference books mustn't be taken out of this room. 参考书不能带到室外。 This list is only for your reference. 这张名单仅供你参考。 applying for any current or future employment opportunities. Meaning: If you make phone calls or pay visits to the company for a job without an appointment made in advance, you should make it clear that you still want to apply for a future job if there is no vacancy right now.

cold call: telephone someone you have never met and try to sell something (为推销商品无事先接触而给潜在主顾)冷不防地打电话

The saleswoman cold called two hundred companies this week.


The rules published yesterday prohibit cold calling for investment purposes. 昨天公布的规定禁止打电话推销投资生意。

Please notice that "cold call" is basically a noun phrase, meaning "an unexpected telephone call or visit by someone trying to sell something". Here it is used in a verb sense.

6. the position of… Meaning: I have put my resume inside, together with the letter, which I am sending you as a request for the job of…

enclose: vt. 1) put something inside an envelope 把……装入信封;附入

Enclosed is an important leaflet highlighting local service telephone numbers for use during normal working hours. 随信附上一份重要的小册子,小册子中一目了然地列出了供正常工作时间时使用的本地服务电话。

He enclosed a check for 500 dollars with the letter.


2) surround with a fence or wall so as to shut in 把……围起来高一英语book4unit3教案

The little park was enclosed on all sides by tall apartment buildings.


The fence that enclosed the house was painted green. 房子四周的篱笆被漆成绿色。 or how many years in the industry you might have.Meaning: It is important for you to choose the things you are going to write about, emphasizing things such as what you specialize in, or how many years in the industry you might have worked. specialize in: limit all or most of one's study, business, etc., to a particular activity or subject 专门研究;专攻

After he had worked as a doctor for some years, he decided to specialize in children's diseases.做了几年医生后,他决定专攻儿童疾病。

The shop specializes in selling antiques.这家商店专门经营古董。 Meaning: … then make sure you mention that you have the skills needed for the position, as stated in the job advertisement.

to this/that effect: with this/that meaning or information 有这样/那样的意思或内容 She said she disliked Spanish, or something to that effect.


He told me to get out, or words to that effect. 他说了一句叫我走开之类的话。

Please notice that this is an inverted sentence with "if" omitted. The complete sentence should be "If you should require further information…". Another example: Should we have a lot of money, we would buy a car. (=If we should have a lot of money, we would buy a car.) 如果我们有很多钱,就会买辆车。

"Were" and "had" could be used in the same way as "should". Examples:

Were I in your place, I would accept the job. (= If I were in your place, I would accept the job.) 如果我是你,就会接受这个工作。

Had I seen you, I would have greeted you. (= If I had seen you, I would have greeted you.) 如果我看见你,会跟你打招呼的。





1)a walking stick (=a stick for walking) a reading room

a washing machine a swimming pool

2)a sleeping child (= a child who is sleeping )

a rising sun

3)The student making the experiment(=who is making the experiment) is our monitor The man speaking to the teacher is my uncle.


1. 单个v-ing形式作定语位于被修饰名词的_______

1) 表示被修饰名词的__________和_________

2) 表示____________的动作

2. V-ing短语作定语须位于被修饰的名词 _________从句。

Anybody swimming in the river will be fined.

= Anybody ________________________________ will be fined.


考点即时练 1. 听,现在正在被唱的那首歌深受学生的喜爱。 2. 站在窗户旁边的是我们的老师。

3. She went on board the train_________________ Shanghai.(leave)


II.ving 形式做表语


1)My favorite sport is swimming. = My job is looking after the children.

2)The problem is quite

3)What worries me most is her (Julia's) staying too late every night.

The main problem is your not having practiced a lot.



2. 当表示主语具有的特征、性质和状态(V-ing 相当一个形容词)时,表语与主语______________________

3. 作表语的V-ing形式也可带有自己的逻辑主语。

V-ing 形式作表语时,其逻辑主语往往是句子中的主语,但作表语的-ing 形式也可带有自己的逻辑主语, 逻辑主语一般由___________________________来担当。


2)v-ing作表语表示经常和习惯性的动作,不定式作表语表示某一次具体的动作。如: 考点即时练

1. we are back from travels.(excite)

众所周知,旅行是令人兴奋的,但是我们经常在旅行归来的时候感到兴奋。 2. What you said is really______________.(inspire)


3. The task of this class is_____________ the idioms. (practice)




1. When we returned to the school, we found a stranger standing at the entrance.

2. 1)We saw a light burning in the window.

As he spoke, he observed everyone looking at him curiously.

I didn’t notice him waiting.

2)We won’t have you doing that.

I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.

3).Do you hear someone knocking at the door?

Do you hear someone knock at the door?



