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admin 高一作文 2020-04-23 01:19:18 学生写作





1. What’s Mary probably doing now?

A. Cooking. B. Shopping. C. Calling.

2. What does the man prefer to drink now?

A. Hot coffee. B. Both coffee and tea. C. Cold water.

3. Where did the conversation most probably take place?

A. In a doctor’s office. B. In a professor’s office. C. In a lawyer’s office.

4. What do you suppose the two speakers most probably are?

A. Two travelers. B. Brother and sister. C. Two friends.

5. What does the man mean?

A. He’ll have tea later. B. It’ll take long to finish the book.

C. He wants to have a break immediately.





6. Where did the conversation take place?

A. In the man’s house. B. In the street. C. In a shop.

7. How many shirts can be taken into the changing room at a time?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three

8. What will the woman do while the man is changing?

A. She will wait for him. B. She will go home. C. She will try on clothes. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。

9. How often does the man go to his aunt’s?

A. Almost once a week. B. Almost twice a week. C. Once a month.

10. Why does the man go to his aunt’s so often?

A. Because he likes to talk with her. B. Because she needs his help.

C. Because she has no children.

11. What does the man do for his aunt?

A. Talk to her. B. Walk with her. C. Do shopping and clean the house for her. 听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。

12. What are the two speakers going to do after the conversation?

A. Take a walk. B. Watch the program Discovery. C. Go to bed.

13. What is the time when the conversation is going on?

A.9:15. B.10:15. C.Around 8:15.

14. What are they talking about?

A. The program Discovery. B. A football game. C. What to do tonight. 听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。

15. What happened to the man?

A. He was out of work. B. He had hurt his back. C. He missed his family very much.

16. What do you think Puerto Rico is?

A. The name of the man’s uncle. B. The name of an island.

C. The name of a mountain.

17. Which of the following is true?

A. The woman didn’t like chicken.

B. The woman grew up in the city. C. The man could not speak Spanish. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。

18. Where is Brighton located?

A. 15 miles from London. B. 50 miles from London. C. 50 miles from Paris.

19. What’s the population of Brighton? A. 30000. B. 130000. C. 300000.

20. Why are there a lot of hotels in Brighton?{where,’s,my,doing,作文}.

A. Because there are a lot of workers. B. Because there are a lot of students.

C. Because there are a lot of travelers.


Text 1

M: Hello! This is David here. Is Mary there please?

W: I think she has gone shopping. What can I do for you?

Text 2

W: What would you like, hot coffee or tea?

M: I do like both of them, but I’d rather have something cold.

Text 3

W: Are these treatments really necessary? They don’t seem to help very much. M: I’m afraid so, Mrs. Johns, just be patient and I’m sure you will see some results soon.

Text 4

M: Beautiful day, isn’t it?

W: Yes, you are lucky. In our country we haven’t such a day.

M: It’s a pity. By the way, which part do you come from?

W: Scotland, what about you?

Text 5

W: Would you like a cup of tea for a break?

M: Could you wait for a while? I’m trying to finish the last page of the book. Text 6

M: I really like this shirt, but I am afraid it is not my size.

W: Try it on first. If it is the wrong size, you can try another one.

M: Oh, where is the changing room?

W: It’s over there by the mirror.

M: Can I take two shirts to try on now?

W: Yes, you can take up three shirts at a time to try on.

M: I just want to try on these two that I like.

W: OK. I’ll wait here to help when you have finished.

Text 7

W: What do you usually do on Sundays?{where,’s,my,doing,作文}.

M: Go and see my aunt. She lives alone near the shopping center. But she is too old to go shopping herself. Since she has some leg problems she can’t lift heavy things. W: Do you go there every weekend?

M: Almost. She is always looking forward to my visit.

W: Will you go there this Sunday?

M: Yes. Would you like to go with me?

W: My pleasure. But what can I do for her?

M: You may talk to her while I’m cleaning the house.

W: All right. Don’t forget to pick me up.

Text 8

M: Do you want to watch TV tonight, Kate?

W: Well, there’s nothing interesting. But turn it on if you want to.

