篇一:《自然灾害 英语作文》
Natural Disasters
Our country region is vast, but some natural disasters happened in recent years ,
such as floods, droughts, earthquakes, windstorms and so on.The disasters have
killed a great deal of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous
pieces of fertile land.Natural disasters have become effect on our country's economic
development and social security of the important factors that rely on scientific and
technological progress, enhances our country of disaster prevention and mitigation
comprehensive ability has become a top priority.
There are some examples of the nature disasters.The first one is an earthquake,it
is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic
waves. At the Earth's surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by vibration, shaking
and sometimes displacement of the ground. For about on May 12,2008,an
8.0-magnitude earthquake struck Sichuan. Thousands of people lost their families
and even more people were left homeless.hand in hand,the Chinese But ,fortunately ,
love is around us :the Communist party helps us ,the army helps us ,the people all
over the world help us .They offer us with money ,goods ,love and so on !
Earthquake could destroy our houses ,but it can not destroy the spirits of us! With the
help of the such a large love ,we will over come the damage of the earthquake and
face our beautiful future !
The second is the drought,Drought is unusual dryness of soil, resulting in crop
failure and shortage of water for other uses, caused by significantly lower rainfall
than average over a prolonged period.Hot dry winds, high temperatures and
consequent evaporation of moisture from the ground can contribute to conditions of
drought.The example that is the worst in 100 years in Yunnan and parts of Guizhou
had left 18 million residents and 11.7 million head of livestock in the region with
drinking water shortages.The third is a flood is an overflow of an expanse of water
that submerges land. The EU Floods directive defines a flood as a temporary
covering by water of land not normally covered by water. In the sense of "flowing
water", the word may also be applied to the inflow of the tide. The case is 2010
Pakistan floods, damaged crops and infrastructure, claiming many lives. The 2010
Pakistan floods, damaged crops and infrastructure, claiming many lives.
As far as we students are concerned, we should provide our hand ,Then what
should we do to deal with the problem ? On one hand , we should focus on the
environmental protection and improve the ecology.On the other hand,strict measures
should be taken to protect farmland. The earth is our only home-planet. many
disasters happened these years, which cause many attention from the people. So the governments everywhere in the world try to forbid cutting .down the trees and
restricting the emissions of waste water. whereas, we should all be responsible to our
planet, because we only have a planet. First we should tell people around us to pay
attention to this problem, due to the fact that there is some of the people who don't
care about this. Second, we should decrease the toxic gas from ourselves, for
instance we can walk to work instead of driving to work. we should not only care{关于自然灾害的作文}.
about the calamities in front of us but also care about our off springs, whether they
can lead a happy life on this planet or not. In conclusion,we should be responsible. In order to prevent this case coming about again, we should improve our
awareness of protecting environment.It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to
do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have
nowhere to go and survive except where we are now. If we do it ,I hold the view that
our homeland will be better and better.
当学生们在专心致志的听讲,当老师还在津津有味的讲课,大地开始剧烈震动,顷刻之间轰然倒塌,人们的心也随之而颤抖,就在那一刹那,房屋倒塌的刹那,老师将没有来得及跑的孩子紧紧的拥在怀中,巨大的水泥板压在老师身上,老师也绝不放手,几天之后,救援人员来到了这里,他们刨开水泥板,发现了这位老师和他的学生,学生活了下来,可老师却永远的离开了我们,当发现他时,他依然是弯着腰,向下府着,看着那弯曲的脊背,心中不免涌出一阵感动,老师,您不愧为人民教师这个光荣的称号,不愧为我们的英雄。 地震已经发生几天了,一队救人员在一大片废墟中救出了一个幸存者后,准备离开,队长却机警的发现这里似乎还有生命,好象有婴儿的啼哭,循着声音,救援人员找到了这个婴儿,她被深埋在一片废墟之中,队员们急忙找来工具,努力的救出这个孩子,经过几个小时的努力,队员们终于挖开了废墟,废墟中还有一位母亲,是这个母亲用自己的生命保护了这个幼小的生命,母亲紧紧的抱着用被子包裹的孩子,救援人员抱出孩子,打开被子,里面还有一部手机,手机上是妈妈用生命最后的时间写下的短信:宝贝,如果你能活下来,请记住,妈妈永远爱你。听着这个故事,眼泪已不觉潸然落下,母爱,在此刻显得这样伟大与珍贵。感动也早已在心中弥漫。
The Memory of 2008
In my life, to some extent, there is nothing bad happened to me and I’m very fortunately all the time. If pick something worse from my experiences, I think it is the memory of winter of 2008.
