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admin 高一作文 2020-04-23 01:17:18 作文英语

篇一:《My Childhood memory 童年回忆英语作文》

Comprehensive English(Term 1, 2013)

Instructor: Suzie Zhang

Class: Translation D

Name:Angel 武丹蕾

Date due:2013.10.24

My childhood memories —-An adventure of me

In childhood memories ,the most heartbreaking thing for me is being torn away from homes by parents for punishment.

Therefore,never can I forget that night, when my father left me after dinning out, saying that he will go to the barber’s and I should go back home on my own. “That’s great!” I answered quickly but chopped back and ran the other way the moment when my dad gone. Like a bird with wings , I enter every shops that appealed to me, touching and playing here and there, until a bad-tempered staff showed up. No sooner had I been kicked out by her, than I suddenly realized that I could not find my way to home!

“Will witch take me away and force me to be her slave?” Thinking of that, I could do nothing but burst into tears helplessly and hopelessly. Time elapsed and I was somehow brought into a warm and cosy home, where dolls, TV remote control and cakes were given to me by a kind couple.

However, a familiar voice broke in. “Where have you been to? You rouge!” It’s my dad, wearing an expression of worry. Obviously he became irritated because my misbehavior almost drove my parents crazy and gave rise to numerous trouble.

Thanks to god, the couple, who save me from being kidnapped is happen to be colleagues of my father’s!!

篇二:《童年的记忆(A Memory of My Childhood)》

童年的记忆(A Memory of My Childhood)



My childhood was happy with my mother's love. In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy, and never got sick. She took me to the kindergarten and home every day, in spite of rain and wind.

But one day, after we got home from the kindergarten, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn't know what had happened. I sat beside her and wanted to cry. My mother said to me, "It doesn't matter, mum has only a stomachache. I will be all right after a while." Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain. At that time I knew adults also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on.{a,memory,in,my,childhood英语作文}.

在妈妈的呵护下,我的童年是快乐的。在我幼小的心灵中,妈妈强壮健康,永远不会生病。无论是下雨还是刮风,她每天带我在幼儿园和家之间穿梭。 但是有一天,我们从幼儿园回来后,妈妈进屋就躺在了床上。我禾知道发生什么了,坐在她旁边想哭。妈妈对我说:"没关系,妈妈只是胃疼,一会就会好。"虽然妈妈这么说,但我发现了她疼得眼中含着眼泪。那个时候我才知道大人也会生病,也会哭的。从那时起我决定要照顾妈妈。


Like many children, I had a happy childhood under the care and love of my parents. My mother took me to the kindergarten and home every day. I thought mother was so kind and healthy that she would never get sick. But one day, my father went to the kindergarten to get me back. I asked, "Why doesn't my mother come?""She is sick, and she is in hospital. "said Father. I felt sad and frightened. Then I began to cry. "Don't cry or mother would worry. You should be a good child." I seemed to understand my mother was too tired. I made up my mind I would look after my mother from then on.

像许多孩子一样,在父母的关心和呵护下我有一个快乐的童年。妈妈每天带我在幼儿园和家之间穿梭。我认为妈妈是那么和善、健康,永远不会生病。 但是一天,是爸爸来幼儿园接我的。我问:"为什么妈妈没采?""她病了,在医院里。"爸爸说。我感到难过和害怕,开始哭了。"别哭,否则妈妈会担心的。


篇三:《作文:My favorite childhood memory》

My favorite childhood memory

Everybody has an unforgettable childhood, which I compare to a piece of beautiful crystal. You can find it in children’s eyes and adults’ memories. Going walking through the thick forest was satisfying when I was a child I thought . Some times I picked up a leaf with many kinds of marks that wind blew, rain hit and insects ate . I saw a circular light ball in the sky through the hole on the leap. My whole body felt warm. Sometimes I hid myself in a corner and read fairy tales. Sometimes I kept a kind of plants named cactus. I watched it for a long time and imaged I was the plant. There is no scenes for some people in doing these things. But these are my most meaningful memories in my childhood and I still think them priceless till now.