M: I want to see the program Discovery.

W: Oh, I forgot that was on tonight. I’d like to see it too.

M: It comes on at 9:15. There’s an hour to go. What do you suggest for this hour? W: How about a walk in the moonlight?

M: How sweet! When was our last walk?

W: Hmm. I cannot remember.

M: Put on your overcoat. It may be a bit cold outside. Oh, wait. I remember there’s a football game on TV tonight. But what time is it?

W: Let me see. Hmm, the paper says it starts at one o’clock tomorrow morning. M: One o’clock tomorrow morning? Then I prefer sleeping.

Text 9

W: Did you go out today?

M: With my bad luck, what good would it have done if I’d gone out?

W: If you’d looked for a job, you might have found one.

M: But I’ve been looking for it over a year. Today it wouldn’t have been any different. W: I know how bad you feel. But if you don’t keep on looking, you’ll never get a job. M: If I’d stayed in Puerto Rico in the first place, I wouldn’t have had so much trouble. W: What would you have done? There are more people out of work there than there are here.

M: I could have had a farm of my own if I’d stayed there.

W: You, up in the mountains, with nobody to talk to but the chickens.

M: I don’t like the city. There are too many people. There’s too much noise, too much dust.

W: I like it here.




Some people tend to think that观点一。The point out that 理由一。Additionally,理由二。(A case in point is 举例。)Therefore ,小结。

On the contrary,

other people hold the view that观点二。They argue that 理由一.What's more ,理由二。(As an illustration,举例.)Additionally,小结。

As far as I am concerned, I think 我的观点。The reason is that 理由一。And also,理由二。So,总结自己的观点。


Whenever we hear people say that 主题,we'll instantly have the idea that it is a good/bad thing for某人。Indeed,主题have advantage to某人。We can take 举例as an example. It will benefit好处一。In addition,好处二。

In the meantime,

we must realize those disadvantages of主题.First of all,坏处一。Second,坏处二。 To sum up the above arguments,

I think a proper attitude towards主题,is that 我的观点。



we have to face a problem that问题。(Nowadays,

more and more people are concerned about the problem问题。/It is important for us to问题。)For instance例一。(First,原因一)Moreover,例二。(Second,原因二。)

People have figured out many ways to solve the problem.(Confronted with 问题,we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.)Firstly,解决方法一。Secondly,解决方法二。

Personally, I believe that 我的方法。By now ways have been working perfectly and efficiently结果。


A famous saying goes that 名言或谚语。It means that 释义。

An example of this case is举例。解释。 Another case in point is例二。

I like the saying -名言,which encourages me理由。


From the graph,

we know the statistics of 图表概况。It can easily be seen that揭示含义。

There are many reasons responsible for this instance,

and the following are the typical ones. For one thing,理由一。 In addition ,理由

二。The mean reason is that,理由三。 However,

this graph may not predict the entire situation in the future. I believe 前景预测。(Above all, we now know about the problem and we should try to find some ways to solve it. For one thing,方法一。 For another thing,方法二 。Still another,方法三。


⒈Doing Sth —My Most Rewarding Experience(理由陈述)


①As one of my most rewarding experiences, doing something has brought a lot of benefits to my life.

②For one thing, …(理由Ⅰ)

③Unlike …, it offers me much freedom to …

④For another ….(理由Ⅱ)

⑤Through …, I have more chances to … ⑥And the most amazing result of doing so is that…(理由Ⅲ)

⑦Now I tend to …

⑧In sum, there is not anything in …(my life) that is more beneficial than doing sth. Reference model:

Chatting Online 0My Most Rewarding Experience

⑴As one of my most rewarding experiences, chatting online has brought a

lot of benefits to my life. ⑵For one thing, it helps me avoid feel in regular talks. ⑶Unlike the face-to-face conversation, it offers me much freedom in time to think out my ideas and prepare them well before posting them on the screen. ⑷For another, it adds no little to the improvement of my English. ⑸Through online chatting, I have more chances to speak with native speakers, thus bathing myself in the sea of genuine English. ⑹The most valuable result of chatting online is that it gives me insights into other cultures and keeps my mind open to better ways of seeing things. ⑺Now I tend to see things from a more objective perspective. ⑻In short, there is more beneficial than chatting online.

