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admin 高一作文 2020-04-23 01:20:18 作文迈克


She was six years old when i first met her on the beach near

where I live.She was building a sandcastle or something and

looked up, her eyes as blue as the sea.

"Hello"she said.

I answered with a nod,not really in the mood to talk with her.

"I'm building"she said.

"I see that,what is it ?"I asked no caring.

"Oh,i don't know,I just like the feel of the sand."

That's sounds good,I thought. A seagull gilded by,suddenly I

remembered mom had told me to buy some bread.I turned to

walk toward shop.

"What's your name?"She wouldn't give up.

"Robert",I answered."I'm Robert pattinson".

"Mine is Kristen…I'm six."


She giggled."You're so funny."

Later I got home,mother told that girl's family had just moved there for 3 days,she's our neighbor.

The next day I take the school bus to school as usual.When I got on the bus,a familiar face appeared in front of me.

"For yesterday?"I surprised.

"Yes,Kristen. You sit here?"with a big smile.

"Okay,How do you here?"

"Obviously,to school."

"Wait,you mean,we're in the same school?"


I would not say a word,she is annoying.

The next few weeks,she always appeared in front of me.At first I was annoying her.Gradually I found she is a very nice girl.She kept homeless animals,help her classmates and sometimes tell jokes to make everyone happy,Also I found that she might like me,but she didn't tell me,maybe it's just my wishful thinking.

One day I found she did not go to school,I thought she was sick,but when I passed her house and found her house closed.I'm going to knock on the door,then I saw a note on the

door that read:

To Robert Pattinson

The first time to see you on the beach, thought you're special to

me. It seems I was right. I've never spent time in a place where such a long time until I met you. But the reason for working parents,I have to move. I'm very happy and get along with you these days.Well, most importantly I want to tell you

I LOVE U ! Kristen Stewart loves Robert Pattinson 4ever!

Fifteen Years Passed…

Saturday morning the boy ready to walk on the beach,he was surprised to find that a lot of seagulls on the beach,especially In front of the neighbor's house.He went to neighbor's door.Suddenly the door opened,A girl there with sea-blue eyes and hair the color of sand.

"She is gorgeous" The boy thought.

"Hello,I'm Kristen".with a big smile.

"Kristen Stewart,are you?I'm Robert pattinson. Robert pattinson loves Kristen Stewart".

"I know,I love you too"!

备注:老师留的作文,写完舍不得删,又不想存档,就放百度文库了,仅供 参 考。

篇二:《Fairy Tale自写英语作文》

Ever last

1…..Because of the nightmare, I open my eyes at midnight. The moonlight comes through the window and covers my face. I feel a little cold ,I get up and give myself a glass of hot water then I feel better.

2…..Suddenly I see a green light passes away quickly. The color of it likes a cat’s eyes or emerald. Maybe I just have dim eyesight because of the nightmare. I lay on the bed and try to sleep again but there is sill a slight movement under my locker. Anyway I hate mouse. I pick up my shoe and crept up to the locker. When I look for mouse under my locker, something amazing happened.

3…..I see there is a lizard saying “Good evening my subjects ,thank you for coming my birthday party. Please enjoy yourself. I’ll try my best to protect you and our kingdom. ” I find the lizard is a fashionable guy who wears a dress hat and a scepter in hand. Then I notice he wants to write something down. He asks the pencil case to give him a pen. So I turn to see the pencil case. OH! Why! It’s my pencil case. How can it go there? To my surprise , pencil case is having a meeting with her children now. From what she said ,I get something.

