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admin 高一作文 2020-04-23 01:20:18 句型单词

篇一:《Unit 6 In a Nature Park》

Unit 6 In a Nature Park


grass(草) cloud (云) sky(天空) flower(花朵) river(河流) lake(湖泊) forest (森林) mountain(山脉) path(小道) park(公园) house(房子) bridge(桥) villiage(村庄) city(城市) building (楼房) tree(树木) road (道路) clean(干净) farm(农场) holiday(假期) air (空气) any(任何的)


听、说、读、写以下句型,能够用这些句型询问自然公园及村庄的基本情况并作答。 Is there a nature park in the city? 城市里有自然公园吗?Yes, there is.是的,有。

Is there a river in the park? 公园里有河流吗?No,there isn’t.不,没有。

Are there any pandas in the mountains? 山里有熊猫吗?No,there aren’t.不,没有。

Are there any fish in the rivers? 河流里有鱼吗?Yes, there are.是的,有。


1. 在Are there any pandas in the mountain?这个句子中出现了单词any,它表示一些的意思,


There are some bridges in my village.我的村庄有许多桥。

There aren’t any bridges in my village.我的村庄没有桥。

Are there any bridges in your village?你们村里有桥吗?

在上面的例句中,我们不仅可以区分some和any的使用,同时可以发现在肯定句和否定句中的my, 放在疑问句中要改为your。

2. The water is clean.水是清洁的。 The sky is blue.天是蓝的。

The air is fresh.空气是新鲜的。 The clouds are white.云是白色的。




4.河流_________ 5.花____________ 6.草 ________________

7.湖泊__________ 8.森林__________ 9.路;小道___________

10.公园_________ 11.照片__________ 12.乡村;村庄 ________

13.城市__________ 14.房子__________ 15.桥 ________________

16.树_________ 17.公路 __________ 18.建筑物_____________

19.干净的________________ 20.农场______________________


1.There is __________(桥) near the _________(房子).

2. A: Are there any tall _________(建筑物) in your _______(村庄)?

B: No,________ ________(没有).

3.There are many __________ (树) along the __________ (公路).

4. A: Are there any __________ (房子) in the city?

B: Yes,__________ __________. (有)


A:Is there a park near your home?


A:Oh!That’s great! ________is in the park?

B:There are many________ in the park.

A:Is there a _______ in the park?

B:Yes, ______- ___________.

A:_______there any bridges in the park?


A:I want to-________to the park.

B:Ok !Let’s go.


1.Yes, there are. You can see many clouds in the sky.

2. Yes, there are. You can see many fish in the river.

Yes, there are. You can see many flowers on the grass.

There is a monkey, a lion in the zoo.

5.There is a bed and a big closet in my bedroom.

6.There is a forest and a lake in the nature park.

7. I can see many pandas in the zoo.

Many clothes are in the closet.

9. ?

The nature park is big and nice .

The tomato is round and red.

Miss Li is tall and strong.

My room is small but nice.



Amy:Hello, John. ____________________________________?

John:I can set the table. I can do the dishes.

Amy:Great! You’re helpful! _______________________________________?

John:I often play computer games on weekends. __________________________?

Amy:I often go to a nature park.


Amy:Yes, there is a big lake. There are many flowers near the lake.


Amy: No, there aren’t bridges. But there are many rivers.

二、选择合适的单词或词组补全短文, 每个词只准用一次。

(1) Hello, my ________Cathy. I am _______ America. This is a picture of my ___________. ________ are many trees and flowers near my village. There is a ___________. You can see many _________ in it. There are two bridges ________ the river. There ________ some houses in my village. I like my village, ________ the __________ is fresh and the sky is blue.

(2)( tall, clean, colourful, lake, weekend, grass, brown, birds, mountains, green, near, flowers )

There is a nature park _______ my home. I usually go to the park on the _______. There is a big ___________ in it. There are many ___________trees by the lake. The water is _________. There are many tall ___________ in the park, too. We can see many ___________ and trees on it. The flowers are ____________. The trees are ___________. I can see some _____________ in the sky.


This is a picture. It’s a classroom. It is a big room. In the picture, you can see the teacher’s desk, six desks, six chairs and a blackboard. You can see a boy and two girls, too.

Two books are on the teacher’s desk. A pencil box is on the desk. Two pens and a ruler are in the pencil box. A bag is behind a chair. Two cats are on the blackboard.

The boy is Jim. He is twelve.

