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admin 高一作文 2020-04-23 01:19:18 单词学生

篇一:《英语口语 二下 Unit2 I want to be a teacher》

Unit 2 I want to be a teacher. Let’s sing.


Let’s Sing



1.二会掌握单词: doctor,engineer,manager,teacher。

2.二会掌握句型:I want to be a / an …

3.听懂句型:Who’s he/she? He’s/She’s…..

Do you want to be a./an…




















1. 齐唱歌曲:Take a ride on my bus.(创造学习英语的氛围)

2. 谁会读单词?复习常见字单词: a, an, am, is , he, she, me, this , the, like, my, to ,

want, father, mother, I (为学习歌曲中的单词作铺垫)

3. 谁会读句子?复习句子: I go to school by bus. I want to go to school. I want to go to the moon. I like my father. I like my mother. (为学习歌曲中的句子作铺垫)


1. 出示teacher图片:Who is she? Yes, she is a teacher. Are you a teacher? Is your father a teacher? Is Miss He a teacher? Do you want to be a teacher? (通过多个句型的问答,让学生在听句型中熟悉新单词)。然后通过phonics规则板书新词teacher带读,小组跟读,开火车比赛读等游戏中练习认读单词。

2. 出示manager图片:Who is he? Is he a teacher? Yes, he is a manager. Are you a manager? Is your father a manager? Is Miss He manager? Do you want to be a manager? (通过不同的一般疑问句,让学生在回答问题中熟悉新单词)。

3. 同样的方式呈现新词a doctor和an engineer.

4. 游戏操练新词:炸弹游戏跟读新词,然后快速反应(教师说序号,学生说单词,反之亦然)练习新词,拍动作说新词。

5. 我来说:用I want to be a/an…加职业表达自己的理想。

6. 猜一猜:You want to be a/an….(请一学生上讲台指自己的理想给老师一个人知道,其他学生用句子猜该学生的理想,猜对的学生可上前让比人猜)

7.学习歌曲: 观看金太阳让学生熟悉歌曲的旋律,说出听到的职业词。由于本歌曲旋律缓慢,加上之前教学活动的铺垫,学生很容易学会这首歌曲。



2.引导学生用I want to be…来说出自己的理想职业。






这节课的新词只有四个,句型一个。但engineer前的不定冠词是an,是一个重点也是一个难点!在呈现这个词的时候,我特意用了很夸张的语调说an…,后面的听说活动中学生都能很自然地说an engineer,了。这节课我首先让复习已经学习过的常见词和句子,然后利用图片加不同的问句让学生在听问题和回答问题中熟悉新单词。学习完新词后通过不同的

游戏让学生认读记忆新单词。再以竞猜的方式来把单词放在句子中操练,学生在紧张又轻松好玩的节奏中学会了I want to be a/an 加职业的句子,为唱歌打好了语言基础。


篇二:《作文I want to be a teacher》

I am student, I want to be a teacher after finishing school. So I plan to study hard and go to college. I would like to an English teacher because I like English. I decide to improve my speaking and listening. I believe my dream will come true one day.

篇三:《I want to be a teacher》

My Enlish teacher is very outstanding and I want to be a person like her.I think being a teacher I can teach what I learn to my students. If my students get good marks, I will feel happy and be full of success. I will treat my students friendly and play with them after class to make good relationship with them.

Being an English teacher needs to master a lot of knowledge, so I will study hard to realize my dream.

I want to be a teacher because I think that becoming a teacher is very proud.When I was young,my mother told me that teacher is one of the most important job in the world.Since then,I study harder than before.I found that not all the students are love their teachers,but the teachers love all their student.So I found that teacher is a fishless job

I want to be a English teacher in the future.Because I can help students with English.

This dream is from one day.In the summer,the weather was hot.The all of students were in the classroom.They were drank juice.The English teacher wasn’t drank somethings.He was taught us English at all time.I thought the English teacher was very great.So I want to be a great English teacher.

I have to study English hard for this dream.How I look for become a English teacher

篇四:《I Want to Be a English Teacher》

篇五:《I want to be a teacher》{i,want,to,be,a,teacher80字英语作文}.{i,want,to,be,a,teacher80字英语作文}.