4…..She has four children named: Pen, Eraser, Knife and Ruler. Pen is a girl who is the oldest child in her family. So she begins the meeting:“I

have the best value. My king always writes with me. Only with me can he have a good writing. So I’m the best. ” Hearing this, Eraser is angry. Why? I think I’m the best. You always give my king some mistakes, causing great troubles to him. However, it is me who help my king correct the mistakes. So I have the best value. ”said the Eraser, filled with the anger. Knife opens his mouth:“Why indeed? If I were not here, Pencil would not work. Eraser would not play a role at the same time. Therefore, I am the best one among of us!!! ” .The meeting is fierce. However, Ruler, who is the youngest does not say any words. During the hearing, She had a deep thought. After a while, she says some words which shamed the other three :“I think everyone of us has the best value. We all have our own advantages. We can do our best to help our king in some special ways.”When the other three children heard this ,they all feel shameful ,lowering their head. A smile of happiness emerged on the pencil case’s face:“My children, in my heart , you are the best all the time. All of you have your own excellence. However, on the other hand , you have your weakness. According to this, you should cooperate with others. Only in this way can you strengthen yourselves.”They listened carefully, smiling and nodding.

5…..It seems like a great meeting. The lizard uses the Pen to write something on a piece of paper then takes his hat off and then throws paper in. There is a small door on the wall. I’m curious because I

haven’t seen such a door even when I cleaned the under of my locker. The lizard go out the door and the door disappears……

6…..Such amazing !I rush out to follow him. Luckily, he does not notice me. When we pass a small river the lizard jumps into a boat made of leaves. He used it to arrive the bank. I rolled up trouser leg and drips across the river. He takes out a watch from his hat and says loudly:“Oh! I am late. I’m late. I’m late….”He runs to the nearest tree. I can not believe it! What a big tree! It is more than 50 meters high, 10 meters wide! But there is also something bad.

7..…“I’m hungry…I want something to eat……and I desire to have a bath…..” said the dirty,half full Mr. Rubbish·Bin said weakly. The tree looks at the Mr. Rubbish·Bin shock his head. “I have a sympathy on you but I want to have bath crazily ”said the Ground suddenly. Ground is angry “Some people and lizards do not throw the rubbish in your mouth but throw it on my body, why? Why they…..?”“Looking my king coming ,he takes a piece of paper. Who do you think he will gives the paper to?”the tree interrupts the Ground. The lizard gives the paper to the Mr. Rubbish·Bin.“I am happy and I am full now, if I have a bath I will be happier.”“Yes, yes, if it is true. We’ll be beautiful again”said the Ground in a higher spirit than before.“Oh ,here comes a man who wet to the skin” (I slipped on a smooth stone…..)Then the tree, Mr. Rubbish·Bin and Ground look each other, laughing loudly.

8…..The lizard comes into the tree. I have nothing but waiting at outside. I find a hole on the tree which my eyes can see the inside of the tree clearly. I am shocked again. There is empty without wood inside. It seems like a palace. A lot of lizards are here, they are drinking ,chatting and dancing. Mr. Dress Hat sits at the top of the tree and many female lizards around him.

9…I can not hold myself. I go home excited and tell all of things I have seen to my wife. She does not believe me at all.“Why do not you believe me ?It is true..!!”

10…..“Jack, Jack, Wake up. And you will be late for school!”

11…..My God ……

篇三:《高中英语作文素材 秋天的童话 A Fairy Tale in Fall》

秋天的童话(A Fairy Tale in Fall)

Roaming on the path among the trees, I threw my sentiment into the blue sky, which landed on the ground of my Alma Mater,and brought me back to the day three years ago.

That was a day in fall, that was a fall in my heart. Shatters swung in the air, just like golden butterflies dancing in the breeze. The sunset cast her afterglow on the ground, as well as on her dazzling pink face. After a long silence, I looked into her clear eyes, whispered to her that I wondered whether I had a position in her future. She thought it for a while, walking back and forth. I noticed she trembled lips several times and let out no words. Finally, she turned to me and flashed a wry smile:"Sorfy, I feel that distance makes beauty, Let's just be good friends." I could never forget that sentence, just like a bolt from the blue. It hit me like a thousand knives stabbing all over my body. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, at least not about anything but the pain. Gazing at her receding figure, I couldn't stop tears wetting my pale cheeks. The tale ended with the girl's disappearance from my sight.

Now fall comes again. I left myself nothing but the broken memories.






