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我的偶像 英语作文

admin 高一作文 2020-04-23 01:44:18 英语我的偶像

我的偶像 英语作文(一)

My idol

My idol is xiahe

I knew him when I was in high school for the first time. Because he and his boyfriend broke up, it was bubbling with noise on the Internet. I know and understand him when I pay attention to his Sina micro-blog.He is after 1980’s.He has a unique view of music and movies. He is a writer ,at the same time he also run a TaoBao shop and the shop’s name is “Yao Ju”.

Because he is Gay , some people don’t believe in him. In face of someone’s attack, he can easily face it, He can also be brave and fights back. He has courage to confess himself. He has the mind in business. His TaoBao shop reach gold crown during four hundred days. He comply with the commitment to customers .the products with good quality and pursuit of perfection.

I learned form him that we should not only to believe in ourselves, but also be brave in admitting our shortcomings. We should calmly face anything.

I want to be a sunshine ,radiant and enchanting girl. I want to have a healthy and happy attitude toward life. And for my work , I want to try my best and become the best. And for love, I want to be faithful to my husband. Because I’m Yym. I can let oneself have a clear conscience ; let my family be proud of me. let my friends have a warm heart.

我的偶像 英语作文(二)

The life story of a famous star My hero is called Jolin,who was born in September. 15th,1980 in a working family.Her father was a accouter and her mother took the responsibility of a citizen as a volunteer.

She was very shy in her childhood and disliked talking with others.But singing is her favorite.When she was in Jing Mei high school,she

paticipated in a music competition held by MTV Music Radio with the support of teachers and classmates.Finally,she won the first prize due to defeating over thousands paticipants.What’s more,she became the last champion as a song called ‘The greatest love of all’ in the final game. In the same year in May,her first sign test resulted her to enter into Fu Ren Catholic University.

Teacher Wu discovered her in March 1999.Then Jolin got a opportunity to sign a contract witn the universal music company as the key in July launched the first individual song ‘and neighbors around the world’.Pure and fresh air from vulgarity temperament made Jolin quickly attract the attention of students fans,which leaded her to become a hot new artist of the year.

However,her singing career countered into difficulties on August

15,2001.Regarding the company’s provision ‘record a new album every six months’,she was dissatisfied with such business requirements.In addition,long-term accounts is not clear in her company,which brought into a press conference announced that she decided to suspend the contract at all costs.This event shook Taiwan music and Jolin’s singing career touched the bottom.

In July 2002,Jolin joined SONY music company, which is a turning point of her music career.Next,when the agreement is due,she entered into EMI Capitol Records,which make her into the international stage.

Now,she has become the Chinese pop music singer,famous for rich fusion of difficult dance music.During her career,she has won 12 mandarin album prizes and sales of her records are more than three million copies in Taiwan.Any way,she has achieved a success and becomes better and better.

我的偶像 英语作文(三)

[by:喜欢rrting.com,请把rrting.com告诉你QQ上的5位好友,多谢支持!][00:00.00]喜欢rrting.com,就把rrting.com复制到QQ个人资料中!人人听力网(rrting.com)Ladies and gentleman , good morning and welcome to the 21st Century Erisson Cup Sixth National English Speaking Competition .[00:04.55]女士们,先生们,早上好,欢迎来到"21世纪爱立信杯"第六届全国英语演讲比赛现场.[00:09.09]First of all, we'll in introduce ourselves,My names is Rick.[00:10.93]首先,让我们介绍一下自己.我的名字叫里克.[00:12.77]Wo Shi Like (Chinese )from China Radio International .Thank you .And let me introduce to you ,from BTV, the very lovely Jiang Hua.[00:18.99]我是来自中国国际广播电台的里克(中文).谢谢!同时让我来给你们介绍来自北京电视台的非常可爱的姜华小姐.[00:25.21]Thank you Rick ,I'm Jiang Hua from Beijing TV and I'm the host of Hello World .[00:27.85]谢谢里克.我是来自北京电视台的姜华,是"你好世界"的主持人.[00:30.48]Umm, this is the sixth time that China Daily has organized this contest.This year to stir up enthusiasm and support for Beifing's bid for 2008 Olympic Games and popularizing English among Chinese people ,the Competition comes back to Beijing.[00:39.63]这已经是中国日报社第六次组织的全国英语演讲比赛.今年为了激发热情,支持北京申办2008年的奥运会,为了在中国人当中普及英语,比赛场地又回到了北京.[00:48.77]That's right .This year's competition is organized by the China Daily and Ericsson China Company Limited , Coordinted by the Enlish Speaking Union and China University English speaking Association ,and Co-sponsored by EF Education ,Beijing Television ,Times Publishing Group of Singapore ,Shanghai Foreign Laguage Education Press, and pierson Education .[01:00.60]是的,今年的比赛由中国日报社和爱立信(中国)有限公司主办,国际英语联合会和中国高校英语口语协会协办,赞助单位有英孚教育集团,北京电视台,新加坡时代出版集团,上海外语教育出版社以及培生出版集团.[01:12.44]And now let's go over the rules of the competition .[01:14.15]现在让我们介绍一下比赛的有关规则.[01:15.86]OK,each of the contestants has five minutes to present a prepared speech ,three minutes to present an unprepared speech and another three minutes to answer questions raised by the panel of judges.[01:22.60]每位参赛选手完成五分钟的命题演讲,三分钟的即兴演讲和三分钟的答辩.[01:29.34]Now , during the prepared speech a competition staff member will raise a red paper board at the four minutemark to let the speaker know he or she has one minute left.[01:34.69]在命题演讲中,比赛工作人员会在四分钟的时候举起一张红纸板,告诉演讲者他或者她还剩下一分钟的演讲时间.[01:40.05]And ,a bell will ring out at the

