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admin 高一作文 2020-04-23 01:45:18 创新自己的


Young Generation Lacking of Innovation Spirit

The innovation spirit of young generation is a great power of social development, especially the graduate student stage. However, A lot of people in society consider that the innovation spirit of young students is not enough now. About lacking of innovation spirit, they deem that it can be characterized by the following points. In the first place, most young people don't have their own ideas when they encounter problems, and they also do not deepen the exploration. For another, the utility and fickleness are reflected in young people, they can't settle down to do academic research. This situation can clearly see on graduate students. What's more, young people don't regard innovation consciousness as a fine quality to train. Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move. Innovation has this power to change our life and perspective. Adventure may hurt you, but monotony will kill you. Innovation can make a nation prosperous and drive development. There is no doubt that innovation is the most important human resource of all. Without innovation ,there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns. With the global economic integration, the innovation will become the core of the social discussion topic. Many countries see it as the key to develop their economy. In other words, innovation can enhance overall national economy, which is crucial to heighten our nation status in the world. From my point of view, innovation is the soul of a nation. We should vigorously cultivate the innovative consciousness of young people and actively promote the role of innovation. Innovation quality must be fostered when they are children. Only by our innovation, our country will become more and more prosperous.



With the economic globalization becoming increasingly intensive, invention or innovation has become one of central topic around the world. Many countries see it as the key to develop their economy. Our government, with no exception, regard it as " the soul of our nation."

What, however, can we benefit from it? First of all, invention or innovation can enhance overall national economy, which is important to heighten our nation status in the world. Additionally, if factories have the abilities in invention, the factories will be booming. As a result, they can provide our people with more jobs and it will make our nation more stable. What is more, a majority of new products may be available through invention. Therefore, it is also significant factor for improving our living standards. Owing to such benefits, no wonder more and more countries focus on invention today. Recognizing its importance is only the fist step to advocate invention or innovation, and some effective measures should be taken for it. For one thing, our authority should continue to enlarge the recruit of graduate. For another, the conditions of scientists and skilled workers should be further improved. Only in this way, can "the soul of our nation" be fully embodied and our nation have a brighter future.



Inheritance and innovation

In the life, to be successful, innovation is indispensable, but lack the inheritance, innovation will become like, non-existent. So, they can't succeed. Only can develop their own characteristics, innovative and also good at inheriting predecessors' tradition, will be more successful.

Inheritance and innovation is the rain and water relationship, not only inherited like fish without water, again good innovation will also become the castles in the air, there won't be lasting vitality; But only the water without fish seems more show only inheriting no innovation of desolation, lifeless. Only fish and water reunification together, will become angry. As innovation and inheriting perfectly together, will bear fruits of success as well.

Innovation is important, but the inheritance is equally

important. If you want to succeed, inheritance and innovation is indispensable. "Ask canal that clearly madly, origin." No

inheritance is like, and did not have innovation is a pool, only in the inheritance based on innovation, will really " Without impurities ".






The life needs innovation

Because innovation, our life is so happy; because innovation, our life is so rich and colorful; because innovation, our life is so happy; because innovation, our life is so wonderful. The 21st century is a rapid innovation letter era, the life needs innovation!

Can it is no exaggeration to say that if life without innovation, so our life could also and primitive humans, so dull and boring, vulgar. Now live without innovation, just like the bird have no wings; Lack of innovation, like blue sky without Clouds foil. The life needs innovation to become more excellent, the life needs innovation to become much more beautiful. We need to life, we need to innovate!

However, life not only need to innovation, need more

creative spirit, anyone could become Edison, important is

whether you caught inspiration in sad that as soon as flickers, a strange idea, as long as you always research continues, will be successful.

The life needs innovation, life requires you to innovation 生活需要创新



但是,生活不光需要创新,更需要具有创新精神的人,人人都可能成为爱迪生,重要的是你是否抓住了灵感悄临的那一瞬,一个奇异的想法,只要你一直研究下去,就一定会成功的。 生活需要创新,生活需要你来创新。



In recent years, the creativity of college students is always mentioned because of the fact that it is generally accepted that college students are largely deficient of the creative abilities. It seems that an increasing amount of the students are merely satisfied with comprehending or even copying others' thinkings, ideas or achivements rather than developing something new of their own.

