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admin 高一作文 2020-04-23 01:17:18 缺少英语

篇一:《Small talk闲谈》

Small talk is _r____1__ dialogue that helps people pass the time when they meet others. In English, people often say it “__2__ ___3__ _4__”. You can make small talk when w___5___ in l___6__ at an airport or bus stop. It makes others f__7___ r___8__ and it passes time n__9__. Small talk is a common f___10__ of c__11______. B_12____ travelers and workers in shops or restaurants may use small talk in their jobs. People make small talk in a__13____ every country. And in most cultures, it is important to smile and k___14__ the conversation light and _h____15______. The c__16__ Chinese greeting “Have you e__17__ yet?” would seem s___18___ to an ____19_____ person.The most important thing in small talk is to give the other person a c__20___ to speak and listen to what they have to say.

Ben isn’t the only person that has e_______ this situation. Something s_______ has probably h________ to most of us before. It’s natural to feel unsure of ourselves when s_______ conversations with s______. A good starting paint is t___ ask the person questions about himself or herself, or talk about something you both like such as football or pop music. This can make social situations more r_______. Then you’ll be glad you went to the party.

篇二:《商务英语中常用small talk topic的语句》


Small talk topic


1. How is your flight?

2. How do you like our city?

3. Is this your first visit to …?

4. Did you have a good trip?

5. Was it easy to find here?


1.It is a beautiful day , isn’t it?

I heard it is going to rain this afternoon

My flight was cancelled because of the heavy snow.

2.I hate the summer here .it is so hot /dry.

We don’t really get much rain ,how’s like in …? I am a spring/summer/autumn/winter person. It was dismal/cloudy/cold/damp/windy.


Q: how’s your hotel?

A: it’s …


Module 1 Small Talk

Ⅰ. 模块教学目标

Ⅱ. 目标语言

Ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组

1. 教材分析

本模块以Small Talk为话题,旨在通过教学,使学生对各种不同的闲聊话题、技巧、注意事项、社交方法、规则等加以了解并能够学会用small talk和别人进行交流。学会使用非正式的日常用语;能正确运用“责任义务和无责任义务”的表达法;学会读、写电子邮件。

1.1 INTRODUCTION提供了四本权威词典对small talk的解释,让学生了解small talk的含义、small talk涉及的话题以及small talk 和serious talk的区别。

1.2 VOCABULARY AND READING是一篇介绍社交技巧的说明文。文中介绍了交际活动中应注意的事项、社交技巧等。

1.3 FUNCTION 部分学习“责任义务和无责任义务”的表达法。

1.4 READING AND LISTENING部分要求学生朗读三段对话,选出对话发生的地点;根据对话内容回答问题;并通过听取对话录音回答问题、完成句子。

1.5 GRAMMAR学习并使用didn’t need to和needn’t have done结构。

1.6 READING AND WRITING 要求学生阅读并回复网友的电子邮件。

1.7 EVERYDAY ENGLISH 学习非正式交际用语中词汇的省略法。

1.8 SPEAKING 部分要求学生根据问题和提示,以small talk为话题展开小组活动并继续READING AND LISTENING中的对话。{关于small,talk的英语作文}.

1.9 CULTURAL CORNER部分介绍了英语国家“small talk”的一种较为成功的模式——AAA model.

1.10 TASK部分要求学生在掌握small talk相关知识的基础上,收集课内外small talk中经常使用的表达并鼓励学生实现资源共享,编写一个供全班同学使用的小册子。

2. 课型设计与课时分配

P1: Introduction, Vocabulary and reading Function ,Reading and Listening, everyday English , reading and writing

Reading and Vocabulary

P5: Reading practice

Ⅳ. 分课时教案

The First Period Introduction, Vocabulary and reading

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语

small talk, informal, conversation, unimportant, topic,






6. 使某人为 做好准备

7.准备几句不出错 的开场白





12. 社交场合



2. Ability goals能力目标

Enable the students to know what small talk is and how to make small talk.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help the students learn how to talk about small talk.

Teaching important points教学重点

Let the students learn to talk about small talk.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

How to make small talk.

Teaching methods教学方法

Cooperative learning and task’ based activities.

Teaching aids教具准备

A computer

Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式

Step 1:Lead-in and Warming Up

Look at the picture and answer:

what are they doing?

Small talk ? or Serious talk ?

Do you know small talk?

What is small talk?

Can you find the definitions in the dictionaries?

Step 2: summary the features of small talk?{关于small,talk的英语作文}.

Step 3: Discussion—activity2

If you talk about these topics,is the conversation serious or small talk ?

Step 4: Discussion

Do you think “Small Talk” is necessary?

Are you good at “Small Talk”?

Step 5: vocabulary and reading

Fast Reading: Guess what kind of book it is from by reading the text.

1.an English teaching book

2.a business course

3.a book which tells you what to do at social events

4. a book to help you prepare for a speaking examination

Careful Reading:Activity3: Read the passage again and answer the questions.

After reading: Discussion and Speaking—–activity 6

Step 6: language points

1. confidently adv.有信心地,自信地

confident adj.

confidence n.(U)自信,信心,把握

(1) He answered the questions confidently with confidence.


(2) He has confidence in his ability.


