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admin 高一作文 2020-04-23 01:20:18 作文课文


Unit 4 I have a pen pal Let’s read 教案







(1)chant 热身

Goes, goes, goes

He goes to work by bus.

Works ,works, works

She works in a hospital.

Makes ,makes , makes

She makes kites on Sundays.


She reads books every night.


Knowledge Aims(知识目标):能听、说、读并且理解课文故事的内容。

Abilities Aims(能力目标):在阅读后能完成文后的练习,能在小组合作中完成老师的任务活动。




A:Who is you friend?


A:What is her/his hobby ?

B:She/he likes …

A:Does she/he go to shool _____?(选择一种交通方式)

B:Yes, she/he does.

No, she/he doesn’t.



How many people are there in her family?

Who are they?

Why is Liu Yun excited?





A Read the passage, then tick or cross.

Alice lives in China. ( )

Alice’s father is a worker. ( )

Alice’s mother is a nurse. ( )

Her mother goes to work by bus . ( )

Alice and her sister look the same, but they are very different.

( )

B 小组合作完成表格


(3)Alice and Ann are twins. They look the same, but they are very different….找出Alice 和Ann 的不同之处。







How to write a position?(习作提示)




My Friend

By Lily

I have a good friend, his name is Li Min. He lives in Yi Chang. Every morning, he goes to school by minibus. He likes reading, he reads story books every evening.


篇二:《新版 pep 六年级上 U4《I have a pen pal》A Let’s talk 教学设计》

《I have a pen pal》A Let’s talk 教学设计


Let’s try部分教学目标是:学生能读懂题目要求,学会听前预测要听的重点内容;能运用基本听力技巧完成本部分的听力任务。{i,have,a,pen,pal作文}.

Let’s talk部分教学目标是:学生能理解对话大意:能够按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读对话;能够在情景中运用句型:What are …’s hobbies?询问他人的爱好,并用 He/She likes…做答。


重点:1、能够在实际语境中运用有关兴趣和爱好的问答句What are …

hobbies? He/ She likes…交流。

2、能够表演内化Let’s talk 的交际内容。

难点:学生能够大胆创编和表演询问和描述他人兴趣爱好的小对话。 教学过程: Step1:Warming up

1、 Sing a song “I have a pen pal” 2、 Free talk.

师生对话,引出兴趣爱好。并由“I like to swim. I also like to go hiking”引出句型“I like swimming, I also like going shopping.”指名几名学生用“I like …, I also like …”说一说自己的兴趣爱好。

Step2:Presentation Let’s try


2、听录音并完成习题。 3、再听一遍,校正答案。

(学生在完成听力题的过程中感知与let’s talk 相关的内容,并了解张鹏的好朋友Peter的一些信息)

Let’s talk

1、(出示表格Peter’s hobbies)学生听录音,选择表格中的正确选项。 2、快速浏览文章,校正答案。(培养学生听的能力以及提炼关键信息的能力)

3、Let’s chant.(出示内容)根据Peter的爱好创编的chant,学生手拍节奏,一起说唱。(让学生在轻松、愉悦的氛围中,操练核心句型。)

4、小组活动。组内交流在预习过程中出现的问题。 5、全班交流。


7、听录音,注意语音语调。 8、播放动画,学生跟读。

9、小组合作朗读并表演对话,师生共评。 Step3: Consolidation 调查访问朋友的爱好,并表演。 Step4: Homework



For example:

A:Who is your best friend? B:He/She is …

A:Where does he/she live? B:He/She lives in…

A:What are his/her hobbies? B:… A:… B:…


Unit 4 I have a pen pal Let’s read 教案


本单元围绕“hobby”这一话题展开,以pen pal 来引入朋友的爱好及日常生活,要求学生能正确运用第三人称及动词的单三形式。本课是本单元的最后一课时,内容是Liu Yun的一篇作文,也是对前几课时所学内容的一个归纳和巩固。






(1)chant 热身

Goes, goes, goes

He goes to work by bus.

Works ,works, works

She works in a hospital.

Makes ,makes , makes

She makes kites on Sundays.


She reads books every night.


Knowledge Aims(知识目标):能听、说、读并且理解课文故事的内容。

Abilities Aims(能力目标):在阅读后能完成文后的练习,能在小组合作中完成老师的任务活动。




A:Who is you friend?


A:What is her/his hobby ?

B:She/he likes „

A:Does she/he go to shool _____?(选择一种交通方式)

B:Yes, she/he does.

No, she/he doesn’t.