1. 动词v-ing形式做宾语补足语常放在宾语的__________,表示一个


2. 能用V-ing形式作宾语补足语的常见的几类动词:

1) 表示__________和____________状态的动词:(see, watch, notice, hear, feel, smell, look at,

listen to, observe, find ) 等动词 + sb. / sth. + doing sth. 其中doing sth. 做宾补。

2) __________动词(常见的有have, keep, get, leave, set, catch等)+sb/ sth + doing sth (作


3) see, watch, notice, hear, find 等后跟doing 与 do 的区别:

doing表示动作___________,而do表示(或强调)动作___________________。 考点即时练

1. When we are developing industry, we also need too keep the earth __________________ (免遭破坏). (destroy)

2. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _________ (吸烟)in the kitchen. (smoke)

3. When she noticed the teacher _______________ (盯着看她), she lowered her head in shame. (stare)



1. Listen! Do you hear someone ________ (call) for help?

2. I hate ________ (listen) to their complaints all day. One of these days I’ll tell them what I really think.

3. The problem ___________ (discuss) at the meeting is very important.

4. The boy _______ (stand) under the tree is one of my classmates.高一英语book4unit3教案

5. His job is __________ (attend) to the patient.


1. The hotel_____________ now was designed by a group of young men last year.(build) 在建的这座宾馆是去年由一群年轻人设计的。

2. His only hobby is______________________ .(collect)


3. When Jim saw the little boy___________________, he jumped into the lake to

save him.(struggle)


4. When a cook is _________________ in the kitchen , he will be fired



5. The next day, they came again to the park, ______________________ in the same



6. Finally, the temple _______________________ the Rome period was




人教新课标book4 unit3 a taste of English humor教学案

Book 4 Unit 3 A Taste of English Humor




1、自主创造语言环境 在自己的房间里,没有人会笑话你,尽可以大胆他说。你可以在散步时说给风儿,说给花草树木;你可以在欣赏影片时跟着主人公倾诉喜怒哀乐。

2、善于模仿 一要大声模仿。模仿时要大大方方,清清楚楚,一板一眼,口型要到位,不能扭扭捏捏、的小声小气地在嗓子眼里嘟嚷。二要仔细模仿优美的语音、的语调。

3、及时复述 一是阅读后用“自言自语”的方式来表达文中的内容。二是听磁带或看影片后复述。既练听力,又练口语表达能力。

4、狠抓句型训练 使用自己在课堂上所学的句型练习“自言自语”,这样可以加深对所学知识的理解和运用,达到学用结合。

5、说话时要带手势、动作、表情 自言自语时带手势、的动作、的表情,可以帮助你记忆和自然地使用英语,大大增强语言的生动性和感染力。


Period 1 Warming up


1. The earthquake in Wenchuan made many people ______________________ (无家可归的).

2. After graduating from Peking University, he was ____________ (幸运的) in having a good job.

3.They were ________________________ (醉) after the party

4. I found it ____________ (令人惊讶的) that the young player beat the chess master in the game.

5. The film _____________________( 导演) by Zhangyimou is popular among teenagers.

6. Finally she o___________________ the difficulties and finished the task..

7. How did your mother r__________________ to the news?

8. I’ve trying to c___________________ him to see the doctor.

9. He is a f_______________ as an artist, but a success as an art teacher.

10. The teacher is always giving us a clear e_____________________ for every problem. Step One: Lead-in Enjoy some proverbs and sentences.

Laughing is better than medicine.—- Jewish saying S:I am sorry.

F:I am sorry too. S:I am sorry three. F:What are you sorry for?

S:I am sorry five. Girl : If we marry, will you give me a ring ?

Boy: Of course, What’s your telephone number?

Daughter: Auntie kissed me this morning, Mum !

Mum : How nice ! Did you kiss her Daughter: Of course not. I kissed her face.


Life is challenging, _ meet ______ it. Life is various, ___make______ it.

Life is beautiful, __discover_______ it. Life is humorous, __enjoy itt.

I’m driving at a high speed.I want to lose my weight.

A baby hit Do you feel my love? Am I very strong?

A smile always makes a young man.

So you are too young to laugh more than twice. Otherwise you will be like this.

Oh Gee. Thank God, you didn’t laugh that hard

In a word, you should develop a sense of humor and have a positive attitude towards life. Step Two Warming up

Do they have anything in common?_______________________________

What is humour?

Humour means making others laugh. If someone often makes others laugh,

We say he is ______;We call him a _______________.

We like a person who ___________________________.(有幽默感)

Mark Twain was a ______________ author and he was a _________________.

Kinds of humour: ______ ,

sketch小品(Act out a situation during their shows.) _______ 哑剧(Use body language to make people fun.) ______喜剧 funny stories ______ 相声(Two speakers make many jokes and funny conversation.) tongue twister绕口令……

Cross talk : Ma Ji is a well-known artist of crosstalk shows in China. His crosstalk shows always make his audience shout with laughter.