The girl in the hat is Lily. She is twelve, too. The other girl is Sue. She is twelve. The girls are twins. They are in Class 2, Grade 1. Their teacher is Mr. Green. He is not here.

( )1. This is a picture of a big classroom.

( )2. You can see two boys and girls.

( )3. There are some books and a pencil box on the teacher’s desk.

( )4. Where’s the bag? It’s behind a chair.

( )5. Lily’s teacher is here.


一. 选出划线部分发音不同的单词。

( ( ( ( ( 二. 选择填空。

( )1.There_________a forest in the park.

A.is a B.are C.is

( )2.—Do you like this nature park?—____________

A.Yes,I do. B.No,she doesn’t. C.Yes, I don’t.

( )3.There are many ______and________in the village.

A.river;building B.rivers ;building C.rivers ;buildings

( )4.There is a _______river.

A.fresh B.clean C.tall

( )5.You can see__________.

A.many fishes B.many fish C.more fishes


1.there , is , forest , a , park , in , the( .)


2.are , any , tall , there , buildings( ? )


3. do , you , city , like , this ( ? )


4. there , small , are , village , houses , the , in( .)


5. over , there , a , there , is , village( ? )


三. 根据自己的实际情况回答问题。

My Favourite Things

1. Are there any rivers in your city / village ?


2.Are there any lakes in your city / village?


3.Are there any bridges in your city / village?


4.Are there any mountains in your city /village?{以a,,,nature,,,park,,,,写一篇作文不少于6句话以,,,there,,is开头}.


5.What’s your favourite place?


四. 仿照例子写出句子。

例1:monkeys mountain No 1. buildings village No



2.forest nature park Yes



例2: fish river 1.flowers park


2.clouds sky


五. 读对话,完成后面的题目。

Amy:Do you know anything about Shanxi?

Chen:Yes, I do.

Amy:Are there any elephants?

Chen:No, there aren’t.

Amy:Are there any pandas in the mountains?

Chen:Yes ,there are.

Amy:Are there any fish in the river?

Chen:Yes, there are.

Answer the questions:

1. Are there any elephants in Shanxi?


2. Are there any pandas in the mountains?


3. Are there any fish in the river?


六. 读对话,选择正确的答案。

Sue: How are you,Jack?

Jack: Fine , thank you. And you?

Sue: I’m fine , too.Thank you. But I can’t find the picture.I must find the picture.I must find

it now.

Jack:Which picture?

Sue: It’s a new one.My father , my mother and I are in it. My father is in a blue coat.My

mother is in a red dress. I’m in brown blouse. A tree is behind us.

Jack:Oh , look! What’s that under the table?

Sue: Yes , that’s it! Thank you , Jack.

Jack: That’s all right.

( )1.Sue can’t________the picture.

A.draw B.find C.see

( )2.The picture is __________.

A.old B.new C.good

( )3.There are _______people in the picture.

A.two B.three C.four

( )4.The woman in a red dress is Sue’s___________.

A.father B.teacher C.mother

( )5.The tree is-________them.

A.behind B.beside C.out of


篇二:《Unit 6 In a nature park 单元试题卷》

五年级上册Unit 6单元检测

Listening part(听力部分)

一. Listen and number(听音,根据听到的内容给图片排序)10分

二. Listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的单词)10分

( ) 1. A. bridge B. village C. fridge

( ) 2. A. forest B. park C. lake

( ) 3. A. mouse B. house C. sound

( ) 4. A. wow B. count C. cow

( ) 5. A. down B. about C. around

三. Look, listen and write(看图,听录音,写单词补充句子)6分

1. I see a big _____________.

2. Look! There is a ______________ in the _______________.

3. Let’s ___________{以a,,,nature,,,park,,,,写一篇作文不少于6句话以,,,there,,is开头}.

one to ten.

4. _________ many _______________ can you see?

Writing Part(笔试部分)

四. Read and choose(读一读,选择正确的答案)10分

1. There ______ a big bird in the sky.

A. am B. is C. are

2. There are _________ ducks in the river.

A. many B. any C. a

3. Is there a __________ in the forest?

A. rivers B. lakes C. river

4. There _________ some small boats in the lake.

A. am B. is C. are

5. There _____________ many people in the park.

A. aren’t B. not C. isn’t

五. Look and write(看图,写出相应的单词或短语)4分





六. Read and write(连词成句)10分

1. is there in the forest a river


2. there small houses are many in the village _______________________________________________________.