How many people are there in her family?

Who are they?

Why is Liu Yun excited?





A Read the passage, then tick or cross.

Alice lives in China. ( )

Alice’s father is a worker. ( )

Alice’s mother is a nurse. ( ){i,have,a,pen,pal作文}.

Her mother goes to work by bus . ( )

Alice and her sister look the same, but they are very different.

( )

B 小组合作完成表格


(3)Alice and Ann are twins. They look the same, but they are very different„.找出Alice 和Ann 的不同之处。







How to write a position?(习作提示){i,have,a,pen,pal作文}.




My Friend

By Lily

I have a good friend, his name is Li Min. He lives in Yi Chang. Every morning, he goes to school by minibus. He likes reading, he reads story books every evening.


篇四:《最新pep 六年级Unit4Unit 4 I have a pen pal测试》

Unit 4 I have a pen pal



( )1.A.happy B. hobby C. hope

( )2.A. word B. work C. what

( )3.A. dance B. dancing C. sing

( )4.A.different B. difficult C. dictionary

( )5.A. farm B. father C. fast


( )1.A.My name is John.

B.I like singing and dancing.

C. Yes, I am happy.{i,have,a,pen,pal作文}.

( )2.A .I have a pen pal in Canada.

B. My pen pal lives in Canada.

C.I have a pen in Canada.

( )3.A.He likes diving.

B. He like driving.

C. She likes swimming.

( )4.A.I am playing computer games.

B.I play computer games.

C.I am going to play computer games.

( )5.A. Jack likes collecting post cards.

B. Jack wants to write a post card.

C. Jack want to buy a post card.


( )1.Where does Amy live now?

A. She lives in Shanghai. B. She lives in Beijing.

C. She lives in America.

( )2. What are Amy’s hobbies?

A. She likes singing and dancing.

B. She likes listening to music and swimming.

C. She likes English.

( )3. What is her pen pal’s name?

A. Her name is John. B. His name is John. C. Yes, I am.

( )4. How does John go to school?

A. By bus. B. He likes riding a bike. C. He walks to school.

( )5. What is Amy going to do this Sunday?

A. She is going to do her homework.

B. She is going to climb mountains.

C. She is going this Sunday.



1.play(现在分词形式)________ 2.dictionary(复数形式) ___________


5.make(现在分词形式)________ 6.watch(第三人称单数形式)________


9.have(第三人称单数形式)_______ 10. let us (缩写形式)_________


( )1. What is your pen pal’s hobby?

A. He likes riding a bike. B. He likes ride a bike.

C. He like riding a bike.

( ) 2. Does your father teach English?

A. No,he don’t. B. Yes,he does. C. Yes, he do.

( ) 3. They like____.

A. dancing B. danceing C .dance

( ) 4. What is Amy’s hobby?

A. She likes drawing cartoons. B. She like climbing mountains.

C. He likes going hiking.

( ) 5. I like listening to music.-______

A. He likes listen to music,too.

B. He likes listening to music,too.

C. He also like listening to music.

( ) 6. 你想知道对方的爱好,应该问:

A. What are your hobbies? B. What do you do?

C .What is your hobbies?

( ) 7. 当有人询问你的爱好时,你可回答:

A. I like making kites. B. I read newspapers every day.

C I like makeing kites.

( ) 8. 你想询问对方的朋友是否乘公交车上班时,应问:

A. Do your friend go to work by bus?

B. Does your friend go to work by bus?

C. Is your friend go to work by bus?

( ) 9. 我有一个新笔友,应翻译为:

A. I have a new friend. B. I have a new pen pal.

C. I has a new pen pal.

( ) 10. John居住在澳大利亚,应翻译为:

A. John lives in Australia. B. John live in Australia.

C. John living in Australia.

( ) 11. I am happy _______ have a new teacher.

A. to B. of C. for

( ) 12. Chen Jie likes diving, drawing pictures and__________.

A. swim B. swiming C. swimming

( ) 13. John likes playing _________football, but Alice likes

playing ______piano.

A. the, the B. /, the C. /, / D. the, /

( ) 14. I _______ go to school by bike. But sometimes I go by bus.

A. sometimes B. usually C. today

( ) 15. Does she have a computer?—______.

A. No, she don't. B. No, she doesn't. C. No, she isn't.

( ) 16 . She ______ to go to Beijing tomorrow.

A. are going B. be going C. is going

( ) 17. ____Chen Jie like collecting stamps? -Yes, she does.