简历是用简洁有力的文字向用人单位提供有关个人的各种基本情况的资料性文件, 并非是单独发文的文件,而是常以附件(enclosure)的形式出现在求职信后。写好简历有利于自己很好地抓住到来的各种就业机会,在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。

简历的书写多采用无主句,格式较为灵活,没有固定的标准,可以根据自己的特点和个性设计与众不同的样式来吸引雇主的眼球。 一份比较完整的英文简历主要包括以下内容:

1.个人资料(Personal Data)


2.教育背景(Educational Background)


3.工作经历(Working Experience){autumn,fairy,tale作文}.


4.求职意向(Job Objective)


5.个人技能(Personal Skills)


6.荣誉成绩(Honors and Achievements)


7.兴趣爱好(Interests and Hobbies)







2002年12月 B级

姓名:李爱华 男 1980年5月16日出生 未婚 家住北京市复兴路61号。2001年以优异成绩毕业于华光技术学院计算机系。大学3年期间一直学习英语,有很好的阅读能力,具有用英语交流的能力。喜欢游泳和上网。欲求计算机程序员工作。


Name: _________________

Address: _______________

Date of birth: ____________

Sex: male

Marital Status: single

Job objective: Seek a job as _______________________

Education: (I) Graduated __________________________

Foreign languages: (I) Studied English _______________

Hobbies: _______________________________________

Words for reference:

上网go online / surf the Internet



Name: Li Aihua

Address: No. 61 Fuxing Road, Beijing

Date of birth: May 16th, 1980{autumn,fairy,tale作文}.

Sex: male

Marital Status: single

Job objective: Seek a job as a computer programmer

Education: (I) Graduated from the Computer Department of Huaguang Technical College in 2001 with excellent scores

Foreign languages: (I) Studied English during the 3 years at college. Good ability of reading and communicating in English

Hobbies: swimming and surfing the Internet



31 Caoxi Road, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, 215000

Tel: (0512)66182698


Personal Data

Name: Wu Xuefang Gender: Female

Health: Excellent Marital Status: Single

E-mail: anthony0368@yahoo.com.cn

Job Objective

To gain challenging work experience in the tourism industry where I can be a part of the success of a dynamic and innovative organisation.

Educational Background

September 2004 – July 2007 Tourism management, Ocean University of China September 2001 – July 2004 Wuyou Senior Middle School

Working Experience

Stationed at the Customer Service Desk, act as the source of information to answer all customer queries.

Conducted hour-long guided tours to groups of more than 40 tourists.

Personal Skills

Extensive word processing skills with Word Perfect and MS Word

Acquired a very good knowledge and perfect command of English

Exceptional interpersonal skills

Successfully operate in a stressful, fast-paced, deadline-oriented environment

Honors and Achievements

Named Top Student in School of Management in 2007

Voted favourite tourist guide in BTG International Travel & Tours two summers in a row

Interests and Hobbies

astronomy, geography and hiking


References available upon request.





province省 city市 county县 autonomous region自治区 district区 street街 road路 lane胡同,巷 single未婚 married已婚 separated分居 divorced离异 excellent(身体)极佳


major主修 minor辅修 extracurricular activities课外活动 social practice社会实践physical activities体育活动 scholarship奖学金

bachelor学士 master硕士doctor博士 degree学位 commoner自费生 intern实习生 boarder寄宿生 day student走读生

guest student / auditor旁听生


accelerate加快 accomplish完成 adapt适应 administer管理 analyze分析 assist辅助 conduct处理 control控制 coordinate协调

create创造 decrease减少 demonstrate证明 design设计 develop开发direct指导 double加倍 enlarge扩大 enrich丰富

exploit开发 expedite加快 establish建立 evaluate评估 execute实行 generate产生guide指导 implement履行 initiate创始 innovate改革{autumn,fairy,tale作文}.