My name is Bozo. I’m a clown. My job is to make people

laugh without talking. I’m dressed in a funny way, always

wearing bright and big clothing, a special hat and shoes. We

usually wear make-up and most have a red nose, walking in a

funny way and doing something silly. I love my job because

we make people laugh and forget their problems.

Mark Twain was the popular and humorous American author, He was the most famous humorous novelist in America

Edward Lear(funny poems)

There was an Old Man who said, "How

Shall I flee from this horrible Cow?

I will sit on this stile, and continue to smile,

Which may soften the heart of that Cow."

Tongue twister

 Betty bought some butter, but the butter was bitter, so she bought some better butter to

make the bitter butter better.

 I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I

won’t wish the wish you wish to wish.

Although Mr. Rowan Atkinson acts different comic characters, he is most famous around the world as Mr. Bean. Mr. Bean is funny because he makes funny faces, he acts silly, he seems to be quite stupid, and the things he does are strange.

Step three. Pre-reading

He is one of the most famous that can make others laugh all the time.

1. What do you know about Charlie Chaplin? 2. What do you know about his films? 教学反思: ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Period 2 Reading

课前探究: Enjoy a happy moment:

1. — I was born in the USA. — Which part?

— ________ A All of me B. California

2. What does the right hand say to the left hand?

A. I’ m always right! B. How dirty you are!

3. Prisoner A–What are you charged(起诉) with?

Prisoner B–Doing my Christmas shopping early.

Prisoner A–When did you do this shopping?

Prisoner B–__BEFORE IT OPENING_______

4. A teenager girl had been talking on the phone for 30 minutes, and she hung up. –“Wow!” said her father, “that’s short.

You usually talk for 2 hours. Why?”

— “______,” replied the girl.

A. It’s none of your business. B. Wrong number

A joke a day, keeps doctors away.

A laughter makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Where there is humor, there is happy.

A good laughter is a good friend.

A good joke is better than everything.

A happy heart lives long.高一英语book4unit3教案

Among jokes all is common.

A happy year, a rich year.

A humorous mind in a sound body.

Learn new words:

• _________ not having much money; poor

• ____________ in / to every part of; all over

• ________ make others suffer; cause pain

• ________ a outer covering of an animal, human body or some fruits, vegetables. • ______ change to liquid when being heated

• _________ worn or used until no longer usable

• _________ very pleasing; delightful

• _________ succeed in a struggle; defeat

• _______ to bite with teeth

• ________ to separate from others

• __________ excellent; extremely good

• ________ to choose or select

• ___________ a very heavy fall of snow

• _________ lowest part or point of sth

• ________ as much (food or drink) as fills the mouth

• _________ luck

Step one Lead-in He is one of the most famous humorists that can make others laugh all the time. Step Two: Reading

1. Find out the main idea of each paragraph

Para.1:___________________________________________________________ Para.2:___________________________________________________________ Para.3:___________________________________________________________ Para.4: ___________________________________________________________ Para.5:____________________________________________________________



Unit 3 A taste of English humor

第 1 页 共 11 页

第 2 页 共 11 页

Part 1 Teaching Design

第一部分 教学设计

Period 1 A sample lesson plan for reading



In this period, after the warming up, students will first be guided to read aloud to the recording. Then they will read and underline and read to identify the topic sentence of each paragraph. The discourse study can also be done by students reading to decide on the type of writing and summary of the text and reading the text to turn out a diagram. The text can be used for retelling the story.


第 3 页 共 11 页

To help students understand the text’s forms and contents and learn about English humor

To help students communicate on the topic in focus with the words, expressions and structures learned in this unit



Multimedia facilities, tape-recorder, photos, diagrams


1. Warming up

Warming up by learning something about “Humor”

What is ―Humor‖? Does any one of you know anything about humor? Look at the screen and read the definition of Humor from the Internet.

Humor (humour in British English) is the ability or quality of people, objects or situations to

invoke feelings of amusement in other people. The term encompasses any form of entertainment

or human communication which invokes such feelings, or which makes people laugh or feel happy.

第 4 页 共 11 页


Humor is particular to each culture. For example, the British laugh at things that are ridiculous and enjoy parody very much. Chinese humor includes puns, extended cross talk between two comedians etc. The British also enjoys play on words(like puns) but they are more like short jokes. Warming up by watching and listening

Hi, everyone! We are going to learn about A taste of English humour today. Now watch the slides/ pictures and listen to the English humour poems.

2. Pre-reading by telling the truth —What do you like to laugh at?

I like to laugh at cartoons, for they’re lovely and fun.

I like to laugh at fairy tales. They are amusing and interesting.

第 5 页 共 11 页



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