A. does B. Does C. is

( ) 18. What’s your hobby ? ——I like _________.

A. reading books B. diveing C. read books

( ) 19. Does your father __TV every day?

A. watches B. watch C. watching

( ) 20. His friends ________ in a hospital.

A. work B. works C. is working

( ) 21. You can go straight ________ five minutes.

A. at B. on C. for

( ) 22. Amy doesn’t_______ at home.

A. read stories B. reads stories C. read story

( ) 23. My hobby is _____________

A. watching TV B. watches TV C. watch TV

( ) 24.-What’s your father like? -______________

A. He likes playing basketball. B. He is tall and strong.

C. He is a teacher.

( ) 25. -I like playing football. What about you? -_______________

A. I’m not. B. Me too. C. He likes playing football, too.


1. What are your ________? I like making kites and flying kites.

2. -_______ she teach English? -No, she doesn’t.

3. Does your father __________ Chinese kung fu every day?

4. Mike usually __________ (go hike) at school.

5. Do you like ________ word puzzles?{i,have,a,pen,pal作文}.

四、按要求完成下面的句子。(每小题1分,共5分) 对划线部分提问)


2. Does Alice go to school by bus?(作肯定回答)


3. Her mother works in a school.(改为一般疑问句)


4. The three boys like playing football.(改为否定句)


5. Li Lei and Li Ming look the same (变为否定句)

Li Lei and Li Ming ________ _________ the same.


1. I __________ ( like ) milk.

2. He __________(go ) home by bus every day.

3. She likes _________( sing ) songs.

4. Tom’s mother _______ (have) a nice basket .

5. John _________ (not go ) to work by bus.

6. How many ______________(girl)are there in your class?

7. May is the _____________(five)month of the year.

8. The twins are _____________ (swim) in the river now.

9. He and I __________(be) at school.

10.There ________ (be) a map and two pictures on the wall.


( ) 1. What is your hobby? A. No. She doesn’t.

( ) 2. What’s Amy’s hobby? B. I like making kites.

( ) 3. He likes collecting stamps. C. Me too

( ) 4. Can he go with us? D. Sure

( ) 5. Does she live in Shanghai? E. She likes playing the violin.


1. my, is, father, to, Australia, going, next ,week(.)


2. China, does, John, in , live, his, parents ,with(?)


3. do, playing, you, like, games, computer(?)


4. too, he, does, like, cooking, food, Chinese(?)


5. her, does, Chinese, teach, mother, not(.)



A.What about your mother? B. No, he doesn’t. C. What’s your hobby? D. Is your father a worker? E. Does she like reading?

Wang Lin :__________?

Wang Qiang: I like reading. My father often reads with me.

Wang Lin: ___________?

Wang Qiang: No, he is a teacher.

Wang Lin: Does he teach Chinese?

Wang Qiang: ___________. He teaches math.

Wang Lin: ___________?

Wang Qiang: She is a teacher,too.

Wang Lin: ___________?

Wang Qiang: Yes, she does.



Hello, boys and girls. Tomorrow is Oct. 1st .It is our National Day. We are going to visit the History Museum at 8:00 tomorrow morning. Now let me tell you how to get there. You can start from the bus stop in front of our school. Then take the No. 18 bus. Get off at the cinema. Walk east for 5 minutes. Turn right at the hospital. Go straight to find a white building on the right. It’ north of the bookstore. I’ll wait for you near the door. See you tomorrow.


A. Take the NO.18 bus. B. Turn right at the hospital.

C. Start from the bus stop in front of our school.

D. Walk east for 5 minutes.

E. Go straight to find a white building on the right.

F. Get off at the cinema。


Dear Zhang Peng,

There are 4 members(成员)in my family. My father, my mother, Jacky and I. My father is a doctor. He’s tall and strong. He likes swimming and riding a bike. My mother is a singer. She likes playing the violin. Jacky is 2 years old. He likes playing ball and catching mice(老鼠). He is active and lovely and he is our family member. I like collecting stamps and playing ping-pong. I’m a ping-pong star in my school now. Do you like playing ping-pong? What’s your hobby? Your friend, Joe.

1.What’s Joe’s father like?


2. What is his mother’s hobby?


3. What is Jacky’s hobby?


4. Does Joe like playing football?


5. How many people are there in Joe’s family?



Alice是你的新朋友,请以My new friend为题写一下Amy和她父母的爱好和上班(上学)方式,不少于5句话。



篇五:《六年级上册Unit4 I have a pen pal 个性化教案》




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