3. there small houses are any in the village


4. there are yes


5. there no isn’t


七. Look, read and write(看图,并结合上下文的意思补充句子)15分

1. Is there a_______________ in the park?


2. _______________ a ______________

__________________________. (否定回答) in the park?

3. Are there any ___________

in the ____________?


4. _______________any ______________

________________________.(否定回答) in the village?

八. Read and choose(阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案)15分

Hi, I am Li Ping. I am from a small village. There are many houses and rivers in my village. The houses are very beautiful. The water is clean. You can see many fish in the river.

There is a mountain near our village. There aren’t any pandas in the mountain. But there are many trees on the mountain. A big forest is not far from the mountain. My village is pretty. I like my village.

( ) 1. Where is Li ping from?

A. He comes from a small village. B. He is from a small city.{以a,,,nature,,,park,,,,写一篇作文不少于6句话以,,,there,,is开头}.

( ) 2. –Are there any houses and rivers in the village? — __________

A. No, there aren’t. B. Yes, there are.

( ) 3. –What can you see in the river? –_______________

A. ducksB. fish

( ) 4. There are many __________ in the mountain.

A. trees B. pandas

( ) 5. The big forest is _____________ the mountain.

A. near B. far


以My hometown为题写一篇作文。



附: 听力材料

一. Listen and number.(听音,根据听到的内容给图片排序)

1. There is a mountain in the park.

2. There is a river in the park.

3. Is there a lake? Yes, there is.

4. Is there a forest? Yes, there is.

5. There is a village. It’s beautiful.

6. Is there a forest? No, there is only a tree.

7. There is a pretty bridge over the river.

8. Is there any house? Yes, there is a small house.

9. There are buildings there.

10. There is a hill in the park.

二. Listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的单词)

1. There is a bridge over the river.

2. There is a lake in the park.

3. There is a small house in the park.

4. I can see a big cow.

5. What about you?

三. Look, listen and write(看图,听录音,写单词补充句子)

篇三:《公开课五上Unit 6 In a Nature Park》

五上Unit 6 In a Nature Park

A Let’s talk 教案


本单元的话题是nature。本课是Unit 6的第二课时,共有Let’s try 、Let’s talk、

Pair work三个板块。其中Let’s try是通过听音圈图让学生复习前面A Let’s learn

所学知识并感知Let’s talk 所学新句型。Let’s talk是通过 Zhang Peng和John讨

论城市里的自然公园来学习There be结构的单数形式的一般疑问句式及肯否定

回答。如句型Is there…?/Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t.。Pair work是通过比较两

幅不同的图片来巩固Let’s talk所学句型。



形成。在本册书五单元中已经学过There be句型,学生在此基础上学习它的单数



1. 能力目标

(1) 能够理解对话大意。

(2) 能够运用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。

(3) 能用一般疑问句单数形式询问自然公园的基本情况及作答,并能在情景

中灵活运用。如:Is there a river in the park ? Yes, there is.Is there a farm? No, there


(4)能听懂会做听力Let’s try。

2. 知识目标

(1)能听、说、认读本课中的句子: Is there a ….in the park? Yes, there is. /

No, there isn’t.

(2)了解Pair work内容。

3. 情感、策略目标




1.重点:掌握句型Is there a …in the…? 及答语Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

2.难点:能在情景中灵活运用句型Is there a …in the…? 及答语Yes, there is. /

No, there isn’t.


PPT、 tape、word cards、 picture、导游证


Before class:在黑板上板书Unit6 A In a Nature Park Let’s talk

师生问好T: Boys and girls! Let’s begin our class.

S1: Stand up, please.

Ss: Good morning, Miss Xu.

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

S1: Sit down, please.

师指左边一排的同学说:You are group 1,然后指右边一排同学说You are group 2.

If you do well, you can get a flower. Step1 Preparation

1. Let’s chant

T: First, let’s chant. Clap your hand, please! 教师播放PPT(本册教材

P68Let’s chant)。师生一起拍手吟唱。评价:Great!


2. Review words:

(1)T: 师接着Let’s chant的最后一句话说:Today is a beautiful day! 师边指课题边说Let’s talk about a beautiful nature park, OK? PPT上出现nature park。

(2) T: Sarah is in a nature park. What’s in the nature park? Let’s have a look! 师出示Let’s learn中的单词卡,学生快速读出单词,并引导学生说句子:There is a river/…in the nature park. 将词卡贴在黑板上。评价:Good!