I am an only child. So I grew up without one brother or sister. Parents were always not at home in the daytime as they needed to work for the family. They hardly bought toys for me because I liked pictures of books than dolls or building blocks. Therefore , various kinds of books were given to me by my parents and other people .And my favorite time was evening. I wanted my parents to tell stories, so I pretended to sleep on their big double bed. They lay next to me and mum on my right dad was on my left. Dad’s voice sounded comfortable and his tone was low . Also he spoke slowly. And mum patted my back. Soon I dropped in to sweet sleep. White Snow Princess and seven Dwarves said hello to me Cinderella told me she lived well with her prince. And little Red Hat asked me if I wanted to eat her cakes. How glorious the time was! After I learned phonetic alphabet and Chinese characters, I started to read those stories all by myself . Also there are many fairy tales books on my desk., Parents didn’t stay at home till very late then because of work. They often told me I could sleep earlier. But I was truly afraid of the dark and of being alone. These fears were very real and caused me some uncomfortable moments. I was very sensitive in the dark. Maybe it was the strange way things looked and sounded in my familiar room at right that frightened me so much. There was never total darkness, but a streetlight or passing car lights made clothes hung over a chair take on the shape of wild animal. Out of my eye. I saw the curtains seem to move when there was no wind. A tiny sound in the floor wound seem a hundred times louder than in the daylight. My imagination would run wild, and my heart would beat fast. So I decided to turned on all the lights and hid in the corner of the bed with a book. I felt safe when I read the story. Also when my parents came back, I was sleeping with a book in my hand and the lights on.{a,memory,in,my,childhood英语作文}.

As a child , I loved collected plant and insect samples. I have many leaves of pines, cypresses, camphor, poplars and so on. I loved to walk through forest. I thought it wonderful to breath fresh air and to see many animals. Nature attracted me to explore it. I felt comfortable in the natural environment.

As a child, I loved the plant, cactus. I loved it because it seemed never to die. Although I did not give it water or manure ,it could flower. The flower was white and it smelt fragrant. I liked its spirit. It taught me how to grow with problems. I kept it happily and I still keep it now.

My favorite childhood memory will be in my heart forever. These memories are just like drills shining all the time. I know I love them.

篇四:《英语作文My Childhood》

英语作文My Childhood


I d like to tell you something about my childhood. When I was six years old, I was a lovely girl!

One day, my father saw some fish in the river, so he asked me, Why can fish only live in water? I thought about it, then I gave him the answer, Because there are some cats on the bank. My father laughed when he heard that. Then he said, You are smart! I was happy to hear that.

Maybe you will say, It s a funny answer. Now, I think, it is very interesting. And now I am smart. My parents love me very much. I am so happy to have that childhood.

篇五:《my childhood英语高分作文》

My Childhood

The image of childhood is like a paradise with warm sunshine, pretty

flowers and many peaceful and joyful things in it. Some people compare their childhood as a book with moving stories, some people compare it as a candy with sweet smell, and some people compare it as jail with little freedom. As for me, the childhood was like a movie company with various kinds of movies.

Firstly, my childhood was a comedy full of happiness. At that time, I didn't have any high-tech products like mobile phone, computer or MP3. Insted of them, my toys usually came from the nature, we picked the leaf used them as money, picked the petals used them as decoration, picked the fruits used them as lunch.And around me, there were paper swan, paper plane, paper boat, paper frog and so on. We created a lot of games such as decoration, we used the color pencils to draw pictures on other's faces, made all of us so ugly. We caught the butterflies and broke off their wings which were used as painting

materials.Whenever I recalled my childhood, the feeling was like watching an interesting movie, couldn't help laughing.

Secondly, my childhood was a science fiction full of imagination. As the people say, the kid is kinds of strange species who always do something unbelievable enough. My childhood was full of these inconceivable

memories. In order to dressed myself like the actress called white snake, I took away the white mosquito curtain from chest, cut it into pieces and made them as my headwear.In order to proved that I could cook by myself, I took the potatoes, eggs and rice, also a lighter stolen from my father's pocket, then asked them to gather outside, for making fire, I stolen the straw which used to cover the new-born rice seeding and finally made a big trouble. So whenever I recalled my childhood, there were so many fantastic ideas which were full of strange imagination.