Teacher —–the Most Suitable Profession for Me

If your parents told you that you would be a great scientist or a brave policeman in the future in your early age, (个人拙见,时间是不是放到后面更符合美国人的写作方法那?),did you believe them then ? When I was a child ,my parents and relatives exerted the idea on me that I surely would be a teacher in the future. I did believe without any suspicion. But now as a mature college student ,I continuously ask myself whether my parents’ expectation is reasonable, whether it is suitable for me to take the teacher as my lifelong profession. Sometimes I prefer to believe that is true as I keep groping my way in my college life.

It is not unreasonable for my parents to hold that expectation. Their first preoccupation is that I am a girl which is an important gender advantage to be a teacher. I would like to admit that as girls ,we certainly have many merits which boys can not compare with and that will make us qualified for the job. But does that mean I am fit for being a teacher? Girls always have certain merits in common. With no exception,I possess those common merits required for a teacher ,but I also have some demerits (这个单词是什么意思啊?我怎么没有查到??)which should be excluded from the image of a good teacher . And also I have yet other advantages for some other professions. So how could I say teacher is the most suitable profession for me?

However ,one of the benefits of being a teacher is that it is a stable

and respectable job. What’more, a teacher can enjoy long holidays with considerable wages which is a great advantage over other professions. These advantages seem an appeal to my taste, because I am always longing for a stable life . I don’t want to be great figures who are likely to experience many ups and downs in life. And I am fond of traveling around cities and countries. If I am a teacher ,I will have enough time to pay visit to many places of interests which can broaden my horizon and enrich my life experience. In this point ,I am willing to be a teacher in the future. Maybe I am most suitable to be a teacher.

Life is full of surprises which make me determine my will. During one summer holiday,I had an opportunity to be an English teacher as a internship. When I faced so many innocent and lovely juniors eager for knowledge, I suddenly acquired a sense of pride and responsibility, which made me feel energetic and passionate. I am confident to teach them what I know, I am proud to be understood by them,and I am happy to see their smiles.The children are full of vigor and they are eager for new knowledge and admire their teachers very much. They possess pure and naive dream which makes me feel as young as them. All these feelings and factors motivate me to be a teacher.

After many years of losing in goals, I find my position and I will stick to it. Now I am sure my parents are right—-teacher is the most suitable profession for me. I will live up to their expectation which is also my

determination, because I have the interest and the passion for taking the teacher as my future profession.

篇六:《I want to be a teacher!教案》

Lesson25:I Want to Be a Teacher{i,want,to,be,a,teacher80字英语作文}.


1、能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇:might, scientist, grow,{i,want,to,be,a,teacher80字英语作文}.








① I hope to be a teacher.{i,want,to,be,a,teacher80字英语作文}.

② I would like to be a scientist.

③ I want to help sick children.



1、掌握一些与介绍理想和愿望有关的词汇:hope, would, future,





① I hope to be a teacher.

② I wouldn’t give them too much homework on weekends.

③ What will I be in the future?

④ It’s not easy to be a scientist.



Step 1 Greeting

T: How are you today?

S: I’m fine./Very well./I’m doing well.

Step 2 Lead-in{i,want,to,be,a,teacher80字英语作文}.

Today we are going to learn Unit 5: My Future. First,let’s listen to a

song:What You Wanna Be.

After listening, talk about the words about jobs with students.Then

ask some students about their dreams.

Step3 Reading

Let the students read the dialogue and fill in the blanks.

Step4 New words and the language points

1. might, scientist, grow, engineer

2. It’s + adj + (not) to do sth 做……事情是……

3. give a talk 作报告,做演讲

give a talk about/on sth 做一个关于……的报告

4. be nice to sb 对某人好

=be kind/good/friendly to sb

5. too much 很多(修饰不可数名词)

too many 很多(修饰可数名词复数)

6. grow up 长大,成长

grow into 成长为,发展成


1 . Check the students’ answers.

2. Let the students read the dialogue in pairs and then showing to the


Step6 Let’s Do It! No 3.

Complete the dialogue with the sentence in the box.

Step7 Homework

1. Copy the new words and phrases.

2. Make sentences with the phrases: give a talk, be nice to and grow



might It’s + adj + (not) to do sth

scientist give a talk give a talk about/on sth

grow be nice to sb be kind/friendly to sb

Engineer grow up grow into



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