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一本有趣的书 An interesting book

admin 其他话题 2021-11-18 08:18:00 书作文

  One day, it was time for lunch. Mr and Ms White were already at the table, but where was Tom their only son. Mr White decided to go and asked Tom to have lunch. When he went into Toms bedroom, he found Tom reading a book while lying on the stomach on the floor. He told Tom to come to lunch immediately, so Tom did. Mr White wondered why Tom was so attractted by the book? So he decided to have a look at the book. Now, it was the turnof Ms White and Tom to wait. After sometime, Ms White asked son to see what his father was up to. Tom went tohis bedroom. To his great surprise, his father was lying on the stomach and reading the book. He is just being reading. Mr. White had forgotten all about for lunch , what is an interesting book.



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