Thirdly, my childhood was an adventure full of challenges. There were so much "first ", the first time I had been a sister to look after my younger sister, the first time I had been a student to learn how to write and read, the first time I had been a singer to act on Children' Day. . . I had difficulty in riding the bike, washing clothes and fighting against the bad boys, I wasn't willing to sleep alone, to walk on night, to go to school in the morning. There were so many challenges and difficulties, but I was brave enough to overcome them, so my adventure of childhood was wonderful.

Moreover, my childhood was a thriller full of pity. I missed the funeral ceremony of my grandmother who looked after me very well. I put more

attention on playing so that I couldn't catch up with other students, I gave up the plan to learn FreeSong Koto so that I didn't have any talent and skill . And sometimes I fought against my sister, my close friends, I argued with my parents, my teacher.When I recall my childhood, it's inevitable to feel sorry.{a,memory,in,my,childhood英语作文}.

In a word, the childhood was a series of movies with different types{a,memory,in,my,childhood英语作文}.

different time and different actors. I enjoyed watching them again and again, if it is possible, I would like to act it once more!

篇六:《A Pleasant Memory of My Childhood》

A Pleasant Memory of My Childhood

A Pleasant Memory of My Childhood

I am already 18 years old, but the memory of my childhood is still like an unforgettable sweet dream.

One day, all my family went to climb a mountain. There father told my elder sister and me that the first one to get to the top of the mountain would be given a toy. Hearing this, we began to run up. At first I kept ahead, but a few minutes later my sister was ahead of me. However, I didn't give up. That toy attracted me to run forward, In the end I reached the top first.

On the top we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and had a picnic. At dusk, we went down the mountain happily. I was the happiest one, because I not only got a toy train but also knew that one shouldn't give up readily. 童年的快乐回忆




篇七:《高中英语 童年的记忆(A Memory of My Childhood)作文素材》{a,memory,in,my,childhood英语作文}.

童年的记忆(A Memory of My Childhood)

My childhood was happy with my mother‘s love. In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy, and never got sick. She took me to the kindergarten and home every day, in spite of rain and wind.

But one day, after we got home from the kindergarten, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn‘t know what had happened. I sat beside her and wanted to cry. My mother said to me, "It doesn‘t matter, mum has only a stomachache. I will be all right after a while." Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain. At that time I knew adults also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on.

篇八:《英语作文A Foolish Act in My Childhood》

英语作文A Foolish Act in My Childhood

我小时候做过许多 傻 事,这是其中的一件。我八岁那年,有一天,我的叔叔带着一些牛肉来我家看我父母。我一闻到牛肉的香味就开始流口水,可叔叔告诉我小孩子吃牛肉会变成牛的,于是我吃饭时就没敢吃。可它太吸引我了,因此叔叔走后我偷偷地吃了一小口。事后我开始后悔,并等着变成一头牛。妈妈看见了,问我怎么了,我把一切告诉了妈妈。妈妈笑着说叔叔是骗我的,那不是真的。从那以后,我下决心再也不那么轻信别人了,要相信自己。

I did many foolish things in my childhood. This is one of them.When I was eight years old, my uncle came to see my parents with some beef one day. The appealing smell of the beef made my mouth watering.But uncle told me that little kids shouldn't eat beef. If they ate, they would soon become real cows! I was so scared that I dared not eat it at the dinner.But it really attracted me. So after he left, I put a little piece into my mouth. After that, I began to regret. I just waited to be changed into a cow. Mom came and asked me what had happened. I told her all about that. She laughed and said that uncle just joked with me. It's not true!Since then, I made up my mind not to be so credulous. I should believe in myself. 我五岁的时候,爸爸买了一台电脑。我可以在上面画画,播放音乐。可有一次,电脑突然死机了。爸爸告诉我电脑可能感染病毒了。我吓坏了,急忙问爸爸,是不是感冒病毒呀?要不要给它吃药呀?爸爸听了笑着说,傻孩子,电脑得了病毒是不用吃药的,这是程序问题。我当时并不明白,可我下定决心以后一定好好学习,争取成为一名电脑专家。