Lackgainlose confidence With confidence 满怀信心地

2. lack v. 缺乏, 缺少

lack„. = lack for„.. vi.(通常用与否定连用)缺乏„缺少„.

e.g. She lacks the experience

e.g. You are so rich that you lack for nothing.

n. 欠缺, 不足 lack of„ = a lack of„. 缺„

e.g. lack of rest = a lack of rest

forthrough lack of „ 因为缺少„

e.g. He has to beg for lack of money. (for a lack of money)

no lack of „. „充足不缺少{关于small,talk的英语作文}.

e.g. We have no lack of water here.

3.be nervous about…对„„感到焦虑害怕

He was so nervous about the exam that he couldn’t sleep well.

篇四:《选修6Module 1Small Talk》{关于small,talk的英语作文}.


Ⅰ.单词拼写 根据词义写出英文单词。

1. adj. 严肃的

2.v.&n. 缺乏,不足

3.v. 使„„整洁;整理

4.n. 恩惠;照顾

5.pron. 某些

6.n. 回答;答复;回信

7. adj. 直言不讳的;坦率的;不客气的

8.n. 座右铭;格言

9.n. 缺点;短处

10.n. 巧合

11. adj. 成熟的

12. adj. 尴尬的{关于small,talk的英语作文}.

13.v. 戏弄;嘲弄;揶揄

14.v. 反驳

15.n. 熟人

16. adj. 谦虚的;谦逊的

17.n. 功能

18.n. 目的

19.n. 情形,情况

Ⅱ.单词拓展 写出下列单词及其派生词。

1.adj. 预先的;在前的 vt.&vi. 进步

adj. 高级的;先进的

2.n. 申请

v. 申请

3.n. 缺乏;不存在

adj. 不在场的;外出的;缺席的 adj. 出席的;到场的

4.n. 道歉 vt. 道歉,谢罪

5.vi.& vt. 打断 n. 妨碍,中断

6. adj. 成功的 n. 成功 vi. 成功

7.v. 想象 n. 想象,想象力 adj. 想象的

1. 对„„神经紧张/害怕

2. 想起;回忆起

3. 把目光从„„移开

4. 除此之外,另外

5. 了解(到);找出(信息)

6. 因此,结果

7. 使某人高兴/振作起来

8. 省去,删去

9. 知道

10. 带头,领先

11. 炫耀{关于small,talk的英语作文}.


Talk to a man about himself,and he will speak to you for hours!

【仿写】 学习再刻苦些,你就会取得进步。

you’ll make progress.

2.every time “每次,每当”,引导时间状语从句

Every time I open my mouth,I put my foot in it.

【仿写】 每当我看到这张照片时,我总想起在大学的美好时光。

I always think of the wonderful time in university.

3.no matter how引导让步状语从句:no matter how+adj./adv.+主语+谓语

When someone talks,everyone is expected to listen,no matter how dull the person’s speaking may be.

【仿写】 不管这个问题多么难,我们都要把它克服掉。 we’ll overcome it.

4.It is+过去分词+that…

It is estimated that 80% of all conversation in English is small talk.

【仿写】 据估计60%的中学生是女生。 5.抽象地点名词+where 引导定语从句

Imagine a situation where two strangers are talking to each other after someone they both know has left the room,or the café or party,etc.

【仿写】 他陷入了很难决定做什么的境地。


In your daily life,—you try ,you can’t speak the face of all the guests at a party,and also,you lack the to talk to others though/although you are eager to make friends with ,you feel nervous when you are at a social event/occasion. skills.

Make good use of small talk in your conversation,be careful of what topics are Try to find out social rules when you go to another country.


1. lack v.缺乏,缺少


(教材P2)Do you want to make more friends but lack the confidence to talk to people you don’t know?


(1)lack sth. 缺少某物

lack for nothing 什么也不缺

(2)a lack of… „„的缺少

for lack of sth. 因缺少„„

(3)lacking adj. 缺少的;缺乏的

be lacking in… 缺少„„;„„不足

①(2014·高考江苏卷·任务型阅读)Negative influences include lack of moral sense,criminal offences,and over­consumption.


②(牛津词典)She has the determination that her brother lacks.她有决心,而她兄弟却没有。 ③Lack_of knowledge is darker than night.


④The project had to be abandoned for_lack_of funds.


温馨提醒 lack作名词时,后常接介词of;作及物动词时,直接加宾语;作不及物动词时,后常接介词for;lacking为形容词,一般不放在名词前。


It was because we the fund that we couldn’t finish the ,we had to stop the research.


2. advance adj.预先的,在前的

n.& v.前进;进展

(教材P2)It helps if you do a little advance planning. 要是预先做些准备,将会对你有所帮助。

(1)make an advance in 在某方面有进步

(2)in advance(=ahead of time) 提前

in advance of 比„„进步;在


(3)advanced adj. 高级的;进步的;先进的

①China has advanced/made an advance in automotive technology in recent years.


②Last week he was chosen to attend a conference of advanced_workers.


③The plane reached Hong Kong ten minutes in advance of its scheduled time.



(1) I advanced him some money,which he would repay on our way home.

(2)He was soon advanced to the position of CEO.3. absence n.缺席,不在;缺乏,不存在

(教材P8)Esther Greenbaum’s major shortcoming was that she had a complete absence of small talk.


(1) absence from school/work 缺课/缺勤

absence of mind 心不在焉的

in the absence of (人)不在,缺席,



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