end of five minutes.[01:42.37]并且在五分钟的结尾会鸣钟示意.[01:44.70]Ok, our topic today for prepared speech is "Beijing 2008:The Meaning of the Bid".[01:47.96]今天我们命题演讲的主题是"北京2008:申奥意义之我见."[01:51.23]The top two contestants will be honored as the most promising speakers to be invited to participate in the internatinal Public Speaking Competition sponsored by the English Speaking Union in London.[01:56.90]比赛的前两名获得者将荣获"最具潜力选手"的称号,并被邀请到由国际英语联合会发起,在伦敦举行的国际英语演讲比赛.[02:02.57]Among the remaining contestants ,the top two will be awarded a two-week training course in an international language school in Britain sponsored by EF Education.[02:07.62]余下的选手当中,前两名将由英孚教育集团赞助,被选送到英国国际知名语言学校进行为期两周的修学访问.[02:12.68]The third and fourth place winners will be awarded a study trip to Singapore sponsored by The Times Publishing Group .[02:16.11]余下的第三.四名将由时代出版集团赞助到新加坡进行修学访问.[02:19.55]The next six among the rest will get the cash prize.The contestant who demonstrates the most creativity will receive a special prize sponsored by Ercsson Company .[02:24.51]接下来的六名优胜者将会获得现金奖.最具创造力的选手获得由爱立信公司赞助的特别奖.[02:29.47]And the top winner of all the contestants will take home the 21st Century Ericsson Cup.[02:32.15]所有参赛选手中的第一名将成为"21世纪爱立信杯"的主人,[02:34.83]You will see names of the past top winners have been engraved on the pedestal of the cup.[02:37.56]你可以从奖杯的底座看到前几届比赛一等奖获得者的名字刻在上面.[02:40.29]Whose name will be added this year, we will find out before sunset.Please welcome contestant number twenty-four.[02:44.19]今年谁的名字将加到上面去呢,我们会在日落之前就有分晓.下面有请第二十四号参赛选手出场.1.My Favorite Season(我最喜爱的季节) 2.My English Teacher(我的英文老师)3.My Favorite Animal(我最喜爱的动物)~二篇 4.How To Live(如何过活)5.Shopping(上街购物) 6.My Family(我的家庭)~六篇7.Learning Foreign Language(学外语) 8.One Is Such a Bad Number(一号不是好号码)9.My Idol(我的偶像) 10.Music(音乐)11.My Super Mother(我的超级妈妈) 12.Aliens(外星人)13.My Friend Charles (我的朋友查理) 14.A Wonderful Day (美妙的一天)15.Save the Endangered Animals( 拯救濒临绝种动物) 16.The Worst Pet in the World I Think(我认为最坏的宠物) 17.My Favorite Animal(我最喜爱的动物) 18.Chinese New Year(春节)~三篇19.E-mail(电子邮件) 20. A Joke(一个笑话)21.Let