⒉Views on Sth(各抒己见)


①When I comes to sth, people's ideas are not cut from the same cloth.

②Some people hold /argue that …(观点Ⅰ)


一. 写作指南:这是一篇看图作文。要求考生先简单描述图片内容,继而就“减少校园浪费的必要性”这个话题进行阐述。根据要求,可将文章内容安排如下:




The Necessity of Reducing Waste on Campus

As is known in the drawing, in the bathroom where there is a sign saying “DON’T

WASTE WATER, PLEASE”, a girl is busy making herself up, totally forgetting that water is still running out from the taps. In fact, wasting phenomena like this are frequently seen on campus: rows of lights left on in vacant classrooms; rice and dishes left over in the waste buckets.

It is high time that such campus waste should be eliminated because we are living in a world with limited resources. And if we do not cherish things we have today, sooner or later we will be short of them.

To reduce waste on campus, we should all discipline ourselves: Turn off the lights when we leave the classroom; eat our meals up; don’t waste water, etc. The world will become much more beautiful as long as we all do our bit.



是时候杜绝这些行为了,因为我们地球的资源是有限的。 如果我们今天不珍惜所有,在不久的将来, 我们也会失去它们。

为了减少校园浪费现象,人人都应该从我做起:离开教室时应随手关灯;别剩饭菜; 不浪费水,等等。只要人人都贡献一份力量,这个世界会变得更加美好。





Should Rewards for Doing a Good Deed Be Promoted?

Over the long Chinese history, doing a good deed without expectation of a reward has remained a traditional virtue. However, in recent years there has aroused a heated debate as to whether people should be rewarded for doing a good deed. As far as I am concerned, it is sensible to give rewards to those who do a good deed.

To begin with, doing a good deed is the expression of one’s kindness. Offering proper rewards is not a contradiction to the traditional virtue; on the contrary, it serves as a

contributing force to promote morality. Furthermore, giving people proper rewards for doing a good deed sends a clear signal that doing good deeds is noble and worth encouraging. Therefore more and more people will be willing to give their helping hands.

As a conclusion, rewarding people for doing a good deed actually acts as an

encouragement of such behavior and cultivates a favorable moral climate. So it is worthwhile to give rewards to those who do good deeds.









On Fighting Against Drunk Driving

As is reported by the press, years ago when drunk driving was considered a minor offence, many people got injured or even killed in drunk driving cases in China. Things improved after the new law that classes drunk drinking as a criminal offence took effect in 2011. However, occasionally there are still people who hade their life stolen by drunk drivers.

Why is it so difficult to fight against drunk driving even after it has been banned by the new law? The answer may be complex but we can still list two major reasons. First, drinking is closely related to the Chinese culture and getting drunk together is often seen as a true sign of friendship. Second, many people just don’t realize they are not only putting themselves at risk but risking other people’s lives while driving drunk.

To eliminate drunk driving, more efforts should be made by the law enforcement to find the violators and arrest them. Furthermore, each and every person should make the conscious choice not to drink and drive.








Vocational Education or College Education?

The number of people who apply to vocational colleges has been increasing these years. Some people consider vocational education an advantage to job-hunting, while others argue that a college diploma is more important.

In my opinion, college education is more advisable for most people. First, college

education is systematic and students can learn a lot in many aspects. In other words, unlike vocational education, which leads to focus on just one job skill, college education enables students to develop different potentials. Second, to obtain a higher degree, such as a master’s degree, one has to go through college education to get a bachelor’s degree first.

In a society where any job skill may become outdated quickly with the advent of new technologies, the limitations of vocational education will be even more apparent. Only college education can prepare us for future challenges.




五.写作指南:这是一篇分析性论说文。要求考生围绕“停止饲养烈性宠物”这个话题展开阐述。根据题目要求, 可将文章内容安排如下:




Stop Raising Dangerous Animals as Pets

Now and then we hear about people being attacked by dangerous animals kept as pets. Some of them even lost their lives because of these attacks. These stories are so miserable that I believe it is just time to urge people to stop raising dangerous animals as pets.