As we all know that 2008 is worth to remember because not only the Olympics Game, but also the heavy snowstorm.
In January,2008, almost half provinces in our country were struck by the largest snow disaster in the past fifty years. In many places, streets were blocked; houses fell down and supplies were short. Almost 100 million people in trouble.
Our party and government showed great concern to the local people.
A lot of money and supplies were sent to snow struck places. Despite the extremely weather and great danger, the PLA men took an active part in the struggle against the snow. They cleared away snow, sent supplies and rescued people in danger. They always appeared where they were most needed.{关于自然灾害的作文}.
Through the whole nation's efforts, the translation returned to normal; food and vegetables were supplied in time, and all the people in out country had a happy and meaningful spring festival.
1. 事件名称
disaster; catastrophe大灾难; air crash 空难; snow disaster雪灾; flood; drought; earthquake; an active volcano活火山 ; a big fire; tsunami海啸; storm; typhoon; hurricane; sandstorm; financial crisis金融危机; energy/food crisis粮食/能源危机; traffic accidents; robbery; murder; theft盗窃; commit suicide; burglar偷盗; thief; robber
2. 表示发生
(2) the earthquake /accident … 地震、事故发生于……
(3) An earthquake the district. 这地区受到地震的袭击。
3.表示起因 这起车祸起因于驾驶疏忽。 起火的原因是由于疏忽。 someone dropped a lighted cigarette.
句式:(1)…caused great damage to…;……对…… 造成重大损失 暴风雨毁坏了数百家房屋 房子在火灾中都烧毁了 许多房子被洪水冲走了 地震过去后,水,电,气全都被切断了
(6) We don’t know how many houses 我们不知道有多少城镇被震毁,但我们知道很多人失去了他们的家园。 发生于1998年的特大洪灾造成了巨大损失。 这次事故阻碍交通达到一个小时,造成8万美元的经济损失。
词汇: get killed; injure; lose one’s life; cause… deaths/ injured/missing
句式:(1) Many people were injured/killed in the fire/accident/war/air crash.
许多人死于这场火灾、事故,战争,空难 Sichuan province. 因为四川的这场大地震,几万人失去了宝贵的生命。 结果,那座三层楼的楼房被毁坏,50人死亡,200多人受伤。
(4) 1976年7月28日中国唐山发生了7.8级的大地震, 造成24.2万人死亡、超过80万人受伤、30,000人失踪及巨大经济损失.
词汇:send sh to hospital; call in the police; call for a doctor; call an ambulance ; donate/collect money to; call on sb to do sth
句式:(1) A big fire broke out in an office building in a busy street. The fire lasted about
two hours and was finally put out in the afternoon. 闹市区的一座办公楼失火.
A severe earthquake hit Ludian County, in Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province on August 3, 2014, causing about 1,088,400 suffering from the disaster , 615 deaths, 114 missing and 3,143 injured. It is said that the earthuake has been the strongest in Yunnan in 18 years . yuan. / As is more than 46 million yuan.hundreds of buildings, traffic problems and the shortage of electricity supply.Fortunately, thousands of soldiers and local peopleare sparing no efforts in the rescue work and the reconstruction workafter the disaster is under way in good order.