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Lonely Souls_650字

admin 初一英语作文 2020-05-04 19:33:18 lonely souls 初一 散文诗歌

  Have you ever seen the souls, which roam in the park at midnight.

  They have no purpose, they don’t know why are they roaming.

  Maybe just finding the residual happiness?

  If they come out when people are there, they would rather die.

  They envy the people who walking through the path. They have family, they have friend, they have happiness.

  But the souls do not.

  So they’re like the pillworms which is hiding in the shadow.

  The moonlight is enough for them.

  It’s supreme, isn’t it? That’s what the souls say.

  Yeah. How supreme the moonlight is…

  How supreme. Laughable. Ridiculous. And depressing.

  We don’t know who the souls are. Yeah, maybe we know. Just imagine.


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