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Hope Project 希望工程作文

admin 情感作文 2016-02-04 08:18:00 希望作文

  Hope Project





  Education plays a very important role in the modernization of our country. However, because of historical factors, there are still a lot of people in China who are undereducated. At the same time, China is not able to invest too much money in education now. It is in this particular situation that the authorities propose the "Hope Project"-- to donate money to those children who are unable to go to school due to poverty.

  This project is necessary to our country. It is an urgent measure that the government has taken. In the first place, this project will give the youngsters a chance to go back to school, which will contribute to their future success. Secondly, when people have acquired knowledge, they may use it in the construction of their homeland. Hence, this project benefits the modernization of our country a lot. Therefore, it may indirectly result in rising the living standards of our people.

  In my opinion, this project is of great importance to our country at the present time. And it also will have a profound effect on the future achievement of our country. We are sure that more work will be done and every child in the countryside can receive elementary edueation.





  modernization n. 现代化

  e.g. In China the process of modernization has begun.

  invest vi. 投资,入股;花钱买

  e.g. I think we should invest in training the staff.

  authority n. 权威;权力;当局

  e.g. upreme authority rests with the people.

  urgent adj. 紧急的;急迫的

  e.g. I'm urgent to meet my friend.

  enhancement n. 增加;放大

  e.g. Woman own development remarkable promotion, quality of life distinct enhancement.

  profound adj. 深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的

  e.g. It's a profound book.



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