A Foolish Act in My Childhood

My dad bought a computer when I was five years old. I could draw pictures and listen to music on it. But once, the computer was down suddenly. My dad told me that it might be attacked by computer virus. I was so scared that I asked dad anxiously, Did it get a flu? Did it need some medicine? But dad laughed and said smilingly, Don't be silly, son. No medicine can cure a computer virus. It's a problem of program. I didn't understand what my dad said at that time. But I made up my mind to study hard and to be a computer expert in the future.

篇九:《英语作文——My Childhood》

My Childhood

Hello everyone, I am glad to share my childhood with you. I come from HuBei province ,rice and fish are the main food in my hometown.

There are 4 people in my family, father, mother, brother and I. when I was a child, mom always cooked many delicious food for my brother and I, among which, the fish soup was my favourite food. In my memory, every morning when I opened my eyes, there was always a bowl of steaming hot fish soup on the table besides my bed. At that time, I thought I was the happiest child in the world.{a,memory,in,my,childhood英语作文}.

At lunch time, the dining table was groaning with vegetables and meat, this is why I’m so lean now.

I n general, we had dinner in our dining room except important days, such as one’s birthday, we might go to the KFC or restaurant.

All above is my childhood. Now, I have been in this city for 5 years, and that good time is never found again. I miss the fish soup, I miss my mom.

篇十:《英语作文my childhood》

When heard the interesting stories of others about their childhood, which are often related to skating rink, trip in other provinces, delicious food and so on that are all I haven’t experienced even as yet, I just can’t help thinking that that period of time of mine is so lacking and boring.

I was a boy born in village, which means that I had been in leggings on which the dust and oil stain seemed to stay forever when less than four years old. My parents had to be busy with farm work but had no time to take care of me or even left away from the village with me for one-day trip. Dad and mom didn’t allowed me to leave home at night,it means that I was able to keep outside all day. So you can imagine that I might be blacker than the blackboard.

Children in the village are different from the one in the city. They don’t know how to shelter from the fierce sun but think that if they can have fun under the sun, they will go.

In the beginning of spring, we broke the osiers down, sat down on the moist grassland, and made up an osier-ring to wear on the head. Soon, the fishes and shrimps gradually came out in the river. Then we could enjoy fishing for all the spring, which brought us the sense of achievement and happiness, and of course, little money enough to afford all kinds of snacks. Then it brought summer to us.

Except for fishing, there were plenty of other activities to do. In any company’s house, we were divided to two camps. Then the house became a battlefield. We regarded hands as guns, and started an unprecedented street battle. We are the most exciting one in the summer so that we wouldn’t be relaxed at school. Playing marble balls, blowing balloons, leapfrogging, heaping haystack …while what made me happiest was to climb on the tree next to the wall of the school only to be scared to death by the caterpillar hung near my eyes.

When fall comes, camping becomes the most enjoyable entertainment of us. Bringing dried fishes, sweet potatoes and so on, we go to the wild cheerfully, and come back with nothing in hand in the evening. Even when the leaves of the trees fall out, we can create laughter by burning them.

Of course the cold wind in the winter is not able to put out our enthusiasm of playing. Circled in fat coat, we go into the snowing ground, have a snowball fight, chase each other until the snow stops.

But we won’t stop. Tomorrow we’ll have a race on the frozen road. One guy squat and another pull. Without an order of starting, we go. And then, we struggle, scare, fall down, stop and laugh. It is said that the frozen road is the killer of the motor vehicles, however, it becomes the skating rink of us.

Oh, isn’t it our village’s rink? The fact is that my childhood is no more boring than others. On the contrary, it is because I lived in village that makes my childhood the most fantastic one.



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