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admin 高一作文 2020-04-23 01:38:18 句子广州市



(完成时间:40-45分钟 满分:100分)


一、选择最佳答案 (1×40=40)

1. Schools must ensure that most young people ________ the skills and knowledge once reserved for a few.

A. acquire B. learn C. achieve D. fulfill

2. When the result of the vote was announced the Prime Minister ________ defeat.

A. acquainted B. assured C. notified D. acknowledged

3. She _______ blood when the Red Cross had a blood drive.

A. allocated B. dedicated C. donated D. extracted

4. Giving up my job to go back to full-time education was a big _______, but now I know it was the best decision I ever made.

A. project B. commitment C. competition D. ambition

5. The audience ________ cheers as the band came on stage.

A. broke down B. broke into C. broke out D. broke through

6. The bank is equipped with new alarm _____. We can say it's safe and reliable completely.

A. system B. wayC. order D. setting

7. One cause of the civil war was economic and political rivalry between the _______ South and the industrial North.

A. prosperous B. cultivated C. old-fashioned D. poorly organized

8. It is firmly believed that quarrels never settles anything. It only _____ violence.

A. runs into B. lets out C. results in D. gets into

9. She broke my bicycle lamp_______; that was why Jane was to blame.

A. accidentally B. accurately C. positively D. deliberately

10. To our surprise, the painting considered ______ should have won the prize.

A. being copied B. having been copied C. to have copied D. to have been copied

11. The report urged that all the children _______ to swim.

A. are taught B. be taught C. to be taught D. being taught

12. —I think I can’t achieve my aims.

— In my opinion, you shouldn’t have ______ such a difficult task.

A. accomplished B. attempted C. managed D. achieved

13. Young adults ______ older ones are more likely to prefer sports and become enthusiastic sports fans.

A. other than B. more than C. less than D. rather than

14. I appreciate ________ in the contest when one competitor gets the first prize.

A. this B. that C. it D. one

15. Crayon Shinchan enjoys great _______ in China. He has many fans in Hong Kong, Taiwan and on the mainland.

A. contributions B. popularity C. achievements D. humors

16. The cost of living in Glasgow is among the lowest in Britain, ___________ the quality of life is probably one of the highest.

A. since B. when C. as D. while

17. Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isn’t much help when it ___________ shopping and eating.

A. comes to B. speaks of C. focuses on D. refers to

18. From a long-term point of view, it is time for us to _______ solving this problem.

A. set out B. set forward C. set about D. set back

19. A healthy life is frequently thought to be ________ with the open countryside and homegrown


A. tied B. bound C. involved D. associated

20. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have _______ opportunity to change his mind.

A. accurate B. adequate C. urgent D. excessive

21. Some old people don’t like pop songs because they can’t ________ so much noisy sound.

A. resist B. contain C. tolerate D. afford

22. The order is that all the goods ________ to the city on time.

A. ship B. shipped C. be shipped D. are shipped

23. The old man received a lot of respect for his ________ character.

A. grand B. noble C. high D. splendid

24. We tried to call you last night, but the line was so busy that we couldn’t __________.

A. get through B. run through C. go through D. carry through

25. Techniques for ________ sleep would involve learning to control both the mind and the body so that sleep can occur.

A. cultivating B. promoting C. pushing D. strengthening

26. The Prime Minister refused to comment on the rumor that he had planned to _____.

A. discharge B. dismiss C. resign D. resume

27. Circus tigers, although they have been tamed, can _________ attack their trainer.

A. unexpectedly B. deliberately C. reluctantly D. subsequently

28. These apples are sold _____ the dozen.

A. in B. by C. from D. with

29. You have to be a fairly good speaker to __________ listeners’ interest for over an hour.

A. hold B. make C. improve D. receive

30. His test results are not very _________. He does well one week and badly the next.

A. invariable B. consequent C. continuous D. consistent

31— 40 (略)




1. People hold different a__________ toward 3G technology. What do you think of it?

2. Due to the loud noises from the neighborhood, he could not c________ his mind on his books.

3. We are going to Shanghai next week and I have f__________ out how much the trip will cost.

4. In the old days, a number of women were forced to make a c__________ between family and


5. After its publication, the book’s ideas created a h_______ debate among scholars.

6. His problem is not physical but m___________.

7. Mr. Li is a heavy smoker, that is, he is a__________ to smoking.

8. Practice makes p________. You should take more exercises.

9. Under great study s_________, he could hardly fall asleep.

10. He m_________ to take the first prize in spite of all the difficulties.


1. He is not the person I ____________ (提及) just now.

2. Just when he had reached the most important point, the line _______________ (切断).

3. Whether he could get the support from his parents _________ (有影响) to the plan.

4. When you _____________ (对…上瘾) drinking, it’s quite hard for you to give them up.

5. However busy I am, I try to _________ (腾出) a few minutes each day to do some exercises.

6. He has been living in the town for ten years so he __________(熟悉)everyone there.

7. People carried yellow flowers to the monument __________(为了纪念)those dead in the war.

8. After __________(定居下来), they started to grow corn and wheat.

9. It would be difficult to find a man to __________(代替)the secretary.

10. It’s an easy job. It won’t __________(占用)much of your time.

11. He studies harder than before __________(希望)entering a key university.

12. He __________(养成……的习惯)drinking a glass of wine before bedtime.

13. It never ____________ (想到、发生) me that I had wronged him until that moment.

14. I set down the message in my notebook __________(以防万一)I forgot it.

15. English became the official language for business __________(虽然;尽管)the fact that the population was largely Chinese.

三、用所给词的正确形式完成句子 (1×15=15)

1. I am extremely grateful to you for your selfless love and constant (devote).

2. English, the most widely used language in the world, is playing an essential role in international __________ (communicate)