The main reason that gives rise to the issue refered above, in my view, is that colleges have not fully fulfilled their responsibilities to cultivate general, creative and qualified stuents. All of these colleges' attention are on the basis of the tests, which force the students study more for their grades than for their synchronized qualities. As a result, most students have no enough time and energy to practise their creative abilities.

Owing to the serious issues we have to confront with, the whole society should take measures to solve it. For example, colleges may pay more attention on the quality education, the corporations can establish wider evaluation system, and so forth.







What does beauty really mean? Everybody has it's own definition. The standard of beauty changes with different society, culture and nations. Some hold the point that the beautiful appearance is of great importance, which is visible to all. Others have the idea that the spiritual beauty is the loveliest one, which lasts long. However different it might be, their opinions are all acceptable.



以“ What is beauty in your mind? ”为主题,发表自己的观点,题目自拟。要求:

1. 行文流畅,观点鲜明,论证充分;

2. 内容丰富,层次分明,逻辑性强;

3. 词数 150 左右。



Beauty will buy no beef

Everyone admires beauty. Everyone has his own standard about beauty.

Nowadays some people tend to think that they own beauty if they have a good looking. They are not satisfied with their appearance. They spend much money taking a kind of operation. Can beauty really be man-made? If so, everybody can get beauty. As a result, there is no beauty at all.

The appearance is given by our parents and is unique in the world. Everyone should value it. I'd ( 1 ) rather prefer nature as the standard of beauty. Just accept yourself, accept everything the god gives to you, and create the beautiful life ( 2 ) belong to you.

Many heroes don't have beautiful surface. However, their beautiful images often come to our minds. Their beauty comes from their contributions to the society.

Don't be eager to judge whether a person is beautiful or not without a thorough understanding of him. A beautiful person is not the one with a good looking, but with a broad and kind heart.

Good looking is pleasant while spiritual beauty is more important. As an old saying goes, “ Virtue is fairer than beauty. ” If you have a kind heart, you own real beauty.



文中语言错误:( 1 ) I'd rather prefer 改为 I'd prefer . would rather 表“宁愿”, prefer 也是“宁愿”,两者不能连用在一起。( 2 ) belong to 改为 belonging to . belonging to you 在此处作定语。


A good face is a letter of recommendation

Some people say beauty is just a skin deep. I don't quite agree with them. Good appearance often makes a big difference in social communication, competition, finding jobs and so on. Not only can good appearance help you become more confident, but also it helps you be impressed. If you want to get a good job, the first sight is important. Physical beauty is ( 1 ) probable to draw much attention.

However, we have to face this problem. We have no right to choose our appearance. When necessary, we can make up ourselves. If you think doing this is a good way to improve your confidence, just do what you really want to regardless ( 2 ) others' opinion. It is worth all the money and time. Facing a variety of social pressures, we young people should build confidence. Confidence is the key to success.

In a word, you may not be the most beautiful one, but you can be the most attractive one; you may not the best one, but you can be the most confident one. Show yourself and chances will kiss you in time.



文中语言错误:( 1 ) probable 改为 likely . probable 不能用某人或某物作主语,常用 it 作形式主语,构成 it is probable for sb. to do sth. 结构。( 2 ) regardless 之后加 of . regardless of 是复合介词,意为“不理会,不顾”。




Read the following paragraph and write a composition as stated at about 300 words in 60 minutes. Your composition will be graded according to clarity, accuracy and meaningfulness. In accordance with CRI news, the spirit of Chinese volunteers, from responding to the May 12 earthquake to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, not only touched the Chinese people, but also generated worldwide attention. Official statistics show that china has accumulated about 8 billion hours of volunteer work from 380 million volunteers since 1993 and is going to have more and more volunteers, especially the youth.