To start with, it is against the law to try to raise large powerful dogs such as the Tibetan mastiff and other violent animals such as the crocodile, especially in cities. Moreover, no matter how well they may be trained to obey people, dangerous animals remain animals. There are times when their natural instincts kick in and pose safety risks. In addition, most animals are hosts of various bacteria. Bringing such animals into your home exposes your whole family to a number of potential diseases.

To sum up, the keeping of dangerous animals is not only against the law, but it’s also a public health-and-safety risk. So please do stop raising dangerous pets.




篇四:《Unit7where's my schoolbagSectionBSectionB写作课教学设计》

初一上册Unit 7 Section B (写作课)教学设计




本节课是 Section B第三课时,也是一个过程性的训练板块,对前两节内容的提升和综合运用,3a 让学生复习本单元词汇和表述物品位置,为写句子做铺垫。3b要求学生描述属于学生屋子里和教室里物品摆放的位置,通过一系列的写作活动,提升学生的写作信心,养成学生良好的写作习惯。



1. 使用正确的句子结构和标点符号,表达意思完整并有特点的作文。

2. 学会自然流畅地用连词and和所学介词。


本单元的主要内容是谈论物品所在的位置。通过这一话题,训练学生的听、说、读、写能力,让学生通过询问物品的位置,学习一些有关家居物品和学习用品的单词,以及方位介词in, on, under, behind 等的用法;学习并掌握Where问句的问答,一般疑问句提问并用方位介词来回答;学习名词单复数及人称代词they 的用法,同时培养学生养成干净、整洁、合理摆放物品的好习惯,通过前两节课的学习,学生对where 引导的特殊疑问句和介词的用法基本掌握,本节课就是让学生在前期听说读的基础上进行一个写的输出练习。 评价设计:


教学目标二、提高学生使用正确英语进行书面表述的能力,包括词汇,简单的句子结构等。通过写前,写中,写后活动,以pairwork的形式练习where句型的运用及介词in on unde 的用法。Pairwork是一个相互纠错的活动,可以检测并完善自我语言水平,让90%的学生完成口头的表达练习之后,利用已经掌握的语言知识进行写作的输出练习,在写的过程中完成对Where句型, be动词的用法以及简单的句子结构的运用。


的过程中,以鼓励引导的教学方式为主,让学生憧憬未来美好生活并且为之努力奋斗。 教学过程:


1. Free Talk: Do you have a dictionary ?

Where do you put it ?




以pairwork形式进行发散的问答练习,尽可能多的使用本单元所学词汇和句型。 设计意图:


时间预设:5 minutes


Please draw a picture according to what you read. Please show your picture to others.




时间预设:5 minutes

教学任务三:while—writing 1

( 目标语….and…..)

1. Write about the things are in your room. Use the word and if you can

My dictionary and my radio are on the desk…..

2. Please ask your friends for help.

3. Looking up the dictionary is also a good way to study English. I hope you can get more from dictionaries.

4. Discuss in small groups , and then choose one of them to read it to class.







教学任务四:while-writing 2

( 目标语…..is / are…..)

1. Write about the things in your classroom with in, on and under.


2. check it in pairs and correct the mistakes.


引导学生观察身边教室的物品摆放,对部分学生不会的词汇给予英语提示和指导。 学生活动:

用心观察教室的每一件物品的摆放,对所学知识进行进一步的操练,写作水平进一步提升。 设计意图:



拓展练习—write a passage about “My ideal room”.

Try to use the word in Unit 4, choose the best ones and put it on the blackboard.

____________________________________________________________________________. 教师活动:



设计意图:培养学生丰富想象力,在绞尽脑汁想的过程中,进一步完善了本节课的学习任务。 板书设计



说明:本材料,仅适合缺乏写作基础,且背诵英文范文有困难的同学。 英语基础较好的同学,请以其他增材料为主。

I. 梦想与工作



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