’s Remove Drunk Driving(消除酒醉驾车) 22.My Favorite TV Program(我最爱的电视节目)23.My Good Friend(我的好朋友)~五篇 24.My Idol(我的偶像)25.The Operation (手术) 26.My Father(我的父亲) Mother(我的 母亲)三篇27.Hobby(嗜好)~二篇 28.My Favorite Book(我最喜爱的书)29.Learning Through My Idol(向偶像学习)~二篇 30.Great Trip(太棒的旅行)31.I Have Two Dogs(我有两只狗) 32.My Family(我的家)33.My Favorite Movies(我最喜爱的电影) 34.Beautiful Taiwan(美丽的台湾)35.My Classmates(我的同班同学) 36.Summer Vacation(暑假)37.Life in New Zealand(生活于纽西兰) 38.My Favorite Activity(我最喜爱的活动)39.Student Life(学生生活) 40.Summer Camp(夏天露营)41.Desert Island(荒岛) 42.My Feature(我的特色)43.My Favorite Teacher(我最喜爱的老师) 44.Impolite Jack(没礼貌的杰克)45.Self Introduction(自我介绍)~二篇 46.Read More Magazines(多读杂志)47.My Trip to Japan(日本之旅) 48.Last Saturday(上周六)49.Computers, the Internet and Life(计算机、网络和生活) 50.Sympathy(同情心)51.Helping Others Is the Source of Happiness(助人为快乐之本) 52.Flight with the Night(与夜同逝)诗53.The Best Holiday I Have Ever Had(我曾度过最好的假日) 54.My First Field Trip in Junior High(我的国中首次校外旅游)55.My Class(我的班级) 56.A World Without Trees(没有树木的世界)57.Becoming a Good Student(成为一个好学生) 58.A Man's Worth Cannot Be Measured by His Looks(不能用外表来衡量一个人的价值)59.Weight Loss(减肥) 60.Cultivate Your Character(培养你的个性)61.Friends(朋友) 62.People Riding At Full Speed(飚车)63.Sportsmanship(运动家精神) 64.Gym Class(体育课)

我的偶像 英语作文(四)

My Dream

I am studying in a middle school now, it is my second year. If you ask me what my occupation is, I will answer you that my occupation is student. I have studied for many years, many students don’t like being a student, but I am not of them, I enjoy being a student. For me, I don’t have to worry about the money issue, I can go to play with my friends, the most important thing is, I like reading all kinds of books. I especially like to read the books about travel. I have a dream, when I earn enough money, I must travel around the world. So I must work hard to realize my dream.


I Love My Family I was born in an ordinary family, but it is very warm. My father is a clerk in a company. And my mother is a housewife. Every weekday morning my father will go to work and goes back in the late afternoon. And my mother will get up early to cook for us and then pick me up to school. Then sometimes she will do some cleaning and sometimes she will do something she likes. She will pick me up after school and then cook the dinner. After dinner, my parents will teach me to finish my homework and then we will watch TV together. At weekend, usually we will go out for family activity. I love my family.


My Favorite Teacher

Miss Hou is my English teacher, she is 28, we all like her. My English is really bad at first, I am afraid of having Miss Hou’s class, when she finds this, she doesn’t blame me, she tells me that the only way I can learn English well is to fall in love with English, she asks me to watch English movie, it works. Miss Hou is my favorite teacher.


My Favorite Sport

Some people love to play badminton, some love to play football, others love swimming, but my favorite sport is basketball. It is very popular in China because of Yao Ming. Because of him, many boys in China get to know about basketball. He is so excellent that everybody wants to play like him. He is my idol. After school, I often play basketball with my friends. I am the tallest boy in my class, so I play as center. Playing basketball is not only good for our health, but also helping us to make friends. I hope someday I can be an outstanding player just like Yao Ming. Maybe in the future, I will go to NBA and win the champion.


The Color I Love Best

Among all colors, I love white the best. White is the color of snow and cloud. Snow in winter is clean, pure and holy. When it melts, it moistens everything. White clouds are hanging on the blue sky. We can dream a lot on such a nice day. White is a color of purity and calmness. It can make any picture in various colors become a harmony one. This is white, a selfless color.

在所有的颜色中,我最喜欢白色。雪和白云都是白色的。冬天的雪是干净、纯洁和神圣的。她融化的时候,滋润了万物; 白云高高悬挂于蓝天之上。在如此好的天气下,我们会有很多的梦想。 白色是一种纯洁和冷静的颜色。她能使任何颜色的画变得和谐。这就是白色,一种无私的颜色!