(设计意图:创设nature park的情景;通过复习单词与There be句型,为学习新句型做铺垫。)

Step2 Presentation

1.Let’s try

师接上面说: Sarah and Mike are talking about the nature park. Open your books, turn to P71.Let’s try. Which picture are they talking about? Listen and circle 师播放该部分录音,学生进行选择,然后检查答案T: Please tell me: Which picture? PPT出示答案。评价:Good!


2. 整体感知文本,理解文本大意,并学习 city和句子There’s a nature park in the city.

(1)T: Who are they? PPT上出示Zhang Peng和John的照片,学生回答后师接着问:Zhang Peng and John are talking about a nature park too? But where is the nature park? Can you guess? 指生回答,然后让学生听录音,选择。(PPT: Listen and answer: Where is the nature park? A. city B. zoo)T: You got it? city or zoo? 学生回答后师说:Look! Linyi is a city. Shanghai is a city. Beijing is a city. (PPT上出示临沂、上海、北京的图片,下面是city这个单词。)然后出示city的词卡并领读两遍,指2-3生个读。

(2)T: What’s the city like?出示PPT上的图片, 师引导学生一起说句子There’s a nature park in the city. 师领读2遍。(PPT: 一个自然公园图片,下面是句子There’s a nature park in the city.) 注意示范There’s和There is的发音.(PPT:出现There’s=There is)评价:Good! Super! Well done!

(设计意图:通过听音预测、答题活动,明确本课主题并学习单词city和句子There’s a nature park in the city.)

3.听录音,获取对话细节信息,学习核心句型Is there a… in the park? 师接着上面图片说Zhang Peng says: There’s a nature park in the city.引导学生说There is a mountain in the park. There is a forest in the park. 接着教师说: John wants to know what’t in the park? So he asks John 2 questions. Look at your

books at P71.Let’s talk. listen and circle the 2 questions. (PPT上出现John及两个空的气泡,带着问号。)

T: What questions? 学生一起回答。(PPT出示两个问题:Is there a river in the park? Is there a farm?)师贴John的头像,板书:Is there a… in the park?并领读Is there a river in the park? Is there a farm? 师用手势指导句子的最后是升调。

(设计意图:在整体感知的基础上,通过再次听进一步熟悉文本,进而学习文本的核心句型Is there a… in the park?)

3. 再听录音,获取对话细节信息Is there…?句型的答语Yes,there is. No, there isn’t.

(1)T: Zhang Peng how to answer? Listen again and underline the sentence. T: You got it? Is there a river in the park? (PPT上出示第一个问题及回答是?)学生可能会回答Yes,师顺势回答Yes, there is. 师贴John的头像,板书并带读,师用手势指导句子的最后是降调。PPT上出现John and Zhang Peng的对话气泡,师生示范练习T: I’m John, you’re Zhang Peng.学生排排练习、生生练习,展示T:Who can show us?

(2)师指着PPT上的图片说:No 2question: Is there a farm? T: farm What’s the meaning? 出示词卡并领读farm,并示范发音f-ar-m。学生回答No, There isn’t.师板书并领读。(PPT: John : Is there a farm? Zhang Peng: No, There isn’t. )师生示范练习T: I’m John, you’re Zhang Peng. 男女生练习,生生练习,展示。

(设计意图:在学习问句的基础上,通过听找出Is there a… in the park? 句型的答语Yes,there is. No, There isn’t.)

5.意义操练:John likes beautiful nature parks. He has a picture of a nature park. Do you want to know what’s in the nature park? You can ask me: Is there a …in the Park? 师根据学生回答说Yes, there is. 或No, There isn’t.词卡反面是图画,学生说完后师将反面贴在黑板上,最后组成一幅自然公园图片。生生用黑板上的图片操练。生展示 T :Who can try? 评价:Good! Super! Well done!

(设计意图:通过黑板上的图片对Is there a… in the park? Yes, there is./No, There isn’t.句型进行意义练习。){以a,,,nature,,,park,,,,写一篇作文不少于6句话以,,,there,,is开头}.

Step3 Practice

1.Listen and imitate.(听音仿读)

T: This time, Look at your books at P58. Listen, point and imitate.

PPT: Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.(注意你的语音语调。)


2.Read in roles.(角色朗读)

T: Now let’s read the dialogue. I’m Zhang Peng. Who wants to be John? PPT:注意语音语调正确。Practice in pairs.

3. Act the dialogue.

T: Now. Act the dialogue.T: Who can show us?

评价:Great! Super! Good!




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