integrate使结合 maintain保持manage管理 motivate激发overcome克服 participate参与perform执行 refine精炼reinforce增强

schedule安排supervise监督 systematize使系统化target目标


administrative assistant行政助理 secretary秘书customer service representative客户服务代表 general office clerk办公室文员

office assistant办公室助理 human resources manager人力资源经理HR director人力主管 sales representative销售代表

district sales manager地区销售经理 regional sales manager区域销售经理accounting assistant会计助理 accounting supervisor会计主管cashier出纳员 actuary精算师auditor审计员 certified public accountant注册会计师stockbroker股票经纪人 legal adviser法律顾问

interpreter翻译 tourist guide导游architect建筑师 pharmacist药剂师mechanic技工 electrician电工carpenter木工 painter油漆工

mason水泥工 turner车工plumber管道工 porter搬运工welder焊工 chef / cook厨师QC inspector品管员 librarian图书管理员

model模特 director导演actor / actress演员 dentist牙医physician内科医生 surgeon外科医生

psychiatrist精神科医生 accoucheur / accoucheuse助产士

pharmaceutist / pharmacist药剂师 plastic surgeon整形医师

veterinarian兽医 nurse护士 air hostess空姐 alcohol mixer调酒师 columnist专栏作家 lawyer律师 host节目主持人

reporter / journalist/correspondent记者special contributor特约撰稿人 editor编辑 athlete运动员 referee裁判员 coach教练

programmer程序设计员 electrical engineer电气工程师 R&D engineer研发工程师 maintenance engineer维修工程师

systems engineer系统工程师


proficiency熟练 command掌握 literacy懂得 knowledge知识 certificate证书 excellent优秀 familiar熟悉 fluent流利

competent胜任的 experienced有经验的 possess拥有,具备 professional内行,专业 license执照 adept内行的,熟练的

mastery掌握,精通 expertise专门技能


scholarship奖学金 award颁奖,奖品 honor荣誉 excellent graduate优秀毕业生 excellent student leader优秀学生干部

excellent League member优秀团员 excellent Party member优秀党员 champion冠军 runner-up亚军 the third place / the 3rd place季军

winner优胜者 gold medalist金牌获得者silver medalist银牌获得者 bronze medalist铜牌获得者

second-class scholarship二等奖学金 monomial scholarship单项奖学金 first prize award一等奖

straight A student / excellent student (outstanding student in moral, health and academic aspects)三好学生


stamp-collecting集邮 antique-collecting收集古董playing cards打扑克 playing bridge打桥牌 playing chess下棋 playing games做游戏

listening to the music听音乐 watching movies看电影opera歌剧 drama戏剧 Peking opera京剧 playing the piano弹钢琴

playing the violin弹小提琴 mouth organ口琴guitar吉他 drum鼓flute长笛 dancing舞蹈 fishing/angling钓鱼 kite flying放风筝

club俱乐部 jogging慢跑hiking徒步旅行 photography摄影painting绘画 dressmaking裁剪 knitting编织 pottery making制陶

mah-jong麻将 international chess国际象棋 go-chess围棋 barbeque烧烤 literature文学 poem诗歌 fiction小说 fairy tale童话

English corner英语角 spring outing春游 autumn outing秋游 voluntary labor义务劳动 picnic野餐 fancy ball化装舞会

oratorical contest演讲比赛 recitation contest朗诵比赛





篇五:《Fairy Tale》

Fairy Tale (《传奇》英文版)

Michael Learns To Rock: Fairy Tale

In that misty morning when I saw your smiling face

You only looked at me and I was yours

But when I turned around

You were nowhere to be seen

You had walked away and closed the door

When will I see you again

When will the sky start to rain

When will the stars start to shine

When will I know that you're mine

Did I ever meet you in the sunshine

And when we were about a thousand years


Did I ever hold you in the moonlight

Did we make every minute last another day

On a cold December night I gave my heart to you

And by the summer you were gone

Now as the days grow older and the stars will start to dim

All I have are memories and this song

When will I see you again

When will the sky start to rain

When will the stars start to shine

When will I know that you're mine

When will I see you again (again) When will the sky start to rain(when will the sky start to rain)

