Introduction of KLM Education Group and the kindergarten Nanhai international kindergarten (NHIK) is a joint venture between Nanhai Guichen investment and Development Company (Which is affiliated with the Guichen Local Government) and Australian KLM Education Group. Australian Education KLM Group is headquartered in Sydney, Our directors comprise of experts from diverse cultural and professional background including cultures from Australia, Italy, China and Taiwan as well as professionals of business management, information technology and most importantly early childhood education. It is the cultural and professional diversity that give our company a vibrant, dynamic and open-minded edge. The Directors of KLM Education Group currently operates 8 childcare and Education Centers; we have also established Avenues Training College, which is an Australian Training Organization for early childhood teachers.NHIK is situated on Huacui South Road, beside the Guiping Park, It is known to be the biggest and most well- equipped kindergarten in Foshan City with an area of 30 acres, apart from the 35 classes, The center also has its own music room, dance studio, computer lab, science room, library, piano room, information management center, mini-theater, indoor swimming pool, undercover sports stadium, large outdoor play fort and sandlot, multi-purpose stadium, these extra curricula function rooms and facilities provide our children with the best environment for a holistic program in the 5 early learning areas of early childhood education.KLM教育集团和南海国际幼儿园简介南海国际幼儿园(NHIK)由南海区桂城投资发展有限公司与澳大利亚KLM教育集团合作创办。KLM教育集团总部位于澳大利亚悉尼,有来自澳大利亚、美国、英国以及中国的强大专家团队,前瞻性的教育理念、专业化的管理系统、优良多元的校园文化的公司充满着活力。KLM现已开办8家幼儿教育中心,并设有澳大利亚早期幼儿教育职业学院。NHIK坐落在南海桂城华翠南路,占地面积30亩 ,可开设35个班级,是广东省占地最大、品味最高、设施最完善、配备最先进的国际化一流幼儿园之一。园内设有独立的功能楼如音乐室、舞蹈室、电脑室、科学室、阅览室、钢琴房、信息管理中心、小剧场、室内恒温游泳馆以及大型游乐场、沙地、多功能体育馆、大型塑胶运动场等室内外体能训练场所,为幼儿积极参与、自主探索、大胆表达、友好合作创造了良好的条件。We cultivate elite leaders with an international visionWe provide multicultural experiences through our international curriculumWe build confident individuals within an international environmentWe cultivate balanced characters with a team of international staffs We immerse our children in harmonious atmosphere leading an international lifestyle国际理念 ???打造领袖精英国际教育 ???体验多元文化国际环境 ???塑造自信人才国际师资 ???培育完美人格国际生活 ???感受和谐氛围 办园宗旨:和谐 - 自然 ?-全面 教育目标:创设现代化的教学环境。我们以孩子的发展为本,开设学科,生活,发展性课程和才艺课。让幼儿在学习和游玩的环境中完善自己的个性,使幼儿能在愉快的环境中全方面发展,并把中西教学的精华结合为一体,让孩子体验中西方文化的内涵。本园注重双语教育,英语交流是幼儿日常学习生活的一部分。 设备设施:园内教育设施齐全,环境优美,功能完备。每间宽敞明亮的教室配有国外先进的教学平台,孩童午睡区,空调,卫生间和洗浴设备。园内有大型比赛用室内温水游泳池,小剧场、舞蹈钢琴房,科技馆,美术陶艺间,电脑房,蒙氏室和图书馆等多功能教室。户外有大型玩具和体育竞技场地(迷你高尔夫,足球,篮球等),塑胶操场、美丽的花坛,沙地,科学种植园地,动物饲养园。园所提供全日制和寄宿制,校车接送等全面的优势服务。 教学时间:12个月全年教学,无寒暑假。联系方式:Our Contact Information我们的联络方式电话Tel:0757-81231933 ???????0757-81233933地址:佛山市南海区桂城华翠南路(南海实验中学侧)Address:Huacui South Road Guicheng County Nanhai ???????District Foshan City Guangdong(Beside the Nanhai)幼儿园官方网址:http://www.klmnhek.com