我的偶像 英语作文(五)

 我是谁? Who Am I? 20140409 与外国人交谈 Talk with Foreigners 20140409 龙舟比赛 Dragon Boat Race 20140409 我的偶像姚明 my idol: Yao Ming 20140409 坚持就是胜利 Success Belongs to the Persevering 20140409 温暖的家 A Warm Family 20140409 谁不礼貌? Who Is Not Polite? 20140409 植树 Plant Trees 20140409 一位好图书管理员 A Good Librarian 20140409 Polo牌汽车 Polo Cars 20140409 我的新老师 My New Teacher 20140409 电子教科书之我见 My View on E-books 20140409 减肥 Losing Weight 20140409 游泳 Swimming 20140409 一场足球赛 A Football Game 20140409 一场足球赛 A Football Game 20140409 保护环境是我们的义务 It's Our Duty To Protect Our Environment 20140409 暑假生活 During Summer Vacation 20140409 舞龙 Dragon Dance 20140409 我的假期 My Holiday


 Who Am I? 我是谁? My name is Li Ming. I, thirteen years old, am a student in No. 2 Middle School.My parents are kind and friendly. They love me very much.My mother is a doctor and my father is a teacher.They work hard.I study hard as a student.I love my parents.


 I am interested in playing football and chatting with friends on the Intemet.I have other hobbies, such as swimming, reading books, etc..


 Talk with Foreigners 与外国人交谈 Today a foreign teacher from the United States came to visit our class.It was a good chance for us to practice spoken

English.When she came to my desk and greeted me, "How do you do?" I heard it clearly and greeted her back, "How do you do?"She said slowly and asked me some simple questions.I answered them all correcfiy.She praised me and encouraged me to study hard with my English.


 Dragon Boat Race 龙舟比赛 A Dragon boat race is a traditional amusement activity in dragon boat festival.Today, my mother took me out to watch

dragon boat races.I was very excited, because this was my first time to watch such race.When we arrived at Nanhu Park, there were hundreds of people around the two sides of the river.We found a place can see the match clearly hardly.The participate sat on the boat look like dragon.When the signal to start set, everyone on the boat tried their best to make the boat forward.And the people who were watching also cheered them.The air was very lively.


 my idol: Yao Ming 我的偶像姚明 Yao Ming is a famous Chinese baskeball player.He is so excellent that he joined in NBA when he was 22 years old.He is the proud of our China.His excellent performance in the match always inspire many Chinese.He looks straightforward and

good-nature.And his height about 2.26 meters is as famouse as his skill in playing basketball.Because of him, I love playing

basketball.He is my idol..


 Success Belongs to the Persevering 坚持就是胜利 Nothing can be more exciting than success to a man.But you must face many difficulties before you can succeed. No one can make it easily.And it's harder for those who are in adverse conditions to succeed.However,everything has two sides.Just as

someone said, in every adversity there lies the seed of an advantage and in every defeat there is a lesson showing you how to win the victory next time.The most important forus is to establish a brief, that is perseverance.The British ex-prime minister Winston Churchill had a motto of "Never, never, never, never give up .Nothing can substitute for hard work. Life is a process of struggle for success. 对于一个人来说,最令人激动的事莫过于成功。但成功路上荆棘密布,没有人能够随随便便成功。处在逆境中的人似乎更难以成功。但任何事情都有两面性。有人说:“每一个逆境中都深埋着机遇的种子,每一次失败都孕育着再次胜利的经验教训。”最重要的是有一种信念,那就是坚持。英国前首相丘吉尔有一句座右铭就是“永不放弃!”没有什么能代替不断的艰苦劳动,人生就是一个拼搏的过程。

 A Warm Family


 My father is very busy, but he doesn't forget to accompany me.When he is free, he helps me do my homework.On holidays he often takes me to parks. I grow up with the love and care of my parents. I love my warm family.


 Who Is Not Polite? 谁不礼貌? It was Christmas Day. My friends came to my home.It was time for us to exchange our Christmas presents. I went to my bedroom to get the presents.To my surprise, I found my friend Ben was reading my diary.It was impolite to do that! I was so angry that I almost cried.I shouted at him.He went out of my room at once and went home without saying goodbye to any of us.One of my best friends Amy asked me why Ben left so early.I told her what had happened just now.She said to me, "You shouldn't shout at him. You'd better tell him not to do that politely.

圣诞节那天,朋友们来到我家聚会。到了交换圣诞礼物时,我到卧室拿礼物。使我感到惊讶的是,我的朋友本正在看我的日记。这么做是不礼貌的,气得我快哭了。我对着他大喊大叫。他立刻走出我的房间,没和任何人打招呼就回家了。 我的好朋友艾米问我,为什么本走得那么早。我把经过告诉了她。她说:“你不应该对他喊,最好好好对他说。”

 My friends and I had a party in my house on Christmas Day.Everyone enjoyed themselves at the party. But something unpleasant happened.I happened to find Ben, my friend, reading my diary in my bedroom.At that time I was so



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