How do you understand volunteer work? In what way(s) is it important to promote the well-being of individuals, families, communities and the world at large? Your writing ought to contain three parts, your viewpoint, the supporting ideas, and the conclusion.

Come and join us in volunteer work right now!

On Volunteer

黄昕彤 辽宁省鞍山市鞍山一中108班

The definition of the word volunteer in Lougnan(Longman) Dictionary is someone who helps others sponstaneously(spontaneously) and willingly. That's true! Life is a style of enjoying yourself, not only by entertaing and enriding yourself, but also by the process of helping others.

Undoubtfully, those volunteers reveal their great love and passion for their country. Love is the eternal theme of the world, Without hove(love), it's like birds without wings, failing to show its talents of flying, It's like spring without flowers, burying is charming fragrants in the deep soil. Their volunty work unites China, shouing the world how united Chinese people are shocking the world of its cooperation.

People around the country are making their efforts to helping others, which leaves the world an impression that China is a veal country, and all the people here are like brothers and sisters, who cares a lot for others. You can never imagine how touched I was when I watched the TV program called “Moving China”. 13 peasants from tangshang volunteered to help those victims of Sichuang on hearing the tremendous earthquake happened there, leaving all their farm work done in the field they sacrifiled anything and helped others at any cost, for they knew the glant pains the earthquake brings to people. They can never forget how much pains they havendertaken in the earthquake and how much help they have received from the world. They compared their own feelings to the victims and passed the splrit on. In this sense, people will pass the spirit from generation to queneration, from China to all over the world. Then, how sweet will the World be!

I have a dream that one day, I will be a member of the volunteer team. I have a dream that oneday, I'll make contributions to China however slightest it may be. I have a dream that one day I'll be a founder of a world Charity, helping people all over the world. I'm firmly convinced that it will not only be a drean for me, but also a drean for people all over China, all over the world, and for the great Global Village.





陈茜 江苏省哈尔滨市第三中学高三18班

Dear grandfather:

How are you?

I am writing to invite you to join us, in the next year, to be a voluntear in the great event, which is to hold in Shanghai. We, a generation born in the 90s in our city, have made a team to do the volunteer work. And you are welcomed by all our team members awing to your great amount of knowledge about Chinese traditions and culture. Please don't tell me you are too old to do this job. I believe you are sure to accept my invitation after reading my following explannation of the importance of the volunteer work.

Nowadays, volunteer work, which has raised public interest and concern, is becomming more and more popular throughout the world. As is known to all, volunteer work is not only meaningful but also necessary. One my personal wete, what's more, it's interesting and pleasant! It help us develop oursel .

Firstly, for individuals, especially those young, to do volunteer work is an awailuabe wany to goin social experience. By doing volunteer work, they can meet vorrious people and they may run across all kinds of troubles. They however, can become mature and determined by solving these problems. You know, no pains, no gains. Also, individuals will realize that they do make a difference in someone else's life, even the whole event, the world! Their confidence can be rovised and confidence is what it takes to do any job well.

For families, if you're the side that received the help of the volunteers, of couse your issue will be more easily dealt with. If you're the side who give others your hand, you will realize there exists no better way to educate your children that “a virtwre deserues amother” because you'll get the best present – smile deeply from one's heart, in the whole world.

It is a great chance for all members getting closer to each other in communities by taking part in volunteer work. Their team spirits, their co-operation will be great improued. So, why not?

The most importantly, for the whole world, for the entire human race, volunteer work will make earth a better place to live in, it is through volunteer work that we know there are so many people are willing to help others although they can't get money from it. It is through volunteer work that we know we are all brothers and sisters, that we are all families.

My dear grandfather, canre on! Join us and help introduce owr great Chinese culture to the world. 21 centuring is on open cewtury. You can trust yourself and please trust us, too! We'll help you and we need you help! Let's make the world a better place by being a volunteer! It's a small step for us but it is a leurge one for the whole world!

Love you.

Your granddaught.




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