3. Mr. Wang always encouraged us to _______ (rich) our life by joining in community service.

4. A reporter is only as _________ (rely) as his or her sources.

5. I have done a lot of __________ (prepare) for the coming exam.

6. With his diligence and persistence, ____________ (hope), he will be given a promotion in this July.

7. It is our duty to protect the cultural relics and raise people’s ________ (aware) of caring for them.

8. I know much about various kinds of music, among which I have a special ___________ (prefer) for pop.

9. When walking along the street, you would be much struck at the sight of rich and beautiful ___________ (decorate).

10. According to the expert, this food will ___________ (strong) you up after your illness.

11. Our school offers good __________ (equip) and your training here will assist you with your future job.

12. Nowadays, as villagers are beginning to attach _____________ (important) to education, more schools are established.

13. Much to our delight, Bob told us many jokes for _____________ (entertain) during dinner last night.

14. If the two parties could not come to an ___________(agree) to fix the problem, then they would suffer.

15. Some students claim they become worried due to the _________(end) homework.

四、根据首字母或所给的中文填空,使篇章意思完整 (1×20=20)


In junior high school, one of my classmates, Ethan, was 1 (上瘾) to TV. Then one day Ethan’s mother made him an offer in order to draw him back to his school subjects. She p 2 that she would give him $200 if he could go a full month without watching any TV. None of us thought Ethan could do it, but he did q 3 TV. His mom paid him $200. He went out and bought a TV, the biggest he could find.

In recent years, hundreds of schools have carried out 4 (实验) with paying kids with c 5 for showing up or getting good grades. All school kids admire this trend. But it upsets a 6 . Teachers say that we are 7 (奖励) kids for doing what they should be doing of their own will. Psychologists warn that money can a 8 make kids 9 (表现) worse by making the act of learning cheap. The debate has become a typical battle over why our kids are not learning at the rate they should be 10 (尽管) decades of reforms and budget increases.

(B) (16—20)(略)


答 案


一、选择最佳答案 (1×40=40)

1—5 ADCBB 6-10 ABCDD 11-15 BBDCB 16-20 DACDB

21-25 CCBAB 26—30 CABAD 31—40 (略)




1. attitudes 2. concentrate 3. figured 4. choice 5. heated

6. mental 7. addicted 8. perfect 9. stress 10. managed

(二)根据情景和括号内的中文,写出相应的词或短语,并使句子意思完整 (1×15=15)

1. referred to 2. was cut off 3. made a difference

4. are addicted to 5. set aside / spare 6. is familiar with

7. in memory of 8. settling down 9. take the place of / replace

10. take up11. in the hope of 12. has developed / formed a habit of 13. occurred to 14. in case (that) 15. in spite of / despite

三、用所给词的正确形式完成句子 (1×15=15)

1. devotion. 2. communication. 3. enrich 4. reliable

5. preparations 6. hopefully 7. awareness 8. preference

9. decorations 10. strengthen 11. equipments 12. importance

13. entertainment 14. agreement 15. endless

四、根据首字母或所给的中文填空,使篇章意思完整 (1×20=20)


1. addicted 2. promised 3. quit 4. experiments

6. adults 7. rewarding 8. actually 9. perform

(B) 11—20(略)

5. cash 10. despite



May, 24th 2013

一.选择填空 (20%)

1. When the government _____ to offer help, Jack decided to save his family all by himself.

A. managed B. failed C. determined D. expected

2. The South China tigers lived in southeast China many years ago but _____ in the 1970s. Many experts think

they have completely died out.

A. starved B. disappeared C. gathered D. wandered

3 . It‘s inspiring that the new technology brings _____ to people‘s daily life.

A. benefits B. concerns C. details D. advantages

4. It is reported that 6,990,000 fresh college _____ are facing a difficult year of job hunting.

A. partners B. volunteers C. graduates D. teenagers

5. He has always been a _____ man because he never fails to help those in need.

A. grateful B. generous C. reliable D. energetic

6. Support from parents plays a(n) _____ role in building up kids‘ confidence.

A. universal B. valuable C. harmless D. abstract

7. The journey to China was of course quite _____, and it made him more aware of China‘s unique culture.

A. obvious B. protective C. impressive D. fundamental

8. David wrote on a piece of paper: ―Help! I‘m TRAPPED inside!‖ and stuck it to the glass door. ________,

someone passing by would see it.

A. Surely B. Thankfully C. Truly D. Gradually

9. They want to share their happiness of the harvest with all their friends in a big _____.

A. application B. attention C. style D. celebration

10. He always focuses on the minor details but _____ the most important point.

A. settles B. ignores C. explores D. admits

11. What a disappointment! It was enough to make one _____, but they still carried on looking for the lost man.

A. cheer up B. lose heart C. go ahead D. take a chance

12. The rain was no trouble at all. _____, it added to the pleasure of summer evening.

A. As a result B. Above all C. On the contrary D. In addition

13. The computer system _____ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.

A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke in

14. The government should _____ the unemployment problem before the people become too dissatisfied.

A. sort out B. care about C. turn to D. get along with

15. UNESCO _____ the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.

A. belongs to B. relies on C. deals with D. stands for

16. It was his job to _____ the jewelry store and guard it from thieves and burglars.

A. block out B. catch sight of C. watch over D. watch out for

17. They hold the belief that the Chinese medicine can _____ people _____ the disease spreading in the country.

A. prevent…from B. protect…from C. attach…to D. remind…of{2013年广州市高一英语词汇竞赛答案}.

18. Madame Curie was awarded a second Nobel Prize _____ her great contributions in chemistry.

A. because of B. such as C. according to D. rather than

19. The band got public recognition in 2011 and have been keen to play music together _____.

A. right away B. ever since C. at present D. before long



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