When will the stars start to shine

When will I know that you're mine

In that misty morning I saw your smiling face…

























Michael Learns To Rock(迈克学摇滚,MLTR)就是其中之一,他们从上世




在迈克学摇滚二十余载的乐坛灿烂历程中,涌现了多首脍炙人口的金曲和畅销专辑。从丹麦电台流行榜的冠军单曲The Actor,到感动全球的至爱金曲That’s Why (You Go Away);从丹麦1993年最畅销CD之一的专辑,到集合大热单曲、回馈歌迷巨作精选专辑;迈克学摇滚一直引领着流行音乐的风潮,为全球歌迷带来源源不断的惊喜。 2004年4月,迈克学摇滚听到了丹麦EMI带来的张学友金曲《吻别》,虽然语言不通,但这陌生的语言散发出神秘感,而“歌神”张学友的歌喉让这首歌曲格外具有东方美,所以,迈克学摇滚便决定回馈一直特别照顾他们的亚洲歌迷,要把亚洲最棒的情歌推荐给全世界!于是他们就将这首当年“国民情歌”《吻别》全新谱写成英文版的Take Me To Your Heart。正是这首经典歌曲的翻唱,让迈克学摇滚在中国成为最受欢迎的海外乐队,并在中国内地缔造了25万唱片销量、数百万次网络下载的神话。

迈克学摇滚与中国的缘分并不止步于此。实际上,他们还曾翻唱中国摇滚教父崔健的成名金曲《一无所有》,英文名为I walk this road alone的这首老歌在迈克学摇滚的诠释下,呈现出令人耳目一新的感觉。


这首《Fairy Tale》的旋律应该是中国歌迷再熟悉不过的了,这是迈克学摇滚在2010年的中国巡演中给大家带来的惊喜。填上英文歌词后的《传奇》会有怎样的意境呢?我们一起来静静聆听吧。





I like the Spring Festival best. On one hand, it is our tradition festival. We can set off firecrackers, have many red envelopes and dress on new clothes. On the other hand, the spring festival open a new year, we can have a new life. In short, the Spring Festival is an important festival in China.{autumn,fairy,tale作文}.



There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Although I was born is summer, but like winter’s cold better than summer’s hot. In winter, we can put on thick coats and make a snowman. In winter, we can throw snowballs happily. In winter, some lazy men can stay at home comfortably. Winter is my favorite season.


My hobby

My interests include travelling, reading and play basketball. But I like playing basketball best.

The reason why I like playing basketball is that it is good for our health. On one hand, we need exercise to build up a strong body. We can keep ourselves fit by having it. On the other hand, through some group sports, we are not only physically learning the skills, but also learning the teamwork and cooperation. Play basketball have so many advantages so that I like it very much.


My dream

I want to be a Chinese teacher in the further because of the following three reasons. First, I think correct the home work is cool. Second, teacher is very great, she foster a lot of talents for world. Last but not least, Chinese is our mother tongue, we should study it hard. In short, teacher is very respectful and therefore I want to be a Chinese teacher.



I like travelling because of the following three reasons. First, during I travel around the world, I can learn different cultures and history. Second, it can help me make more friends. Third, it makes me happy everyday. In short, I think travelling has so many advantages so that I like travelling.



All of the holiday is happy but short. When the holiday comes, students are all happy, because they need not to go to the school. When the holiday comes, adults are all busy, because they are finishing their work. When the holiday comes, some people clear up things to travelling. In short, holiday is some interesting days for us.


Western food

I don’t like the western food because of the following three reasons. First, the largest number of them is fried food. It is unhealthy. Second, I think Chinese traditional snacks are delicious, they are not worse than western food. Third, mostly western food is sweet. But Chinese snacks are different. In my opinion, western food is not better than Chinese traditional snacks.


My favorite book

My favorite book is <Pi Pilu’s life history>. On one hand, it told me an interesting story. A brave boy flew to the sky and made the earth deranged. On



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